Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1092: Fancy a corpse? ...

Yi Yi's eyes narrowed, and she smiled.

At this moment it seemed very happy, so from time to time he rubbed Xiao Yun's neck with that head.

It seems that it wants to express its joy at this moment.

Such a scene is the envy of the great demon of all ethnic groups.

"This boy." Many people cast envious eyes on Xiao Yun.

"How can this boy, Ho De Hoon, have such an upright beast?"

& + Pig + pig + island + fiction ww.zhomnbsp; "He has low strength and should be able to suppress it!" In addition to envy, some people's eyes flickered, showing the color of greed.

There are more than one of these people, and many powerful men of the clan are staring at Xiao Yun greedily.

You know, the little beast beside Xiao Yun owns the body of God.

If this beast is taken down and controlled, it is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

This is an opportunity for any clan.

"When you take it down, or after the little beast completely merges with the inheritance of the god, I'm afraid it will be difficult to control."

There was a flash of big demon eyes.

"Xiao Yun, quickly surrender Princess Kirin." At this moment, a big demon stepped forward.

This is the big demon with a dragon's pulse.

This is a half step king.

At this point, the divine power disappeared, the rules of heaven and earth began to weaken a little, and the strength of these half-step kings gradually recovered.

This person stepped forward, and the powerful momentum was sweeping towards Xiao Yun.

"Yes, hand over Princess Kirin soon, or else I'll blame me for a shot." Someone stepped out after the strong dragon dragon shot, and when this man stepped out, someone immediately went on, almost everyone was moving. Want to shoot.

"It seems these people are trying to take the opportunity." Seeing this, Kong Qigong frowned.

"Fuck, is it too bullying?"

"So many people?" Xiao Yun frowned slightly, looking around.

There are at least two thousand people here.

Each is a demon, and many are children of a large clan.

"Let's go out and enter my Peacock clan. If my grandfather comes forward, he should be able to shelter you." Kong Qigong frowned. "But you have to let the princess Kirin first, or if someone from the Kirin clan comes, I'm afraid there will be some trouble. "

"Princess Kirin was released?" Xiao Yun felt a little tricky.


Just then, Yi Yi was angry.

His eyes stood up, his claws lifted the colorful Baoding. Before Xiao Yun opened his mouth, the little guy smashed forward.


The colorful Baoding light pattern bloomed, Yi Yi swept away empty.

The little guy is not big, and looks funny when he turns Baoding.

Yi Yi's state does not seem high, but when Na Baoding fell down, it seemed like a sky of heaven to suppress it.


Baoding fell and took the half-step king who just stepped out.

These people have a total of nine half-step kings, including one of the Kirin tribe.

However, when the Baoding fell, they all felt a terrible oppression.

That feeling was like facing the king, and it was like facing the gods.

Horrified, these kings rushed to resist.

Somebody evolved a beast into a huge lion.

Someone evolved a dragon, and stretched out its claws to tear away towards that treasure.

The half-step king of the Kirin tribe turned into a giant unicorn, roaring upward.


But Yi Yi's smashing down was to suppress all these people's attacks.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the mountain trembled. Those half-step kings were shaken one by one, and blood spit out from their mouths.

Even two people were suppressed directly under Baoding, and the bones were dying without knowing how many bones had broken.

The horrible waves oscillated, causing nearby practitioners to retreat.

"This little beast is so fierce!"

"Are the nine half-step kings vulnerable?"

Seeing this, many people sighed in their hearts.

At this moment, many big monsters have returned to the realm of half step kings.

Ke Rao is so, still can not resist the blow of this little beast.


After knocking back the half-step kings, Yi Yi was rude, and the little guy carried Baoding and continued to smash.

The little guy held Baoding and smashed into the crowd.

This Baoding is very large and has evolved to the size of a hundred feet.

When it fell, the multicolored light pattern bloomed and swept the square.

Suddenly, the monks of all races were set off.

Even at this time, their cultivation is constantly recovering. But still can't resist the attack of Yi Yi.


One young man was bombed.

The dragon-fly boy trembled, and was hit by the sudden attack. The blood in his mouth was spit out, and he looked terrified.

"This little beast is so fierce!" Many geniuses were shocked.

Peng Yuan and others stared at the light, offering Wang Bing.

It was just that they were still jealous when they faced Yi Yi, and did not dare to rush.

This little beast has obtained the corpse of God!

Alas, alas!

Yi Yi's body flickered like lightning, it kept smashing Bao Ding constantly, but her mouth was babbling constantly, it seemed to be saying: Let you bully too much, let you bully too much. After sweeping the crowd, Yi Yi returned Don't forget to yell at everyone.

"Is this little beast scolding?" Seeing how this little beast looks so agile, Kong Qigong was all in place.

"This little beast is so cute!" There is a woman with adoration in the peacock tribe.

"Abominable beasts!" The people of the Kirin tribe were also swept away. The Liner was blown away. When she stood up, she stared indignantly at Yi Yi, only to see the little paws of the little beast pointing at the enchanting people. When she stopped, she could not help but smile.

"This little beast is so fierce that you have to ask the king to shoot!"

"Perhaps there are invincible kings!"

"It has a corpse in its palm, just in case, please ask the emperor among the clan!" After being shot by Yi Yi, many big monsters changed their color, and at this time they never dare to underestimate this little Beast, how easy is it for those who have inherited the heritage of God?

Even Qing Ziyao and others are jealous.

Even if they have a strong background.

But who can be compared with this little beast?

They saw this little beast ingesting the corpse of the gods with their own eyes!

For a time, the practitioners of various races on the mountain top spread out and backed away, and they were afraid to offend this little beast.

"Please also ask Xiao Gongzi to hand over my princess." At this time, Lin Er frowned, and she looked up at Xiao Yun in front of her and said.

At this time, she had no choice but to whisper.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yun was about to speak, but Yi Yi fell on his shoulder at this time.

Alas, alas!

The little guy's paws danced and kept making gestures.

It was babbling there, babbling all the time, and the people of the Kirin tribe listened for a moment.

In the end, I only saw it pointing at his belly, and finally he was silent, staring at Xiao Yun with a look of shame.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun was speechless for a while.

Because he understood the meaning of the little guy.

This little guy actually wants the people of the Kirin tribe to take some precious gods to redeem the princess of Kirin.

"Brother Xiao, what does this little beast say?" Kong Qigong asked.

Qilu people also asked Mu Lu.

"Ahem." Xiao Yun coughed softly. "This ... You can also have Princess Kirin. If there is enough divine extract, we will find a way to find Princess Kirin. Eh, if there is no divine extract, those false Divine extraction is also acceptable. "

"Is this ... wouldn't it be great?" Wen Yan said that Kong Qigong felt big for a while.

This is the Kirin tribe!

Even though they are respected in the demon realm.

However, the heritage of the Kirin tribe is still not to be taken lightly by any kin.

"Anyway, the hatred has been settled, it doesn't matter." Xiao Yun spread his palms.

"Hey, yes." Swallowing his teeth and grinning, he nodded. "A Qilin tribe, what are you afraid of?"

"Why did Tianming experience so much suffering, so careless?" Seeing this, Kong Qigongzi was speechless for a while.

However, seeing that Xiao Yun has already made a decision, it is not easy to speak.

After all, it was favored by Xiao Yun!

"Okay, you are cruel. Our elders will find you and will give you a big gift."

Lin Er gave a fierce glance at Xiao Yun, and said, "When the elder takes the shot, he must suppress this kid."

At this moment, she has nothing to do.

"This kid is arrogant enough to dare to threaten the Kirin tribe?" Seeing this, many big demon eyes showed different colors.

"Hum, wait out of here, how can he be arrogant?" Long Fei son hummed coldly.


Just at this moment, the unicorn trembled suddenly.

Then the void in which the sea was located began to collapse, and the world was shaking.

"Not good, this mystery is unstable!" Sudden changes have made countless people horrified.

"The corpse of God was taken away. The divine support has been lost here and it is already unstable!"


Just at this moment, light streaks squirmed in the sky, and cracks appeared.

Those cracks are like devouring cyclones, letting them swallow into the boundless darkness.


Yi Yi said lightly, his heart moved, and his body was wriggling with divine patterns.

Then the **** pattern began to pull the power of this world.

On the top of the mountain, the fire pattern evolved, and immediately a giant mouth like a unicorn appeared.

Alas, alas!

Yi Yi pointed at the cyclone.

"Go!" Xiao Yun knew, and he spoke to Kong Qigongzi and Manju.

"Follow me!" Kong Qigong said quickly to the peacocks behind him.

Then, everyone turned into Hongguang and fell into the cyclone.


When Xiao Yun and others did not enter the cyclone, the geniuses of the various monsters in the mountain peaks invaded.


The cyclone stirred and connected the space.

In the demon realm somewhere in the mountains there was a figure.

These people are Xiao Yun and Kong Qigong.

At this point they all fell on top of a mountain.

"What are you going to do now?" Kong Qigongzi asked ~ ~ naturally the Hui people. "Tan Tianque's eyes narrowed and said.

"In the Hui nationality." Kong Qigongzi's face changed slightly. "Why don't you go to my Peacock family to see Tianshuang?"

"See the sky frost?" The swallowing bird's eyes moved slightly, then he suddenly stared, and said, "Now in my clan, is Tianzhao determined to be the candidate of the next clan?" Its tone was slightly gloomy. , As if the previous arrogance was not inferior.

"You have been missing for so many years, and now many elders of the Tuntian tribe have favored Tianzhao." Kong Qigong sighed slightly.

"You can rest assured that it is my thing that I will fight for." Tian Tianque's eyes lightened and said, "Maybe I'm not as good as the sky, but one day I will surpass it, even if the body is not there? I must Will reunite the body! "

[Princess Kirin is a hot potato, everyone said it was overthrown or let go? I always feel that it is a bit evil to overthrow the mother Kirin. You can follow my prestige or direct prestige. The letter searches for the undead Wu Zun Yao Yue Ye pays attention to the public account of certification. In it, you can give me opinions.

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