Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1112: Run away!

Yi Yi sat on the old emperor Kirin and took it all away.

The old emperor wanted to cry without tears.

It resisted several times, but the god's veins on this little beast bloomed, as if it had the temple's suppression, so that it not only did not get rid of the bondage, but the skeleton broke a few more under the pressure of the god's veins that bloomed in the Kirin Temple. Depressed the old emperor.

It just watched the little beast rob him.

"Wow, wow!" After taking back the loot, the little beast shouted and kept shouting.

Look at that, it seems to ask the old emperor that there are treasures.

"My little ancestor, you have stripped the aging armors, what treasures are there!" Seeing this little beast's mouth babbling and asking, the old emperor of the Kirin tribe is about to cry, it says the emperor for many years , But never been so angry!

Suppressed by a small beast, but also wiped out?

"Yeah!" After hearing that the old emperor had no treasure, Yi Yi looked very lost, and then the little guy took out the colorful Baoding, and kept smashing into the old emperor's head. At the same time, every time it hit , That mouth is still babbling, babbling shouting.

The words seem to say, make you threaten me, make you want to rob me.

Boom! Boom!

So, in the deep pit, the beast kept on shooting. The Baoding fell and knocked the old emperor of the Qilin tribe. His head turned into a big bag. Although the attack was not strong, it was like this. Knocking, why does the emperor's face exist?


A spit of imperial blood spit out, and the old emperor was stunned.

"Seven Uncles!" With a strong heart, everyone in the Kirin family saw this scene in their eyes.

Suddenly, countless kings lamented.

"Little beast, how dare you!" And Yang Xiao was also angry, and a majestic Emperor Wei burst out.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi's eyes brightened after hearing Yang Xiao's violent drinking.

When he moved, he was swept up into the void.

At this time, Yang Xiao was dragging the Qilin Tower where the seven ancestors were flying.

Just waiting for it to shoot, Yi Yi turned into a white light and passed by.

"This little beast is so sturdy." Seeing Yi Yi's indiscriminate shot, many people in the distance looked confused.

Is this the King or is someone else the King?

"Suppress me!" Yang Xiao's eyes condensed and he pushed the Kirin Tower with all his strength.


The giant tower was soaring into the sky, and a fire unicorn evolved to suppress it.

Only this fire unicorn evolved and was shocked by the beast.

After that, Yi Yi once again turned into a shrine to suppress Yang Xiao.


Yang Xiao's body sank. It felt that he was restrained by an inexplicable power. He couldn't move even when he moved. Then his body smashed the mountains below. The ground began to crack and smashed a few kilometers deep. Huge pit.

Alas, alas!

After suppressing this Yang Xiao, I took out Baoding, and was beating the emperor's head constantly.

It babbles constantly, seems to be saying, makes you arrogant, makes you arrogant.

After banging, Yi Yi's eyes flashed with thieves, the little claws moved up and down, and Yang Xiao's bone ring was taken out. This Yang Xiao did not cooperate and concealed the bone joint into the flesh. Finally, under the lesson, obediently handed over the bone ring.

Later, Yi Yi chopped up this pair of clothes and took out a set of imperial personal treasure directly.

In this way, a dignified emperor was stripped again.

"Ah!" Yang Xiao Yangtian Xiaoxiao, heart is extremely sad.

It was an emperor, but it was burned out.

In the end, it just passed out.

But I do n’t know if this is faint or pretending to be dizzy.


Seeing that Yang Xiao passed out, Yi Yi was motivated by the lack of money to rush out of the pit.

At this time, many people released their minds and saw everything in the pit.

"This Yang Xiao is also considered to be a strong man. How could he be wiped out?" An uproar sounded.

"The two emperors of the Kirin tribe have been wiped out. What a terrible thing!"

"I'm afraid this is the first time in my demon domain that the emperor has been stripped?" Many kings in the distance did not hesitate to murmur.

"Oh!" After hearing this, Yang Xiao, who was dizzy inside the deep pit, spit out the imperial blood directly. This time, he was really dizzy.

Because it knows that in the future, it will leave such a stain that is wiped out by the beast.

Yi Yi swept out of the void, and its appearance changed the atmosphere nearby.

Previously those emperors also regarded it as a prey.

But at this time, one by one, all eyes were exposed.

Two Emperors have been suppressed in succession. Who else dares to belittle this snow-white beast?

"This little beast merges with the Kirin Temple, and it is like a temple in itself, and it is invincible to fight against others."

The old emperor who swallowed the **** smiled.

"What a blessing this little beast is!" Chu father Chu envious.

"Oh, this is the best, so that our old bones will not work hard." Kong Siye smiled slightly.

Now the two emperors are suppressed by the beast with the fake artifacts, and they have no fear at all.

"Is Yi and the temple integrated?" At this time, even Xiao Yun was showing envy.

He has a magic soldier, but unfortunately he can't urge him because he has exhausted the energy of Siyuan.

But Yi Yi is different.

If the little guy is integrated with the temple, even if the power of the temple cannot be exerted, only a little of it is enough to resist the emperor, or even the temple evolved to suppress the emperors. Everything.


After the two emperors of the Kirin tribe were ransacked, Yiyin's jewel-like eyes blinked and looked around.

The light of the eye swept across the emperors.

"Not good!" After seeing Yi Yi's eyes glanced at himself, the emperor's hearts were all screaming inwardly.


Just then, Yi Yi moved.

It turned into a ray of light, and swept directly towards the emperor in the vein of Qianyi.

"Withdraw!" Seeing this, the emperor's eyes with a thousand wings of Shen Peng's eyes condensed and immediately flew towards the distance.

There are a thousand pairs of divine wings behind it, and the speed is extremely fast.

In the Demon Clan, if the speed of Qianyi Shenpeng's pulse is second, no one dares to call it first, even the golden-winged Dapeng's pulse is not as good as the pulse, but when the emperor flew, it felt immediately A strange force pervaded.

That power blocked a sky, making the space in front of it seem to freeze.

Its flying speed slowed down.

Then it saw the repression of a huge incomparable giant palace.

This is a giant temple that can stand tall.

The giant hall was surrounded by endless lines of fire, and there was a squirm of godliness.

The divine pattern permeated the power of a weird rule.

The power of this rule constrains the world.

Under this power, all the emperors were frightened.


The temple was suppressed and the void in the area where Qianyi Shenpeng was located collapsed.

boom! boom!

Heavy waves of waves set off in the void.

That amazing wave swept the Quartet, spreading thousands of miles.

The king in the distance was shocked to spit blood.

The emperors quickly tried to resist.

At this time, the Emperor of Qianyi Shenpeng was suppressed and the road pattern collapsed and Qianyi dissipated.

In the end it was suppressed.


Big mouth spit out blood, and the emperor's bones were broken and beyond recognition, I do not know how miserable.

"Three uncles!" Seeing this, the distant Qingzi Yaoyuan condensed and couldn't help shouting.

Many emperors took a deep breath.


Suddenly, many emperors shouted and quickly retreated.

"I just want to leave now, it's late!" Just as these emperors were preparing to retreat, Kong Siye shot out arrogantly.

That Emperor Chu also shot.

Grand Master Kong also immediately took the action.

The three emperors shot and wounded the three demon emperors who were about to evacuate.

But there are still a few emperors left.

After all, the Emperor is too strong, and it is not easy to keep them.


The sound of breaking air sounded, and immediately there were countless big enchanters leaving the void.

The big demon who originally came to hunt Xiao Yun and rob the temple ran away.

In the place, only Qianyi Shenpeng and the descendants of the Kirin clan face each other.

At this moment their emperor was wounded, neither did they walk, nor did they walk.

If they were to save the emperor, they would be afraid of being suppressed by the beast.

It would be miserable if they were wiped out!


Yi Yi wiped out the Emperor of Qianyi Shenpeng.

It was only when the little guy ran out of the deep pit that he discovered that the nearby monsters fled.

"Yeah!" Suddenly, the little man showed his face and fell.

It leaned on its hips, gesturing towards the void in the distance.

Look at that, obviously this little guy hasn't enjoyed it yet.

Seeing little beasts like this, the people of the Qilin tribe and Qianyi Shenpeng are all suffering.

They were even more afraid to rescue the emperors.

"Hahaha." At this time, the fourth master of the Kong smiled loudly.

It strode forward and went towards Yi Yi.

Xiao Yun and others rushed away.

At this point, everyone must be very happy.

How difficult was it that the emperors came and shot together?

In that situation, how many people can resolve it?

I'm afraid that only the invincible emperor can do it?

But under such a crisis, the little beast could easily resolve it?

Not only that, it also wiped out several emperors.

When strolling through space, several emperors did not forget to feel their hearts toward the three deep pits.

"Ha ha, Qing Chengfeng, don't pretend to be dizzy, get up!" Kong Siye laughed.

"Are my emperor pretending to be dizzy?" In the distance, the descendants of Qianyi Shenpeng's veins were stunned.

But no one dared to speak.

"This old boy is good or bad. He knows that the emperor is pretending to be dizzy, and he needs to pierce?" The emperor of the Qianyi Shenpeng family was speechless for a while ~ ~ What happened to the pretender? A secret whispered in his heart, it continued to lie in the deep pit without moving.

Seeing this, Kong Siye laughed.

"Yang Qiye, haven't you woke up?" Then, his sight fell into another pit.

"It's mother, what's it called, can't I sleep a little longer?" Yang Qiye growled in his heart.

I saw it lying on the ground without moving.

It's too embarrassing now, it doesn't know how to deal with those younger children.

Kong Siye didn't say much, just walked away.

These emperors are indeed incompetent.

But if you really want to cut it off, it will definitely lead to clan wars.

Ask for a monthly ticket for Yi Yi's ferocity.

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