The puppet master has to invest a lot in the early stage, and there is a risk of failure in refining the puppet. Researching new puppets costs money and time, and if the new puppets are not popular, they will lose all their money.

Su Qing secretly thought that the puppet master also had many difficulties, but there was no need to tell Tang Wanqing these words.

"It's easier to be a spiritual butcher. When others hunt for them and slaughter them, you can easily get dozens or hundreds of spiritual crystals into your account."

Su Qing saw Hu San holding a meat splitting knife and slashing at the iron-backed bear, and sighed with a smile.

Tang Wanqing looked at him looking a little thin and said with a smile:

"Not everyone can be a butcher. It requires not only the strength of a first-level body refiner, but also a thorough knowledge of the body structure of various monster beasts. They need to bleed, skin, separate meat, remove bones, and take cores. Every Every step is meticulous.”

Su Qing nodded silently upon hearing this, knowing that what Tang Wanqing said was true.

If you want to make a living in the spiritual world, it is indeed not easy in any profession.

After all, in this world, the only people in this world who can do without childbirth and have all kinds of resources to support them, who only want to achieve a breakthrough in realm and live forever, are the Taoist geniuses who are supported as treasures by major sects.

Most practitioners, after understanding their own qualifications and the possible upper limit of their practice, are no different from ordinary people, they just want to live a better life now.

But even so, it's not that easy.

The exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes imposed by the major forces, the evil cultivators, the evil monsters, the misfortunes and blessings are always unpredictable, and danger is always with you.

Like Ge Ling, it was not uncommon for a family to have spent years of hard work in vain just by breaking one of their legs.

Thinking of this, Su Qing looked at the villagers who were picking up scraps of meat on the ground, and couldn't help but feel that she was lucky enough.

Maybe the iron-backed bear is too big, or maybe Hu San is not good at learning.

It wasn't until dusk that he finished cooking the iron-backed bear.

During this period, Su Qing took Ge Ling for more than an hour of rehabilitation.

To his relief, Ling Lotus Legs was indeed a mature puppet certified by the system. At least during Ge Ling's Qi refining stage, these legs were enough for her to use.

Because the quality of the spiritual lotus leg was acceptable, when Ge Changyuan gave him the 2,600 spiritual crystals he got from selling the Man Niu, he felt at ease.

The cost of Ling Jade Lotus Root is not worth the price, but the puppet master always counts more than just the cost.

Put aside, if someone else wanted to refine a pair of spiritual lotus legs, Su Qing would have to pay far more than this amount.

It is even more impossible to say that others asked him to travel overnight and hired Tang Wanqing as a favor.

"The old man knows that these few spiritual crystals cannot be exchanged for Ling'er's legs. Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Su. When the old man sells this year's harvest, he will collect four hundred spiritual crystals and send them to Fellow Daoist!"

Ge Changyuan knew what he was doing, so when he saw Su Qing taking the spirit crystal, he didn't forget to add something.

Su Qing shook his head and was not prepared to let him bleed any more. The old man's life was not easy, the mother-in-law was just a mortal, and he did almost all the work in the fields alone.

If it weren't for Ge Ling to have a good starting point, he moved out of Lingtian District and went to a secular society, and his life might have been better. But in Lingtian District, after spending all his previous savings, he sold off one year's harvest. If you give it to him, their family will not be able to survive in the next year.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be too busy thanking me. I have a merciless request from Xiaodao. I see that many people in Lingtian District are interested in my puppet.

Xiaodao didn't want to travel back and forth, and thought about letting fellow Taoists run errands for Xiaodao in the future. If the villagers wanted puppets, they would ask fellow Taoists to bring me the deposit. After I refined the puppets, fellow Taoists would send the puppets over.

I don’t dare to let fellow Taoist’s hard work go in vain. I will give fellow Taoist ten spiritual crystals as a reward for every order. What do you think, fellow Taoist? "

Su Qing spoke to Ge Yuan slowly.

This experience in Gejiacun made him aware of the demand for puppets in Lingtian District.

It is true that the consumption power here is far less than that of the living area. The monks and high-end puppets in the central area have little sales.

However, with the large base of monks and the lack of competition from other puppet masters, the villagers' strong demand for puppets cannot be met, and they are in urgent need of puppet masters like him to save them!

A few villagers can buy a passionate secret puppet by putting their money together.

This kind of puppet is not doing serious business. If you refine productivity tools such as iron horses, wooden oxen, etc., then it is really not difficult for the villagers to earn spiritual crystals!

The risk of traveling back and forth between the living area and Lingtian area is a bit difficult to deal with.

Su Qing himself is unwilling to take such risks, but spiritual cultivators like Ge Changyuan are really looked down upon by ordinary calamity cultivators. As long as the benefits are high enough, Ge Changyuan is willing to take this risk.

Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, Ge Changyuan felt a little moved.

"How dare you ask for Fellow Daoist Su's hard work? After the busy farming season is over, the old man will go to the stall area to sell some things from the fields. It doesn't take much effort to bring something for Fellow Daoist Su."

"One code equals one code. What the Taoist friend should take will not be without the Taoist friend at all, so that's it. I hope that the Taoist friend will do more sales for Xiaodao nearby recently. Xiaodao is now good at skills. Generally, first-order low-grade puppets, All paths can be refined.”

After discussing with Ge Yuanyuan, Su Qing walked out of the house and saw Hu San selling demon blood for Tang Wanqing.

"Iron-backed bear demon blood, two spirit crystals per pound, nourishes qi and blood, and strengthens internal organs. Taoist friend Tang is kind-hearted, and is willing to let us rotten cowards take advantage. Otherwise, in Fang City, this pound of demon blood will not be enough." I want five spiritual crystals.”

I don’t know how much commission Tang Wanqing gave Hu San to sell Hu San so hard.

But what Hu San said was true. If the storage bag hadn't been able to hold it, Tang Wanqing would have packed it up and sold it to the market for more than two spirit crystals per kilogram.

Su Qing still had space in his storage bag, so he not only bought more than twenty kilograms of bear blood for his servants of the wood spirit to eat, but also bought four bear paws, which was enough. It cost him more than six hundred spiritual crystals.

He had never had the opportunity to eat bear paws in his previous life, and he had no idea what this monster bear paw felt like.

"Stop buying some monster meat. Even if you are a puppet master, you still need to replenish your body."

A pound of iron-backed bear meat costs seven or eight spirit crystals. Although there are many villagers attracted by Hu San, most of them consume some demon blood, but not many people consume iron-backed bear meat.

Even the few villagers who had bought Su Qingranqing's Secret Puppet had no intention of buying the iron-backed bear meat. Obviously, they all understood the importance of saving money in this province.

Thinking that if this batch of monster meat is sold in the market, it will inevitably be slaughtered by those shops, Tang Wanqing wants the big dog Su Qing to buy more.

Su Qing is not interested at all, and he is not stupid. He needs to be replenished, but the meat of this iron-backed bear is much more exciting than beef. If he is like this, eating this meat will only make him weak and not replenished. Other benefits.

But when he saw the clean bones of the iron-backed bear that had been processed by Hu San, he was moved.

Animal bones are a material widely used in refining puppets. The animal bones of the first-grade high-grade iron-backed bear can be used as the main material for refining the first-grade high-grade puppet-the iron-armored war bear.

He was now a first-level top-level puppet master. As long as he went to the market to buy the blueprint of the armored war bear, he could try to refine it, so he opened his mouth to get some benefits from Tang Wanqing.

Tang Wanqing is not easy to fool.

Although she didn't know the specific value of the iron-backed bear bone, she also knew that it was one of the favorite materials of puppet masters. If she brought it back to the market, she wouldn't have to worry about selling it for a high price.

But because he wanted to establish a deeper friendship with Su Qing, after Su Qing offered the price of two thousand two hundred spiritual crystals, he smoothly sold the animal bone to him.

"This time, fellow Taoist Mengtang took care of me. Fellow Taoist, don't worry. If you need a puppet in the future, Xiaodao will give you the lowest price!"

After getting the benefit, Su Qing did not hesitate to say some kind words.

"Just talking about it won't do. When I start the business of the Burning Secret Puppet, just don't take the opportunity to kill me."

Tang Wanqing glanced sideways at Su Qing and said straightforwardly.

Su Qing waved her hands repeatedly, making it clear that she was by no means the kind of unscrupulous profiteer who would increase prices casually.

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