Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 7 Green steel legs, iron wolf head, and skillful hands.

The Lingtian District planned by Baiyunfang City in the past is only a thousand miles away. It is protected by the city's formation and is difficult for ordinary monsters to enter. It is controlled by the government. The Lingzhufu rents it on an annual basis to provide living accommodation for all the monks in the city. need.

As time went by, some spiritual cultivators could not bear the high rents and went to cultivate spiritual fields outside the city. Although they were occasionally harassed by monsters, many more spiritual crystals fell into their hands.

As a result, most of the Lingtian District is now outside Fangshi. Around Lingtian, villages have been formed where practitioners and mortals live together.

Gejiacun is one of them.

This village was started by a first-level Ling Zhifu ancestor and has been propagated for more than ten generations. Now there are more than a thousand households in the village. It is also one of the few large villages within the Lingtian District.

Su Qing has stayed here for two or three years, and the villagers are no stranger to him.

It's just that he is not what he used to be. He is riding a horse with a tall head and iron feet, and is accompanied by a beautiful cultivator. Everyone is too embarrassed to come up and talk to him.

Only when they saw Ge Changyuan walking in front did they whisper to each other.

"I didn't expect that Chang Yuan would actually invite Su Qing back!"

"You're too bold. How dare you travel all night?"

"Ordinary prosthetics are enough. Su Qing is now a first-level puppet master. Asking him to take action will cost a lot."

"I only have such a daughter in the long run, so of course I will be willing to give up on her!"

"Su Qing's craftsmanship is beyond praise. He made this arm for me the year before last. With the sleeves on, outsiders can't tell whether it's real or fake."

Su Qing and Ge Yuanyuan had no time to pay attention to the villagers' discussions. Only Tang Wanqing listened carefully.

She was indeed a little curious about Su Qing's neighbor's past.

Originally, she only knew the identity of Su Qingyun Mountain Sect's abandoned disciple and first-level puppet master. Now that she learned about his past in Gejia Village, her understanding of him became a little deeper.

"If you can think of old friendships and go out of your way to meet them, you can be friends with them."

Tang Wanqing glanced at Su Qing on the iron-legged horse and saw that his anxious expression did not seem to be fake, so she couldn't help but secretly thought to herself.

When she arrived at Ge Yuan's home and saw Ge Ling lying on the bed, enduring the pain and not shouting, Tang Wanqing could not help but feel the same regret for the little girl's experience as Su Qing.

"Brother Su, Ling'er can't practice anymore!"

When Su Qing bent down and rolled up Ge Ling's empty trouser legs, the little girl couldn't help crying.

The young and tender face was pale, and the big watery eyes were full of tears. Tang Wanqing felt sour and couldn't help turning her head away.

When it came to installing prosthetic limbs, everyone present had already acquiesced to the fact that she would never be able to find a way out in the future.

Ge Changyuan and his wife had already made preparations to invite Su Qing, but they just wanted to install a better prosthetic limb for her, and they did not dare to expect her to return to her original state.

Su Qing stared at the broken wound for a long time. When he saw that there was a hemostatic charm on it and the surface of the wound was the same as when it was broken, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He smiled at Ge Ling and said, "Who said you can't practice anymore? I'll make you the best prosthetic limb. Not only will it keep you alive and kicking in the future, but it will also allow you to practice as before!"

Ge Linglinggen has good qualifications. Like Tang Wanqing next to him, he has the possibility of advancing to the late stages of Qi refining and even foundation building. It would be a pity if he could not continue to practice.

Su Qing has been thinking about how to protect Ge Ling's future as a practitioner. Ever since he maxed out the proficiency of the Wood Spirit Servant and Spider Doctor, his understanding of bionic runes is unparalleled by ordinary first-level puppet masters. .

He thought that with his current ability, he should be quite confident in refining a unique pair of prosthetic limbs for Ge Ling.

At this time, everyone present only thought that Su Qing was comforting the little girl, but they did not take it seriously.

For people with physical deficiencies, it is difficult for the spiritual power gained from cultivation to form a complete cycle in the body. Not to mention accumulating magic power to go further, it is extremely difficult to maintain the current level of cultivation. They have not heard of prosthetic limbs that can participate in the internal magic power circulation of the body. of.

"Brother Su will coax me. It doesn't matter if I can't practice. It doesn't matter if I am a mortal like my mother." Ge Ling smiled and pretended to be strong.

Su Qing shook his head and did not explain any more.

He took out a set of tools from the iron-legged horse.

Then he got busy under the gaze of everyone.

He first measured Ge Ling's wound and took a drop of blood essence from the wound.

Then drop it into a piece of lotus root that is as white as jade.

Then he used a talisman pen as thin as a hair to penetrate into the lotus root hole to inscribe the runes. This was a delicate job and took more than an hour to complete.

During this process, Ge Yuanyuan, Tang Wanqing and others were full of questions.

You know, most prosthetic limbs are made from psychic wood, but no one has ever seen a prosthetic limb made from white jade lotus root.

It wasn't until Su Qing activated the runes and saw the fine lotus root threads protruding from the white jade lotus root, and instantly connected to the countless blood vessels in Ge Ling's broken leg, that everyone looked at Su Qing in amazement.

Su Qing didn't have time to answer everyone's questions at this time.

After sensing that the spider doctors had been quietly put into the lotus hole, they began to work.

He held the carving knife and cut the white jade lotus root into two long legs at an extremely fast speed, and then carved bionic runes on the surface with dragons and phoenixes flying around.

After Ge Ling began to feel the pain in Ou's leg, he put away the carving knife and declared that the prosthetic leg was complete.

"It's a good thing to be able to feel the pain. Can you use your magic power again?" Su Qing straightened up and looked at Ge Lingdao expectantly.

Ge Ling was a little unfamiliar, and in disbelief, she followed Su Qing's instructions and began to meditate and adjust her breath.

A few moments.

Ge Ling opened her eyes, and the tears that she had been unable to hold back burst into her eyes at this moment. Her mother felt distressed and held her in her arms to comfort her.

Ge Changyuan, who was on the side, also said hurriedly: "Daughter, don't be afraid, it's okay if you can't practice. Dad will buy you more land. From now on, you can hire people to farm it, and your life will be no worse than others."

"No, it's not that I can't practice, it's that I can practice. These legs can allow me to establish a magic circulation!" Ge Ling said loudly with red eyes.

"Really?" Ge Changyuan was surprised and happy.

"Yeah! Although it feels a little different from before, it can indeed be practiced!" Ge Ling nodded heavily.

"This... the craftsmanship of Fellow Daoist Su, the old man has thanked Fellow Daoist Su on behalf of the little girl!"

Ge Changyuan excitedly held Su Qing's hands and didn't know how to be grateful for a moment.

Tang Wanqing, who had witnessed the entire process of Su Qing refining the prosthetic limb, opened her mouth slightly at this moment, obviously extremely surprised.

Ge Changyuan only thought that Su Qing's skills just now were those of a first-level puppet master, but Tang Wanqing knew exactly what Su Qing had done just now!

He refined a kind of puppet creation that has never appeared in the world of practice!

Like the Witch Puppet, no, it will be more popular than the Witch Puppet. It can make all the monks who are physically disabled but still have the hope of practicing go crazy for it!

"What's the name of this prosthetic limb?" Tang Wanqing asked in a low voice.

A prosthetic limb is a prosthetic limb. Who has time to give it a name? Just when Su Qing was thinking this, a line of black words suddenly appeared on the personal panel in his field of vision.

[Independently refined a new type of puppet - modified puppet (ling lotus leg). 】

[Unlock three puppet drawings of this type. 】

[Drawing 1: Qinggang Legs (First Level)]

[Drawing 2: Iron Wolf Head (First Level)]

[Drawing Three: Skillful Hands (Level 2)]

"Ling Lotus Leg, yes, this prosthetic leg is called Ling Lotus Leg, a puppet creation that can perfectly simulate the function of a monk's legs!"

Su Qing said categorically to Tang Wanqing, with an unspeakable aura permeating her brows, causing Tang Wanqing's heart to tremble slightly and her face to turn slightly red.

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