Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1139: Swallow the sky!

Swallow up the sky to bind Peng Yuan.

Suddenly, Peng Yuan quickly evolved Dapeng's real body, trying his best to urge the wings to sweep, trying to tear the fire pattern.

At this point, it would never dare to entrust it.

However, at this time it could no longer tear the flame.

By this moment, it seemed to understand something.

"This Chu Tianming just didn't do anything on purpose, just to lead me into it?" Peng Yuan's eyes were frightened.

& nbs 猪猪 岛 小说 www.; At this moment, it has understood the intention of swallowing the tit.

"Break me!" Frightened, the blood in his body spurred, and he tried his best to tear the cyclone of fire that bound it. Unfortunately, it is indeed extraordinary, and it is not the ordinary soul body that can swallow a sky **** Even if there is no physical body, by virtue of swallowing the magical power of heaven, it can still devour the opponent's energy and turn it into its own power supply, so there will be no overwhelming situation.

If the other party is not trapped, it is difficult to have this advantage.

It can be said that Peng Yuan will be so easily bound by the swallowing **** that it is entirely due to its neglect.

Of course, the soul of the Skyfinch is extremely powerful.

It once entered Xiaoyuan with Xiao Yun.

There it also swallowed the Qi of Qiyuan, causing the soul to transform.

In addition, it has obtained countless spiritual extracts with Xiao Yun, making the soul against the sky.

Last time in Kirin's Secret Realm, it tempered the soul with Kirin's real fire and absorbed a large amount of Kirin's essence.

Not only that, it also swallowed and refined the Unicorn Real Fire.

It was the true fire of God, even though it was weak, it was very bad.

You know, the Kirin Lake to which the Sky Finch went is not that comparable to that of Peng Yuan and others!

It not only went to the front unicorn pool, but also went to one of the three unicorn pools under the **** stage.

The unicorn there was really hot, even a trace of it was extremely powerful.

The unicorn essence in it makes its soul extremely firm.

In this way, the fire was stirred by the cyclone above the battle platform, completely restraining Peng Yuan.

Outside, everyone can clearly feel the horror of the cyclone through the transmission of the formation.

That breath seems to burn everything.

"This ... why did Chu Tianming's momentum suddenly rise?" When the horrible breath spread out, the young people who watched the war among the major demons were all surprised and surprised, and that breath made them all feel scared.

"Peng Yuan's son failed to defeat all of them?" The horrible breath permeated, but the cyclone still did not even ripple. It can be seen that Peng Yuan did not occupy a trace of cheapness. Suddenly, those who just expected Peng just now The young man who slashed the larks was surprised.

"It's just the soul, but it still has the momentum!" It was the top ten son who was also moved.

"It seems that Chu Tianming hasn't spent any time in recent years." God Phoenix son murmured.

At this moment, it has already looked at Chu Tianming.

"It was hiding strength just now!" Peng Aotian shrank his eyes and eyes, and there was a cold flash of light.

The wine glass it held tightly was crushed.

I originally wanted Peng Yuan to learn this Chu Tianming, but he didn't want it to be the result.

Looking at the current situation, it is clear that Peng Yuan cannot break the devouring cyclone!

On the high platform, Chu's father, who was still so nervous, gradually softened.

"Oh, it seems that Tianming has a certain degree of certainty." Kong Siye next to him laughed loudly.

It is the emperor, but only a little induction found the guts of the swallow.

"This Chu Tianming refines the Unicorn Real Fire?" And the emperor next to the golden-winged Dapeng was very gloomy at the moment, and just now he was going to make fun of the elders of the Chu family. But the change took place in the blink of an eye.

Above the platform, the fire flickered, and there was still no ripple.

"Ah!" In the middle, there was a roar of Peng Yuan.

It was full of resentment and helplessness in its roar.

It still tries hard to break the devouring cyclone.

The power of swallowing the sky makes it feel scared.

"It seems that Ming Brother has a bit of background." Chu Tianzhao moved his eyes slightly, smiling slightly.

But that's just it.

It didn't reveal much emotional fluctuations.

Even though this family's soul is against the sky at this moment.

But the fact that Chu Tianming lost his body cannot be compensated.

As such, its achievements will be limited.

Therefore, Chu Tianzhao didn't look at swallowing the sky at all.

"I confess!" At this time, within that stage, Peng Yuan's voice came out.

After struggling for a long time, it was finally unable to support it.

If it continues, its physical strength will be refined by the devouring heavenly power.

The magical power of swallowing the **** is too scary.

Not only can all things be devoured, the original fire pattern still has the momentum to incinerate everything and refine everything.

The fusion of the two, who can resist?

At this moment, Peng Yuan can be considered to understand the power of swallowing the tits.

Such magical powers are too terrifying.

After Peng Yuan conceded, the breath of the original fire pattern was gradually restrained.


Then the light and shadow flickered, and it turned into a fire bird.

Peng Yuan appeared on the battle platform.

At this time, Peng Yuan was quite embarrassed. His clothes were burned to nothingness, his body was shining with gold light, that was the blood feathers that evolved from the blood, and his face was pale to the limit. Today, it has long lost its combat power Market situation.

His eyes lighted up, and he quitted the Tianyuetai rather embarrassedly after glancing at the swallow.

At the next moment, the light and shadow of Tian Yaotai flickered, and Peng Yuan quit.

"This Peng Yuan lost?" When Peng Yuan withdrew, there was an uproar in the field.

Everyone is looking towards Peng Yuan with an incredible light on his face.

How aggressive the young man was just now.

Its golden wings swept away, even the void could be torn, how could it fail?

Or was it lost to a physical being?

"Is this Chu Tianming really so strong?" Suddenly, young people of all races couldn't help walking towards the platform.

Now everyone's eyes turned to the swallowing larks a little more awe.

"It is a personal thing to defeat Peng Yuan by virtue of the soul shape!" Even those elders nodded slightly.

At this moment, everyone has to admit that this young talent is good.

It is not difficult to imagine, if it is still in the physical body, to what extent?

Can it rank among the top ten in this year's list of ten demons and become the top ten boy?

"Even if it's talented, it's ridiculous." People shook his head, still not optimistic about swallowing tits.

"Oh, Tian Mingxian's nephew is indeed a rising star who swallowed the sky. This victory is already ranked in the top 20 of the Tian Yao list." Kong Siye laughed loudly, "Tianming, come down!" Fan opened his mouth and didn't seem to want to swallow the sky **** to continue the war.

You know, although the swallowing bird defeated Peng Yuan.

But in those top ten presences, the strength is not comparable to Peng Yuan.

If you continue to fight, swallowing the skyfinch in the form of soul will inevitably lose.

That's why it spoke.

The swallowing bird's eyes flickered, glanced at the Quartet, groaned slightly, and it was ready to leave.

Although it is proud, it is not reckless.

It knows that no matter how strong it is, it still cannot crush the enemies, and everything has to wait for the remodeling of the flesh.

"Gong Xiao, you can still see right!" At this moment, some young girls of the Peacock tribe smiled.

However, Xiao Yun frowned at this moment, and his eyes fell on a young man next to him.

Seeing Xiao Yun's appearance, Kong Yingying was surprised.

The eyes of all the girls moved slightly, followed by Xiao Yun's eyes.

But seeing that, Peng Aotian's eyes flickered, and he looked like he was about to move.

Obviously, it wanted to shoot.

At this time, the Skyfinch was preparing to leave the Sky Demon Terrace.

Slightly groaned, Peng Aotian stood up arrogantly.

"Haha, Brother Tianmingxian got the Unicorn Real Fire, and was supernatural. Fool brother was itchy for a while, and wanted to teach him how to swallow the magical power of Heaven, but I do n’t know how to do it?" Tian Yaotai went away.

At this time, the swallowing chick just stepped out of the demon platform that day.

After listening to Peng Aotian's words, swallowing the sky sparrow eyes cold.

"This Peng Aotian actually wants to challenge Chu Tianming!" Hearing words, an exclamation sounded immediately in the field.

This Peng Aotian was ranked seventh in the last Tian Yao list.

It ranks higher than the peacock.

Of course, at that time, the peacock boy was low-key and he couldn't see his full strength. This ranking could not really determine who was high or low.

But this is enough to show how powerful this Peng Aotian is.

Anyone who can set foot in the top ten is an arrogant man!

This person shot, is this to crush Chu Tianming?

Suddenly, everyone understood what Peng Aotian meant.

This person must be trying to make Chu Tianming lose face.

That Peng Yuan shot Liezi just now.

After Peng Aotian opened his mouth and swallowed the tits, his eyes were slightly gloomy, and he stared coldly at the young man.

If you look closely, there is obviously a flash of killing in its eyes.

If its physical body is still there, it will definitely not have a trace of hesitation and immediately fight this Peng Aotian.

But at this time it was not physically, and Peng Aotian was a quasi-god powerful.

Even with that state of repression, it is difficult to please.

After all, this person is stronger than Peng Yuan!

"Peng Aotian!" When Peng Aotian got up, there was anger in Princess Peacock's eyes.

Nearby practitioners have different expressions.

Some people are ashamed of Peng Aotian's behavior, while others are watching theater.

"Is this too bullying?" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes were also cold and flashing.

These boys in the demon domain are so shameless!

"This guy is presumably trying to hit Tianming Son." Kong Yingying murmured next to him.

Many demon women around Xiao Yun showed contempt.

"Did Chu Tianming dare to fight?" At this time, many young people of the Yao clan stared at the swallows with curiosity.

They really surprised them before.

But at this time, they were full of expectations.

They want to see how powerful this genius who has lost his flesh is.

You know, Peng Aotian was one of the top ten boys of the last term!

In this way, the characters ~ ~ are very few in the demon domain.

With this Peng Aotian heritage, I'm afraid that I can set foot on the road at any time.

How many young people in the world dare to fight such a character?

"My son!" At this moment, Father Chu on the high platform frowned.

The swallowing bird can overcome Pengyuan, it is already satisfied, and also vaguely proud.

But if you let your son play against this Peng Aotian, it makes him a little distressed.

After all, Peng Aotian is not an ordinary genius.

His son was not in its heyday.

If the swallowtail has a physical body, it will rest assured that its son will fight with others.

Even a defeat is just a grind.

But at this time ...

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