Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1077: Eye-catching

Only momentarily, the big demon with eight single-horned black bulls stunned.

This scene shocked countless practitioners on the mountain.

There is no shortage of children of the big family.

Such as Jin Wutai, such as Bai Yunfei.

They are all big family members of the Demon Realm. They usually have high arrogance, but at this time, the enchanting people are only afraid of Xiao Yun, and only awe.

This youth is too strong.

"Just now, he and Niu Qingdao> fiction www.zuzud haven't used all their power during the first battle!" Jin Wutai murmured in his heart.

The thought of his heart could not help jumping.

If so, how powerful is this Xiao Yun?

If it is in the same realm, can he challenge the top ten people on the monster list that day?

Sky monster list!

This is a symbol of the genius of the demon domain. If it can break into the top 100 capitals, it has unlimited potential.

Those in the top 20 are all evil-level characters, and they will surely become one of the overlords.

The top ten characters that day were even more rare.

Once such a character grows up, it will be the Gai Dai character who dominates one side in the future.

Rao is a demon domain with a large number of races, but such a character only appeared a long time ago.

But I didn't want such a young man who suddenly appeared here at this moment.

"Dare to kill Niu Qingtian in the face of the one-horned black bull. It's really domineering!" Many people sighed in their hearts.

How many people in the world dare not give Niu Qingtian such a face?

How many people dare such a vein of majesty?

There is no shortage of imperial lords in this vein!

"You are killing me in front of me, is this going to provoke me to step on the pulse of Tenjin Niu?" After a little shock, a middle-aged man stared at the light of the pulse of Tiantian Niu, humming coldly with a little anger, solemn The person who was protected by Tenjin Niu was killed in person.

This is not provocation what they are?

Seeing this person speak, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, the eyebrows were wriggling with a divine pattern, and a vast divine power filled.

When the divine power permeated, those who stepped on the divine ox's veins immediately glared.

"Back down, don't you know that Xiao Gongzi was merciful just now?" At this moment, Niu Qingtian's eyes flashed and he snorted at the demon, and then he moved his steps and fisted towards Xiao Yun. Xiao Gongzi's talents really don't need others to give him a chance. This time, you have nothing to do with the one-cornered black cow.

After seeing Xiao Yun's strength, Niu Qingtian also began to shake.

Faced with such a genius, he had to retreat.

This does not mean that he is weak.

But this Niu Qingtian has great ambitions.

His goal is to become a strong player, and as for the momentary gains and losses, he doesn't care.

So at this time he chose to stay away from the front.

Niu Qingtian snorted coldly, then the elder who stepped on the **** of Niu Niu stepped back timidly.

Although he is older, Niu Qingtian is a descendant of the lineage of the gods of Niu. He is favored by the elders in the clan, and his status is relatively high. No one can speak to him, and he has to take orders. Xiao Yun He was really flustered at that move, feeling himself reckless.

"Brother Niu is best not to intervene." Seeing Niu Qingtian speaking, Xiao Yun said lightly, "This time to stay, is to respect Niu Niu is a personal thing, but if there is next time, I will not soften the enemy, this alone The person with the horned black bull is the end. "

The threat in Xiao Yun's words is self-evident.

What that means is that if Niu Qingtian dare to intervene, I'm afraid that he would ridicule people who are in the same vein with the unicorn black bull.

Xiao Yun this time killed the man-made monsters of the unicorn black bull.

At this point, the purpose has been achieved, so there is no need to tear the skin with Niu Qingtian.

After all, at this time his heritage is not enough, and it is not appropriate to form a beam with too many clans.

When Xiao Yun's words fell, many elders' eyes leaped in the vein of the gods.

But Niu Qingtian has a look of indifference, but a smile on his eyes, "Oh, Brother Xiao is a personal thing, and I want to see you shine endlessly in the demon realm, but the person with this one-horned black cow might not He will give up and rest, Brother Xiao must still prepare early. "

"This is not to worry about Brother Niu." Xiao Yun looked indifferent.

"Hehe." Niu Qingtian gave a fist and didn't say much.

Then, his eyes flashed, and his gaze fell on the sea of ​​unicorn fire ahead.

"This Niu Qingtian has actually compromised." Seeing this, many were surprised.

Who is this Niu Qingtian?

He can impact the top 20 characters in the Sky Monster list.

But he actually compromised.

"But I don't know where did Xiao Yun come from?" Bai Yunfei's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile arose from the corner of his mouth.

Although Niu Qingtian stopped.

But it is true that this young man slaughtered the one-cornered black bull.

Will people in this vein stop?


At this moment, the sea of ​​fire trembled in front of him, causing a ripple.

Suddenly, everyone followed the sound.

I saw the flash of light in the sea of ​​fire, and the breath of God in the sea of ​​fire began to be a little restrained.

The long bridge in front gradually became clear, and the nearby flames gradually receded.

The spear was fully visible.

"It's time to enter the Long Bridge!" After seeing the divine power introverted and the Long Bridge completely exposed, the eyes of many big demon brightened.

At this time, the unicorn giant hall in front was also flashing.

Within the hall, Kirin gradually became clear. Its giant mouth opened its mouth and evolved a huge cyclone.

This cyclone seems to play a role in the world.

"Kirin cyclone is now ready to leave." Seeing this, Bai Yunfei's eyes brightened.

Niu Qingtian held his fist towards Xiao Yun, and then walked straight towards the long bridge ahead.

"Go!" Xiao Yun and Xiangxiang glanced towards the long bridge.

When you step into the sea of ​​fire, you can still feel the amazing flames sweeping through.

The tumbling waves can burn people to nothing.

Even though these demon repairers are extremely powerful, after they set foot in the void of the sea of ​​fire, they all show their faces with a look of astonishment.

Of course, there are also people with hot eyes.

Like the three-footed Chiwu person.

These demon ancestors contained a trace of Jinwu blood. Although their blood was thin, they also contained real fire.

So the real fire in this sea of ​​fire is a supplement to them.

The same is true for the Skyfinch, which also seems quite excited.

Rao is so, but still no one dares to act rashly.

Because no one knows whether rashly absorbing a large amount of fire will cause the power of God.

Hey, hey!

Figures fell on the long bridge.

"It's hot, so powerful!" After stepping on the long bridge, Manju Dai's eyebrows frowned, and she felt a tremendous pressure. When she came to this long bridge, she felt her blood, and Zhenyuan was once again strong. The pressure is suppressed.

The whole person seemed to explode under the suppression of this force.

It's not just beavers, it's the same for others.

"It is worthy of God!" Many people secretly murmured.

Although they were afraid of this forbidden area, the crowd still gritted their teeth and moved on.

Because the legend is waiting for them in this unicorn hall.

Moreover, Niu Qingtian and others came here for a certain chance.

Xiao Yun also felt tremendous pressure when he set foot on the long bridge.

The bridge is very long and stretches tens of thousands of meters.

Despite the talents of these people, every step forward felt extremely difficult.

During this period, someone couldn't bear to stop.

Xiao Yun walked on the long bridge but walked like a court.

He walked step by step and let the mighty oppression prevail.

He didn't even move his bones crackling.

If you look closely, you can feel that Xiao Yun has not used a little force to resist that oppressive force.

He was simply using his body to endure that kind of oppression.

"This divine power is very strong, and there is still the power of real fire. If it is resisted by other forces, there will be a time when it can't be resisted." Xiao Yun's heart is like a mirror. Coming from real fire, although I will endure the power of terror, but my body can use this mighty power, this real fire to continue to train. "

At this time he never thought of resisting this might.

He was using divine power, using real fire quenching.

What's more, Xiao Yun is still working to swallow the sky to guide this true fire **** to temper his body.

In addition to Xiao Yun, that Niu Qingtian also seemed to be allowed to fall down.

But many people quit.

Because this power is too scary, few people dare to joke about their lives.

"This real fire is so hot, how can I get to the end?" Manju's narrow eyes blinked, and a bit of bitterness emerged. At this time, blood began to spill on her skin. Obviously, she was already unbearable This power is up.

But after seeing Xiao Yun still advancing like a walk in the court, she gritted her teeth and moved on.

"As a fire, into this world?" Manci was also moaning.

After stepping into the infant market, I realized the meaning of this world.

But few people can stand firm in the face of life and death.

Now Manju gave up his fear and moved on.

As such, she felt less and less stressed.

After four hours, Xiao Yun and other talents came under the hall.

At this time, looking up, there seemed to be a unicorn **** beast in front of the void looking down at the crowd.

A mighty divine power permeated, making people feel small and humble.

Below the main hall is an extremely wide field, and the red above it has been evolved by flames.

Standing on top gives a feeling of being incinerated at any time.

At this time Niu Qingtian, Bai Yunfei, Jin Wutai and others all came here.

"How do you get into that cyclone?" Frowning with excitement, they all frowned when they came under this Kirin Hall.

Because the oppression here is too strong.

Mo said that Fei Fei Yukong was directly submerged into the mouth of that unicorn, and it was extremely difficult to go even further.

So at this time everyone did not know how to enter the temple.

Niu Qingtian started searching in front of the hall.

The hall is very high, and the field is endless, with countless fire patterns flowing.

These fire patterns flow like a river of fire.

"According to rumors, this is the key to entering the Unicorn Hall." Some practitioners had hot eyes and stepped directly on the fire pattern.

As a result, the fire pattern flashed into a unicorn and swallowed it directly.


The screams followed, and a big demon sneered.

"This is it?" See this ~ ~ Many people have chills in their backs.

"Some of the fire patterns here are raw and dead patterns. Don't act lightly." Bai Yunfei said to the clan.

"Well." Many people stayed in place and didn't dare to set off.

"Phantom God's Eye." Xiao Yun's face calmed, Phantom God's eye urged, and pictures appeared immediately in front.

There are pictures of many people successfully communicating with the Kirin Cyclone.

Xiao Yun continued to verify, and finally determined the location of the original pattern.

"Come with me!" Xiao Yun took Manju's hand and stepped forward.

Yi Yi and the Skyfinch immediately followed.


I saw Xiao Yun stepping on a fire pattern, where a flame immediately rose.

Then the flame wrapped it and turned it into a firelight and fell into the unicorn's mouth.

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