Eternal Existence

Chapter 897: Shocking News in the Secret Room

This kind of injury cannot kill a monk in the Immortal Realm, but it is enough. The occupation has been changed and can no longer be reversed, unless another master comes from Yuan Lei Tianzun's side.


Daluo Tianzun, wearing starlight armor and holding a Daluo wooden staff, appeared majestically in front of everyone, and the mountain and river seal also turned into a stream of light and fell into the palm of his hand.

Although Daluo Tianzun is a monk who came from a small place like the Eternal World, because of this, it is even more difficult to practice in such a place with relatively scarce resources. It is not something that ordinary geniuses can do. In addition, It has been many years since I entered the Immortal Realm, and I often wandered outside the realm. My combat prowess is not inferior to that of these Immortals from the Thunder Realm, and even exceeds it.

After all, Da Luo Tianzun took out two immortal weapons as soon as he took action. The most important thing is that the timing of coming out was perfect. To put it harshly, the sneak attack was successful.


Da Luo Tianzun waved his hand, and the mountain and river seals flew out again, as if the mountains and rivers of a big world were gathered together. The weight, thickness, stability, and stability were vividly expressed on this fairy weapon.

"Well, as expected of an immortal, only then can the power of the Mountain and River Seal be unleashed. If it had had this kind of power last time, I would have been suppressed in an instant." Chen Feng cheered on the side.


Bi Qing arrived first and was faster. Chen Feng couldn't even catch Bi Qing's figure. He could only see sword lights flashing in strange trajectories.


The four Yuan Lei Tianzun were seriously injured again. They were first suppressed by Shanhe Seal, and then injured by Bi Qing's swordsmanship.


The big Luo wooden staff swung out and knocked one person away heavily. Fortunately, the monk who came out of the Thunder Realm had a strong physical body, otherwise he would have been smashed into pulp again.


This time, Bi Qing's sword energy suddenly turned and attacked the restrictions in Jiuxiao Palace. Along the way, the restrictions in front of him were cut into two halves.

"Okay, the gap has appeared." Chen Feng was delighted, swayed, and disappeared. He used the concealment technique and entered the interior of Jiuxiao Palace.

"Two versus four, there is no problem at all. It will be great if we can find the treasure house of Jiuxiao Palace next." Chen Feng used all his methods and walked quickly inside Jiuxiao Palace. Chen Feng did not use his methods as soon as he came up. Destroy the buildings of Jiuxiao Palace, because this will quickly bring in the monks of Jiuxiao Palace.

Even now, Chen Feng only took advantage of the chaos to temporarily enter Jiuxiao Palace. It was only a matter of time before the other party found him.

However, what made Chen Feng happy was that Biqing and Daluo Tianzun took the time to launch several attacks on Jiuxiao Palace during the battle, causing severe damage to the prohibition of Jiuxiao Palace. Some buildings and mountains were riddled with holes. There were even some unlucky monks who were directly affected by the attack and died or were seriously injured.

"These two guys are not merciful at all, but this time I owe them both a favor. Well, no, I am a student of Daluo Academy now, so Daluo Tianzun should take action." Chen Feng laughed. got up.

"here it is!"

Chen Feng hadn't found the treasure house yet, but he discovered something that surprised him in advance. After Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness swept across, he discovered a huge secret room thousands of feet underground. This secret room was shrouded in layers of restrictions. , Chen Feng exerted his spiritual consciousness to the extreme and could not even see the situation inside.

So Chen Feng planned to go down and take a look. Of course, at first Chen Feng thought it was a treasure house.

The process went surprisingly smoothly. Soon Chen Feng entered the underground and arrived in front of the secret room. Then he gritted his teeth and took out his magic weapon to attack the restriction in front of him.

Bang bang bang bang!

The layers of restrictions were broken, and Chen Feng was finally able to see clearly some of the conditions inside.

However, before Chen Feng could arrive and enter, two Earth Immortals were already attacking Chen Feng, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Mid-level Earth Immortal is too weak." Chen Feng waved the spear in his hand, and the two of them were swept away, crashing deeply into the rock formations and unable to get out again.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and a large hole was opened in the thick wall of the secret room in front of him, and Chen Feng strode in.

The secret room was large and seemed to be sealed, but the aura inside was very rich, even several times richer than the aura in the fairy world. Chen Feng analyzed some clues from the surrounding aura with just a little induction.

"Immortal energy is the original power of the eternal world. In addition, there are eighteen kinds of spiritual energy emitted by spiritual stones that are no less than immortal crystals."

Chen Feng walked forward while analyzing, his eyes full of shock, not at the concentration of spiritual energy here, but at the scene he saw.

There were crystal pillars one foot high erected on the flat ground, almost all of which were round in shape. What shocked Chen Feng was that there were all monks sealed in these crystal pillars. It's like being frozen into a block of ice.

Chen Feng quickly calculated that there were a total of ten thousand crystal pillars in this secret room, which meant that there were a total of ten thousand monks.

Chen Feng came to one of the crystal pillars, and carefully extended his consciousness into it. After careful inspection, it took a long time before Chen Feng's consciousness was withdrawn. Chen Feng's face was extremely serious and solemn.

"Hey, I didn't expect Jiuxiao Palace to have such a method. Given time, it will be normal for Jiuxiao Palace to dominate the entire eternal world."

Chen Feng quickly understood the situation in front of him, because of this method, Chen Feng also had some understanding of this secret technique.

These monks sealed in the crystal pillars are all living humans. They are sealed through some secret techniques, and then energy is injected into the body from the outside world every moment to transform the body and improve the strength.

This is also the reason why Chen Feng felt the rich spiritual energy as soon as he entered the secret room.

The advantage of doing this is that the speed of strength improvement exceeds the speed of one's own cultivation, and it is even several times.

In other words, if a cultivator needs five hundred years to cultivate from the secret realm to the heavenly realm, then using this method, he can advance to the heavenly realm in a hundred years, or even shorter.

The fast cultivation speed is an advantage. Then the disadvantage is also obvious, or even greater.

Sometimes some things are fair and balanced. If you get the benefits, you have to pay some prices.

These people quickly improve their strength through special means, which is equivalent to stimulating the potential in their bodies to overdraw. Although these cultivators have become stronger, their plasticity has disappeared, and their vitality has been affected. It will be difficult for them to cultivate to a higher level in the future.

It can be said that this method is somewhat similar to burning souls, ballast potential, and overdrawing the origin of life. Of course, if the secret technique is perfect enough and the energy used is high enough, then the damage to these cultivators will be less.

Chen Feng has already observed that all the 10,000 cultivators in this secret room are at the fifth level of the Heavenly Man Realm, and they are still getting stronger, and the speed is very fast. Chen Feng can clearly feel it.

After analysis, Chen Feng guessed that these people should have only been at the third level of the Heavenly Man Realm before being sealed. In no more than 20 years, they have been promoted to two levels. This speed is already very fast compared to the entire cultivation world.

And according to Chen Feng's analysis of the structure of the crystal column in front of him, these people will be sealed for decades or even hundreds of years, but once these people come out, they will be close to the realm of human immortals, or even directly break through human immortals.

Of course, if there is a higher quality energy injection, these people will advance faster.

You know, a Heavenly Man Realm will increase his lifespan by a thousand years after passing the tribulation once, but these people are so good that they have been used to directly transfer the thunder tribulation.

"There should be more than one secret place in Jiuxiao Palace. I remember that I seemed to have found some such situations in other places in Jiuxiao Palace before, but I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. I just came in and found this situation. How many are there in the entire Jiuxiao Palace? There are 10,000 Tianren realm cultivators in one secret room. If the more powerful cultivators are sealed up to improve their strength, when the time is right, Jiuxiao Palace will be simply against the will of heaven."

"The most important thing now is to destroy these cultivators." Thinking of this, Chen Feng stepped forward, with hesitation on his face.

"If it is a normal fight, I use the immortal weapon and a sweep can kill all these people. Even in the previous battle, I don't know how many cultivators and ordinary people were injured or killed by my attack. But now these are people who have no resistance. Although it is easier to kill, I can't do it." Chen Feng's face was tangled.

"Is it soft-hearted?"

"It's not soft-hearted, it's a matter of principle."

Chen Feng thought quickly, and finally came to the conclusion that he couldn't do it. Although he knew that these people would become stronger in the future and might cause trouble for him, Chen Feng still felt that he was not a cold-blooded executioner.

"Since I can't do it, and there will be trouble, I can only use some means." Chen Feng thought about it and really came up with a solution.

Then Chen Feng immediately took action and condensed a series of runes. These runes flew out from Chen Feng's palm, all drilled into the crystal column, and disappeared into the bodies of these monks.

"Hey, although these people have become stronger, I have planted chaos runes on them. Once I activate the secret technique, these people will be used by me. This can be regarded as an unexpected territory. I hope they will not be discovered by Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng showed a smile on his face, but also flashed a trace of fatigue. The chaos runes just now consumed a lot of Chen Feng's energy and spirit. This is still mixed with some immortal power. If Chen Feng relied on himself to condense chaos runes, hehe, 10,000, it would be very tiring, and the quality would not be good.

After dealing with the situation here, Chen Feng left immediately, and then quickly traveled underground. Chen Feng's goal changed. He no longer went to find the treasure house of Jiuxiao Palace, but to find the same secret room as before.

Not long after Chen Feng left, several cultivators came to this secret room. Seeing the secret room that was blasted open and the earth immortals who were injured, the later cultivators all panicked.

However, after entering the secret room to check, these people breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were a little confused.

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