Eternal Existence

Chapter 761: Escape

"Brother Chen!" Liu Wuxiang exclaimed, and quickly stepped forward, a group of Yin-Yang Cave Heaven swept towards the blue light.

After the body of the Chiyan Patriarch was broken, the other party returned to the state of fighting spirit again.

A cold young cultivator condensed and looked at Liu Wuxiang, with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

This young cultivator had finally seized the body of a terrestrial immortal. As long as he was given time, he could slowly recover his previous strength. Moreover, this cultivator had also killed some terrestrial immortals before, and did not take the cultivators who entered this time seriously at all. However, he did not expect to encounter two insignificant guys who actually broke his body.

"Damn it, I can't seize the body in a short time." The young cultivator's eyes became colder and colder, and a stream of icy air spread around, causing Liu Wuxiang to retreat continuously.

"Ice Secret Art, no, you are a cultivator from the Ice World." Liu Wuxiang said in surprise.

"Hehe, you have some knowledge, but I will make you live a life worse than death." The young monk's eyes lit up as he spoke, and two streams of white frost shot out, quickly turning into two ice dragons, attacking Liu Wuxiang with their fangs and claws.

Before the ice dragon arrived, Liu Wuxiang felt his whole body stiff, and the blood in his body was about to solidify. He was secretly shocked, and the power of yin and yang surged, quickly dissolving the coldness around him.


Liu Wuxiang stretched out his hand, and a black and white long sword appeared in his hand, emitting the power of yin and yang. His figure shook, and he stepped forward to fight with the two ice dragons.

"I don't know how Chen Feng is doing. This guy has a fairy weapon on him, so he shouldn't be so easily dealt with." Liu Wuxiang alone couldn't stop the opponent's attack at all, and was beaten back again and again. After several rounds, frost floated around him. Liu Wuxiang was already trapped in the frost world, and his combat effectiveness began to decline continuously.

"What a powerful frost power. If the opponent is in his prime, I'm afraid he can freeze me into an ice sculpture in one breath." Liu Wuxiang's movements have been full, and his body is becoming more and more hesitant.


Finally, Liu Wuxiang was hit by an ice dragon's claw and flew away. Before he could stabilize his body, the young monk came in front of Liu Wuxiang with an ice spear in his hand. The ice spear was shining with dazzling white light and stabbed heavily on Liu Wuxiang's chest.



The Yin-Yang domain bloomed from Liu Wuxiang's chest, entangled the opponent tightly, and Liu Wuxiang was betting that Chen Feng was safe and sound.

Sure enough, Liu Wuxiang's bet was right. At the moment when the young monk was trapped, Chen Feng let out a long roar, and the ice sculpture exploded. Countless ice cubes shot out in all directions, and Chen Feng had already rushed over with a spear in his hand. In just a blink of an eye, the spear stabbed the young monk and then flew out.


After being stabbed by Chen Feng's spear, the young monk suddenly exploded and turned into a frost airflow. Chen Feng had no time to retreat and was about to be frozen into an ice sculpture again.

"Yin and Yang Reversal!"

Liu Wuxiang shouted, and the whole person began to become weird. Half of his body was white and the other half was black, but the power generated was getting stronger and stronger, making it impossible for the frost power in the air to gather in a short time.

"Collect!" The demon furnace flew out and began to absorb the scattered frost power crazily. The demon furnace in Liu Wuxiang's hand contained a strong flame. At this time, it absorbed the frost power again. The whole demon furnace began to shake violently, and it looked like it would explode at any time.

"Okay, it's the spirit of the immortal again." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and a channel appeared in his palm, directly connecting to the Longevity Tower.

A strong suction force appeared, and the frost power in the air was like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and they all entered the Longevity Tower through Chen Feng's palm.

This time, it was not only the Changsheng Tower that attacked, but all the demons in the Changsheng Tower also desperately used all their strength, because they still had to divide the absorbed immortal spirit.

The result was that the immortal's spirit was divided up cleanly the moment he entered the Changsheng Tower, without even time to struggle.

"Too cruel." Chen Feng swallowed nearly half of the spirit in one breath, which scared Liu Wuxiang.

"Damn! Extreme cold ice energy!"

The remaining energy quickly condensed, and then burst out with powerful power again, and even wanted to attack Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang again.


Chen Feng also became fierce, and stabbed out with a spear again, breaking the opponent again, and then sucked again, swallowing up the remaining spirit in Liu Wuxiang's jealous eyes.

"How is it possible? How can he swallow so quickly, and how can he contain such a strong energy? Is it the effect of the immortal weapon?" Liu Wuxiang opened his eyes wide.

It was true that Chen Feng had consumed some strength to activate the immortal weapon to launch an attack, but devouring and refining the immortal's spirit did not consume a single bit of his own strength, because the energy devoured was all divided up by the demons.

The immortal's spirit was too powerful for these demons and demons. If it weren't for the suppression of the Longevity Tower, these demons would have started to break through long ago.

"The harvest is huge, the harvest is huge." Liu Wulian sighed.

"It was really right to enter the Tianchen battlefield this time. First, I got a huge benefit. As long as I practice for a period of time, the absorbed immortal spirit can allow me to break through two realms. Second, I made a good friend like Brother Chen." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Liu is so polite." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand.


While the two were talking, a cultivator fell from the sky and fell heavily in front of them.

"Hey! It's a ghost general." The two looked at each other in surprise.

This ghost general was very miserable, his skeleton was shaking, as if it would fall apart at any time, and the spiritual fire in his eyes was constantly flickering, as if it would go out at any time.

"Who beat him like this?"

The ghost general struggled violently, and before he could get up, he was nailed to the ground again by a flying spear.

A dazzling blue light quickly penetrated into the ghost general's body, and then, in the surprised eyes of Chen Feng and the others, the skeleton began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

In just a few breaths, the ghost general's own skeleton disappeared and turned into a new creature with flesh and blood.

"No, the possession was successful, hurry up." Liu Wuxiang took the lead, and the demon refining furnace spewed out fierce flames to burn the new body.

However, an unexpected scene appeared, the burning flames rolled violently, and finally all penetrated into the body and disappeared.

The new body suddenly stood up, opened its eyes, and Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang immediately felt a strong mental pressure.

"It's more powerful than the previous immortal." Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he gritted his teeth, mobilizing a trace of bone spear power to shoot out.


A big hole appeared in the body, but it did not break like before, but slowly healed.


"Let me try!"

Liu Wuxiang was also a little anxious. After thinking about it, he also condensed a shadow of a long sword and pierced through the body.


The long sword pierced the body, but it stayed in the body. At the same time, Liu Wuxiang felt that the power of the long sword was also rapidly weakening.

It turned out that this body could actually devour the power of external attacks to restore itself. The most terrifying thing is that it can even devour the power of immortal weapons.

The shadow of the spear that Chen Feng sent out again was also trapped in the body. Then the body shouted softly, and the sound waves expanded. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang immediately rolled out.

"Too strong, leave here quickly."

"Yes, the opponent's strength recovered too quickly."

The two used the power of the immortal weapon but it didn't work. On the contrary, it accelerated the opponent's recovery speed. So the two looked at each other and immediately ran away.

"This is trouble."

"Yeah, I didn't expect there would be such a powerful fighting spirit."

"Let's go."

After a brief exchange, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang made a prompt decision and planned to leave this dangerous place first.

"It seems that this ancient city is becoming more and more dangerous. If there are a few more fighting spirits of this level, hey, we should find a way to escape." Liu Wuxiang shook his head.

"I think we have to escape now." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

A strong aura rose from the back, almost piercing the sky, and then directly shuttled through the space and enveloped Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang.

"The opponent's aura has locked us." Liu Wuxiang said, waving his hand, and the Yin-Yang Cave Heaven was running, trying to get rid of the opponent's end.

Chen Feng shook his head: "I'm afraid it's useless. The opponent is too strong. What we have to do is to escape to a safe place before the opponent catches up, or stop and kill the opponent together."

"Your idea is good. Let's run away quickly." Liu Wuxiang took out the void array platform. The two stood on it and disappeared in the air after a few flashes.

Half an hour later, the body that was taken over finally stopped evolving. This body can only be described as perfect. After the air flow surged, a set of ancient armor was put on the body. Every move was full of domineering aura that shocked the sky. This person's eyes were like the sun and the moon, his hair was flying, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes.

"Can you run away?" This person took a step and disappeared in the densely packed buildings.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang didn't know how long they had been traveling in the city. They also met some cultivators in the middle, but they hardly stopped. Although the two had not felt the other party chasing them, the crisis in their hearts was getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, the two stopped running away, because the city was so small that unless they escaped from the ancient city, they decided to find a place to hide for a while.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were also lucky. Finally, they found an underground secret room in a building. This secret room was about a thousand feet underground and there were some restrictions around it. Of course, these were not the most important. The most important thing was that a group of monks were fighting on the ground.

This was also the reason why the two decided to hide here.

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