Eternal Life: From Refining Puppets to Cultivate for Me

Chapter 2 Flesh puppet, business is booming

"Shopkeeper Liu's business is booming. The ten witch puppets I ordered last time have all been refined for you. The two extra ones will be used as the interest I owe on credit for the materials?"

Su Qing, who was led by Shopkeeper Liu to the second floor, did not sit down immediately, but bowed her hands to Liu Zhang in a very polite manner.

Even though Shopkeeper Liu greeted him with a smile, he clearly understood his position.

He is not an inner disciple of Yunshan Sect now. Without the establishment, he is just like the casual cultivators outside. He just has some tricks on the puppet road to help shopkeeper Liu improve his performance.

In a way, shopkeeper Liu can be regarded as his food and clothing parent, so he must provide for him well.

"We haven't seen each other for half a month. Fellow Taoist Su has made some progress in the puppet art. With 100 materials, he can refine twelve puppets. The success rate is higher than the old Taoist expected. The old Taoist will not let fellow Taoist suffer. For the two bodies that came out, how about converting them to fellow Taoist at four hundred spiritual crystals each?"

Shopkeeper Liu didn't want to take advantage of Su Qing and said boldly.

Su Qing nodded in acquiescence. He knew very well that these witch puppets were all high-end goods, not the simple versions he sold at his own stall.

According to the requirements of Baibao Pavilion, not only the bionic runes are more vivid, but also some of the aura of the witch can be simulated according to customer needs.

After being resold by Baibao Pavilion, especially to those demon cultivators in the Desire Demon Immortal Kingdom who covet Liu Yun'er and hold back the evil fire, it is not impossible for the price to increase dozens of times.

As the puppet master who developed the witch puppet, Su Qing was not envious of it. He even left the name of Baibao Pavilion on each puppet.

No matter how much you can earn, how much money you can carry, Baibao Pavilion is obviously more capable than him. They make a lot of money and carry a big blame, and they can just stay in Baiyunfang City and drink some soup.

"Fellow Taoist, if you have free time recently, please refine more witch puppets. After the last few witch puppets were launched, the response was enthusiastic and the supply exceeded the demand. Come to think of it, with the fierce battle between the two sects, the witch continues to show off her evil, so for this witch There are more and more fellow Taoists harboring resentments.

In addition, using this puppet to simulate the witch's charm ability can also enhance the resistance to the witch herself. For the sake of all my colleagues, please help me! "Shopkeeper Liu said sincerely.

"It is our duty to resist the Demon Sect. The old rules are: 100 materials, ten puppets. I will make as many puppets as many materials as Shopkeeper Liu has!"

Su Qinghao was furious, it didn't matter what the monks were doing with these witch puppets, he just wanted to make money.

Shopkeeper Liu saw Su Qing's willingness to agree, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

In terms of quality, this witch puppet is only a mid-level first-class product.

However, because of the extremely high requirements for bionic runes, it is difficult for ordinary second-level puppet masters to refine them. Those who can refine them are all guests of major forces, and they disdain and are unwilling to refine them. puppet.

It was this Taoist Su who was admitted into the inner sect of the Yunshan Sect because of his extremely high understanding of bionic runes, but was later kicked out because of his low spiritual roots and difficulty in breaking through the middle stage of Qi refining for a long time, so he made this deal with him. Business.

After clapping his hands, the guy came over carrying a storage bag.

"Ordinarily, as fellow Taoist Su, he should have a storage bag long ago. This bag contains more than 360 materials. After one month, fellow daoist Su will hand over thirty witch puppets to this pavilion. Even if the requirement is fulfilled, this storage bag will This bag can be regarded as a little thought from this pavilion to fellow Taoists!"

A low-grade storage bag cannot be carried without three thousand spiritual crystals.

Being able to be given away as a trade addition, it seems that the profit of this witch puppet is greater than I imagined!

Muttering in her heart, Su Qing still pretended to be flattered and took the storage bag.

After finishing the business deal with the Witch Puppet, Su Qing bought some other materials from Shopkeeper Liu and spent most of the spiritual crystals he had just set up a stall before giving up.

Then, just when Shopkeeper Liu was about to see off the guests.

Su Qing suddenly took out another puppet drawing from his arms and said to Shopkeeper Liu:

"Shopkeeper, let's see if Baibao Pavilion is interested in this puppet."

Shopkeeper Liu spread out the drawing and saw a puppet that looked like a green-skinned lizard. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Can this also do that?"

"What is Shopkeeper Liu thinking? This is a war puppet! Xiaodao is planning to focus on this puppet next. If Shopkeeper Liu is interested, I will bring you a test object for the next delivery?" Su Qing said angrily.

"Oh, oh, battle puppet. Fellow Taoist, please bring it over next time. If the bionic effect is good, I may not be able to accept it."

When he heard that it was a battle puppet, Shopkeeper Liu was a little disappointed at first. Combat puppets can be made by serious puppet masters. The bionic runes that Su Qing is good at cannot play a big role in battle puppets, so he naturally has little interest.

But then I thought, there are thousands of monks in the world, maybe some of them like to fight passionately with lizard puppets?

After the two of them finished talking about the business, they chatted for a few more words. Then seeing that shopkeeper Liu was a little impatient, Su Qing stood up and left.

With the few remaining spiritual crystals, I bought spiritual rice, spiritual noodles and other daily necessities in the city. I also reluctantly bought three Huangya pills that can improve my practice. Then I got on the iron-legged horse and followed the path. The bluestone-paved avenue leads towards the living area not far from the city center.

Along the way, Su Qing could feel a series of vague eyes locking on him, but the feeling like a thorn in the back disappeared immediately.

"This iron-footed horse is still too ostentatious. Next time I go out, I will have a storage bag to transport supplies, so I won't have this trouble."

Even though he knew that he must be secretly escorted by war cultivators arranged by Baibao Pavilion to prevent the materials that had just been handed over to him from being stolen by thieves, Su Qing was still a little worried. He held the thick armor talisman tightly and returned to the living area in fear. .

The living area outside Fangshi is built around a lake with beautiful scenery. It is protected by formations arranged by Baiyunfang City all year round, and the Baiyun Sect law enforcement team maintains law and order. As long as you stay in the room, you are not afraid of the robbery cultivators coming to your door.

It can be said that except for the slightly expensive rent of 500 spiritual crystals per month, there are no disadvantages.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Su is back. I heard that three witch puppets were sold in Fang City today. Gee, this little girl never expected that one day she would lose business to a man!"

Outside the house, a charming female cultivator in gorgeous clothes said sharply when she saw him coming back.

Tang Wanqing, the next-door neighbor, is a late-stage Qi-refining cultivator. He is followed by several female cultivators and runs a flesh-and-blood business in Baiyunfang City. Because he looks good and is a decent person, he has a pretty good relationship with her.

"There are hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators in the city. How can three puppets steal Taoist Fellow Taoist Tang's business? That is to say, Fellow Taoist Tang himself is unwilling to accept guests. Otherwise, all the Taoists would be willing to donate some of their hard-earned money to Fellow Taoist Tang!"

Su Qing's eyes scanned Tang Wanqing's body unscrupulously, thinking that if she used this person as a template to refine the puppet, the sales volume would not be bad.

"Bah, you have a thief's heart but not a thief's courage. I'll leave the door open tonight. Do you dare to come in?"

Tang Wanqing took a sip of temper, and the two trembling lumps on her chest made Su Qing's heart skip a beat, but she immediately realized that with her own cultivation, she could not subdue this fierce horse.

"Don't be ridiculous. It seems that fellow Taoist has been waiting for me for a long time. You are not really here to flirt with me, are you?" Su Qing said with a straight face.

When Tang Wanqing saw this, she explained her purpose.

It turns out that she also fell in love with the witch puppet.

Su Qing had been thinking about it since the last time she refined the first batch of witch puppets.

She took a few little sisters to do the flesh business. The little sisters were all made of flesh and blood and could not bear the whipping. They could not receive many customers in a day.

How can it be comfortable to bring a group of puppets to pick up customers? At most, the prostitution fee can be a little cheaper. As long as the quantity is large and the frequency is high, you can definitely earn more.

Of course, the witch puppet based on Liu Yun'er was still too expensive for her, so she just took out a batch of portraits of beautiful beauties and asked Su Qing to customize some cheap ones.

"The basic model has two hundred spiritual crystals, which are engraved with eighty bionic runes and two water and fire runes. It cannot be repaired without repair."

"An upgraded Three Hundred Spirit Crystal, engraved with one hundred and twenty runes. The three runes of water, fire, thunder and lightning, and spiral can be replaced at will. It cannot be restored without repair."

"A luxurious Five Hundred Spirit Crystal, engraved with 372 bionic runes, and the warranty is non-refundable!"

"I suggest that fellow Taoist choose the luxury model. This is the top quality product from Baibao Pavilion's export market. This means that I have a close relationship with fellow Taoist. For ordinary people, I really don't want to buy out!"

Unexpectedly, there was still business at the door of his home, and Su Qing had a smile on his face.

"My lord, why don't you go and grab five hundred spirit crystals!" Upon hearing Su Qing's price, Tang Wanqing let out a sweet cry and kept shouting that it was expensive.

A counter-offer sale is not difficult to make.

After Tang Wanqing gave her some benefits, Su Qing readily agreed to customize five basic puppets for her based on one hundred and eighty-five spiritual crystals to give her a try.

What surprised Su Qing was that one of the templates Tang Wanqing chose was herself.

Thinking about it, she also knew that there were a lot of monks around here who coveted her. If she didn't earn the money herself, she could let the puppets do it.

Looking at Tang Wanqing's physical data on the drawing, Su Qing was amazed at how accurate it was and promised to complete her order within a month.

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