The heart-wrenching cries made Li Yishan, who was waiting outside the house, anxious.

He walked back and forth in front of the door, rubbing his hands and asking: "Why haven't you given birth yet? This is the best midwife in our Changzhou City. If it doesn't work..."

The housekeeper stepped forward to comfort: "Master, don't worry, the lady will definitely be safe with the mother and child."

"Yes, yes, it will be safe, it will be safe."

Li Yishan didn't know whether he was responding to the housekeeper or comforting himself, and kept saying it.

"It's so cold, why do I feel that the temperature in the yard has dropped?"

At this moment, a servant suddenly spoke.

Others immediately had the same feeling, and they looked around in fear, as if they thought of something bad.

"What are you talking about?"

Li Yishan's face sank and he shouted.

My wife was giving birth inside, but these people dared to think wildly, which was simply courting death.

What, do you mean that my child has not been born yet, and it has attracted unclean things?

The housekeeper also quickly scolded: "You are itching for trouble, right? Stay still and don't talk nonsense."


The servants were scared and quickly shut their mouths.

But at this moment, Li Yishan and the housekeeper were also shocked, and felt that the hair on their bodies stood up, as if some kind of beast was staring at them.

The sense of danger made the two of them look back involuntarily.

But they didn't see anything, and the yard was still very quiet.

"Strange, am I wrong?"

Li Yishan was puzzled.

At this moment, on a level beyond his mortal eyes, a piece of darkness had passed through the gate.

But after entering the gate, the darkness suddenly stopped, as if it felt a fatal threat.

A figure stood in front of the gate.

Zhao Mu said coldly: "I don't care what you are, the child inside is destined to be with me, you can't move, get out of here."

The darkness stagnated, did not move further, but did not retreat, as if weighing the pros and cons.

Zhao Mu did not speak again, but stood there calmly.

Suddenly, a loud cry broke the silence in the yard.

Li Yishan was overjoyed: "Haha, it's born, it's finally born..."

Suddenly, a brilliant Buddha light shot out from the house, covering the entire yard like the morning sun at dawn, and dispelling the haze in everyone's heart.

"What is this?" Li Yishan asked in astonishment.

The housekeeper next to him was just startled for a moment, and immediately smiled and said: "Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir, the young master has divine light protecting his body since he was born. This is a vision that only ancient saints have. It seems that the young master will definitely be a marquis and a prime minister in the future."

Zhao Mu looked at the housekeeper and curled his lips, thinking that the midwife had not come out to announce the good news yet, how do you know it's a son, not a daughter?

This horse is patted, aren't you afraid of patting the horse's hoof?

"Hahaha, so that's how it is. What the housekeeper said is right. My son will definitely be a saint in the future, unprecedented in history."

Li Yishan laughed proudly: "Come on, come on, everyone in the mansion will be rewarded today, a big reward!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The servants were immediately surprised and grateful.

Zhao Mu shook his head and looked at the gate of the courtyard.

I saw that the Buddha's light emitted by Daoyuan was blocked by the darkness when it approached the gate.

It is obvious that the unclean thing outside the door is extraordinary, and it is not even afraid of the Buddha's light.

Zhao Mu pondered for a moment, and took a step to go out and take a look.

He really wanted to know what the thing outside was, and it was not afraid of the Buddha's light?

But at this moment, the darkness retreated quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It ran pretty fast."

Zhao Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that the other party was only retreating temporarily, and should not have the intention of letting Daoyuan go.

"What on earth did this monk offend? Even my divine sense couldn't detect it clearly just now?"

"And the people from the Great Bodhi Temple, no one came to protect Daoyuan's disintegration and rebirth. Could it be that he was killed by that thing just now on the way?"

Zhao Mu guessed secretly.

At this time, the door opened, and the midwife came out holding a baby: "Congratulations, Mr. Li, congratulations, Mr. Li, your wife gave birth to a son."

"Hahaha, good, good."

Li Yishan rushed forward and wanted to hold the baby, but he was afraid of hurting the fragile baby and didn't dare to do it. He was in a panic for a while.

The housekeeper's mouth was almost cracked: "Master, have you chosen a name for the son?"

"Name? Yes, yes, yes, name!"

Li Yishan racked his brains to think: "My son will be called, just called..."

"Just called, Li Daoyuan."

Zhao Mu raised his hand and pointed his index finger at Li Yishan lightly.

"Hahaha, I've got it. Let's call him Li Daoyuan."

Li Yishan laughed excitedly, as if he was excited about thinking of a good name.

"Haha, it seems that I will stay in Changzhou City for the next few years. Monk Daoyuan, when you awaken your past life memories in the future, you must thank me for my support."

Zhao Mu smiled lightly, turned around and stepped out of the courtyard gate and left.

From this day on, the new monk Daoyuan began to grow up slowly in Changzhou City.

Perhaps because of his extraordinary past life, little Daoyuan was born with great intelligence and learned everything quickly.

At the age of three, he was already a well-known child prodigy in Changzhou City.

At the same time, there was another Taoist temple in Changzhou City.

What makes the people in the city feel strange is that this Taoist temple is different from other Taoist temples. It does not worship any gods, but a tablet of heaven and earth.

It is said that this is because the master of this Taoist temple does not worship gods, but only respects heaven and earth, so the Taoist temple is also called Tiandi Temple.

There is only the master in Tiandi Temple, and no other Taoists.

And the master seems to have no interest in incense or anything. Usually he ignores the pilgrims who come to burn incense. He just drinks tea, sleeps, drinks and eats meat alone in the temple, which makes people marvel.

But what makes people more surprised is that the child prodigy Li Daoyuan of the Li family seems to be very interested in this Tiandi Temple.

Every one or two days, people can see Li Daoyuan running into Tiandi Temple with a pair of short legs, pestering the master to drink.

A child drinking?

Although the master looks unserious, he never condones children drinking.

Whenever Li Daoyuan dares to speak, he will be beaten up.

But apart from wine, the master never restricted Li Daoyuan from eating chicken, duck, fish or meat. Li Daoyuan could eat as much as he wanted.

What made people feel even more strange was that the master seemed to be happy for Li Daoyuan to eat meat.

Even every time Li Daoyuan came to eat, without actively asking for meat, the master would make a big bowl of braised pork, put it in front of Li Daoyuan, and then urge Li Daoyuan to eat with excitement.

People were surprised. What's so strange about a child eating meat?

What kind of bad taste is this?

It's not like a monk eats meat?

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