Being manipulated?

Zhao Mu's question stunned the three Shenyue clan members.

But then, angry looks appeared on their faces, as if they had been greatly humiliated.

"Stinky Taoist Priest, is this how many times have you humiliated our Shenyue Saint Clan today?"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said: "How noble we, the Shenyue Saint Clan, are, the true darlings of heaven and earth. Who in this world can manipulate me, the Shenyue Saint Clan?"

"Yes, the three of us are not strong enough and have fallen into your hands. But if you dare to humiliate our clan again, the three of us will kill you today even if we blow ourselves up."

Zhao Mu was speechless, realizing that he had made a very stupid mistake.

Jiucai Liulizhan's ability to manipulate people's hearts can indeed make others tell the truth.

But to be honest, will you definitely get the answer you want?


When something seems ridiculous, but the other person thinks it is true from the bottom of his heart, even if his mind is affected, you can't even think of asking for the answer.

For example, these three Shenyue clan members.

The noble blood of the gods is a fact engraved in their bones.

Regardless of whether this fact is true or not, as long as they think it is true, even if their minds are affected, they will still give you the same answer as before.

Because they did not think that they were telling lies before.

So it's obviously not wise to ask this.

"Okay, three darlings of heaven and earth, let me change the question."

Zhao Mu curled his lips and said, "Tell me about the internal structure of your Shenyue Saint Clan, the clan's operating system, your leaders, beliefs, etc."

"Anyway, as long as you know about the situation of your Shenyue Saint Clan and the bloodline of other gods, tell me everything in detail."

"Okay, I'll tell you everything."

There was a flash of struggle in the middle-aged man's eyes, but under the influence of the nine-colored glass lamp, he still told everything he knew.

Zhao Mu listened carefully, trying to find the answer he wanted.

From the national structure of Shenyue Kingdom to historical development;

From the ethnic branch of the Shenyue Saint Clan to the master level;

Zhao Mu never interrupted.

When he talked about the beliefs of the Shenyue Saint Clan, Zhao Mu suddenly spoke:

"You mean, all of you Shenyue Saint Clan, in addition to believing in Shenyue Spirit Girl, also believe in a person called God Lord?"

Shenyue Spirit Girl is a human deity from ancient times and the ancestor of the Shenyue Saint Clan. She existed in an extremely distant era.

It is normal for these people of the Shenyue Saint Clan to believe in their ancestors, but where did that God Lord come from?

"Not only our Shenyue Saint Clan, there are seven great Spiritual Saint Clan in the world, all of them are the most powerful ethnic groups among the existing divine bloodlines."

"The seven great spiritual saint clans all believe in their own beliefs. Each of the human gods and ancestors is different, but the divine Lord is our common belief."

Speaking of that divine lord, the three Shenyue tribesmen all showed reverence on their faces.

The middle-aged man explained: "Our seven spiritual saint clans suffered from the disaster of genocide a long time ago. At that time, no one from the seven major clans almost died."

"But fortunately, the God Lord suddenly appeared at that time and turned the tide and saved our ancestors. Since then, the seven spiritual saints have begun to respect the God Lord together."

"It was also because of the Lord God that the seven spiritual saints realized that we, as descendants of human gods, are the most noble existences in the world."

"No matter how powerful other people are, they are just pariahs, far from being comparable to our divine bloodline."

In other words, these arrogant concepts of the divine bloodline were all formed under the influence of the so-called divine master.

But what is the purpose of the other party doing this?

Is it just to cultivate a group of subordinates who have rigid thinking and are only loyal to themselves?

Zhao Mu pondered for a moment and asked again: "How much do you know about the origin of that divine master?"


The middle-aged man was stunned, and the other two people also looked confused.

This question seemed to stop them all at once.

"Why, you believe in a person so much, you don't even know who he is or what he looks like, right?"

Zhao Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt that these guys would count the money for others if they were sold.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "We have been taught since childhood that we must be absolutely loyal to the Lord of God and must not disobey any of the Lord's orders."

"But when it comes to the appearance of the God Lord, apart from the statues enshrined by the clan, no one of us has ever seen it with our own eyes."

"As for the idol..."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment: "You should also know that statues of gods are generally different from the appearance of the gods themselves."

Well, that means these guys don't know anything about the so-called God Lord.

Zhao Mu rubbed his fingers: "Last question, why do you want to hunt down Monk Daoyuan?"

"We are also following orders. It is said that the Lord of God has been chasing and killing several people who will block his enlightenment in the future for many years. Monk Daoyuan is one of them."

"Originally, the God Lord was planning to take action himself, but due to some sudden changes, he handed the matter over to our Shenyue Saint Clan."

"Nine years ago, after we killed the masters of Mahabodhi Temple, we chased the reincarnation of Monk Daoyuan all the way. We were about to complete the mission, but we didn't want to meet you."

"Hey, now that Monk Daoyuan is not only alive, but has started practicing again, this is almost a mission failure. When the Lord God comes back, my Shenyue Saint Clan may not be able to escape the blame."

Zhao Mu frowned slightly: "You mean, your Lord God has been hunting down several people who will prevent him from becoming a god in the future. Who are those people?"

"The specific identities are unclear. After all, we are only responsible for hunting down Monk Daoyuan. How can the Lord God talk nonsense with us about others?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "But the elders of the clan once said that the Lord God killed one of them five hundred years ago in a place called Shudao in the Southern Domain of Immortal Cultivation."

Hearing this, the identity of the Lord God seemed to be about to be revealed.

Corrupt Giant!

Zhao Mu did not expect to get information about his biggest enemy so far from the mouths of these Shenyue people.

"Five hundred years ago, that guy tried his best to hunt me down, but now he would let someone else do it to hunt down Monk Daoyuan?"

"What happened that made him not even care about hunting down the people who blocked his path to enlightenment?"

"But this gives me another chance to deduce him again."

Zhao Mu was thoughtful.

Since these Shenyue people are loyal subordinates trained by the corrupt giant, they are naturally closely related to the guy's secrets.

With these three people as clues, he can deduce more about the corrupt giant by using the Hun Tian Ji again.

Looking at the three Shenyue people, Zhao Mu smiled: "Haha, I was really sleepy, and someone sent me a pillow."

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