After discovering that swarming hummingbirds are more suitable for detection than wood spirit servants.

Su Qing then thought about how to use them.

The hummingbird's range of movement is limited by its own spiritual consciousness. It is no more than two hundred feet high and no more than three miles high.

Once this range is exceeded and the connection with the consciousness is severed, the hummingbird will lose control and fall to the ground, no longer able to act independently.

"In this way, it only takes nine hummingbirds, in groups of three or three, to patrol in the sky. From a high position, I can see the situation in half of the front camp. They are much more flexible than the wood spirit servants!"

Making up his mind, Su Qing left the nine hummingbirds outside, took back the remaining eighteen hummingbirds, carefully crushed some exploding stones, and added them to the hummingbird spider web bag.

Explosive Stone is a type of spiritual stone. Compared with normal spiritual stones, the spiritual power stored in it is extremely unstable and will explode once it encounters external pressure.

Some casual cultivators, if faced with a desperate situation, would often use exploding stones as a means to perish together with their opponents.

Because this stone is expensive, one requires more than 3,000 spiritual crystals, and the explosion range is extremely wide. When used, it will often accidentally injure the deity. It is also a material controlled by the Yunshan Sect, and even Baibao Pavilion can only supply it in limited quantities. .

Therefore, there are very few casual cultivators who are actually willing to spend a huge amount of spiritual crystals to purchase this stone.

With Su Qing's accumulated reputation in Baibao Pavilion, Tong Xin made the decision and sold him two.

He crushed it into pieces and put it into the Hummingbird Puppet, which not only gave these Hummingbird Puppet the ability to drop bombs, but also allowed the Hummingbird Puppet to penetrate into the opponent's body and detonate in an emergency.

"If it were not a life and death crisis, it would be better for the Hummingbird Puppet not to self-destruct. The scorpion poison needle alone can break through the defenses of ordinary physical practitioners!"

Su Qing secretly reminded himself that a hummingbird puppet was not cheap, mainly because the spiritual needles inside it were relatively expensive. If he really wanted them to launch a suicide attack, he couldn't afford it.

Twenty-seven hummingbirds, although not quite a colony.

But it is different from the magic weapon that needs to be consumed when the practitioners activate the spiritual weapon.

As long as he has enough spiritual transistors, and as long as he does not reach the upper limit of his spiritual consciousness, he can activate twenty, two hundred, or two thousand hummingbird puppets without any consumption of mana!

Su Qing was filled with excitement when thinking of the scene of hummingbird swarms bombing in the future.

Looking at the half set of boomerangs, he had a preliminary idea in his mind, but right now it was more important to make all of this set of spiritual needles into hummingbirds. The idea of ​​a space carrier should be left to the future.

"With the improvement of proficiency, within ten days, this set of scorpion poison needles will be transformed into hummingbird puppets. By then, the combined power of the puppets may be difficult for Foundation Establishment and Overhaul to defeat, but they should be able to deal with Black Tiger Mountain and his party. No worries.”

Two-blade lizard.

Boomer War Bear.

Swarm of hummingbirds!

The three types of transformer puppets are almost complete.

His own strength has more than doubled.

At this moment, Su Qing finally let go of the heavy burden in her heart.


"A lizard warrior costs two thousand spiritual crystals. The price of this puppet, fellow Taoist, has skyrocketed!"

"Follow the market. As materials increase, my puppet will naturally increase. Xiaodao is no better than fellow Taoists. He can go out hunting monsters to make money. Xiaodao can only make a living by relying on puppets. Life in this frontier camp is not easy."

"Okay, isn't it easy for you? I think you, fellow Daoist Su, are living a more prosperous life than anyone else!"

A tall and thin cultivator with a feminine face bought a lizard warrior from Su Qing and left without looking back.

Su Qing didn't care about his attitude.

No one will be happy if they are killed.

When he went to Helianxian to pick up the defensive magic weapon yesterday, he secretly scolded Helianxian for what he said when the price increased.

But despite the scolding, why didn't he obediently take the spiritual crystal and ask for help in refining the magic weapon?

The reason why everyone is so nervous about exchanging the spiritual crystals for immediate combat power is because in the past ten days or so, the situation in the forward camp has become increasingly bad.

It turned out that there were just a few dozen monster beasts that broke through the low mountain defense line and fled here.

Recently, more and more monsters have been escaping. Not only that, there are also many casual cultivators who have escaped from the Aishan defense line, bringing everyone the latest news about the Aishan defense line.

"The small beast tide, twelve first-order extreme demon kings, with thousands of demon beasts, launched a mad attack on Aishan's defense line more than a month ago."

"The Thunder Fire Formation was broken! Wolf King Hunter Pang Zhizhong, Eagle King Hunter Yang Jiren, the short mountain they were guarding was also breached by the monsters. Yang Jiren died in the battle, and Pang Zhizhong's life and death are unknown. Their respective teams fled to death, and it was difficult to stop the monsters. !”

"Niu Ya led the team and fled towards the forward camp. They haven't come back yet, so the situation is probably in danger!"

"The monsters are chasing them endlessly. I heard that the Bear King team led by Tang Wanqing also suffered heavy losses. When I escaped, they were still more than ten miles away from the forward camp, but they were entangled by a group of monsters. Now I am afraid that they are Gone."

Just as he was clearing out all the lizard warriors on hand and preparing to go to the treasure store to buy some good goods, Su Qing was attracted by the casual cultivator who had just escaped from the short mountain defense line on the roadside.

He was not surprised to hear that the Aishan defense line could not hold on anymore and the four major casual cultivator teams dispersed or fled.

If they had not known that they could no longer hold on there, the Yunshan Sect would not have spent this period of time setting up various defensive measures in the forward camps.

Now, this frontier camp not only has many protective formations, but also has many magical weapons to deal with large monsters.

Sky-blasting cannons, dragon-piercing crossbows, sky-sealing nets...

In addition to these magic weapons, during the more than ten days that he was slowly refining the Hummingbird Puppet, a steady stream of casual cultivators were rushed here from Fang City by the Yunshan Sect, and with them, there were also the Yunshan Sect's number. The ten inner disciples are all above the seventh level of Qi refining.

They have only one mission, and that is to prevent the monster beasts from attacking the forward camp after breaking through the short mountain defense line!

Su Qing and everyone in Baibao Pavilion are no exception.

Perhaps the token of an outer disciple of the Yunshan Sect played a role. As a puppet master, Su Qing's task was simple. He only needed to turn in a lizard warrior every ten days. That was enough.

Although Liang Haishun and other professionals had slightly more arduous tasks than him, due to the surge in the number of casual cultivators in the front camp, coupled with the incoming beast tide and rising prices, they all enjoyed a wave of spiritual crystals.

Only Qinghe Ma Tuan and other war cultivators from Baibao Pavilion were a little anxious.

The purpose of this trip was to hunt the Montenegrin tiger. The current delay meant that the Montenegrin tiger was hunted, and I was afraid that I would not be able to make it in time for the auction.

Fortunately, there was news from Shopkeeper Liu that due to the tide of small beasts, the auction would be postponed for several months. It would not be held until the tide of small beasts was over.

Thinking about it, most of the casual cultivators are now in the forward camp. If an auction is held at this time, who will be allowed to spend money?

There was a lot of noise in the forward camp. Su Qing thought that she was ready, but she was not too nervous.

At this moment, hearing the news that Tang Wanqing was in danger, my heart skipped a beat.

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