Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1074: Relatives of Noire


However, when he stepped out, the void in front of him collapsed, and the vast real fire fell directly into the void.

Then everyone saw a cow's foot stepping down, and stepped on the foot with the three-footed Chiwu that flapped its wings.


The evolved three-footed Chiwu was stepped on by the bull's feet, the infinite real fire broke up, and a horrible wave oscillated.

The wave made the void next to it tremble.

The practitioners who watched from all ethnic groups were all confused.

"This is defeated?" Seeing the three-footed Chiwu stepped down, the demons looked at each other.


Then, a loud noise came out, and only saw Jin Wutai's body fall to the ground, and Niu Qingtian stepped on his foot severely.

At this time, Jin Wutai had removed the three-footed Chiwu body, revealing his body.

He vomited blood from the corner of his mouth, and his bones broke, so he was stepped down.

"On your strength, you want to fight with me?" Niu Qingtian presided over, staring at Jin Wutai lightly.

Then he put his feet away and turned around without looking at Jin Wutai.

It seems that such a person is not worth him to watch at all.

Niu Qingtian's indifferent attitude made Jin Wutai extremely angry.

"Ah!" He screamed, rising to his feet.

But Niu Qingtian stepped forward and walked straight forward, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fell into the unicorn sea ahead.

"Niu Qingtian, don't be proud of me. When my third brother is out of the game, he will let you know how powerful my three-footed Chiwu is!"

Jin Wutai snorted coldly.

At this moment he knew that he was unable to fight this Niu Qingtian, and he had to pull out his brother.

"I'll wait for him." Niu Qingtian floated like a fairy, faintly speaking, the sound wave seemed to be ethereal from the sky.

"He will lose that battle!"

The faint words were full of domineering.

If other people say that the loser is the third son of gold, there will be countless people scoffing.

But after seeing Niu Qingtian's combat power, many people moved in their hearts.

"Perhaps this Niu Qingtian can really fight with Jin Sangong!"

"This Niu Qingtian is a human being, and he is brave and brave. Although he lost a year but was not decadent, he was stronger than before."

Many people sighed in their hearts.

In this world, you are not afraid of genius, but you have a firm mind.

"This Niu Qingtian is stronger than before." When everyone sighed, there was a young man in white dressed on the top of the mountain. He was personable and dancing in white. Eyes couldn't help but condense.

This person is Bai Yunfei.

"It seems that Niu Qingtian has the momentum to hit the top 20 of the Tian Yao list." A few young men of the Qingtian White Ape family whispered.

"If he gains something in this unicorn sea, he should be able to go one step further." Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and then moved on.


At this point Niu Qingtian stepped forward, where he passed, the big demon of all races evaded.

He is like a monarch, who walks like a tiger.

Behind Niu Qingtian, many young people followed.

Among those youths are still a few men in black robes.

These people are impressively one-cornered black bulls.

"Dragon King." Suddenly, these people's eyes were frozen and they saw Xiao Yun ahead.

After seeing Xiao Yun, their eyes flashed and they opened their mouths to Niu Qingtian.

"What's wrong?" Niu Qingtian stepped forward and hurried towards these people.

"Son ..." The horned black bull whispered in a few babies in a baby market.

"Noire, Brother Blackwind stunned?" After hearing this, Niu Qingtian's eyes lightened slightly.

Then he raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked away towards Xiao Yun, who was on the edge of the unicorn sea ahead.

"A human race?" After a little induction, Niu Qingtian discovered Xiao Yun's breath.

"That bird?" Sting the ground, his gaze fell on the swallowtail again.

At this time, Xiao Yun and the Skyfinch also found out about it.

"One-horned black bull?" Xiao Yun frowned after seeing the big demon.

These people did not show up during the first war.

Their strength is slightly lower, and the speed of climbing is not as fast as Niu Qingtian.

The same is true, they only appeared after the end of World War I.

All previous Xiao Yun did not find any one of these unicorns.

"They are all cattle, and they have a close relationship!" Explained the swallowtail.

Xiao Yun nodded slightly, without much expression.

But Niu Qingtian stepped toward Xiao Yun step by step.

But the big monsters of the one-cornered black bull all have smiles on their faces.

There are rules of God on this mountain.

Everyone is left with the palace.

Even though Xiao Yun has a strong foundation, he can't ask for the existence of a king-like person.

Now if Niu Qingtian makes a shot, who in the realm can compete with it?

"Isn't this kid dead yet?" The eight big monsters in the horns of the one-cornered black cow all smiled.

"What is Niu Qingtian doing?" Seeing Niu Qingtian walking towards Xiao Yun, all the monks in the neighborhood were curious.

"They know?" At this time, after the talents of the Qingtian White Ape family came up and saw that Niu Qingtian actually went to Xiao Yun, a few of them were also skeptical, and at the same time, there was a strange light flashing in their eyes.

"Looking at Niu Qingtian's eyes, there seems to be no good thing!" A youth of Qingtian White Ape smiled.

"If the two men fought, but didn't know what?" Bai Yunfei's eyes narrowed, and he stared forward with a smile on his face.

In the previous battle, he lost to Xiao Yun's hands, and his heart was inevitably unwilling.

At this time, if this Niu Qingtian made a shot, he could use this to find out the foundation of Xiao Yun.


Seeing that Niu Qingtian was coming with bad intentions, Yi Yi said lightly, and there was a bit of fierce light in those eyes.

"Anyway!" Xiao Yun smiled lightly, stroking Yi Yi's fluff.

In this way, Yi Yi then eliminated the urge to smash Baoding.


Niu Qingtian walked in and stopped 30 meters before Xiao Yun.

The sole of his foot made the earth tremble.

It's not hard to imagine how powerful he is.

When Niu Qingtian stopped, the nearby monk repairers couldn't help holding their breath.

"Are you going to fight again?" Someone looked expectantly.

Because from Niu Qingtian they felt a kind of bad breath fluctuation.

"Under the pulse of Tianshen Niu, Niu Qingtian!" Niu Qingtian paused, then his eyes lightly moved, and Xiao Yun fists slightly.

"Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun held his fist lightly.

"Brother Xiao!" Niu Qingtian smiled mildly, but everyone knew what kind of terror power was accumulated in this person. He laughed at the corner of his mouth and said, "I heard that you have killed the one-cornered black cow. The black horns of the veins and the black wind? "

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yun frowned, and the corner of his mouth also evoked a slight arc.

"The mother of the black horn is my aunt, which means that the black horn and the black wind are my cousins!" Niu Qingtian said with a slight smile on his mouth, "although my two cousins They do n’t grow, but they are my cousins ​​after all. Now they are beheaded and killed by you. How can I, as a cousin, take the lead and let them rest in peace. "

When this remark came out, not only Xiao Yun, but even the demon people next to him knew why Niu Qingtian left.

"This kid actually killed the cousin of Optima!"

"Oh, a guy with short eyes, even if the Black Horned Black Wind brothers were expelled from the one-horned black bull, but their bloodline is still there, and killing them is not to provoke the one-horned black bull to step on the **** god bull Majesty in one vein? "

"It seems this King of Heaven is planning to take a shot." Suddenly, the atmosphere in the mountaintop became lively.

"I don't know if this young man can take a hit from Optimus?"

Who in this class can compete with the King of Heaven?

After seeing Niu Qingtian's combat power, many people were full of awe.

This is a genius who can make it into the top 20 of the genius list!

"This kid is really unlucky." Many people started to Xiao Yun with pity on their faces.

But at this time Xiao Yun was still very calm.

"You want to take revenge for him?" Xiao Yun looked indifferent, and the discussion of the nearby big demon was almost ignored by him.

At this time, Xiao Yun was not defeated in the same realm. With this genius, he was sharpened. He had long expected it.

So Niu Qingtian came, not only was he not nervous, but the blood in the body began to boil.

A war will begin to condense in his knowledge of the sea.

"I Niu Qingtian never deceives people and gives you a chance. You and I fight. If you take my ten moves, I will not care about it!" Niu Qingtian frowned, staring at Xiao Yun lightly, Although the eyes were indifferent, it looked like the king was looking down.

"Ten tricks?" After hearing Niu Qingtian's words, Xiao Yun smiled with a smile, and a spirit of pride rose into the sky. After a while, his eyes were condensed, and he said, "Ten tricks? You look at yourself too high Now! Within ten strokes, I will defeat you! "

Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and a powerful battle rushed out from him.

Tatian Niu is strong.

But Xiao Yun has his pride.

"Is this boy provoking the imperial majesty of Optimus Prime?" When Xiao Yun's words fell, the young eyes of the gods who were on the pulse of the gods were cold. How powerful they are, they can completely impact the front of the Ten Monsters list. Twenty characters.

Said that the ten strokes are already highly valued by this young man.

How could the other party dare to speak out?

You know, Jin Wutai was defeated in just one move!

How many people at the same level can you compete with?

"Hehe, it's really interesting. This kid dared to say that he will lose Optimus within ten moves. Who is he?"

"Yes, how many people in the world dared to do this? I think only the top ten people on that day's list were qualified to say this!"

Xiao Yun's words immediately caused an uproar on the top of the mountain ~ ~ Almost all the children of the demon clan think that Xiao Yun is overkill and arrogant.

"Interesting." Only Bai Yunfei's eyes narrowed slightly, staring forward with the expectant eyes on his face.

"Ten moves defeat me?" At this time Niu Qingtian was also stunned.

He has been in the demon domain for many years, and for the first time, he heard an unknown youth dare to say that he lost him within ten strokes.

"Well, now that you have this confidence, then I will play with you, I hope you will let me down!"

After a slight pause, Niu Qingtian's eyes lightened, and his feet moved a step forward.

A powerful momentum erupted from him.

The momentum capsized like a mountain.


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