Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1045: Annihilate

"Roar!" The black tiger demon also roared, smashing the fog ahead.

"Black Horn Shen Mang!" The black corner of the eye light condensed, and the single horn on that head hurt Wu Mang.

This Wumang flickered, penetrating directly through the void, breaking through heavy mist.


Then, the array in front trembled and shattered.

"Broken!" The formation shuddered, and a bead flickered in Manci's hand.

At this moment she looked dignified.

She was not good enough to show the power of this treasure.

"Oh, just because you want to resist me and wait?" The black tiger demon stepped forward, coming with monstrous domineering.


As soon as the giant palm came out, the domineering soared into the sky, shaking the void in front of him.

"Miss Manci, you go!" The two elders shot and rushed forward.

Both elders urged the origins and fought hard.

Suddenly, the two Beaver elders in the original triplet of the infant market skyrocketed.

"Is only a low-level demon tribe, dare to fight against the king?" The black-horned bull demon strode forward, his whole body was black and black, as if an ancient bull demon descended, the pace was moving, the bull-dog was soaring above the unicorn A horrible black pattern bloomed.

The black streak flashed off the two infant market repairers.


At the same time, an aftershock of terror swept over, drowning the beaver.

"Sister A!" Snow Beaver exclaimed, showing anxiety.


In front of Manju, the beads bloomed with a light pattern, resisting a lot of aftershocks.

But this treasure still couldn't resist the fluctuation for her.


The aftermath of terror was like a raging wave, which flew Manchuria thousands of miles away.

Huh, Huh!

At the same time, the people of the Black Point Pirates flew towards this place to block the retreat of the beaver.

"Miss Manci!" At this moment, several **** youths tens of thousands of meters away frowned.

"Let's go!" One of the young men frowned and said, "If we don't leave, we will be finished."

"As long as we return to the clan, we can be safe." Several others nodded.

Then these people left.

"Sister A!" Snow Beaver could not help exclaiming when she saw Zhen Fei being shocked.

"Protect the beaver!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and he said to the **** beside him.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Tan looked surprised.

Just waiting for her to say more, but seeing Xiao Yun's body move, she has disappeared into a streamer.


In front of the void, the raccoon body exploded, and the corner of his mouth was spitting blood.

The strength of the black-horned bull demon in the infant market was far beyond her imagination.

"Most likely to be in danger this time!" Man Tan's narrow eyes blinked, and there was a bit of unwillingness in the beautiful eyes.

She hasn't led the beavers to become strong, how can she be ridiculed?

It's a pity that the black-horned bull monster is too strong at this time.

Blended with a trace of ancient yak blood, he is far more powerful than his fellow practitioners.

Desperately, Manju's eyes looked desperate. As she looked forward, she felt a blast of wind, and then a big hand wrapped her soft waist, and then a man's breath blew his nose, and she stayed her head Look, but found a familiar face.

At this point Xiao Yun embraced the girl who flew upside down.

"Why haven't you left yet?" After seeing the young man's face, Manju's narrow eyes immediately appeared with warmth and anger, and then she glanced aside, but she saw two in the distance. Women stood in the air.

"Xuezi!" Manci was shocked and angry after seeing the ponytailed girl, "You didn't take her away?"

"She doesn't want to leave." Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Unwilling to leave?"

Manju's brows frowned, and she sighed in her heart. At this time, she also had no ability to trap the Black Horn Pirates!

"Sister A!" Snow Beaver yelled at him.

This made Manju's brow deeper.

"Why don't you go?" Manju couldn't help sighing, but wanted to blame the younger sister but didn't know how to speak.

"I don't want to leave Sister Alone." Snow Beaver wrinkled his nose.

"But Sister A will not be able to protect you!" Manju sighed, all the people left, but this sister stayed, even those young people who had been pursuing her all left one by one. There are cubs and snow beavers and this strange youth is here.

"Even if you die, Snow Beaver cannot leave Auntie!" Snow Beaver said stubbornly.

"What a sister is so affectionate!" At this time, sixteen young people in the Babies Pirates Regiment rang out.

Sixteen people besieged it.

"Is there really no way out today?" Manju sighed to the sky, his long and beautiful eyes were full of despair.

"Let's get the sea god's stone horn out!" One of the monsters hummed coldly.

"I'd rather die than give in," Manju glazed coldly, and then said, "You take the Beaver away."

Then there was an obscure wave permeating the psychedelic beads in her hand.

Seeing this, she seemed to be ready for a jade burn.

"No need." Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and said, "Leave them to me!"

Then he stepped forward and ran across in front of Manju.

"A human?" As Xiao Yun stepped out, a demon in front of his eyes stunned and said, "You just need to protect this beaver?"

"You retreat, I can save your life, otherwise you will be at your own risk." Xiao Yunyi stood up in the air, saying word by word.

Those demon repairs in front are demon heads, one by one, up to Zhang Xu, like a tower monster, full of domineering.

However, Xiao Yun was fearless in the face of these people. Instead, the same monarch regarded these monsters as nothing.

"A human being is also so arrogant?" Seeing Xiao Yun say so, a demon repaired his eyes cold, he took a step forward.

call out!

All he saw was a flash of light behind him, a sharp blade pierced through the void and beheaded directly towards Xiao Yun.

This is a strong man in the quasi-baby market, a sea scorpion.

The scorpion hole penetrates the void, and the momentum is amazing. Under that blow, the void exploded. It is not difficult to imagine that if an ordinary practitioner was hit, could he keep the whole body? Only in the face of this attack, Xiao Yun did not have any fear.

"The pirates are really hot and ruthless." Seeing this monster Xiu shot directly, Xiao Yun's eyes began to gradually become cold.

"Wuyin!" Only Xiao Yun heard a cold snoring, and a Wuyin in the sea suddenly appeared.

This is the military seal left by Xiao Wu King to Xiao Yun.

With Xiao Yun's strength soaring, he has not used this seal.

It was only at this time that Xiao Yun's various hole cards were exhausted, and this Wuyin became his great support.

As soon as Wu Yin emerged, he had a great deal of war.

At the same time, a force of martial arts fields shrouded the Quartet.

The power of the field fell down, making the entire world appear to be a martial arts world. At this time, the fierce attack issued by that demon Xiu had a sharp drop in momentum, and the original vast fluctuations began to have a tendency to be solidified.

The void that was about to collapse also began to stabilize.

But those monks who were next to them felt that the movement of the Yuanyuan Qi in their body was obviously slower.

"What's going on?" The faces of the sixteen Noire pirate regiments' faces all changed.

Especially the shot of the scorpion demon, its eyes showed a strong surprise.

How powerful his blow was, but at this time it was like encountering a huge resistance, and every advance was extremely difficult. This discovery made a thick horror in his heart. By the time he responded, the youth ahead were already moving.


Xiao Yun stepped forward, the light lines flashed in those eyes, and a magical force permeated.

This power is weird, outsiders can't detect it at all, so they invaded the Scorpion Demon Sea so silently.

Then the scorpion demon felt a dazzling look, like entering a mysterious world.

Just then, Xiao Yun shot.

call out!

A finger flickered and shattered the scorpion's knowledge.

A strong man in the quasi-baby market slumped.

Under the repression of Wu Yin and the confusion of Phantom Eyes, this scorpion demon has no resistance at all.

"Dead?" Seeing this, the other fifteen members of the Black Horn Pirate Regiment were shocked.

At this time, Xiao Yun's phantom eyes moved, a force of illusion swept away.

Under the power of this illusion, these people's minds are shaking, their eyes are blurred.

"Dead!" A word of death was spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth, only to see him as a shadow, all pointing at Mangdong.

Bang, bang!

Just in a flash there were fifteen fingers rushing out.

Each path shattered a demon's consciousness.

With the loud noise coming out, the fifteen monsters immediately stunned.

And the pressure from the raccoon and others disappeared.

"All dead?" Looking at the corpses that had fallen into the sea before him, Manju appeared with a look of wonder.

"Is this true?" Zhu Tan stared awkwardly, seemingly unable to believe it was true.

This is the strongest of the sixteen quasi-baby markets!

This group of people shot with all their strength, can already compete with a strong infant market.

But at this time these people were scorned.

For a while, their eyes could not help focusing on the young man in front.

At this moment, Wu Yin flashed, and he had fallen into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

Xiao Yun stood like a volley, his dark eyes gazed at the front, and a momentum like a king permeated from his body.

At this moment, the youth is no longer a normal youth.

He is like a king, looking down at the world.

"How is this possible?" Manju shook her head. At this moment, she felt that the young man in front of her family was a bit more kingly than her own family leader. Revered.

But the young man in front of him is just a palace repairer!

"Brother Xiao Yun is so amazing!" When Xiao Yunfang shot, he shot the sixteen prospective infants in the Black Horn Pirates ~~ ~ Xueer's hot smile appeared in his eyes. Brother Xiao Yun, can you help my uncle? "

At this point she looked forward.

There, the elders of the two beavers exhausted a lot of original power and were shaking up the black horned bull monster and the black tiger monster.

"Go and deal with them?" Wen Yan said, but Beaver frowned.

That's the big demon in the infant market. How can Xiao Yun be an enemy?

Even the raccoon is also frowning.

In the face of the black horned bull demon, Mo said that the practitioners below the infant market, even those who are six strong and seven strong, must retreat.

Not to mention Xiao Yun at this time?


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