The queen's sudden change really frightened the new Emperor Chu.

He never imagined that the queen he had slept with for decades would turn into a monster.


The queen exuded a terrible aura: "Because I am old and can no longer bear the erosion of the evil spirit, so I became like this due to the backlash."

She stepped closer to the new Emperor Chu, forcing him to plop down on the ground.

When she was less than two steps away from the new Emperor Chu, the feathers on the queen's body suddenly faded quickly and returned to their original appearance.

"It's a pity that decades of sharing the same bed have made us connected with each other. Whenever I want to kill you, the demonic energy in my body will rebel, preventing me from killing you, otherwise you would have died long ago. ”

"You want to kill me?"

"Yes, I have wanted to kill you more than once over the years, but unfortunately, I can't!"

The queen's eyes were red, like a demon that chooses people to devour.

She stepped back step by step, and finally sat back in front of the window.

"Let's go. Now that all my secrets are known to you, you no longer need to pretend to be a loving couple. You can go back and be your emperor."

The new Emperor Chu was silent.

At this moment, he seemed to be dozens of years older and looked very decadent.

He stood up with difficulty while holding on to the table, glanced at the queen one last time, and walked out tremblingly without saying anything.

From that day on, the new Emperor Chu, who used to be diligent in political affairs, suddenly seemed to be a different person.

He was in a state of confusion every day, staying in his own palace in a daze, and did not go to court for three months in a row.

The body of the new Emperor Chu was also visibly weakening.

The palace doctors tried their best to treat her, but to no avail.

Three months later.

The new Emperor of Chu finally failed. Before he died, he ordered the queen and the prince to be summoned.

"Everyone get down!"

The new Chu Emperor was as angry as a gossamer order.

Many eunuchs and maids immediately retreated outside to wait for orders.

"I can't do it anymore."

The new Emperor Chu smiled bitterly: "Queen, no matter what happened to us in the past, I only hope that after I leave, you can help the prince secure the throne."

"Don't worry, the prince is my son, and I will naturally help him ascend the throne smoothly."

The queen said expressionlessly.

"That's good."

The new Emperor Chu took a few breaths and said with difficulty: "The things that the prince is inhumane can never be known to others."

"After my death, you will go to the royal family's side heirs, secretly adopt a baby boy into the palace, and claim to the outside world that he is born to the crown princess, so that he can inherit the throne in the future."

He slowly turned his head and looked at the prince: "Your Majesty, I know your character. After you ascend the throne, you must remember to be diligent in political affairs and never delay state affairs because of your obsession with fun."

"You have to understand that this world does not belong to anyone forever. Only by being diligent and caring for the people can you secure the throne. Otherwise, one day you will be replaced by someone else. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand, kid."

The prince looked sad. I wonder if he really remembered his father's last words?

"I hope you really understand."

The new Emperor Chu's aura became weaker and weaker.

He forced himself to take one last look at the queen and the prince, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

A generation of Mingjun, the new Chu Emperor praised by the world, finally breathed his last.

Before his death, the new Chu Emperor had already left an imperial edict that his funeral should be halved and the people and money must not be wasted.

Therefore, the subsequent state funerals were much simpler than the previous imperial funerals, and the cost was less than 30% of the previous ones.

After the national mourning, the prince officially ascended the throne as emperor, with the reign title of Ming Yuan.

The queen was honored as the queen mother, and the crown prince Yuwen Piaoxu was established as the new queen.

However, the queen Yuwen Piaoxu did not have any rights. The queen mother was still in charge of the harem.

Not long after Emperor Ming Yuan ascended the throne, the Queen Mother announced that Queen Yuwen Piaoxu was pregnant.

At the same time, the Queen Mother also sent people to start looking for babies suitable for adoption among the branches of the royal family.

Ten months later.

A fire broke out in the Nanshan County Prince's Mansion far away in Qingzhou, and all the Nanshan County Prince's family were burned to death, including their newly born grandson.

At the same time, the eldest son of Emperor Ming Yuan was born, and everyone celebrated.

However, the Queen Mother announced to the public that Queen Yuwen Piaoxu was injured due to childbirth and needed to rest all year round.

So he took the emperor's eldest son to his side and began to raise him personally.

Yuwen Piaoxu had no objection to this, after all, it was not her child in the first place.

As for the power of the harem, Yuwen Piaoxu had no interest at all, and was too lazy to pay attention to external disputes.

She stayed in her bedroom every day, rarely going out and seeing few people.

Only Zhou Yue often came to the palace to chat with her or teach her martial arts.

Yuwen Piaoxu is already able to practice, and surprisingly, her cultivation talent is even better than Zhou Yue's.

Therefore, even though he has passed the optimal age for enlightenment, Yuwen Piaoxu's progress in cultivation is still astonishingly fast.

Seven years passed in a flash.

In the seventh year of Ming Yuan, Zhao Mu was thirty-two years old.

This is already the tenth year since he returned to youth.

seven years.

Zhao Mu's Qi cultivation has grown steadily, and the growth rate of his physical strength far exceeds that of his Qi cultivation.

This is the change brought about by the fourth life gate of "Six Paths of Heavenly Gate".

Zhao Mu even had a feeling that his current physical strength was probably close to that of a Martial Saint, very powerful.

During the seven years, the court has also undergone tremendous changes.

The late New Chu Emperor, no matter how he behaved in private, was a truly wise ruler in public affairs.

During the decades of his reign, he was always diligent in government affairs and worked hard.

Under the governance of the New Chu Emperor, the national strength of the Great Jin Dynasty was growing day by day, and martial arts became more and more prosperous.

If it were an ordinary emperor, when the national strength grew, he would definitely be aggressive and frequently launch wars against foreign countries, and would not care about wasting money and labor.

But the New Chu Emperor did not.

During his reign, he only launched a war against the Northern Mang Kingdom, and he attacked with absolute superiority.

But for the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom in the west and the Five Poison Sect in the south, he implemented a policy of friendship.

So after a war, the people of the Great Jin Dynasty were not greatly affected, and they always lived a rich and happy life.

But Emperor Mingyuan was completely different from his father.

I don’t know if it was because he couldn’t be humane, so that his psychology was distorted?

Emperor Mingyuan was ambitious and extravagant.

Not long after he ascended the throne, he ordered the dispatch of the army to fight against the Great Golden Wheel Kingdom and the Five Poison Sect in Southern Xinjiang at the same time.

Emperor Mingyuan declared that he would complete the legacy of his ancestors to expand the territory and build an unprecedentedly large country.

Not only that, Emperor Mingyuan also built large-scale projects in various parts of the country while fighting.

He spent a huge amount of money and manpower to open up the Grand Canal, trying to connect the north and south water transportation.

At the same time, he also started to build a mausoleum for himself early.

Because he believed that his future achievements would far exceed those of his ancestors, he wanted to build a luxurious tomb for himself that was unprecedented.

In addition, Emperor Mingyuan also liked to travel around the world.

In the seven years after he ascended the throne, he went to the south for six tours.

It was said that he was understanding the people's sentiments, but in fact he was just indulging in fun. The cost of each tour was astronomical, which was a waste of money and labor.

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