Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1089: Take down the princess

The unicorn princess is a genius of the unicorn tribe.

Xiao Yun feels very tricky when such characters fall into his own hands.

If it is killed, it will definitely lead to the pursuit of the Qilin tribe.

If it is released, it will also lead to the killing of the Kirin tribe.

It can be said that Xiao Yun had no choice at this time.

"It seems that you have only been taken down first." Xiao Yun sighed slightly, then his eyes lightened.

Sky Tower = Pig = Pig = Island = Novel www.zhuzh!

Suddenly, a devouring cyclone evolved in front of Xiao Yun.

As soon as the cyclone came out, the flame was about to be incinerated.


Seeing Xiao Yun's big move, he simply took Princess Kirin to his side, and then the cyclone stirred it into the tower.

"You, what are you doing?" Engulfed by the cyclone, Princess Kirin looked horrified.

"You can rest assured that for the time being I will not kill you, just stay here honestly!"

When Xiao Yun's words fell, Princess Qilin fell into the swallowing tower.

"Little thief, you dare to detain me, this princess will never get around you!" Princess Qilin yelled loudly after being absorbed into the swallowing tower.

"Hum, my father is pulling your muscles and pulling your farts ..."

Today's princess no longer has the brilliance of the previous heroine, she is like a little woman venting her dissatisfaction.

"It's so noisy!" Xiao Yun was speechless for a moment when princess Kirin yelled and chattered there.

How extraordinary she was when she first met the princess.

Countless men were obsessed with that handsome look.

But why is it like a vixen at this moment?

"Swallowing the **** pattern, suppress it!" Xiao Yun had a big head for a while, and now he urged the **** pattern inside the swallowing tower, and the **** pattern flashing was to bind the princess Kirin, and the black pattern flowing directly would be like a cyclone Wrap it up.

So Xiao Yun could not hear her chattering voice.

"Ah!" The princess Kirin couldn't help screaming, bound by the engulfing pattern, and before her eyes were dark.

But this exclamation was unheard.

"It's time to refine this unicorn **** blood!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened and he took out the unicorn **** blood.

At this time, the unicorn virtual spirit had collapsed and could not pose a threat to Xiao Yun.

"Swallowing the Heavens and Killing the Gods!" Swallowing the Heavens and Killing the Gods, Xiao Yun absorbed the blood of God into the sea of ​​knowledge.

First, he completely wiped out the consciousness of the virtual spirit by devouring the heavens and destroying the gods.

This unicorn phantom was seriously injured by Yi Yi, and his consciousness was horrible. He was quickly wiped away a little bit under the guise of devouring the sky and destroying God.

When the consciousness is erased, the unicorn ghost becomes a **** pattern.

This divine pattern squirms and has the power of inexplicable rules.

"Rong!" Xiao Yun's mind moved and began to refine the **** pattern.

Xiao Yun was also absorbing the essence and real fire in this unicorn pond when the divine pattern was refined.

Jingqi true fire was fused by this **** pattern, and transformed into a mysterious unicorn **** pattern and Xiao Yun fusion.

This fusion took a few days, and Xiao Yun's eyebrows suddenly added a unicorn **** pattern.

Now he has five unicorns.

Contained in this divine pattern is the power of extremely tyrants.

"Shen Wen melted successfully, now it's God's blood!" Xiao Yun's eyes were fiery.

At that moment the blood of God was flickering, floating out of the sea of ​​knowledge.

Divine blood is not big, but it contains terrible energy fluctuations.

There is also a mysterious mystic entanglement.

This spirit of blood is too strong, Xiao Yun did not dare to know the sea refining.

Otherwise, if this kind of power is not well controlled, it may make him aware of the sea.

Facing the blood of God, Xiao Yun didn't know how to start.

"Take the heart first." Xiao Yun's eyes lighted, releasing his mind, trying to blend into this blood.

But when his mind was released, a divine pattern bloomed in the blood of the god.

A flash of this divine pattern shook his mind.

Xiao Yun's heart was frightened when a breath of **** permeated it.

"Blood of God!" Feeling this kind of fluctuation, Xiao Yun was shocked inside.

Within this blood of God there is the rule of God.

At this time his realm could not be merged at all.

"It seems that it is not so easy to melt the blood of God." Xiao Yun frowned.

After a little groaning, his mood began to calm down.

Imagine that the Kirin Ethereal has been here for many years, but it has barely relied on the power in the blood of God to melt it. It can be seen how difficult it is to integrate this blood of God. Come step by step.

"Since God's blood cannot be melted, then I will take the Qilin blood from it first!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Swallow the sky!

After paying attention to the gods, Xiao Yun incorporated this blood into Dantian.

Then he began to urge Tiantianju to ingest the blood in this blood.

Although the original blood in this drop of blood cannot be easily refined, there is still a strong blood in it. This is the blood of God, even though it is thin, but for low-level practitioners such as Xiao Yun, Has great benefits.

Within the blood of God, the blood was drawn out by the swallowing heaven.

Each of these flesh contains vast energy.

If ordinary practitioners cannot bear this kind of power at all.

If left outside, a dash of blood can smash mountains and rivers.

The hot and violent force that bloodshot walked through the meridians in the body would almost burn Xiao Yun's meridians.

You know, Xiao Yun's meridians have been tempered by Kirin!

How can ordinary people resist?

"If these blood is integrated into these five **** patterns, they will make these **** patterns more powerful."

Xiao Yun's heart moved, and he continued to integrate those unicorn spirits into the five unicorn gods.

At the same time, he was madly absorbing the real fire and blood in this unicorn pond.

Under this absorption, the power of his five divine patterns continues to increase.


Time passed quietly, and another half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

By this time, everyone had been in this unicorn pool for a month.

It's been two more time to enter this unicorn secret.

The practitioners of all races are constantly training their bodies with Kirin's true fire.

But after this time has passed, it is difficult to move on.

Each Kirin Pool has different strengths.

"Unfortunately, if you can set foot on the three unicorn pools in front, you will be able to cast supreme body!" Niu Qingtian looked forward, his face was full of eyes, but at this time he was already very difficult to move forward, and the power of God He can resist.

So he only tempered his body in the next Kirin pond.

"Give it to the sky!" In a unicorn pool, the unicorns are constantly devouring real fire.

At this moment its momentum is unknown how many times stronger.

Although not yet set foot in the baby market.

But the energy in its body can definitely burn the nun in the infant market into nothingness.

"It's time to go to the three unicorn pools in front!"

"Why the unicorn **** pattern here has weakened so much?" After coming to the unicorn pond under that **** stage, swallowing the sky **** found that the **** pattern here is too thin, but Rao is so, the remaining **** pattern and unicorn are really The fire still made it throb.

"It was absorbed and said." Then, it continued to devour the gods.


At this time, Xiao Yun was constantly absorbing the spirit of the blood.

This absorption took a full month.

"The five **** patterns are full." At this moment, the five unicorn **** patterns on his body were twinkling and breathy.

The blood in that blood had been almost absorbed by him.

The rest is pure blood of Kirin.

"The divine pattern is full." Seeing this, Xiao Yun was no longer absorbing the blood.

"Yi hasn't finished yet?" Xiao Yun then looked up and looked at the Shentai.

"That being the case, I am waiting for a moment."

Xiao Yun continued to circle in the unicorn pool.

"There is so much fire here, and I can evolve my Heaven Flame Armor."

With a thought, he continued to absorb those unicorn fire patterns.

The Kirin Pool contains the rich Kirin Real Fire.

These real fires were continuously absorbed by Xiao Yun.

At this point his bones had long been attached to the unicorn fire pattern.

So his defense is very strong.

However, it's always right to have one more defense, so Xiao Yun continued to cultivate Tianyan Shenjiao.

When Xiao Yun was practicing Tianyan Shenjiajue, this heaven and earth was introverted.

Gradually, everyone can sense that this heaven and earth is weakening a little bit.

Ten days later, it was obvious that someone could move on.

The curtain of fire in the void also began to thin.

If you look closely, there is a cyclone agitation on the stage of God, which is absorbing the power of God in this heaven and earth.

"Divine power has dissipated?"

"What happened?" Suddenly, many people noticed anomalies.

Moreover, originally a fire pattern, a hazy Kirin Pool can start to see the end.

This surprised many people.

"Why don't you see the princess?" Liner of the Kirin tribe was suspicious.

She looked carefully, but did not see Princess Kirin.

It stands to reason that there are several unicorn pools in front of Princess Unicorn!

Before the war.

But Lin's strength is not enough.

Many were curious at the time, but they couldn't perceive that.

So no one knows about Princess Kirin and Xiao Yun.

"Is Yiyi going to succeed?" Xiao Yun's heart murmured when that Qilin Shenwei converged and Daowen sank into the stage.

"Fuck, Daowen ran away? Whoops, Kirin's real fire is gone." The Skyfinch is absorbing the real fire, but those purest real fires have been introduced into the stage. The rest are useless to it. This makes it frustrating.

Suddenly, the big demon in the big unicorn pools came out one after another.

"That's the **** stage?" Countless eyes gathered on the **** stage.

"Did someone get the inheritance of the Shentai?" Someone secretly thought.

"Princess Kirin is not here. Is it because she has inherited the inheritance of God?" The dragon-fly dude glared darkly.

"It must be Princess Unicorn!" Many echoed.

Because at this time many people have walked out of the unicorn pool ~ ~ even the unicorn patterns in the first three unicorn pools have disappeared.

With their spiritual knowledge, everyone can fully sense whether there is anyone in the pool.

But Princess Kirin was absent at this time, apparently she had entered Shentai.

"It seems that the Kirin tribe will dominate the demon domain this time!"

"With the inheritance of God, Princess Kirin will surely become the leader of the younger generation of Demon Domain!"

"That is, this is the true **** of unicorn. He has perfect blood. Who has it to fight against?"

"I think most of Longteng's sons are hard to fight with Princess Kirin."

Everyone believes that Princess Unicorn has inherited the heritage of God.

[Double monthly pass, everyone will see if they have a monthly pass. The update will be on the 19th. The old demon will definitely send it. As long as everyone gives it, the old demon will definitely be more powerful.]

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