Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 588: Wooden Fish Special Forces

Evil monsters appeared in the abyss secret realm to block the way.

This was expected by Su Qing.

This was a corner of the future that the demon Buddha showed him.

With the current lineup strength, those fifth-level sea monsters are not easy for the Zhenjun present, but they are just a small trouble.

Try hard, be ruthless, inherit for many years, practice for a long time, practice Taoism skills, and have various kinds of practice creations to assist the Zhenjun.

How can they not be compared with a group of sea monsters who are forced to grow only in realms, lack of means, and are as weak as a group of muscular men with technology.

As for the sea monsters below the fifth level, they are even more like shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Even Yao Guangquan, Wei Debao and others can kill them as prey as long as they are equipped.

This is the advantage of human cultivation. In ancient times, the evil demons had not yet debuted, and the main theme of the Tianyuan Realm was still the struggle for hegemony among all races.

The witches, monsters, dragons, phoenixes, fierce beasts, and divine beasts, these races either have perfect bodies or are gifted with magical powers. No matter how you look at it, the overlord of all races cannot be the human race with insufficient innate conditions, weak bodies, and fragile souls.

But in the end, the human race still relied on the practitioners to create secret methods and various cultivation creations, so as to compete among the myriad races, and to open up the human imperial court outside the heaven and hell, becoming the overlord of all races that the myriad races may not accept in words or in their hearts, but are difficult to challenge.

At that time, the human imperial court treated other powerful races in the same way as the monks in the abyss secret realm now treat the evil monsters.

So what if you can fight? Having a lot of money and equipment is the real ability!

The third-level Yao Guangquan was whirling the blue-fire Gatling gun wildly, and he poured out his firepower on a huge fourth-level sea monster, which didn't need to worry about wasting artillery fire. He beat it until its flesh and blood flew everywhere, revealing its white bones, and then he stopped.

Others had already fought with the evil monsters. Judging from the situation, Su Qing didn't even plan to use his puppet army, but he could get rid of these evil monsters.

But the demon Buddha sent these evil monsters into the abyss secret realm to make things difficult for them, not to kill them.

The reason why the evil monsters in the North Sea have been entrenched in the West Sea for hundreds of years is not just because they are relatively low-key.

It's because their boss, the sixth-level Sea Covering Great Sage, is a real tough guy!

When Su Qing was exploring the future fragment, he was also troubled by how to deal with this evil monster.

He pulled Tong Chang over to discuss it together, and combined the Azure Dragon Dao Pattern with the Heavenly Master's Arithmetic to deduce it.

Finally, he found a way to deal with this Sea Covering Great Monster!

That is to push the two strongest to the top!

To be honest, among all the gods in Tianyuan Realm, Erqiang's origin is a little bit poor. He became a god from evil spirits, and his foundation can't be said to be clean.

But apart from his origin, Erqiang is the most outstanding among the gods in every way.

He shed blood for Tianyuan Realm, he took the thunder for countless creatures, and he also won the honor of the first place in the battle for the gods of Tianyuan Realm at the Hero Conference!

Such a god who can do things, dares to do things, and has made some achievements.

If he doesn't make progress, who should make progress?

A poor origin cannot deny an ambitious god who wants to do something for Tianyuan Realm and all the worlds!

Erqiang should sit in the position of Tianyuan God of War!

Mainly because of the organization, he needs to sit in this position.

This was not even affected by his own will. As the only two people in the Tianyuan Realm who could have a say in the affairs of the gods, Su Qing and Tong Chang hit it off and wanted to push the two strong men to the throne of the sixth-level Tianyuan War God in this Abyss Secret Realm.

This was also the reason why Su Qing asked the two strong men to fight in armor when they met the Demon Shadow Bat and the Blood Mosquito Taoist on the road before.

It was not to trick him, it was really to train him!

"Go ahead, don't let us down!"

"Erqiang, I'm very optimistic about you!"

Encouraged by Tong Chang and Su Qing, Erqiang was excited and excited, but his body trembled as he said:

"Talk is talk, fight is fight, but before I go, don't you have to give me some real artifacts and divine weapons? I had Thor's Hammer and Qianyuan Mirror when I fought the Blood Mosquito Taoist just now. Now I'm fighting the more ruthless Sea-covering Great Sage. There's no reason for me to go empty-handed. At the very least, give me some puppet talisman paper!"

The opportunity is right in front of him, and Erqiang knows that he can't miss it. But since the organization has entrusted him with an important task, he can't just talk about it verbally. The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, so he has to get himself some good equipment!

"If it's a real artifact and divine weapon, which of the True Lords here dare not fight this Sea-covering Great Sage, and still need you?" Su Qing waved his hand and rejected his seemingly reasonable and humane request, but it was unacceptable in theory and principle.

"Okay, then you go. Don't you have the killing weapon, the Xingtian Blood Axe? Go and fight the Great Sage Fu Hai!" Gao Erqiang finally caught Su Qing's words and poked Su Qing's throat.

But he didn't realize that the challenge also had to be addressed at the right time and to the right person.

"Since Erqiang you don't want to go, then Daoyou Ying, what do you think of the position of Tianyuan God of War? Everyone has seen how Daoyou Ying has performed as a man and a god over the years. With your background, qualifications, and achievements, I think it's no problem for you to be a Tianyuan God of War!"

Su Qing turned around and asked Ying Jueshen, a fifth-level god who also wanted to improve, the armored general, Shao Delong's father-in-law, the big moneymaker of Kaiyuan Immortal Kingdom, who had strong power, influence, and connections.

Ying Jueshen was about to stand up gratefully when he heard the words, but was grabbed by Erqiang's collar and thrown behind.

"It's a joke to let a god who refines armor and makes turtles be the god of war. Third brother, I was the one who spoke without thinking. I apologize to you here.

Okay, I don't want anything. I will deal with this Sea-covering Great Sage for you right now!"

Erqiang also figured it out. Su Qing and Tong Chang both asked him not to borrow the power of others to deal with the Sea-covering Great Sage.

I think this is an important part of his achievement of Tianyuan God of War. It's not that Su Qing is stingy and doesn't give him real tools and artifacts.

"Speaking of which, the three-pointed two-edged sword in your hand is a first-class killing real tool, and the exquisite pagoda in your hand is also a first-class innate spiritual treasure. With these two treasures, if you borrow the power of other real tools and artifacts, you can't show your own prestige in this battle, and you can't shake off the god of war!"

Su Qing patted Erqiang on the shoulder and said sincerely.

Whether Er Qiang can successfully be promoted to Tianyuan God of War is the key to whether their Abyss team can achieve the set goal.

He really didn't want Er Qiang to think about it at this time, so as to miss the opportunity of this promotion!

Er Qiang also nodded to him, indicating that he knew what to do.

At this time, the Great Sage Fu Hai saw a group of cultivators using puppet talismans, magic weapons and war tools to suppress and kill his sea monster brothers.

He was already furious, holding a casual iron rod, stepping on the sea waves, and killing in front of the cultivators in an instant.

The sixth-level evil monster, with every move, seemed to have the ability to roar and split the sky. With a swing, the already low sky of the Abyss Secret Realm was swung open like a canvas, dragging out two black blood clouds stretching for countless miles.

At the same time, Gao Er Qiang, who was determined to die if he failed, also trembled all over, and in a moment he turned into a giant god more than 10,000 feet tall.

The three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand also grew larger along with his body.

There was a loud clang, as if there was thunder in the heaven.

In fact, it was just the sound of the three-pointed two-edged sword and the iron-clad soldiers colliding with each other.

And the result of this collision.

The Great Sage Fu Hai was completely unharmed. Although he was a little surprised that someone could take his blow, he could immediately raise his stick again and hit again.

But Er Qiang was half-kneeling in the sea of ​​blood, his flesh body became huge, and a large amount of divine blood seeped out from his broken armor.

Obviously, it was a bit too much for him to resist the sixth-level evil monster with the status of a fifth-level god.

But only by facing challenges can one become a god of war, and only by being stronger when facing strong opponents can one be a true second strong!

When the second stick of the Great Sage Fu Hai fell, Er Qiang had already stood up straight again and stretched out his sword to parry again!


The sky was thundering, and the earth was shaking.

About half of the True Lords were left behind, along with three to five hundred Yuanying cultivators to deal with the evil monsters in the West Sea.

Su Qing led the remaining troops, bypassed the giant immortal god and the giant black ape, and rushed straight to the Yama Palace that had already jumped into view.

As for the battle between the two strong men and the Great Sage Fu Hai, who would win or lose.

It was not something they could get involved in, nor could they waste time getting involved here.

Walk another hundred miles.

There was a blood-colored bridge in front of them, which was so long that it was unknown how long it was, and it was so high that it might be as high as the sky.

On the bridge, there were countless ghosts of all kinds selling and buying goods, eating and drinking, just like any worldly country built on this long bridge, with all the flavors of the world and all the things in the market, everything that should be there, is on this bridge.

But the problem is that the flavors of the world must first be in the world before they can taste them!

These ghosts are just pitiful ghosts who cannot fall into reincarnation and are bound by the bridge of life and death in the underworld, forever immersed in the illusory and strange country woven for them by the bridge of life and death!

As soon as they come into contact with living people like Su Qing, the dead air is stimulated by the life, and the illusion repeated for countless years is broken. Immediately, all the ghosts are immersed in the pain of being lonely ghosts for countless years, and instantly blame this resentment on Su Qing and others.

Who else should we blame if not them?

Blame the dead thing of the bridge of life and death?

There must be an outlet for venting!

And these living, immortal, and god-like monks who freed them from the dream of delusion are the outlets for these evil ghosts who transformed into fierce and strange ghosts in an instant!

Endless fierce and strange resentful souls, like an overwhelming force, rushed from the bridge of life and death towards more than thirty or forty true lords.

Su Qing cast his eyes on several Buddhist masters, such as the Hanging Buddha Kingdom, the Ksitigarbha Buddha Kingdom, and the Bodhi Buddha Kingdom.

And they stood up without hesitation, some spitting out lotus flowers, some twisting Buddhist beads, and some roaring like lions.

In short, these evil ghosts and resentful souls were handed over to professional Buddhist monks to deal with.

And the evil demons and evil stars transformed from the Bridge of Life and Death.

But they were not something that ordinary Buddhist masters could deal with.

The Bridge of Life and Death was originally an innate spiritual treasure, called the Ruler of the Sky, which had the ability to measure the length of heaven and earth and calculate the interval between life and death.

When the ancient Hou Tu Niangniang opened up the underworld, some enthusiastic people, either voluntarily or by force, in short, presented the Ruler of the Sky to Hou Tu Niangniang for use in the underworld.

And Hou Tu Niangniang turned this ruler into the Bridge of Life and Death to guide the living souls and transcend the resentful souls. The extinction of the physical body was not considered death, and the soul was considered real death when it crossed the Bridge of Life and Death.

Over the years, countless living and dead souls have passed through the Bridge of Life and Death, including some with great supernatural powers. However, the resentment of these beings after death cannot be completely relieved by the Bridge of Life and Death.

In the past, when the underworld was fully built, there was also Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who chanted sutras every day at the Bridge of Life and Death to relieve the resentment of living souls and reduce the burden on the Bridge of Life and Death.

Since the ancient catastrophe, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Dao fruit collapsed, and the resentment accumulated on the Bridge of Life and Death in the past and in the future has not dissipated for a long time.

In this way, this thing, like the Yunshan Palace that Su Qing encountered in the past, has also turned into an evil spirit.

But it is much more powerful than the Yunshan Palace. It is not a third-level evil spirit, but a sixth-level evil spirit!

The only good news is that it is just an evil spirit, and has not been possessed by evil spirits. It only has the power of evil spirits, not the power of evil spirits.

Of course, even if it is just an evil spirit, it has entered the sixth level, and it is not so simple to deal with it easily!

At least, with the exorcist group army controlled by Su Qing, there is no experience in fighting against the sixth-level evil spirit. In fact, because of the absolute gap in status, it has only completed the fourth-level transformation for the time being. Even if a fifth-level exorcist puppet has not walked out, the exorcist group army cannot accumulate experience in fighting against the sixth-level evil spirit, because the first battle may be wiped out, and there is no second chance at all.

Without the Exorcist Group, it was already difficult for a group of high-ranking Buddhists to deal with hundreds of millions of resentful souls, and it was not good to trouble them again.

Who should be asked to deal with the Bridge of Life and Death?

Xiong Er stood up at this time, wanting Su Qing to take out the Arhat skeleton and let it fight the Bridge of Life and Death.

Xiong Er is a high-ranking Buddhist, and his Buddhist teachings are so profound that Buddhists of the same level can only look up to him and regard him as a master.

If he takes the Arhat skeleton with him, the probability of taking down the Bridge of Life and Death is very high, at least higher than the probability of Er Qiang defeating the Sea-covering Great Sage.

But Su Qing did not let Xiong Er go on the field.

It was not because he was afraid that he would make mistakes in the fight with the sixth-level evil.

In fact, in this abyss operation, not to mention Xiong Er, Hu Dan, even he, Su Qing, had actually made a certain self-sacrifice awareness.

No one can be ruthless, and everyone can sacrifice!

The reason for not letting Xiong Er go is that you can't use a butcher knife to kill a chicken.

This arhat skeleton is not ordinary. There is a Buddha relic hidden inside. Among all the monks present, only Xiong Er can carry the skeleton and use the power of the skeleton to use the power of the Buddha relic.

This is a sharp knife, which can only be taken out at the last moment to stab the enemy's heart to win.

Just for a sixth-level evil spirit, it is far from this level.

Su Qing took out Bilian and 3,672 merit wooden fish and its matching big wooden spirit from the storage bag.

Let Xiong Er give the vajra to Bilian, let Bilian hold the vajra, and take the merit wooden fish group to meet the life and death bridge.

And this is the ace exorcism team he formed on top of the exorcism army.

Wooden fish special attack team! (End of this chapter)

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