Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 471 Brothers, settle accounts clearly


Sneak attack!


In a flash of lightning, a black shadow flashed in front of him.

After the second strongman reacted, he saw Xiong Er licking his face and following Su Qing with the trophies snatched from his hands to ask for credit and reward!

Unexpected, yet still being cleaned up.

The dragon head, dragon body, dragon tail, and even the dragon blood scattered into the sea that he had worked so hard to kill as a sophomore in high school never fell into his hands!

"That's unreasonable! Fellow Daoist Su, I thought of our past friendship and came to your aid at your invitation. This intention is not insincere, but you actually treat me like this!

First, I concealed the matter of Yinlongsan with Taoist Tong, which caught me off guard. I could only trap the dragon-slaying platform and fight the evil dragon to the death without being able to escape.

That's all. Since I came here, I'm ready to work hard for my fellow Taoists. But now I'm putting all my strength into fighting the evil dragon, but you send your subordinates and puppets to steal the trophies of my second best?

The second strongman advises you to stop at the cliff now and return this dragon head, dragon body and dragon soul to my second strongman as soon as possible. Otherwise, you and I, brothers, will be done today! "

The clay figurine still has a certain amount of anger. Although the statues of Erqiang are mostly made of clay, he himself is not made of clay!

The people's livelihood and business affairs of the Kingdom of God were completely controlled by Su Qing, so that he, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, had many constraints in the Kingdom of God, which made him feel aggrieved, incompetent and pitiful.

He endured this matter for a long time. After all, without Su Qing, Wanghai Fairy City in the past and the current Punishment Heaven would not be as prosperous as they are now. Even without Su Qing to protect Wanghai when he was in seclusion, Wanghai Fairy City would still exist. No, it's hard to say whether he has the foundation to become a god even though he is a sophomore in high school.

But there are some things that can be tolerated and some things that cannot be tolerated.

Bullying, too much bullying!

He, the sophomore in high school, is now on the job of the God of Punishment. You, Su Qing, robbed him in front of him, right? What you robbed was his God of Punishment's things?

Are you poor?

Su Ji's Puppet Shop, Lingying Langya Square are constantly collecting money for you from afar, the Eight Dragon Boats, and the fleet of treasure ships are fishing for food everywhere in the vast West Sea. Even in the far west, which is a million miles away, you are there. The industry is there!

You are not poor!

I'm so poor!

I can just point to this cloud dragon body to pay off my debts and turn over!

How dare you steal it from me!

Gao Erqiang felt so much grievance and anger that he, who had always been decent, got angry at Su Qing for the first time.

But Su Qing also has something to say!

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Gao? In this battle with Yunlong, you, me, and Fellow Daoist Tong worked together to achieve this result. According to the rules, the spoils will be divided afterwards. You and I all have a share. You don't want to take it all." Bar?"

The second strongman is angry, and Su Qing still wants to be angry. Don't look at how the second strongman behaves now. He is a fifth-level god, but he, Su Qing, is not hypocritical of him at all. He really wants to fall out. Believe it or not, Su Qingli let him The Kingdom of God changed its surname to Su? When it comes to martial arts, although the three-pointed two-edged sword is powerful, his Xingtian Blood Axe is not at a disadvantage!

"Monopoly? Where do you start talking about this? The battle between Xiaodao and Yunlong was fierce just now. I didn't care about him, but I don't know what fellow Daoist Su did in this battle? What qualifications do you have to say that you want to share this dragon with me?

You must know that this fifth-level true dragon is truly ferocious and unusual. Its body is as indestructible as a diamond, and its spirit is as unfathomable as the Western Sea. If I hadn't used my divine weapon to exert my divine power and exerted all the strength of nine oxen and two tigers to subdue this demonic dragon, Fellow Daoist Su. This fleet may be in danger. Daoyou Tong still used a few talismans, but for this little credit, he deserves a little bit of dragon blood..."

Seeing Su Qing getting angry, Gao Erqiang realized that most of his family's fortune was still in the hands of others, and most of the entire Kingdom of God belonged to him, Su Qing. His life was being held by others, so he would not be able to speak forcefully, and he would not be able to pay directly. Zhu Wuli turned his back and wanted to reason with Su Qing.

It's a pity that Su Qing is more prepared than him on the truth side!

"Credit? Gao Daoyou really thought that you could deal with this Yunlong alone?" Su Qing was still standing on the Pixiu treasure ship, sending a message to Gao Erqiang's spiritual consciousness from hundreds of miles away.

"Isn't it?" The second strongman was puzzled. It was pity that he had chopped down this Yunlong with one knife. If Su Qing had defaulted on his debt, the second strongman could have summoned the dragon soul and asked it what he had done to kill it. !

"Hmph! The Taoist priest is so naive that you actually think that in this dangerous place, you alone can control the first and fifth level cloud dragons?" Su Qing snorted coldly at first, and then detailed his achievements one by one to the confused man. Only the sophomore in high school who thought Su Qing was a scoundrel would listen to him.

“In this battle, I have three skills.

First, the Yinlong Powder and other items to attract this cloud dragon were prepared by me, Su Qing. If you want to catch a dragon from the Endless Land, this is an excellent bait. You don’t even have bait, how can you still want to fish with an empty hook? Can't? "

"Isn't this Yinlong Powder meant to be used by you and Tong Laodao to deceive me? Forget it, let's count it as your contribution!" Gao Erqiang was about to refute, but then he thought about it and realized that what Su Qing said was not unreasonable. After all, , what level of wronged souls and dead souls can be summoned by the Dragon-Slaying Platform all depends on the realm of the Heavenly Master. Lao Tao Tong is only at the fourth level. If there is no Yinlongsan, he really can't summon the fifth-level cloud dragon. If the dragon doesn't come, what will happen to him? Starting from beheading?

"Second, our eight dragon boats are lined up in a row, and there are many treasure ships with cannons and guns, surrounding this cloud dragon on all sides, not giving it a chance to escape elsewhere or escape to the place of death!"

"This makes sense. Although Yinlong Powder can attract the hatred of this Yunlong, if this Yunlong is seriously injured, lust may not be able to compete with the instinct of survival. If it only wants to escape, I really can't take it down!" Listen! At this point, Gao Erqiang also realized that he had been narrow-minded just now. He only focused on real swords and guns, and the merits of the frontal battlefield, but he ignored Su Qing's supporting role. After knowing that Su Qing was not just bullying others, his tone He also softened.

Seeing him like this, Su Qing also softened his tone. Erqiang is a good big brother. He can not only protect Su Qing's industrial group in Xingtian Kingdom, but also be called upon to be Su Qing's powerful thug to defeat the enemy. In this way He didn't want to fall out with a high-quality partner too early.

Even after his foundation in the far west land was stabilized, he was ready to take the initiative to move out of the property of the Kingdom of Punishment and withdraw his influence in the Kingdom of God, just because he was afraid that one day the two powers could not bear it anymore and the relationship between the two It didn't look good. He was willing to give up such a huge benefit. It would be ridiculous if a conflict was caused just because of uneven distribution of the spoils.

Su Qing had a thought and asked Gao Erqiang to look into the distance.

Gao Erqiang looked around and was shocked.

But thousands of miles ahead, a demonic cloud has gathered. There are thousands of demons and countless dead souls in it.

The devils with black skin, white faces and dead fish eyes drove the undead souls to rush towards them crazily.

The smart two strong men saw this scene and after thinking for a moment, they understood what happened.

The Heavenly Master's orders, attracting dragons to summon souls, and enforcing the law to carry out executions were supposed to attract all the unjust souls and dead souls here who did not exceed the realm of the Heavenly Master.

The Land of Endless Breath has been an ancient battlefield since ancient times. For countless years, these undead souls have been driven by evil spirits to cause continuous killings, so that there are more unjust souls and dead souls here than the living creatures in the country of the two powerful gods. many.

That is to say, this breathless place has an ancient power setting up a barrier. Only the living can come in and out, and the souls of the dead can enter and exit. Even though the barrier has been loosened recently, only a small crack can leak out. It was difficult to allow a large number of innocent souls to escape wantonly, so this gave Tong Laodao room to maneuver and set up the dragon-slaying platform to summon souls and convict him.

In the current situation, it is obvious that there is something wrong with the barrier, and so many wronged souls have just gathered!

Er Qiang's heart was awe-inspiring, his eyes were like lightning, and he penetrated the layers of fog that spread from the Land of Death. Following the direction of the large number of wronged souls and dead souls, he discovered a crack in the barrier that was constantly expanding.

The barrier of this Breath-Ending Realm is a fierce formation called Jedi Heaven. It can isolate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cut off the possibility of the cultivation and growth of the wronged souls and dead spirits within it. Legend has it that the ancient great power used real dragons to fight against evil spirits. The evil spirit generated after that was the basis, and together with the real dragon and the evil demon, they were trapped and died here.

It is said that when the formation was set up in the past, there were still several real dragons still fighting against the evil spirits. These real dragons who fought to the death never expected that they would end up like this. Since they withered away due to lack of spiritual energy in the formation, they withered away. , the hatred for living beings is almost the same as that of evil spirits, making this place even more sinister.

It is precisely because this place is extremely dangerous that Su Qing and Tong Laodao only dare to mess around on the outside and go in with real swords and guns. These two people do not dare at all.

Now it seems that it doesn’t matter whether or not we can get in!

Because this formation, which has been in operation since ancient times, has been in disrepair for a long time and cannot continue to operate, or a catastrophe has occurred. The evil spirits within it are unwilling to be left alone, so they rush into the formation in groups and break through it, or there is something unknown. The high-minded bastards broke into this place, messed around inside, and accidentally dug a big hole in the formation.

In short, no matter what the reason.

Senior high school student Qiang understands.

Things are getting serious!

The cell door is broken and the criminals are coming out!

The nine high-ranking evil spirits, the remnant souls of ancient dragons who are indistinguishable from good to evil, and the countless souls of the undead will surge out from the Land of Endlessness, and immediately roll into the West Sea like mercury pouring down, punishing the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Desire Demons. , Penglai Immortal Kingdom, Thousand Islands Immortal Kingdom, including the far western land that Su Qing is still developing, all are spared and will suffer from this catastrophe!

"The demonic tide is rising!"

The destruction of life was right in front of him. Gao Erqiang sighed deeply, but he had no intention of continuing to compete with Su Qing.

He could see Hu Dan leading the Demon God Corps together with Xiong Er's Arhat Buddha Bear Group, blocking the large flow of wronged souls and demons from the outskirts of the Endless Breathing Land.

Among them, Tiger Egg and the Demon God Corps mainly deal with the middle and lower level demons. Most of these demons have third- and fourth-level strength, and they are different from evil spirits. It is difficult for ordinary exorcism puppets to restrain them. Su Qing will use the exorcism puppets Before the upgrade, the only way to do this is to fight against them head-on with the Kuyiku Demon God Corps using the demonic energy gathered into a group.

The Arhat Buddha Bear Group is one of the few puppets that can suppress these evil demons. However, they are of a lower level and only number in the hundreds. At most, they can suppress more than a hundred low-level evil demons. Su Qing simply let them take them with him. The 30,000 evil-exorcist ghosts and the 5,000 mandrill burial souls will first beat up those undead souls!

In addition to Hu Dan and Xiong Er, two puppets that Gao Erqiang had seen many times while working for Su Qing, this time Gao Erqiang also saw a puppet from the other side that amazed him.

This puppet has a big head and a slender body, with a hollow chest. A black heart beats wildly up and down in its body like a rabbit. The thumping heartbeat echoes throughout the battlefield. What is surprising is that this heartbeat seems to be able to bewitch the devil. Many subordinates The demon was affected by this heartbeat, and actually abandoned the middle demon, and instead stood beside the puppet and became its minions to conquer the demon. It is really strange in the whole world. The demon has always bewitched and used others. Who would have thought Today I can actually watch a good show in which a demon is bewitched by others. Damn it, he is bewitched by a puppet!

"The Yingzhou Demon Buddha is unfathomable. He manipulates the entire West Sea in the dark to cause trouble everywhere. The Great Sage of Overturning the Sea on the Three Holy Mountains recruits troops and gathers millions of demon soldiers. He has the idea of ​​sweeping the West Sea, going ashore and marching eastward to seize the Immortal Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons. On the land, there are also the old immortals like Di Motian and the old bandit army from Pingxi Wu Kingdom.

The West Sea was originally a mess with these things trapped in it and fires everywhere, but now there are these demonic undead scourges! If it weren't for Daoist friend Su and Xihai Optimus Prime who were supporting the situation and extinguishing the fire everywhere, there would be no situation where I, the second grader of high school, could be enjoying the incense in Xingtian Kingdom peacefully. Just now, the pattern of the small path was too small. I didn't know what my friends were doing, but I only cared about the petty profits. ! I hope fellow Taoist Su will not take offense! "

As a god, especially the God of Punishment, Gao Erqiang cannot easily bow his head to others, as it would undermine the prestige of the god.

But Su Qing is not an outsider, he is his brother. There is no shame in bowing to him. We can't let a little misunderstanding affect our brotherhood, right?

The second-year high school student finally understood.

Don't say that if Su Qing and the gang of puppets hadn't helped him stop these demons and undead, he would have been killed by the real dragon, let alone beheaded the dragon in his second year of high school, and would have been torn to pieces by these demons. After all, These demons love to gnaw at the gods. The senior gods in the ancient heaven were the ones who brought disaster to them!

He said that in the current situation in the West Sea, anyone can be missing, but he really cannot be missing Su Qing. He has arrogant soldiers and many puppets, and has the potential to explode large-scale puppets and troops. In addition, he has developed new types of puppets. In view of the potential of the evil demon, if he gives up his choice, Penglai Immortal Island, Thousand Island Immortal Kingdom, and his second-highest-ranking Xingshu Divine Kingdom will not be able to think about it!

After realizing the importance of Su Qing, Gao Erqiang no longer cared about the harvest of Yunlong's corpse. He would just treat him as a beggar and pay the protection fee for the rich man.

Alas, this world!

I originally thought that his second best was Su Qing's patron saint, but unexpectedly, after going round and round, in the end, his second best asked Su Qing to help support him, at least until his second best could stabilize the Kingdom of God and use the three points and two blades. Let’s talk about it after getting started with the inheritance within the sword.

Seeing that the second strongman understood the situation and corrected his attitude, Su Qing was in a good mood.

That’s right!

He, Su Qing, really thought he came to this place of death for his own selfish reasons!

Isn’t he also thinking about all the people in the West Sea, and isn’t he also doing it for the common people in the world?

Although Muyuwawa frantically transformed the Dao Patterns of Light in this battle and gained merit and luck, this was only an insignificant additional benefit he gained from serving the common people.

In short, when the barrier of this land of death is disintegrating and the demonic undead are about to scatter and cause trouble, he, Su Qing, can lead the puppets in the front, which has already made great contributions to the West Sea.

After all, the most feared thing about demons is their intangibility and ability to confuse others. The more demons are killed here, the less they will escape to other places in the West Sea.

And there is no doubt that if any demon goes to a gathering place of creatures that may not even have golden elixirs, the difficulty and losses will be hundreds of times greater than now!

His Su Qing's heart can be used as a reference to the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon can shine upon it. He has a clear conscience for taking the broken body of a cloud dragon! (End of chapter)

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