Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1005: Suppressing the tortoise

"Old turtle, look at the trick!" After the longevity turtle shot, the Phantom Worm moved.

There was a hazy light pattern blooming on it.

The light streaks were diffused, which resolved a large amount of attack power of the longevity turtle.

At the same time, an illusionary force pervaded and shrouded the eternal turtle.

At the same time, his eyes flickered, with ancient lines creeping, and a white light pierced the void like Changhong.

"Imaginary power?" Longevity turtle snorted coldly. "Is this little eagle bug trick trying to deal with me?"

After a cold hum, a golden pattern rose on its body, completely resisting the magical force.

In addition, it lifted its huge palm and took it directly.


The giant palm smashed the Phantom's attack.

At this time, the giant tail of Changsheng Turtle was attacking Xiao Yun himself.

There are many ways to grow a turtle, which is not something that phantoms can deal with.

"It seems that the Longevity Turtle has recovered some combat power!" When that giant tail swept, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he began to understand the fighting power of the Longevity Turtle. It's comparable to the power of an emperor. "

At the time, the long-lived turtle was fully capable of fighting the emperor.

But now it is still comparable to the emperor, but it has not reached that level.

At most, there are many means to sweep the king, which can be regarded as a pseudo-empire-level combat power.

"Let's take it down!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and he saw the giant tail flutter, and did not back away.

Life card, urge!

All he saw was a palm of his hand and a life card appeared.

When this card appeared, the vast warfare began to spread.

That warfare directly defeated the oppression from the Longevity Turtle.


The space in front of it was turbulent. It was like a raging wave. It could wipe out all the golden ripples.

Even the giant tail swept by the Longevity Turtle felt a tremendous pressure and could not continue to sweep forward.

"This is the emperor's life card?"

At this time, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a cold arc.

"Qi!" He moved into the fateful card.

Suddenly, he had a flesh-and-blood connection with the card.


As long as the practitioners incorporate their minds, they can control the enemy.

When Xiao Yun's mind merged into it, the light of the life card flashed.


Suddenly the trembled in the void, a figure condensed.

This man looks almost the same as the old emperor Xiao Xiong, only a little less aura.

The old man appeared in the air, his eyes lightened, and the big hand moved to suppress the longevity tortoise with a vast war.

"Oh, it really is the emperor's life card!" Seeing this, the longevity turtle screamed, "Humans are really cunning. They didn't see your kid at first, but they didn't expect to stay until this time." The Emperor's life card was badly injured. At this time, how to resist?

In haste, Changsheng Turtle tried his best.

The golden veins dangled on it, and a turtle shell evolved.


But the big hand fell, and the turtle's shell collapsed immediately.

Now that it is not badly injured, it does not have the strength of the War Emperor!

The shell of the turtle collapsed, and a horrible wave suppressed it, and the long-lived turtle's body was directly suppressed in the pond.


The pond is full of divine patterns, which resists a lot of power for it.

Rao is so, it is still not bearable by long-lived turtles.

call out!

At the critical moment, the long-lived tree behind it flashed like a spear toward the giant hand.

The Changsheng tree is so fierce as a spear that makes the big hand a little meal, but the Changsheng turtle only slightly supports it.

After a few breaths, it was finally unable to support it.

The everlasting tree flashed light and closed it.


Longevity turtle vomits blood, and its breath becomes weak.

He was already wounded and could not stand the blow of the emperor.

Seeing that Changsheng Turtle was injured, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and the giant hand was collected.

It didn't want to hurt the origin of that ever-growing tree.

"This kid still has these cards?" At this time, Phantom Worm appeared. After seeing that the long-lived turtle was severely injured by the suppression, it jumped to his heart and secretly rejoiced. If Xiao Yun had urged the emperor's life How can it resist?

I'm afraid it will be seriously injured!

Suddenly, it looked a little awe in Xiao Yunshi's eyes.

"It's time for my performance." After a little surprise, the Phantom moved and disappeared from its place.

The next moment, it appeared next to the long-lived turtle.


The Phantom Worm moved with mysterious runes.

This is the illusion of illusion, which contains infinite mystery.

The flash of illusion was enough to get many people into the illusion.

Had it been before, phantoms would have been difficult to confuse longevity turtles.

Because there are so many magical creatures in the Longevity Turtle, it can completely isolate that magical power.

But at this time it was seriously injured, the breath was weak, and even breathing was slightly difficult, and it was too late to protect itself.

The flash of magic power made his eyes blur.

"Phantom pattern, beam!" At this moment, the phantom worm spit out a phantom pattern and bound the long-lived turtle tightly.

"My son!" After restraining the longevity tortoise, Phantom Worm ingested it around Xiao Yun.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded slightly, then his eyebrows flashed.


The phantom worm took the longevity turtle into Xiao Yun's knowledge.

And at this time, there was a source of blooming in Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea.

The lines flickered down and fell over to the long-lived turtle.

By this time, the long-lived turtle had recovered his mind, and when he blinked, he found himself bound.

When it wanted to break away from the pattern, Siyuan's Siyuan array struck down.

"Oh, shameless human, sneak attack on this turtle god!" Seeing that the pattern was falling down, the long-lived turtle yelled, its golden pattern bloomed, and the everlasting tree's light flashed, crushing the bound light pattern left by Phantom , But the next moment Siyuan Zhenwen overturned.

Just momentarily, the lines bound down.

"Break for the god!" Changsheng turtle shot, trying to break the formation.

But at this time it had been injured, and even the king's peak power was gone.

At the beginning, this pattern restrained the phantom of the peak period!

Siyuan Zhenwen fell, abrading the god's pattern blooming a little bit, and then bound it.

"What kind of pattern is this?" Seeing this, Changsheng Guimu's eyes were surprised. How could this rune be the original **** pattern, so easy to wear away? But the overthrowing pattern actually obliterated its original **** pattern, such a scene shocked the longevity turtle.

"Get it." Xiao Yun was relieved when Changsheng Turtle was restrained.

At the same time his mind was released to carefully sense the breath of the eternal turtle.

"It is a magical tree of God!" Xiao Yunmu was intoxicated by the breath of the longevity tree.

"Boy, let go of the god!" The body was restrained, and even the longevity tortoise was ineffective, and the eternal turtle began to be anxious. Its eyes were fierce, and it roared fiercely, "You will not let go of the **** , God fights with you. "

"Do n’t shout, it ’s no use shouting your throat. My son knows the horrors of the horror pattern in the sea, and is reserved for the strong man who surpasses the emperor. How can you break free, hee hee, now that you have become a prisoner under the rank, Why don't you go from my family Xiao Gongzi? "

The phantom worm came, and it showed fiery eyes, with a son and a son in his mouth, and shouted not to mention how sweet it was.

Now that the long-lived turtle is taken down, the phantom insect seems to see himself become a god.

It made him realize how wise he had made his decision.

"Have you?" Longevity Turtle rolled his eyes, "The **** is a sturdy turtle, but he won't follow this guy."

It showed scorn.

"Less nonsense!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying came in and stared at the Longevity Turtle coldly.

"If you follow me sincerely, you will be free in the future, and you will be able to preach eternal life together. If you have no intention, then you will be imprisoned here!" Xiao Yun looked sternly, "From, then the sky is wide, and there is endless hope, If you don't, you will be dark. "

"Our **** will never die!" Said Changsheng Turtle, looking up proudly.

"Then you can enjoy the taste of the prisoner here!" Xiao Yun said indifferently. "Of course, when I have enough strength, you will still be controlled by me, but then you will not have the opportunity to be free. You will be a puppet. "

His words were ruthless, and Changsheng Gui's eyes flashed after listening.

Obviously, Xiao Yun's words make it a little tangled.

Now it cannot escape, and if it continues, it will be controlled by this youth sooner or later.

"Also, don't expect me to be free if I fall behind. I will destroy you before I fall."

Xiao Yun added.

For this long-lived turtle, Xiao Yun knew that he must not be soft, otherwise, according to the personality of these **** turtles, he would never yield.

"Hum." Longevity turtle snorted coldly, but didn't speak, just showing his face glum.

At this time, Xiao Yun withdrew his mind and began to pay attention to the Changsheng Pool outside.

"Brother Turtle, why don't you get along with yourself?" Phantom came over when Xiao Yun wasn't paying attention to the birth of the turtle, and he began to lobby bitterly. "Actually, it's not a big deal for you to be Xiao Gongzi."

"It's just a human, but the **** is a heaven and earth tortoise. How can you surrender?" Changsheng turtle looked proudly, leaning his neck, and snorted coldly. "Even if you want to submit, you should be the supreme heaven and earth. That's what Gao Tianjiao is. "

"Is he worth it?"

"Hey, heaven and earth is supreme?" Phantom Worm scorned, "I think you really are here to stay confused, don't you know that this world has not been a **** for tens of thousands of years? Or heaven and earth, if so I'm afraid you can't wait to die. "

"I am a long-lived tortoise ~ ~ It is no problem to live for thousands of years. I can afford to wait." Long-lived tortoise said very hardly.

"Will he let you live forever?" Phantom Eyelid scorned.

"This ..." Wen Yan said, Changsheng Turtle dumbfounded.

Xiao Yun said just now that he would pull him back even if he died!

"Finally, don't underestimate this guy. If anyone in this world has a chance to become a god, I think this is the kid."

The Phantom Worm suddenly said mysteriously.

"He?" Changsheng turtle looked disdainful.

"Hey, don't underestimate him," said the Phantom Worm god. "This kid is really extraordinary, don't you feel that the **** pattern that binds you contains infinite mystery? I think this **** pattern surpasses many God pattern, the origin is very big, this kid must have great opportunities. "


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