Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1105: Rat **** remains?

The forbidden pattern was everywhere in the strange space, making the peacock's demon more careful.

Because the danger here is beyond their imagination.

Even Xiao Yun took great care.

As they continued to advance, cyclones appeared directly in the void ahead.

It was a space cyclone, and it seemed to engulf everything.

"What the **** is this?" After seeing these cyclones, everyone in the Peacock tribe looked horrified.

& nb [猪] [猪] [岛] 小说 www.huhu.msp; Although they walk around those cyclones, they still have the feeling of being swallowed.

They even felt their souls tremble.

"It's terrible here." Many big demon eyes showed fear.

"Let's get into my tower!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun said to the demons.

"Okay, okay." Wen Yan said, these big demon nodded again and again.

Kong Qigongzi chose to be outside.

It wants to see what's going on outside.

"This ... Is this the remnant of the trapped rat god?" Outside, there are big demon eyes showing curiosity.

At this time they also saw the space cyclones that evolved in that space.

That kind of fluctuation, even they felt frightened.

"This is indeed the legendary trap line."

Many rat monsters whispered.

"Look at how dense the forbidden pattern should be close to the remains of the Rat God." The King Rat Eater also blinked.

Just then, his waist card trembled.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yun Mulu asked.

"Haha, my brother is here!" Kong Qigongzi took out the dominoes, and after seeing it, his eyes turned bright.

"Your brother !?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"My elder brother has already set foot on the emperor's road, he came to where we were in the previous war, he cut off the emperor of the spirit rat that day." Kong Qigong laughed, "Now he performed my place through a treasure, so Send me a message, let's find a way to leave this place to meet. "

"Have you set foot on the royal road?" Upon hearing that, Xiao Yun frowned.

"Tianming, your sister is here too." At the same time, Kong Qigongzi said to Chu Tianming.

"My sister?" Wen Yan said, a bit of recollection in the eyes of the swallowing sky.

Many memories of that childhood came to mind.

Those memories make it less booful.

Over the years, it has been alone and experienced the greatest tribulations of life.

It is full of emotion to see loved ones now.

"Brother, Sister A will be the emperor in the future, and no one will dare to look down on you and me then." It still remembers what Sister said in her ears when she was young, but it was only then , But also quite proud.

"I want to be the emperor myself and protect Auntie and Aaddy at that time!" At that time, the larva was full of tenacity.

Unfortunately, no matter whether it is a demon or a human race, the inheritance of blood lines is too much a constraint on future achievements.

Even though its bloodline is only a little bit worse than that cousin, it can't surpass the other party after all.

Thinking of those past, swallowing sky **** felt sad.

"Today I am afraid that I will be completely compared to that Chu Tianzhao?"

Without it, even if it gains Qilin's flesh and fire, it makes the soul extremely powerful.

But after all, it lacks flesh.

"Don't think too much. When we leave this place, your elder sister will be very happy when you see you." Kong Qigong laughed. Oh, your sisters and brothers have not lost your uncle's face. "

"Does Zhuntong Heaven Realm?" The swallowing bird nodded, and then fell into a groan.

"The sister who swallowed the **** is quite talented." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

But his father was even more upset.

Xiao Zhantian was king at the age of 24. At the age of 27, the invincible man who swept the king had already touched the royal road.

If he is allowed to continue to grow, perhaps he will be king at thirty.

He Nai was seriously injured in ambush at Yao's and fell into the ancient forbidden area.

Otherwise, he will become a legend in Tianduyu.

"Apart from Sister A, who else is here?" Asked the swallowing queen after a slight sigh.

In his eyes, there was some expectation.

"Uncle Shi didn't come here." Kong Qigongzi seemed to know that he swallowed the sky **** and said, "But it should come."

The swallowing bird nodded slightly, but there was a bit of loss in his eyes.

"This is the situation outside now?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Now there are many emperors gathered outside, presumably all for the temple." Kong Qigongzi said.

"Do you want to get that temple?" Xiao Yun nodded slightly, which had been expected for a long time.

"The people of the Kirin tribe are also here." Kong Qigong's son touched his chin and darted to Xiao Yun.

There was a weird light flashing in its eyes.

"Are the people of the Kirin tribe here?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's brows were also bent, "This is a trouble!"

"You can rest assured that with my Peacock family, no one else dares." Kong Qigongzi said, "Of course, the premise is that you have to let Princess Kirin." When referring to this Princess Kirin, Kong Qigong also smiled bitterly and faced He does not dare to protrude like this heavenly girl.

But this Xiao Yun actually won it?

"Let's see how to leave this place first." Xiao Yun shook his head, a bitter smile in his heart.

That princess Kirin was too cruel.

When the girl shot in that unicorn pool, Xiao Yun almost hated.

In this case, if this girl is let go, it will certainly not be less trouble in the future.

Take it down, the people of the Kirin tribe will at least cast a jerk.

"It's a big deal, I will leave this demon domain by then." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

He is not a demon domain and can leave at any time.

It was the same, he decided to take down this unicorn princess first.

"There are heavy lines here, I'm afraid it's difficult to get out!" At this time, Kong Qigong stared anxiously at the front.

Now there are many forbidden lines in front, cyclones are stirring, the terror waves are spreading, making the soul shudder, and the kind of cyclone still has a little power of the rules of God. That kind of power is not ordinary withstand.

Even Xiao Yun was ashamed.

As he continued to move forward, a huge forbidden line suddenly appeared in front of him.

The forbidden pattern resisted as if it were the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a space cyclone, waiting to devour everything in the world at any time.

"There is no way ahead!" Looking at the huge cyclone, Kong Qigong's eyelids jumped.

"It has the breath of God in it," Xiao Yun said slightly, and then said, "Maybe there is a relic of God in it."

Xiao Yun, who has been in contact with the remains of God many times, is quite clear about this fluctuation.

"Remains of God?" Kong Qigongzi's scalp was shaved. "Is that the trapped rat?"

"How dare you enter this?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Now that we have fallen into this place, is there still a way out?" Kong Qigongzi smiled bitterly.

"What are you afraid of, so many roads have been passed, fight it!" Swallowed the sky grin.

"You enter the tower!" Xiao Yun said.

"Okay." Kong Qichi nodded.

It doesn't dare to entrust it now.

Because the cyclone ahead is too scary.


Kong Qigong and the swallowing sky flickered into the swallowing tower.

At this point, they are all within that space.

As for Princess Kirin, she is still bound.

But the injuries in her body continued to recover as she continued to merge, refining those unicorns' real fire and blood.

When the swallowing queen and Kong Qigong submerged into the swallowing tower, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his eyes fell into the cyclone ahead.

The cyclone was large and exuding a terrible wave.

"I hope I won't be ridiculed." Xiao Yun murmured in his heart, then took a step forward and stepped into the cyclone evolved by the forbidden pattern.

"Om!" Xiao Yun was engulfed only by a flash of light in front.

A vast breath of God permeated.

Siyuan Shenwen!

When the breath of the **** capsized, Xiao Yun immediately urged the source of Siyuan Shenwen to resist the power of that kind of god.

The power of that rule was blocked out under the Siyuan Shenwen.

But Xiao Yun's body was taken deep into the forbidden pattern.

It felt like it was inside a boundless black hole.

At this time, the two external osteoscopes shuddered, and the original evolved picture disappeared after Xiao Yun submerged in the cyclone.

"This guy actually broke into the forbidden pattern!" Many big demon eyes showed surprise.

"The forbidden pattern of God isolated the heavenly machine and cut off the connection, and now it is impossible to investigate the life and death of this young man!" The elders of the Kirin tribe sighed slightly, and even the Liner next to her was inducted by a waist tag, and she could not feel the Kirin The soul of the princess.

It seems that everything is isolated.

"I hope my brother will be fine." Chu Tianxia looked worried.

"This boy, don't hurt my princess!" After seeing Xiao Yun not in the cyclone, Lin Lin could not help but grit her teeth, and was so angry that her feet would swell, and the jade feet fluttered, wishing Xiao It would be better if Yun gave him a hard meal.

The emperors were helpless.

Although worried, at this time they could not control the situation there.

At this time, Xiao Yun was caught in the boundless darkness.

The cyclone agitated, it seemed to drag him into a space trap.

At first, he also felt that time was passing.

But over time, Xiao Yun only felt the darkness.

There seems to be no margin in front.

This made it start to panic.

Under this panic, he began to feel the towering tower.

How did he know that at this time he couldn't sense the swallowing tower.

It seems that all spiritual knowledge is isolated by the rules of that **** ~ ~ Even the Siyuan **** pattern cannot resist that kind of **** power.

"Is this a space trap?" Xiao Yun couldn't help it.

He didn't know about trap rats.

But he also knew that this was a very amazing race.

It is said that this trap rat can be used to arrange space traps, and even if the gods have strayed into it, they will be killed alive.

Obviously, he was caught in a space trap at this time.

"Am I really going to die here?" Xiao Yun trembled.

As time passed, Xiao Yun's heart began to fluster.

"Can't be messy, even if you are caught in the space?" Xiao Yun calmed down that emotion a little later.

"I don't believe it. This trap will be endless." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

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