Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 12 What I lack the least is time

The execution ground was crowded at noon.

Hearing that the Liang family was about to be beheaded, the people didn't even have time to eat, and all rushed to the execution ground.

At this time, on the huge execution platform, dozens of Liang family members knelt side by side on the ground, and the one kneeling in the middle was Liang Xiaozhong.

Compared with the majestic appearance when he was an official, Liang Xiaozhong now had gray hair and a decadent and lonely look, even worse than the beggars on the street.

Not only that, careful people can also find that Liang Xiaozhong's ten fingers on both hands have been cut off, and there is no tongue in his occasionally open mouth.

It seems that someone doesn't want him to talk or write nonsense.

The means are cruel enough, who knows who did it?

Wang Daoquan?

Or the left prime minister Wang Zongshi?

At this time, it is estimated that only the Wang family will be afraid of Liang Xiaozhong's random attacks, right?

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Angry shouts came from under the execution platform.

At this moment, the hatred of the people towards corrupt officials was all vented on Liang Xiaozhong.

Liang Xiaozhong looked wooden, as if he had accepted his fate.

Suddenly, a voice came to his ears: "Sir Liang, long time no see."

Who is it?

Liang Xiaozhong looked up in confusion, but found that no one was talking around him.

"Looking for me?"

The voice came again: "I'm in front of you, look, do you still recognize me?"

Liang Xiaozhong looked at the people under the execution platform, and suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief.

Because he saw an old friend in the crowd whom he had not seen for many years.

A... younger generation whose future was ruined by him.

"Haha, it seems that Sir Liang has not forgotten me."

Zhao Mu stood in the crowd, controlling the voice to transmit his voice to Liang Xiaozhong's ears.

Liang Xiaozhong suddenly became excited and struggled to rush down the execution platform.

"Be honest!"

The executioner behind him cursed, bent his legs and kicked Liang Xiaozhong to the ground.

Liang Xiaozhong's eyes were red, and he lay on the ground and stared at the crowd.

"Why are you so excited? Don't worry, I'm just looking at someone's enemies. I won't do anything to you. After all... you're going to die!"

Zhao Mu smiled and said lightly: "By the way, I've met your wife and daughter before I came. I heard that many of your disciples are very interested in them. Hehe, it seems that their days in the Jiaofangsi will be very fulfilling in the future."

"Woo woo..."

Liang Xiaozhong's eyes were bloodshot and he opened his mouth wide to roar.

But unfortunately, in the end he could only make some meaningless roars, like a hyena that was beaten half to death.

Why is this guy so excited all of a sudden?

The executioner was full of confusion, not understanding what happened to Liang Xiaozhong?

He raised his foot and stepped on Liang Xiaozhong's back: "Hey, stay honest, I'm here to chop off your head today, don't make trouble, otherwise I'll have to scrape a layer of your skin before I die."

Liang Xiaozhong was completely desperate.

He was the Minister of the Central Secretariat, a third-rank official of the imperial court.

He once held power and decided the life and death of countless people.

In his eyes, all the people in the world were as cheap as ants.

What heroes!

What frontier officials!

All had to bow down before him.

He never thought that he would end up like this one day?

A lowly executioner could actually step on him and show off his power.

During this period of time in the Tianlao, he was tortured by the Xuanjing Division again and again, and Wang Daoquan secretly sent people to cut off his fingers and tongue.

Originally, he was completely discouraged and just hoped to die soon.

But Zhao Mu's words just now made his dead heart burst out with strong humiliation again.

When he thought of his wife being humiliated again and again in the Jiaofang Division by those who had kowtowed to him.

When he thought of his daughter having to flatter and smile in front of those people, he felt unprecedented anger.

But unfortunately, he was now powerless to resist and could only struggle desperately under the executioner's feet.

"Prepare for execution!"

The voice of the executioner came suddenly.

The executioner grabbed Liang Xiaozhong and pressed his head on the guillotine.

A mouthful of wine sprayed on the guillotine, and the sharp blade flashed cold light, which made people tremble.

"Kill him!"

"Kill these corrupt officials!"

"Liang Xiaozhong, I curse you to never be reborn!"

The roars of the people rose one after another, and the wave of public anger made the executioner sweat coldly.

He did not dare to delay any longer and threw out the token directly: "Execute!"


The heads were cut off neatly, and the blood sprayed, which also vented the anger of the people.

Before he died, Liang Xiaozhong looked at Zhao Mu again.

I saw Zhao Mu holding a pot of wine in the crowd and poured it directly on the ground.

"This is the two taels of guillotine wine I sent you on behalf of someone. Enjoy it on the road to the underworld."

Who is someone?

Liang Xiaozhong died with his eyes wide open.

He will never know the answer to this question.

Everyone knows that immortality is good, but fame and fortune cannot be forgotten!

Where are the generals and ministers of the past and present? The desolate tombs are covered with grass.

Everyone knows that immortality is good, but fame and fortune cannot be forgotten!

All day long, I only regret that I can't spend much time together, and when I close my eyes for a long time!

Zhao Mu carried half a pot of wine, chanted "Hao Le Ge" in his mouth, walked out of the crowd lazily, and walked all the way to the Jiaofangsi.

Things change, time is unpredictable!

His choice was absolutely right.

What fame, wealth, and power, all of them will end up on the guillotine?

Today it's Liang Xiaozhong!

Tomorrow it will be Wang Daoquan!

And the powerful left prime minister Wang Zongshi!

And the emperor who lives in seclusion in the deep palace and seeks immortality!

Fighting and scrambling, in the end, it's just a pile of yellow earth.

Only if I have an infinite life span, I can always watch the changes in the world until the end of time.

"Not only the world of mortals, but also the legendary immortal scenery, I also want to see it, but I don't know when I can set foot on that road?"

"No hurry, no hurry, what I lack the most is... time!"

Zhao Mu drank the strong wine, and left with a laugh in the puzzled eyes of the people around him.

This year, he was thirty years old.

It was also the eighth year since he traveled to this world.



Zhao Mu had just returned to the warehouse when he saw two women sitting in his room, Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun.

There were wine and food on the table, and the two women were drinking freely. Their tipsy faces were rosy and attractive, making people want to take a bite.

"You two can drink if you want to. Why do you always come to my room? Can't you go somewhere else?"

Zhao Mu curled his lips and moved a chair to sit down.

Hua Xinzi and Jiang Hongyun are now 26 or 27 years old, which is the most attractive time.

The immaturity has not completely faded, but it has added a bit of maturity and tenderness, which makes people unable to stop.

There are countless guests in the Jiaofang Division who want to redeem them, which makes the two women very annoyed.

So in the past two years, when they have nothing to do, they always like to stay in Zhao Mu's room, drinking and chatting happily.

Only here can they enjoy the rare peace.

But Zhao Mu was a little helpless, feeling as if the two of them were the masters of this room.

And every time they drink, they have to get drunk.

Could it be... Aren't they afraid that I will be beastly?

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