Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 44 Three legs can also be cured!

Ever since Baibao Pavilion came up with the idea of ​​letting them help hunt down the second-level monsters.

The agreement they had made with Baibao Pavilion before did not count. Originally, Baibao Pavilion looked for customers and provided materials, and he could only charge a crafting fee for refining the puppets.

Now, Qing He will sell the materials to him according to the market price. How many puppets he can refine with these materials and how many spiritual crystals he can earn are all his own abilities.

Six thousand spirit crystals, deducting the cost of the spirit lotus leg, he can earn at least three to four thousand. This is really a big business. No wonder he was so happy that his eyes turned gentle when he looked at Guo Qiaolian.

"Fellow Daoist Guo, I am determined to be your friend!" Su Qing's eyes were sincere.

"Ah, haven't we been friends for a long time?" Guo Qiaolian was stunned, and there was no trace of human sophistication in her clear eyes.

If it were her, she wouldn't mind the small hiding hole, right?

Su Qing was thinking wildly and asked the lizard warriors to sandwich him and Guo Qiaolian and run towards the residence of the casual cultivator.

The casual cultivators in the front camp are not that particular. Most of them live in small groups in simple tents, and only a few are willing to rent a spiritual house.

The simple tents were like dirt bags scattered on the ground, lacking the dignity that a monk should have.

The lightly-armored lizard warrior was extremely fast and led the two of them to run wildly through tents. Within a moment, they arrived near the injured person's residence.

The tents are in a ring shape surrounding a large tent inside.

Seeing outsiders coming over, the fierce-looking casual cultivators stared at the two of them menacingly, making Su Qing a little nervous.

Fortunately, Guo Qiaolian had some respect among the casual cultivators. After seeing her negotiating with a burly man, the casual cultivators parted ways.

Su Qing secretly thought that just because of the fright, he had to make more money from this order.

When he reached the innermost tent, he immediately saw a casual cultivator with a broken leg lying on the wooden board in the middle.

This casual cultivator is really strong, with two broken legs, and his upper body alone takes up most of the bed.

Su Qing bent over and knelt down to check the wound. When she saw that Guo Qiaolian had simply treated the wound using the spiritual doctor's techniques, she couldn't help but nodded slightly.

And around him, dozens of bulky, round-waisted, fierce-looking casual cultivators had gathered.

"Fellow Taoist, my elder brother can still be saved, he won't die!"

"Shut up, brother just broke his leg. At the very least, he can only install a prosthetic leg. He is still alive and kicking. How could he die!"

"That's a pity, I still want to help him take care of his sister-in-law!"

"That's not necessarily true. My eldest brother seems to have broken three legs!"

"My sister-in-law is so pitiful, oh no, it's my elder brother who is so pitiful!"

Although these people were talking witty words, Su Qing couldn't find it funny.

On the way here, Guo Qiaolian had already introduced the patient's condition to him.

Don't look at this fellow Taoist lying on the board now, the glory is not there.

But it is Niu Ya, the famous rat king hunter in the hunting area.

Not only are they first-level peak physical cultivators, but the physical cultivators in the tent now are all life and death brothers who have been hunting monsters with him for more than ten years. Outside the tent, there are hundreds of people who have been following him for food.

These people spoke nicely to make his elder brother relax and ease the mood of his puppet master.

If he makes a mistake and causes trouble, he won't be able to withstand it.

This is also the reason why Su Qing was unwilling to go out alone to pick up orders for Ling Ou Leg.

The casual cultivators are very reasonable, but even more unreasonable!

Fortunately, within a short while, Huo Dan led Ma Tuan and the others to the tent, and the two armored war bears outside were also deployed by Su Qing.

Seeing Ma Tuan standing behind him indifferently, with that surprisingly ugly face, he seemed particularly reliable at this moment.

Su Qing then began to refine the spirit lotus leg for this tough guy who had three broken legs.

"I don't know what this fellow Taoist's requirements are for the shape of his legs, whether they are thick or thin, long or short. I suggest that you make them based on your original size. When the time comes, you will get used to them faster."

The mood of major customers still needs to be taken into consideration, Su Qing asked Niu Ya in a gentle voice.

Niu Ya's eyes were straight at this moment. He had not yet recovered from the blow of breaking his leg.

He has limited skills and average qualifications. He just relies on his fierce strength to lead ordinary brothers to hunt monsters.

Although his life was a little harder, he had a good wife and a good son at home, and he usually drank and had fun with his brothers, so he lived a happy and carefree life.

This time when the monster came down the mountain, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to fight for himself again, to see if he could get a second-level demon elixir and sprint to the second-level physical cultivation.

But now I am killing a lot of monsters and making a lot of spiritual crystals, but all three of my legs are broken.

Even if a puppet prosthetic limb is installed, there will be no way forward in the future.

Of course he couldn't accept this blow.

In his opinion, the young puppeteer invited by Guo Qiaolian was just a stranger. He probably didn't have much success in the city and didn't have much ability.

It was only because Dr. Guo was a simple man that he was deceived by his lies and thought he was capable.

Niu Ya only agreed to let Su Qing come over for a try, and he didn't want to refute Guo Qiaolian's reputation. Therefore, he didn't have much respect for Su Qing at this time.

Seeing Su Qing asking him to cooperate in drawing a drawing of his three legs.

Niu Ya didn't put much thought into it. He drew random pictures on his left and right legs, just letting Su Qing get a rough idea. He was just afraid of losing face in front of his brothers, so he drew the middle one a little bigger.

Whether it was big or not, it is gone now. No one can verify it, right?

"Sister-in-law is a lucky one!"

Su Qing held the drawing and nodded in approval.

Then he took out three pieces of white jade lotus root from his storage bag and started working.

No one can refine the Spiritual Lotus Leg without the cooperation of Doctor Spider, so he is not afraid of others looking at it.

Guo Qiaolian on the side, after he started to take action, stared at his operation with big bright eyes. Su Qing really couldn't say anything about such a frank behavior of stealing from his master.

As Guo Qiaolian watched, she kept shouting in her heart.

Using white jade lotus root as a prosthetic material is extremely clever!

It is possible for this spiritual material to transform into a lotus root person and become a genus of spirits and monsters. They can practice like monks and use it as prosthetic limbs. It is indeed possible to establish the circulation of mana, energy and blood.

Drawing second-level bionic runes is so brilliant!

Guo Qiaolian does not know the second-level bionic runes. I heard that they can simulate the body structure and movement habits of various creatures. They are runes that only second-level puppet masters can master.

Fellow Daoist Su can draw such runes, no wonder he can refine a lizard warrior.

Draw second-level medical runes?

How could the puppet master delve into medical runes? Isn't this the main rune of their spiritual doctor?

The reason why she, Guo Qiaolian, has saved countless people in Fang City is because she has mastered the second-level medical runes. When she encounters a problem that cannot be solved by ordinary medical skills, she directly uses the runes to solve the problem and lets the runes solve the problem.

This fellow Daoist Su is obviously a puppet master, but he has mastered the second-level medical runes. It is really unexpected, but he is very admired.

Next came the first-level materials and other runes, which also opened Guo Qiaolian's eyes and realized that what Su Qing said before was right. What he was doing now was simply not something he could learn by himself.

But she didn't dare to relax, because she knew that the key difficulty of this Linglian Leg was how to connect these three legs to Niu Ya's wound.

You must know that whether it is legal cultivation or physical cultivation, if the body is damaged, the magic power and qi and blood will escape along the wound. Small wounds may be fine, and some qi, blood, and magic power will not escape. The monks Much recovery.

But with a big wound like a broken leg, a lot of energy, blood, and mana escape.

If it is not repaired for a long time, the monk will definitely fall into the realm.

Generally speaking, after monks break a leg or limb, they will quickly treat the wound, install a prosthetic limb, or have a spiritual doctor sew it up.

Since then, the qi, blood, and mana in his body will form a new cycle based on the incomplete body. Although he will no longer fall into the realm, he will no longer be able to establish a complete cycle.

This is also the reason why Su Qing needs freshly severed legs to refine the Ling Lotus Leg.

At this moment, Niu Ya's wounds were simply treated by her.

Qi and blood are still slowly draining away.

When Su Qing connected his legs, he would definitely make a huge movement to make these wounds explode. At that time, if he was connected to the natural world, Niu Ya would be able to make up for the lost energy and blood after a few days of practice.

But if he loses a lot of energy and blood but fails to install it, the result may not be good.

Although Guo Qiaolian is unsophisticated, she has been practicing medicine for a long time and has seen many such things.

At this time, he glanced apologetically at Su Qing, who was concentrating on his work, and secretly thought that he was so reckless. In order to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, he invited Su Qing over so rashly.

In Guo Qiaolian's nervous eyes.

Su Qing picked up a spiritual lotus root leg.

He pulled Niu Ya's wound with a snap, pulled out the fine sutures, and pushed Ling Lotus' leg up like it was a dead object.


"Ah? Ah!"

The first sound came from Niu Ya.

Installing a new leg always hurts a bit, but before, Ge Ling could grit his teeth without saying a word. But this tough guy who looked majestic was so intolerant of pain, which made people look down upon him.

Su Qing was surprised by the second sound. He turned his head to look at Guo Qiaolian and asked, "What are you doing?"

"This... this is too rough. There are so many blood vessels and meridians, how can you just install them without fear of making mistakes?" Guo Qiaolian opened her mouth slightly, her eyes bright with shock.

"I'm a puppet master. I'm not in the same system as you spiritual doctors. It's normal that you don't understand some of the methods."

Naturally, Su Qing would not tell her that he had just secretly released more than a dozen spider doctors to check for leaks.

Next, the second leg was successfully installed.

Even the third leg couldn't match up. Without Su Qing's research, he could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the size.

"Fellow Taoist, how about I make it thinner?" Su Qing asked tentatively.

"Uh, let's make it shorter!" Niu Ya had already seen Su Qing's ability at this time, and thought it would be better to be more honest, so he said with his face covered.

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