Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1081: Scramble for fire lotus

It is almost a well-known thing that the Kirin Pool in this Kirin Hall can temper the human body.

Many people come for this.

If the body is strong enough, it can completely make people invincible when they meet the enemy.

"The Lotus of the Unicorn Ethereal Appears every time. If you combine it, you can choose a better Kirin Pond to temper your body." Kong Qigong smiled, and walked along the river to observe the drift Down the fire lotus.

Xiao Yun also continued to pay attention.

When the son of Kong Qi and the swallow were together, {pig} Pig Island {small} said 3. Zhu Longfei had to give up.

At this time, he could not compete with Kong Qigongzi at all.

"Hum, this time there is a hole in the waist to support, I see who will support you next time?"

"Unfortunately, Chu Tianming has lost his physical body, otherwise there will be a battle to watch."

Seeing Long Fei's son retreating, everyone had to shake his head slightly.

Just at this moment, there was a flame of light blooming on the riverside, and a vast and domineering atmosphere permeated.

This breath has caused the blood and blood of many people to roll over, an inexplicable depression coming from the heart.

When this breath spread, people of all races couldn't help turning back.

When everyone looked back, they saw a woman wearing a red armor walking towards this place.

The woman is tall, and although she is wearing a battle armor, she can still see the proud figure.

Her long legs moved and she was white and moving, but her face looked noble and cold.

The bright eyelashes of her eyes were long, but the twinkling light in it made people dare not look straight.

On her own was the power of a king.

"This is Princess Unicorn!" When the woman appeared, the river was boiling.

Even Niu Qingtian and others changed their colors and showed admiration.

"Princess Kirin, this is one of the three celestial beings in the demon domain!"

The top ten of the Ten Monster List is called the top ten boys in the demon domain.

The top ten boys are known as the world's greatest monsters.

But in addition to the top ten sons, there are three big celestial girls whose fame is not weak.

This unicorn princess Yang Yihong is one of the three heavenly daughters.

It is said that this woman has a strong Qilin bloodline, and she will grow up in the future.

"This is the Temple of Kirin. This Princess of Kirin will definitely inherit it when she comes here!" Many people blinked.

The Kirin Temple only appeared once in a century.

No one has gained the supreme inheritance.

If we say who has the best chance to get this tradition, then I am afraid that no one is more suitable than someone with the same vein.

However, Princess Kirin is obviously the one who has the best chance to gain this heritage.

"Princess Kirin, Yang Yihong!" When the girl appeared, it was the seven son of Kong who couldn't help getting up and sneered at the girl.

"Oh, Princess Yang is good!" After Princess Kirin arrived, Qing Ziyao of the Qingtian Shenpeng family and Peng Yuan of the Golden-winged Dapeng family rose up and came to her to say hello, it was their genius who was here at Kirin The princess also had to stance in front of her.

Seeing these people coming up, Princess Kirin just glanced at the people lightly.

Her arrogance was almost ruthless.

But no one dares to say no to Princess Kirin's pride.

Because she does have this.

If this princess Kirin can gain something in the Kirin Temple this time, I'm afraid that the future achievement will not be weaker than the dragon dragon son of the dragon head of the demon ten sons that day, these characters should have been high above, and others only have to look up.

"Princess Yang is doing well these days!" Long Fei's son also stepped forward, he smiled, and arched toward Princess Qilin.

In this regard, Princess Kirin is still grim.

She gave a slight glance at Long Fei, and then strode forward toward the Qilin River.

When Princess Kirin stepped forward, everyone made way for her to stand in the best position to choose the fire lotus, but Xiao Yun at this time just glanced at the princess and then continued to pay attention to those fire lotuses.

Although this unicorn princess is bright and moving.

But for Xiao Yun at this time, finding the most suitable fire lotus is the top priority.

Therefore, he did not have much thought to appreciate this princess of the unicorn tribe.

Everyone in the Kirin tribe is extremely arrogant, and almost ignores Xiao Yun next to him.

Then, everyone began to pay attention to those fire lotuses drifting down.

At this time, more and more river lotuses drifted down.

"Take that!" The princess Kirin appeared, and her eyes flickered, locking a fire lotus floating in front of her.

"Yes!" Immediately behind her, a tribe moved toward the fire lotus with a big hand.


I saw that the fire lotus started, and immediately had a piece of unicorn squirming.

This divine pattern was immersed in the body of this Kirin man, and a flare of light immediately bloomed on him.


This flash of light flickered towards the long river ahead.

Then everyone saw a ripple rising over the long river, and the looming fire bridge finally appeared.

When the bridge of fire emerged, the Qilin man walked away.


It was just a moment when the man of the Kirin tribe fell on the bridge of fire.

The man stepped on the fire bridge and was engulfed by the fire pattern, only a few steps, he disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Successfully entered?" Seeing this, many eyes were fiery.

"This princess Kirin has a strong blood of Kirin. She can clearly sense the authenticity of the fire lotus. We are fast, otherwise we are afraid that these fire lotuses will be obtained by the Kirin tribe." I dare not hesitate.

Someone started to do it now.

This is a salamander monster.

It grabbed a fire lotus with a big hand.

Only when it touched the fire lotus with a large hand, the fire lotus light pattern evolved into a huge unicorn body.


This unicorn flickered, opening its huge mouth from the river and swallowing towards the salamander monster.

"This is a forbidden lotus!" After seeing the unicorn swallowed, the big demon's eyes were frightened. He wanted to resist, but unfortunately, the unicorn was so powerful that when it rushed, there was still a bloom of the **** pattern on his body. That **** pattern seems to contain the rules of heaven and earth to completely restrain this demon.


Then the unicorn swallowed a big mouth and swallowed up the monster.

Just blinking, the demon disappeared on the river bank.

At this time, the people by the river did not respond at all.

Just now they just felt that there was a horrible atmosphere around them.

The next moment, the big demon shot was ridiculed.

"Is this too dangerous?" Many people were scared.

"Many of the fire lotuses in this Kirin River are virtual lotuses, which contain horror." Niu Qingtian's face was completely calm.

The same is true, he did not take a long time.

These forbidden lotuses are terrifying, and once touched, no one can resist.

After this experience, the river was silent.

Few people dare to rush.


At this time, the Kirin tribe was shot again.

A young man set foot on the bridge of fire.

But Princess Kirin did not do it herself, as if she was waiting for the best fire lotus.

Xiao Yun didn't do it either.

"It should be this." After a moment, Long Fei's eyes flashed, locking a fire lotus.

Then, with a big hand, he moved toward the fire lotus.


Just momentarily, Fire Lotus started, and turned into a unicorn **** pattern into his body.

"Oh, if the unicorn is tempered by fire, my dragon body will be stronger." Dragon Fei could not help laughing.

This kind of true fire of God is rare to see, even in the Dragon Dragon family, there is no such **** of fire **** liquid to quench the body.

"When I come out, I must crush you." It slammed fiercely at the swallow.

Then the dragon-fly boy was introduced into the bridge of fire and smoothly entered the inheritance land.

"His mother, arrogant ass, Tian Ye must eat this reptile when he recovers his flesh." Seeing this arrogant Long Fei, he was so angry that he swallowed the sky finch.

"Don't worry, with me, you will get the best fire lotus!" Xiao Yun was determined.

In fact, he just saw the clues about those fire lotuses just now, but just didn't take it anymore.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded when he saw Xiao Yun speak.

"Tianming seems to believe this young man?" Kong Qigong glanced at Xiao Yun secretly.

Then he continued to observe.

He came to this goal is not ordinary fire lotus.

He wanted the kind of fire lotus that gave birth to virtual spirits.

Only then can he be taken one step further.

From time to time someone succeeded.

But someone failed.

Failure is ridicule!

Many people still hesitate to take this risk.

"Manju, go and get that fire lotus!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun said, pointing at a fire lotus.

"Yicheng, get the strain!" At this time, Princess Yanglin Yi of Kirin also spoke at the same time.

Her eyes also locked the fire lotus that Xiao Yun looked after.

At this point, the mantan jade probed out, and when he was about to get the fire lotus, the man of the Qilin tribe also shot.

"Phantom!" Flash of Xiao Yun's eyes sparked the phantom eyes.

An immense force of illusion filled the Quartet.

Under the power of this illusion, the men of the Kirin tribe have stagnated with their palms.

At this time, Mantan had already caught the fire lotus.

Fire lotus started, and suddenly evolved into a unicorn **** pattern submerged into the body of the beaver.

If you look closely, you can still see an imaginary unicorn body when the unicorn **** pattern immersed in her body.

When the body of this unicorn appeared, the sky could not help but tremble.

"Is this Kirin Ethereal?"

"Although it is very weak, it is obviously a unicorn ethereal spirit, and there is still some great power in it!" Suddenly, those nearby eyes were surprised, and it was very difficult to obtain a general fire lotus. It is simply impossible to obtain a virtual spirit. Imagine ~ ~ but at this time the woman got it.

For a while, all the big demon set their eyes on the beaver.

"Is this luck?" Many eyes were wrong.

"This ..." At this moment, Princess Kirin Yang Hongyi's eyebrows were bent tightly, her eyes were angry, and she stared coldly at Manju and Xiao Yun beside her. At that moment, she felt that A weird wave pervaded from there.


At this time, Manci's body was pulled by a light of a unicorn and fell on the long bridge in the river.

"Princess!" The young youth of the Kirin tribe flashed and said, "My mind just froze inexplicably."

He was unwilling.

"I see." Princess Kirin nodded slightly, and that beautiful eye stared at Xiao Yun again, and then fell into the river again.

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