Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1083: Ignore the rules

Yi Yi's shot was so overwhelming that everyone made a mistake.

"How can this little beast draw Qilin Shenwei?" Liner of the Qilin tribe also looked confused.

You know, her sister has such strong Qilin blood that she can draw such a mighty power!

Even she could hardly draw such a might.

But the snow-white beast was even worse than her sister.

"Oh, I usually don't think this little beast is cute. Today, this little beast makes Tian Ye like it tightly!" Seeing this, the swallowing larynx couldn't help but laugh at the sky, and then it turned to the liner and laughed. "This girl, I'm welcome to the fire lotus, you can wait for the next opportunity!"

He grinned and shot.

At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and a magical force shrouded Lin Lin.

Unexpectedly, Liner lost her heart.


At this time, swallowing the finches claws ingested the fire lotus.


Fire Lotus immediately began to spread with divine power, among which a ghost image appeared.

At this time, the unicorn ghost image was stronger than the divine power contained in the fire lotus obtained by Kong Qigongzi.

After fusing this virtual spirit, the Skyfinch was introduced onto the fire bridge over the river.

This virtual spirit is very thin and unconscious, but it can increase people's affinity for the blood of Kirin.

In this way, there is a chance to get a better unicorn pool.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly and removed the power of Phantom Eye.

"Abominable!" After seeing the swallows entering the bridge of fire, Lin couldn't help stomping.

At this time Princess Kirin was also surprised.

Yi Yi shot, and the bully was extremely incomparable, and the big tripod hit her so that she had almost no resistance.

Yi Yi's own cultivation is slightly lower, which cannot completely crush this unicorn princess.

Xiao Yun let Yi Yi stop when the swallowing queen smoothly entered the bridge of fire.

But at this time Princess Kirin was already in anger.

Dignified Princess Kirin, when have you eaten 瘪?

"Hmm, this princess and you are not over!" Yang Hongyi held the war spear, Fengmu glared at Xiao Yun.

"Oh, why is the princess angry?" Xiao Yun said with a slight smile, quite kindly, "The princess's eyesight can naturally discover the fire lotus that gave birth to the virtual spirit. The next time, I will not fight with the princess, I do not know the princess How about it? "

"This guy has a strong background. Even with this little beast, it is very difficult for even Princess Ben to take him down. This time, spare him first. After that, you will have a chance to see if this princess does not give him a good look? Huh, Princess Ben is long So Da has never suffered such a loss? "

Princess Kirin bit her silver teeth, and after snoring in her heart, the lotus step moved again, and she landed at the riverside of Kirin again.


At this time, Yi Yi fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder.

It rubbed Xiao Yun's neck and looked very intimate.

"Yes, we Yiyi made great achievements this time!" Xiao Yun caressed Yiyi's fluff and smiled.


Complimented by Xiao Yun, Yi Yi's cheeks were flushed with a shy expression on her face.

It was also very satisfied.

After so long, it finally showed off its talents.

Fire lotus in the river kept drifting down.

"Liner, get the plant!" After a moment, Princess Kirin's beautiful eyes moved and locked a fire lotus.

However, when she spoke, the corners of her eyes moved and she turned towards Xiao Yun next to her.

There was clearly a bit of anger in her eyes.

Obviously, she was preparing for Xiao Yun's shot.

"Be assured, I won't fight with you this time." Seeing Princess Qilin's fierce appearance, Xiao Yun shrugged and said.

Although this fire lotus is good, it does not reach the level Xiao Yun wants.

Moreover, he did not intend to tear his face with this princess Kirin, after all, there was no deep hatred between them.

"Hum." Princess Kirin murmured secretly, and then she retracted her eyes.

By this time, Liner had taken the fire lotus.

This fire lotus bloomed with the evolution of the unicorn ghost image, and the immense power was permeated, and then merged into this Liner.


Light and shadow flickered in the river ahead, and a fire bridge appeared, leading Liner into the inheritance.

At this point, Xiao Yun and Princess Kirin had the opportunity to obtain this fire lotus beside the river.

As for others, they are still hesitant.

"I'll choose the best fire lotus for you later!" Xiao Yun caressed Yi Yi's fluff and smiled.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yi Yi's little paw gestured, and it seemed to be saying that without Fire Lotus, it could set foot on that Kirin Fire Bridge.

"Really?" Xiao Yun's eyes were surprised.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded, her face flushed.

"Okay, then it's up to you." Xiao Yun laughed.


At this time, Princess Kirin shot, and the jade hand took a fire lotus into her palm.

When that fire lotus started, a unicorn evolved immediately.

This unicorn is lifelike, and there are still godliness behind it, and the vastness of the mighty power spreads out to make the whole space solidify.

"Such mighty power!"

"This kind of virtual spirit is almost complete, isn't it?" Those practitioners watching in the distance were surprised.

"Hum, I want you to look good after I come out." Kirin Ethereal blended into her body, and Princess Kirin then glanced at Xiao Yun with a smug smile and walked forward. At this time, the **** pattern rose on the fire bridge in front, Countless colorful lights are blooming, just like welcoming a goddess.

You can even see the evolution of the unicorn ghost on the bridge of fire.

Such visions sighed many practitioners by the river.

"This Princess Unicorn is extraordinary!"

"With her talent, she will be able to inherit the inheritance of the true God of Kirin!" Many people envy.

This unicorn princess is the demon girl of heaven that is extremely famous in the demon realm. If you let her get the inheritance of the true **** of unicorn, how many people can be compared to it? I'm just afraid that even the Dragon Boy may not be able to compete with him, right?

"This is a genius." Seeing Princess Qilin's momentum, Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

Such a genius, if how many people in Tiandu domain can be compared with it?

Is that Chu Yunfei?

Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

"The fire lotus obtained by Princess Kirin is indeed extraordinary." As Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, he set his sight on the Kirin River.

"But there are still such fire lotuses in it, and there is even a stronger presence!"

The phantom **** opened his eyes, and Xiao Yun was watching the fire lotus.

At this point, everyone fell on Xiao Yun.

Some people want to ask for help, but they were embarrassed to speak because they had mocked Xiao Yun just now.

Xiao Yun was silently inducting.

At this time, a fire lotus floated in the river.

There is almost no fire lotus next to this fire lotus, and all fire lotuses are not associated with it.

If you sense it carefully, the fire lotus's breath is restrained, and you can't feel a trace of Tao.

Compared with the dense fire lotus next to it, it is just a fan lotus.

But Xiao Yun's eyes were bright after seeing the fire lotus.

"The spirit of the virtual spirit is restrained, and there is a divine pattern above the virtual spirit!" After seeing the fire lotus, Xiao Yun shot immediately.

Many fire lotuses had godliness before.

But those divine patterns are virtual patterns.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun immediately shot.

"How did he go about picking that fire lotus?"

"This fire lotus is not good-looking. It doesn't even have Qilin's vital energy, but it has real fire. How can it possibly give birth to virtual spirits?" Harvest.

But why did you choose such a fire lotus this time?


Only when Xiao Yun saw it with his own hands, did he touch a vast wave of fire lotus that swept away.

The original ordinary fire lotus actually bloomed with a **** pattern, and a unicorn evolved from it.

The vast and mighty power burst forth.

This divine power is repelling Xiao Yun.

"Is this a forbidden lotus?"

"Oh, what a retribution, this kid actually touched the forbidden lotus!" Someone laughed after feeling the fluctuation.

"It's a pity." Someone sighed.

Touching the forbidden lotus means death.

This man has watched Xiao Yun and Niu Qingtian fight, and knows Xiao Yun is a person.

But at this time, these characters have to scorn.

I have to say that life is impermanent.

That unicorn evolved, with a divine pattern on his head.

The **** pattern seems to contain some rules.

"This virtual spirit is about to give birth to wisdom!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, "But fortunately, it just has the instinctual repulsive power, Siyuan Shenwen, suppress me!" In Xiao Yun's eyebrows there was a divine pattern blooming.

A flash of this divine pattern wrapped the virtual spirit.

Then Xiao Yun swallowed the fire lotus and the virtual spirit in a large volume.

"Swallow it for me!" Then, swallowing the sky and destroying the gods urged Xiao Yun to integrate the virtual spirit into his own sea of ​​knowledge.

Xu Ling struggles constantly to get rid of Xiao Yun's shackles.

It is difficult to suppress it even if there is a devouring god.

But this virtual spirit contains a trace of divinity, the divine power shocks, and even the king cannot bear it, let alone Xiao Yun?

At this moment, Xiao Yun's body was in full bloom, with countless road patterns.

Those road patterns are roaring like a unicorn, and they are torn.

This scene frightened many people.

"This Xiao Yun is still resisting the power of the Forbidden Lotus!" Many people's eyes were unbelievable.

How many people were just swallowed up by the attack of the Forbidden Lotus just now?

But Xiao Yun could still resist it.

But the demon did not know that Xiao Yun was not touched by the forbidden lotus, but a godly ethereal lotus.

"Siyuan order, suppress!" After a cyclone, Xiao Yun absorbed this virtual spirit into the sea, and then Siyuan ordered the suppression.

Not only that, the Siyuan array also began to fall.

The yin and yang divine patterns squirmed to bloom the yin and yang air and began to cooperate with Xiao Yun's refinement.

In this way, the momentum of the virtual spirit was suppressed a little, and Qilin's essence was merged into his flesh.

When those unicorn spirits, some of the virtual road patterns were incorporated into Xiao Yun's body, the unicorn bridge by the river seemed to have some sense ~ ~ There was a fire pattern bloom that drove it into the unicorn long bridge. Up, and Yi Yi followed immediately.

The little guy was full of colorful light patterns, so he followed Xiao Yun to set foot on the long bridge.

"So Xiao Yun entered the Kirin Bridge?" Many people looked at each other.

Didn't Xiao Yun touch the forbidden pattern? How can he set foot on Kirin Bridge?

"Is it possible to set foot on the Kirin Bridge by suppressing the forbidden pattern?" Suddenly, someone seemed to see hope with Lu Jingguang.

"Well, that little beast did not ingest Fire Lotus, how could it safely set foot on Kirin Bridge?" After the monsters were surprised, they suddenly found the Yi Yi who was against the sky, and many people were caught in the place. Can you ignore the rules here?

[Yeah, yeah, Yi Yi is going to rise up in this Kirin Hall, everyone will give me the monthly pass soon] The little boy waved his paws with his hands on his hips.


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