Any puppet that is widely circulated in the spiritual world.

They are all mature products that have been developed through painstaking research and repeated demonstrations by puppet masters.

This type of puppet is very particular about what kind of materials it requires, how to match the various materials, the specific steps in the refining process, etc.

The most important thing is what kind of runes this puppet can match.

It does not mean that any puppet can withstand various runes without limit.

For example, the golden wolf head made by Su Qing for Niu Ya cannot draw intelligent runes.

Otherwise, this puppet would have needed Niu Ya's own energy and blood to supply energy. As it was used over time, it would become even more connected to his body.

Who knows one day, when the intelligent runes mutate, Niu Ya may have a second head to compete with him for control of his body.

The probability of this is extremely small, but it may not be impossible.

In addition, the extra runes may not be able to withstand the puppet material, or may conflict with its main runes...

All of the above are reasons why puppet masters cannot add runes to puppets unscrupulously.

But right now, Su Qing wants to draw three additional runes, namely intelligent runes, space runes, and material runes, for the Gale Wind Cannon!

Space runes and material runes solve the problem of the ability to become larger or smaller.

The intelligent runes allow it to independently lock onto the opponent and fire the right gun at the right time.

After all, he has no time to be a supporter.

"There shouldn't be much problem with space runes and material runes. I heard that Penglai Immortal Kingdom keeps its own blast cannon and has the ability to change its volume.

But there may be some problems with smart runes. I haven't heard of a large number of cannon workers being laid off in recent years. However, no one has been able to draw smart runes onto the cannon puppet. "

Although intelligent runes are difficult, there are many capable people in the practice world.

Su Qing doesn't think that the major fairy kingdoms don't have puppet masters who can draw intelligent runes.

And since none of them could draw the intelligent runes onto the cannon puppet, it would be difficult for him to do it.

But if you don’t give it a try, you will always feel a little unwilling.

The result was just as he expected, both space runes and material runes were successfully drawn on the blast cannon.

Allowing it to switch freely between the slap model and the armored cannon.

But as soon as the smart rune was drawn and activated, the muzzle of the cannon began to spin wildly, making Su Qing tremble slightly. Fortunately, it did not fire violently, but simply disintegrated on its own.

"If you don't have a brain, you don't have a brain. You can just be a brainless and ruthless gunner!"

After trying it again, Su Qing regretfully gave up trying to put a brain on the fort.

By this time, the modified Gale Cannon has been refined.

Next, he focused his energy on the transformation of the boomerang.

Because it is a first-order ultimate magic weapon, and allowed to be controlled by his own magic power, he can only hold on for three breaths at most, and cannot hold on for one more breath.

Therefore, the first step is to turn it into a self-reliant puppet.

Deal with the sub-darts first, they are the main force in the battle and cannot be careless.

Mix psychic wood with dark iron essence to enrich its inner being, making it more resistant to forging and possessing the ability to activate bionic runes.

Mix the invisible bee wings with color-changing gold and smear its surface to take its stealth performance to the next level.

Then mix it with Heavenly Spirit Gold to enhance the toughness and strength of its main body, so that after a volley of artillery fire is completed, the scimitar can still have a certain offensive ability and can withstand the next number of runes that need to be drawn.

After the main structure was built, Su Qing realized that there should be no major problems.

Then he started drawing the runes.

In the arrangement of the second-order bionic runes, the one that was imitated this time was not the hidden-winged bird, but another first-order demon king-level monster called the Wind Sword Falcon.

This monster is famous for its speed. It flies through the air. Its extreme speed makes its wings resemble sword blades.

When dealing with the enemy, it often approaches the opponent at extreme speed, cuts the opponent with its wings in a hurry, and only ends the battle with satisfaction after the prey has been tortured until there is no good piece of meat in its body.

They are famous psychopaths among monsters, and few monks would provoke them.

Therefore, the materials for the Wind Sword Falcon were extremely rare. He had asked at a Baibao store before and learned that even the main Baibao store in the central area had no materials for this monster.

This forced him to resort to the next best thing and replace the feathers of the Wind Sword Falcon with the wings of a hidden-winged bird.

Due to limited materials, even if he engraved the second-level bionic runes into the image of a wind sword falcon.

But after it is activated, the Wind Sword Falcon's most powerful speed and sword wings will probably be difficult to copy.

The only advantage may be that the invisible ability of the Hidden Wing Bird may be inherited.

Naturally, the second-level intelligent runes must also be arranged. This cannon has no brains.

If this cannon stand has no brains, what should we do if it fires cannons on people indiscriminately?

Intelligent runes are Su Qing's favorite runes. As long as it is a puppet he refines, he will find a way to add it regardless of conditions, including the previous blast cannon.

It's a pity that, given the opportunity, it failed to use it.

Because it is a sub-dart made according to the puppet-type puppet technique given on the panel.

Therefore, unlike the Gale Cannon, Zi Biao has the ability to act smart.

After the smart runes are drawn, the next step is the combat runes.

Those with brains will always have to take on more tasks than those without brains.

In complex battles, how to use the environment to hide oneself, how to avoid the opponent's attacks, and how to suddenly appear and catch the opponent off guard.

All these require sufficient combat wisdom.

Su Qing himself is a bad fighter. He has never experienced combat and has no wisdom in this area.

But if you can't do it yourself, the puppet must be able to do it.

He is not as proficient in the second-level combat runes as the intelligent runes and bionic runes, but recently he has refined a number of combat puppets such as the double-sword lizard, and his attainments in this rune have also increased.

According to his estimation, by the time the Heiwa boys lift him up to the ninth level of chain energy, perhaps by then, he will not only be able to draw third-level bionic runes, but the combat runes and smart runes will also be able to be upgraded to third level.

And now, after the second-level combat runes are drawn.

Su Qing then drew second-level material runes and first-level space runes for it, allowing it to have the same ability to change body shape as the blast cannon.

In this way, the refining of this dart will be completed.

After making the Zidart larger, its bionic form will become clearer.

All you can see is its sharp beak, and its wings that constantly change color with the air. With a little force, the four scimitars hidden between the wings can be revealed.

The slightly rounded body can fold its wings into a triangular streamline shape when flying, allowing it to maximize its speed.

According to Su Qing's comparison, the Zidar's stealth ability at this time is almost the same as that of the swarming hummingbird, but its speed and attack power are much better than those of the swarming hummingbird.

After nodding with satisfaction, he immediately produced another blast of wind artillery.

Hang the two method cannons respectively between the wings of the sub-dart.

After letting Zi Biao load up the cannon and cruise in the air for a moment, he successfully activated the cannon and shot out a blast of wind blade to cut off an ancient tree that he had long disliked and blocked the lighting of the spiritual house.

Only then did he confirm that the combination of this child escort and the gale force artillery was qualified to be named by him.

"Annihilation puppet? Or concealment puppet?

Forget it, let’s call it J-1. The next ones will be built accordingly, and they will be called J-2, J-3... until J-36.

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