Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1086: Princess your clothes are ...

You need to know that many ancestors in Tianduyu have strengthened their bloodlines because their ancestors refined the blood of the demon tribe. For example, the old group of the wind tribe has refined the blood of the Phoenix, making Offspring have the blood of the Phoenix.

That day, the Duyupeng clan refined the blood of God's Peng, so that future generations could evolve into the body of Dapeng.

The dragons are the blood of dragons.

It's hard to imagine, once Xiao Yun gets the blood of this unicorn true god, how bad is it?

"If I get this blood, I will become stronger." Xiao Yun's eyes were full of fiery light.

& nb. Pig. Pig. island. Novel w.hha.omsp; Xiao Yun is full of desire for strength since the First World War.

Now that he has this opportunity, how can he give up?

Little thought, Xiao Yun went forward.


Only one step forward, Xiao Yun felt great pressure.

The pattern of fire lingering on him was incinerated a little.

Not only that, the royal armor was burned directly, and it became an ordinary soft armor.

"Changing the imperial armor!" Xiao Yun condensed and took out a set of imperial armor.

In this way, he was able to resist the horrible fire force.

But 800 meters away from the blood of the unicorn god, the road pattern on this imperial armor also began to wear away.

"Isn't even Huang Jia able to resist this fire?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was shocked.

If so, who can get this heritage?

The pattern on the imperial armor was worn away, and the fine gold immediately began to fuse.

Xiao Yun's skin began to be clearly seen.

"This ..." Seeing this, Xiao Yun was surprised.

"Oh!" Just then, on the other side, a soft squeak sounded.

But a tall woman in the sea of ​​fire was walking slowly.

The woman came with a unicorn ghost behind her, and she was surrounded by divine patterns, if there was a unicorn circling.

This woman is simply Yang Hongyi, Princess Kirin.

She may have been in Kirin Pool for a long time, and she also incorporated a lot of divine patterns.

At this time, I kept searching, and I was excited when I came here to discover the blood of Qilin.

I didn't expect to meet Xiao Yun here.

"His armor is melted?" As the light flowed around, Princess Kirin saw Xiao Yun's situation at this time.

Suddenly her eyes lit up with Kirin.

The armor is melting, obviously it can't resist the fire in front!

"Hee hee." Thinking of this, Princess Kirin's eyes lit up, and the corner of her mouth evoked a touch of slyness.

Earlier she had suffered several losses from Xiao Yun and accumulated a lot of resentment in her heart.

This is obviously the best opportunity for revenge.

"Princess Unicorn?" When Princess Unicorn stared at Xiao Yun with unwillingness, Xiao Yun also felt the existence of the former.

"Hm." Princess Kirin hummed coldly, staring at Xiao Yun with a bit of fun.

Obviously, the princess was thinking how to get angry with Xiao Yun.

"Liu ... gangster!" But just as Princess Kirin stared at Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun was sweating on her forehead, and could not help exclaiming, because at this time his armor was melted and his body was bare. But Princess Kirin was looking at him.

This makes Xiao Yun feel horrified.

"Oh!" At first Princess Qilin didn't care. When Xiao Yun shouted, her eyes moved suddenly, and she really noticed the abnormality. When she was curious about the difference between this man, she quickly quenched her, because she The aftertaste of Xiao Yun's exclamation.

At this time, Xiao Yun almost looked at Princess Kirin with a kind of contempt and wronged eyes.

That feels like being looked at by a wolf.

"Hey, boy, what's your expression?" Seeing Xiao Yun's expression, Princess Kirin was immediately angry.

Xiao Yunlian rolled his eyes and looked at Princess Kirin obliquely with a wolf-like expression.

"Hum, you have insulted Princess Princess a few times before to see that I don't teach you." Princess Kirin raised her eyebrows and killed Xiao Yun with a battle spear. Kirin's shadow flickered behind her, a powerful momentum. Into that war spear.

War spear, with fire patterns flashing out.

The fire pattern squirmed, turned into a cyclone of fire and swallowed away towards Xiao Yun.

At the same time, there was a unicorn coming from behind.

The power of this blow is so powerful that it can almost fight the king.

"This little girl, how ruthless!" Xiao Yun frowned when Princess Kirin was killed.

At this point his armor was melted and there was no defense.

"Kirin Godprint!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun's mind moved, urging the Kirin Godprint fused in his body.

Suddenly there was a fire pattern in Xiao Yun's skeletal meridian.

An immense wave of volatility pervaded.

At the same time, a unicorn **** pattern flashed on his chest, turning it into a unicorn and slaying towards that unicorn princess.

This unicorn flickered, and the giant claw shot, the momentum was extremely amazing.

This blow actually defeated the lances that evolved from Princess Kirin's shot.

"Did you actually blend the **** pattern?" There was a **** pattern creep between Xiao Yun's chest and abdomen, and Princess Kirin's eyes were surprised.

"Hey, maidens ... gangsters, do you stare at me like this, do you fancy me?" Seeing this princess Kirin staring at Xiao Yun feeling scalp hair, he couldn't help but yell at him, and he swaggered across the country, Generation, but never encountered such a thing!

The situation at this time was really speechless.

"Huh, it's obviously that you're a rogue, but you still scold me?" Being scolded by Xiao Yun, Rao is the princess of the unicorn Kirin, who is so handsome and brave, at this time, a little crimson appeared on the jade. It has always been her eyes staring at her.

When was someone said she was a hooligan ...

"This guy is a rogue!" Princess Kirin was embarrassed in her heart, and at the same time, she was full of strength, and there was a burst of Kirin divine power on her body. She also incorporated Kirin Ethereal in this Kirin pool, with four **** patterns on her body, compared to Xiao Yun Not bad.

"Look how I teach you!" Princess Kirin shot at the moment, and immediately there were four unicorns taking off.

This unicorn shot aggressively.

It's almost as if there are four kings.

Princess Qilin Xiu has always been tall, and she also has the blood of Kirin. After merging this unicorn **** pattern, she can better use her supernatural power.

But Xiao Yun is different.

He doesn't have the blood of Kirin, and although it integrates the Kirin God's pattern, it can't exert its power like Princess Kirin.

So when those four unicorns evolved, Xiao Yun felt great pressure.

"This girl is so ruthless!" Xiao Yun's brow could not help but see that the unicorn princess shot all out.

He also urged the four gods to meet him.


The flames rolled in the unicorn pond, the **** pattern bloomed, and several unicorns were fighting.

At the same time, Princess Kirin herself killed Xiao Yun with a war spear.

Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he took a halberd from the swallowing tower.

This is a top king soldier.

War halberd appeared, Xiao Yun shot, and cut to Princess Qilin.

Suddenly, the halberd spear burst into a dazzling light.

The two men fought because Xiao Yun couldn't have an advantage at all because of the realm.

On one side, the four Unicorns were defeated.

At the same time, Xiao Yun's deity was also shot.

"This girl is like a fish here, better than me." Xiao Yun couldn't help sighing when she was hit by Princess Qilin.

First of all, his use of the unicorn **** pattern is not as good as that of princess unicorn.

Secondly, he is not as good as Princess Kirin.

Here Kirin Princess can almost crush Xiao Yun.

"Hee hee, see how I abuse you!" Xiao Yun was Zhenfei, and Princess Kirin immediately killed with a spear.

At the same time, four unicorns rushed.

"Hey, a girl's house, is it really good to fight like that?"

Seeing Princess Qilin's aggressive killing, Xiao Yun was speechless for a while.

"Well, this Princess is going to abuse you." Princess Kirin smiled proudly.


When Princess Kirin was killed, Xiao Yun urged Phantom Eyes.

Unfortunately, it was urged to be incinerated by nearby fire patterns.

The momentum here is too strong, and other forces cannot exist in it.

At this point Xiao Yun could only urge Kirin to resist.

But Xiao Yun's strength of unicorn could not compete with princess unicorn.


Light and shadow flashed, Xiao Yun was flying out of Zhen.


A spit of blood spit out of his mouth.

"Are you injured?" Seeing Xiao Yun like this, Princess Kirin smiled proudly and went away.

"This little Nizi is too crazy." Xiao Yun frowned, and then his gaze fell on the blood in front of him.

At this moment, the mighty power was suppressed here.

Only the strength of Kirin can be exerted, Xiao Yun has no power of World War I.

"Fight it!" After glancing at the place where the blood was, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he was moving forward.


The hot flames swept through, and Xiao Yun's soul shuddered.

At this point he was surrounded by the unicorn **** pattern, and headed forward.

Only in this way can it resist the horrible flames and might.

"Divine blood!" Seeing Xiao Yun walking towards the divine blood, Princess Kirin frowned, and sneered, "Huh, you want to get divine blood too?"

Princess Kirin snorted, and left with a spear.

But as she approached the blood of the god, the armor of her body began to melt consciously.

"Hey, the little girl of the Kirin family, it looks like we don't have any deep hatred. Are you going to chase me like this?" Seeing Princess Qilin chasing, Xiao Yun was speechless, and hurried to speak, at this time he was already struggling to resist the real fire of the Kirin. .

If this girl still shot, then it would be troublesome.

"Well, I haven't been bullied so much since I was a kid, you shot me fire lotus twice, hee hee, this time I have the opportunity to teach you without a lesson, how can Princess be worthy of myself?" Princess Kirin first indignant.

Only thinking of Xiao Yun's situation at this time, she smiled slyly.

She wanted to teach Xiao Yun when she was outside.

I didn't know it was suppressed by the snow-white beast.

This made Kirin Princess Yang Yihong extremely annoyed ~ ~ How could she give up at this opportunity?

"Well, princess, your armor and clothes have also been melted?" Just as Princess Kirin stared at Xiao Yun with a playful expression on his face, Xiao Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and he stared at Princess Kirin tightly. The battle armor of Princess Kirin was melted.

Then her underwear was melted by the hot unicorn fire.

When the clothes were melted, Xiao Yun could see the fair skin, the rolling hills and the lower abdomen like a plain.

"The waist and limbs are not enough to grip, the skin is white, the jade legs are long, and the body is pretty good." After watching this scene, Xiao Yun naturally appreciated it, then nodded slightly, and began to praise, "Unfortunately, it is temper Too unreasonable. "

[Silent for too long, the old demon decided to fight this month. Today, double the monthly ticket for May Day. Everyone can change to two chapters if you vote for one chapter. Five hundred people each have two thousand votes, and there are dozens of undead Wu Zun. Brother Wan is watching. One thousand votes a day is very easy. If it reaches five hundred votes today, the old demon will update it once this month. If it is one thousand votes, I will update ten chapters one day, and so on. I wonder if your brothers dare to smash the monthly pass? 】

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