Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 46 Micromanipulation of Divine Consciousness

[Failed to refine the meditation doll, proficiency +1, current proficiency: 1/500]

"The first performance is always unsatisfactory. It is human nature and understandable."

The six hundred spirit crystals were splashed with water. Su Qing had no time to feel distressed and immediately threw himself into the next refining.

Carving the main body, sprinkling water and mud, filling the soil to create the human body, brushing the skin, drawing runes, and divine communication.

Black smoke erupted from the doll, and Su Qing shivered.

[Failed to refine the meditation doll, proficiency +1, current proficiency: 2/500]

"It doesn't matter, I lasted longer this time than last time!"


This time, the doll's head exploded directly. This was due to the overload of spiritual power, and he didn't even have time to tremble.

[Failed to refine the meditation doll, proficiency +1, current proficiency: 3/500]

"Urgent, Su Qing, you're in a hurry again. No one's doll can be taken care of with one shot, unless it's not your own!"


[Failed to refine the meditation doll, proficiency +1, current proficiency: 22/500]

"Those who have traveled a hundred miles are only half-ninety. We were just a little bit behind it just now. Hold on, don't panic."

Su Qing murmured to himself like crazy. He stayed in the spirit house and did not go out for three days and three nights while refining puppets. At this time, he had been failed more than twenty times. His eyes were red and stimulated, and he looked like crazy. He was not the same as the second-year high school student in Fangshi. It’s almost the same.

[Failed to refine the meditation doll, proficiency +1, current proficiency: 23/500]

"Which puppet master doesn't experience failure? As long as I succeed this time, I can get back my capital and profits!"


When the twenty-fourth meditation doll exploded on the spot.

The remnants of the explosion hit Su Qing's shoulder, and the severe pain from the wound made him wake up instantly.

"It's Gambler's Miasma! I didn't expect that I also experienced Gambler's Miasma!"

After regaining consciousness, he mobilized Spider Doctor to repair the wound and said happily.

The gambler's miasma is a disaster that all professions such as weapon refiners, talisman makers, and puppet masters may experience.

After many refining failures and the loss of a lot of materials, these professionals will be like gamblers who lose all their money, hoping to make a fortune at once. But in most cases, they will lose everything. share.

Su Qing had experienced failures when refining other puppets before, but he had never fallen into the gambler's miasma.

In the past, he only thought that he was cautious by nature and had strong self-control. When he saw those gambling dogs, he would only secretly laugh at them as not worthy of pity.

But now, he realized that it was because those puppets were not important to him.

Witch Puppet and Lizard Warrior, no matter how much they are refined, they can only earn more spiritual crystals.

It is difficult to make achievements in spiritual practice, and you will only be able to enjoy a life span of 150 or 60 years in the future. Then you will live in a mansion, raise beautiful maids, have ten or eight children, and live a life of food and mouth. What is the meaning of such a life!

He wants to build a foundation, he wants a golden elixir, he wants to achieve immortality, and he wants to enjoy eternal blessings.

The meditation doll gave him hope.

Also because I am too obsessed with the meditation doll.

Knowing that nothing could be done, he continued refining one after another, falling into the trap of the gambler's miasma.

What a risk, I almost went bankrupt!

"More than 20 sets of materials, that's more than 10,000 spiritual crystals. This money was earned by me as a puppet. How dare I spend it so crazily without even seeing a drop of water!"

In fact, it was a bit of a splash. More than 10,000 spiritual crystals and more than 20 points of proficiency increased his success rate in refining the meditation doll by about 5%.

But this success rate is nothing!

To refine the Lizard Warrior, you can also use the number of failures to pile up the success rate. This is because the material cost of the Lizard Warrior is not expensive, and there are materials provided by Yuanlailou for him to practice.

Meditation dolls cannot be exported to generate income, and the materials are extremely expensive. He doesn't dare to make them, and he can't afford them.

"Almost every time I fail, I get stuck at the same frequency. There is no problem with the strength of my spiritual consciousness. The difficulty lies in the micro-management of my spiritual consciousness. As long as I improve the micro-management of my spiritual consciousness, the success rate should increase."

Su Qing calmly analyzed the reasons for the failure, immediately stopped the futile attempt, pushed away the spirit house, and walked in the direction of the white-tusked elephant.

Micromanipulation of spiritual consciousness, this is the unique skill of spiritual doctors!

These days, when Su Qing was working with Guo Qiaolian, he had seen her use her consciousness more than once to manipulate needles as small as hairs to thread needles and threads into the wounds of the injured.

In an emergency, she can even control dozens of spiritual needles to sew each one at the same time.

This kind of micro-manipulation ability of spiritual consciousness is what Su Qing urgently needs right now!

"It's just that this kind of technique is the special skill of spiritual doctors. I don't know what price I paid for it, so Guo Qiaolian agreed to teach me."

On the way, Su Qing frowned, thinking about what she might do to impress Guo Qiaolian.

Witch puppet? Guo Qiaolian has no use for it.

Lizard warrior? One or two are insincere, and Guo Qiaolian's spiritual consciousness may not be able to keep up with the addition.

Armored war bear? She can't seem to control it either.

After thinking about it, apart from smashing it hard with the spiritual crystal, he only thought of Doctor Spider as a bargaining chip.

Guo Qiaolian must like miniature medical puppets like Doctor Spider.

However, this puppet has low material consumption and outstanding functions, so it can be refined in large quantities.

Once leaked, he would most likely be captured by the Yunshan Sect and subjected to endless refining by the war cultivators on the front line, turning him into a puppet refining tool. This would be a huge risk.

"If Guo Qiaolian is willing to sign a spiritual contract with me, and the spiritual contract is the guarantee, I can give her three to two hundred tools!"

He was willing to take a little risk in order to meditate on the doll.

When he came near the white-tusked elephant, he saw his own fire egg, licking the dog's face, waiting for Guo Qiaolian to feed him with the white-tusked elephant. When he saw himself whimpering, the dog's eyes were filled with tears and grievance.

Aren't you aggrieved? Do you know how Huo Dan came to be here in the past three days? The owner stayed in the spirit house and did not come out, so its dog food ran out immediately. If it had not been eating the white-tusked elephant's food in the past three days, it Huo Dan would have been here. It’s time to lose weight!

Pull the hot egg aside.

Su Qing raised her hands to Guo Qiaolian who was concentrating on feeding and said:

"How have you been these days, Fellow Daoist Guo?"

"Is it Fellow Daoist Su? Are you out of seclusion?" Guo Qiaolian lowered her eyes and saw Su Qing standing tall, her eyes suddenly lit up, full of joy.

In the forward camp, Ma Tuan and other guards were not from the same group as them, and they were cold and difficult to communicate with. Liang Haishun was too old, He Lianxian was too ugly, the spirit pattern master was too scary, and the flute musician was a talker.

In Guo Qiaolian's heart, she is most comfortable only when she is with fellow Taoist Su.

Su Daoyou is good-looking and speaks nicely. The most important thing is that he can also see doctors and save people with her. Su Daoyou's legs are something that everyone who has used them can't help praising!

Guo Qiaolian likes to go on medical visits with fellow Taoist Su. During these three days of Su Qing's retreat, she was alone and not as happy as before.

Seeing the joy in Guo Qiaolian's eyes, Su Qing felt warm in her heart.

He also had a good impression of this female cultivator, who was lively, cheerful, kind-hearted, and a refreshing figure among the casual cultivators.

After she turned over and jumped off the White Tusk Elephant, she smiled bitterly and said:

"I've been refining a new type of puppet recently. It's just because I'm not good at Taoism. I've been working hard for three days, but it's nothing. I have no choice but to go out and want to ask my Taoist friends for some advice."

"Ah, I don't know how to make puppets. Fellow Taoist, I asked the wrong person!"

When Guo Qiaolian heard that Su Qing wanted to ask her for advice, she was immediately at a loss. She had been following Su Qing and had been secretly learning his bionic runes, but she felt that fellow Taoist Su was too far ahead of her.

Now I suddenly heard that Su Qing wanted to learn something from her, and I immediately felt like a low-student being asked questions by a top student.

"I would like to know how to improve the level of micro-manipulation of spiritual consciousness. I don't know how my friend can give me some advice."

Although she has a good relationship with Guo Qiaolian, the law is not spread to outsiders. Guo Qiaolian's skills are passed down from generation to generation to make a living. She felt a little embarrassed to ask rashly.

"If Fellow Daoist Guo agrees, I will not hesitate to send Doctor Spider out!" Su Qing said silently in his heart.

However, before he could put forward the follow-up conditions, he only saw Guo Qiaolian exhaling and patting her chest, her bright eyes lit up, she smiled at him and said:

"I'm really good at the micro-manipulation of spiritual consciousness. If you want to learn it, I'll teach you!"

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