Eternal Gate

Chapter 2596: false calamity

"Where did the river come from?"

The emperors of Yan Universe gathered at the end of the sky, looking at Xu Wu blankly.

That river was not there before, it appeared out of thin air. I don’t know where it came from or where it was going. I just know that it is very old, full of vicissitudes, and very strange.

"Is this the legendary River of Illusion?"

Emperor Hades stepped forward, wanting to grab a piece of water and have a taste of it.

"Don't move." One emperor shouted.

To say that this emperor was born unusually, he looked exactly like Ye Chen.

If the dream demon were here, he would definitely be able to shout his name, because the boy named Ye had babbled in front of her more than once, talking about his first life named "Emperor".


Emperor Zun's reminder was still too late, Emperor Hades' hand had already reached into the River of Illusion.

However, what he stirred up was not splashes of water, but wisps of mottled light.

The strange thing is that when the light flows from the palm of your hand into the river, the sound is the sound of running water.

"Isn't it a river?" Emperor Ming raised his eyebrows slightly and reached out again to scoop up the second splash of water.

"Interesting." Two more emperors came forward, one was shameless and the other was insane.

Ghost Emperor and Xuan Emperor are the same, plus Hades Emperor and Emperor Zun, and they are called Emperor Dao F4.

These two are also curious people, just like Emperor Hades squatting by the river, fishing for water and studying.

"Come back." It was the Emperor who sacrificed a ray of divine light and pulled the three people back.

"Don't make a fuss, I...well..." Before Ming Emperor could finish his words, he let out a muffled groan. He looked like a drunkard who had been drunk, and could not stand firmly. There was also a look of pain between his eyebrows.

On the other hand, nothing happened to the Ghost Emperor and the Xuan Emperor.

Because of this, the emperors were surprised.

They are both playing in the water, but why is Emperor Ming alone looking pale?


Underworld Emperor's muffled groan made him look even more groggy, and his deep-set eyes became a lot more turbid.

If that was all, his life span and imperial divine power were still passing away at an extremely fast rate.

"What's going on?" Emperor Xuan and Ghost Emperor stepped forward together, and Emperor Zun also raised his hand and used his magical power.

In this way, the disaster of Emperor Hades was forcibly blocked.

He finally stood firm, but there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Just in the first few moments, he seemed to see a vast world.

It was also in the first few moments, as if deep in the soul, some dust-covered memories were about to break out of the cage.

"Have you noticed it?" Emperor Xuan glanced at Emperor Zun and Emperor Xuan.

The two emperors were silent, but there was an uncertain light and dark luster in their eyes.

I really don’t know why, but looking at Emperor Hades at this moment, he looked both familiar and unfamiliar.

"What a weird river." After looking at the Hades Emperor, the emperors looked at the River of Illusion.

It is it that casts a mysterious color on a genuine Quasi-Desolate Emperor.

As they watched, this strange long river disappeared under their noses.


"Fellow Taoist, stand firm."

"Fuck your grandma."

The River of Illusion disappeared, but such a sound resounded in the darkness.

Ever since Ye Chen and Zhao Yun fell into the river and were separated forever, they were like a drop of water in Taicang, running with the river, floating and sinking along the way.

There is no never-ending feast.

The situation between the two of them at this moment was a good interpretation of this scene. Even though they did not want to separate, they were still swept away by the big waves in two directions.


Zhao Yun gritted his teeth and tried to stand firm.

However, the huge waves submerged him again and again. Not to mention standing firm, he could no longer distinguish between east, west, north and south. If he didn't fight for his life, he would have been drowned long ago.

"Ancestor, were you in the same situation back then?"

Zhao Yun whispered, thinking of the ancestor of the eternal lineage.

Feng Universe has long heard rumors, and Fairy Wuyou also gave a definite answer. One day eons ago, the Eternal Ancestor jumped into the River of Illusion and never came back.

He didn't know whether his old man was still alive in the world.

But this river is really weird. Not only does it have no concept of time and space, it also ignores the laws. Even if it achieves the eternal Tao, it has become a decoration, unable to withstand the waves of illusion, and it cannot ignite the Tao fire of its life.

Speaking of life, he is really miserable now.

Once you enter this river, your life will collapse all the time and cannot be reversed.

It has only been a short time, but he has already lost thousands of years of life. If he is trapped here and cannot get out, even if he is eternal, he will be consumed by life.



The situation of the Lord of the Divine Dynasty is true, and the Holy Lord of Heaven is not much better.

Ups and downs, he flopped all the way and drank a lot of vain water.

His lifespan is like a torrent that bursts its embankment, withering like crazy. His blond hair seems to have an extra strand of silver, and this scene continues to play out.


When you feel depressed, it is reasonable to howl.

So many winds and waves are coming, is this going to capsize in the gutter?

In fact, this is not a sewer. In comparison, the way he came is just a small fight.

The river is still flowing.

In the endless darkness, it is a beautiful scenery.

I don't know how many years this class has lasted, maybe ten years, a hundred years, or thousands of years.

No one counts time, because in illusion, the so-called time does not exist at all.

"I will be famous all my life!"

Ye Chen was still scolding, but he was scolding weakly.

His hair was completely white, and the hateful river of falsehood had exhausted his inner strength, and he no longer even had the strength to flutter.

He no longer had a clear mind and fell into a trance.

The waves of illusion, regardless of this or that, just swallowed it up.

What was not swallowed up was the flames on his body. Yes, it was the flames. The moment he fell asleep, it suddenly ignited. The swaying flames were covered with eternal glory.

That was luck, or to be more precise, it was Zhao Yun's luck. It had been injected into his body by Hades many years ago and blended perfectly. Until now, he had never found the right time to return it. To Zhao Yun.

To repay or not to repay, cause and effect are constantly being cut and confused.

And the River of Illusion is not the master of oil and salt. It ignores laws, but depends on luck.

If you have to draw a line, it would be to ignore Zhao Yun's luck.

That's the soul of humanity, and it always has to be a bit thin.


Zhao Yun's hair has also turned completely white, and like Ye Chen, he has sunk into the River of Illusion.

He is decaying, and his foundation is disintegrating inch by inch. The so-called Tao and the so-called eternity are like passing clouds and no longer exist.

But he didn't disappear, his body actually ignited with flames.

This is not luck, but a blessing, a blessing from eternity that has disappeared for many years and is shining again.

Xuanyuan depends on luck and blessing, giving him a layer of warmth and peace in his ups and downs.


Zhao Yun, who was falling asleep, seemed to hear such a call ringing in his ears. It was very familiar and kind.

He had forgotten that on that night of that month, he had sent his eternal Tao body into the river of illusion.

It was also from that day that he lost his eternal body.

"Are you still alive?" Zhao Yun, whose intelligence was chaotic, muttered to himself.

No one answered, only an eternal light turned into a scorching sun in the deepest part of his soul.


Still murmuring, accompanied by two lines of blood-stained tears, streaked across his vicissitudes of life.

The memory that should have been revived in the outer world was completely awakened in this eternal moment.

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