Eternal Existence

Chapter 5551: Really tricky

With the support of the underworld behind them, everyone can fight freely, and this time everyone has slightly changed their strategy. The Shadow Emperor led a few people to hide in the dark, and the Soul Emperor led a few people to advance head-on. After approaching the battlefield, they burst out with powerful spiritual power.

This time, the power driven by the Soul Emperor was extremely powerful, and it swept continuously and on a large scale.

This was not only to find those sneak attackers, but also to target the practitioners of Taiyuan.

Under the sweep of the spiritual power, no matter how many opponents there were, they were a little overwhelmed. Chen Feng and others immediately followed up and took action.

Moreover, the will of the underworld also descended from time to time. With the participation of these two forces, the opponents retreated step by step.

However, those sneak attackers hid themselves completely and did not appear.

Chen Feng and others were not in a hurry. It was better that the other party did not appear, so that they could take the opportunity to deal with some of the practitioners of Taiyuan.

Chen Feng believed that the other party would definitely appear, and sure enough, the strongest sneak attacker made a move again.

The moment the other party made a move, the Soul Emperor released his spiritual barrier, and the defensive measures that everyone had prepared long ago also broke out at the first time.

This black hole was originally heading for the underworld patrollers, but was blocked by these defenses.

The shadow emperor hidden in the dark directly triggered the shadow magic to the extreme, trying to cover the opponent.

As a result, the strongest sneak attacker disappeared again, but two emperors were exposed, and then a group of sneak attackers above the level of Hunyuan appeared not far away. The opponent was only exposed once, and they jointly sent out a wave of will turbulence, and then disappeared again.

Chen Feng saw that the opponent was hiding in a cave, which was more secretive than the one he had seen before, and it could still move continuously.

The opponent's sneak attack technique was still powerful, but it was still blocked by everyone, so this time he had more confidence.

As long as everyone joined forces to guard against it, they could still stop the opponent.

"Only by joining forces can we stop it." But soon everyone's face became solemn again, because it is impossible for everyone to stay together like this.

And if the opponent fails in the sneak attack, choose to leave this place to sneak attack others?

Anyway, everyone continued to think of ways to deal with others. After the two emperor-level sneak attackers were exposed, they did not choose to entangle, but found an opportunity to hide again.

However, this time, the position was locked by the Soul Emperor. Everyone joined forces to attack, the space collapsed, and the opponent showed up in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

But soon, there were also practitioners from Taiyuan who came to kill, and the other side also had sneak attackers hiding in secret.

So the next thing was a melee.

It was easiest to separate in chaos, but everyone was well prepared. On the surface, everyone seemed to be gathered together, but in fact, they were secretly bound by a special advance map. Even if they were separated, they were in one lens, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. The operation of mana was not affected, and the combat effectiveness could be brought to the extreme.

For example, this time Chen Feng was attacked by sneak attack. As soon as he thought about it, the power of others was transferred to help Chen Feng block this surprise attack.

Then Chen Feng counterattacked, carrying the power of everyone to directly repel the sneak attacker.

It was a pity that he could not further solve the opponent. Even if he could hurt the opponent, the opponent could spend time to recover, which was a headache.

The black hole appeared again, and the target was still Chen Feng. Everyone's power came over and collided with the opponent's black hole, and the power of the black hole was wiped out.

Just as Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, who knew that the second black hole appeared again, which was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectations. Everyone's power was quickly transmitted, but unfortunately the speed was a bit slow. However, Chen Feng was still prepared and directly took out a sacred mountain to block in front of him.

This was not Chen Feng's original sacred mountain, but a sacred mountain made of hard material, and the degree of solidity was also the strongest Chen Feng had encountered.

Sure enough, this blocked the opponent's black hole. Although some cracks appeared in the sacred mountain, it also allowed Chen Feng to further determine the opponent's attack power.

And Chen Feng waved and threw out an energy ball. This energy ball may not be simple, but an energy ball formed by Chen Feng's fusion of power beyond the origin. After Chen Feng's transformation from time to time, the power of this energy ball is also constantly increasing.

So after giving birth to this energy ball, Chen Feng chose to retreat at the first time.

As a result, the energy ball exploded, and the power generated destroyed everything, and the opponent's black hole that had not disappeared was also submerged.

Chen Feng was looking forward to whether he could hurt the other party. If you can't hurt the other party, then the other party is prepared this time.

"It's a pity that the other party is elusive. If we can trap the other party, we can also use these energy balls to grind the other party to death." Chen Feng's idea is of course good. In fact, as long as the other party can be trapped, the Soul Emperor and his men have many ways to deal with the other party.

The Soul Emperor stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Soul Shackles appeared out of thin air, but it still fell empty.

"I hurt the other party, but I don't know if the other party will choose to leave." The Soul Emperor said with some regret.

"You should prepare more of the energy balls just now."

"The power is too strong, and I am also worried that I will be affected." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, I felt threatened by the energy ball just now." The Soul Emperor looked at Chen Feng a little strangely. He didn't expect Chen Feng to have such a powerful method.

Isn't this kind of power beyond the origin very rare? Why does it feel like there are multiple kinds of power in the energy ball just now?

However, since Chen Feng can take out this kind of energy ball, it means that there is a way to hurt the opponent. My only worry is whether the opponent will leave.

The Soul Emperor has no way to track the opponent now, and the others are even more confused.

"You can deal with other opponents first." One of the Yin Realm Patrol said. The other party's meaning is very clear, that is, let Chen Feng continue to use the method just now. As long as the opponent is dealt with first, any one is the same.

In fact, the statement of the Yin Realm Patrol is correct. Since they are all opponents and these sneak attackers are difficult to deal with, you can deal with other opponents first, and then concentrate on dealing with those sneak attackers.

Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor also agreed.

However, the idea is good, and the change of things does not change with the plan.

Because since it is a war, it is not just the Yin Realm. If it can confront the Yin Realm, the strength of the Taiyuan side is naturally equal, so the Yin Realm is mobilizing its forces, and the Taiyuan side is the same.

Before they could show their skills to defeat the opponent, many practitioners from Taiyuan suddenly came and surrounded Chen Feng and others from the outside.

This is depressing.

Those sneak attackers are not known to hide somewhere, and with these new helpers, the situation will be even more chaotic.

"It looks like a large-scale war will be triggered." Chen Feng said.

Before, I only thought about dealing with those sneak attackers, who knew that so many things would be triggered after a start.

But it is normal to think about it. The war between the two sides has not really stopped, and because of the equal strength, it is normal for a little abnormality to break out.

"Hurry up and notify the underworld to transfer more helpers. Our current situation is not too good," said the Soul Emperor.

To put it bluntly, the Soul Emperor is still wary of the strongest sneak attacker. Once this level of existence has a chance, it should be killed directly, otherwise the threat in the future will be too great.

Even the Soul Emperor is like this, you can imagine what the attitudes of others are.

However, no matter how uneasy he is in his heart, he is still calm on the surface. Although he is surrounded now, he can't lose his composure.

Moreover, everyone is still in a square formation, so that they can exert their strongest combat power.

Anyway, they are fighting with opponents. Since they are surrounded, they should deal with the opponents in front of them first.

However, the sneak attacker still took action.

A great emperor in the underworld was suddenly enveloped by a black hole, even if he had made preparations before.

Because the strength is here, either he is an opponent or not.

Chen Feng and others also rescued him at the first time, but it was too late, and the great emperor was seriously injured.

And the sneak attacker disappeared again.


The Soul Emperor locked the direction, and the combined power of everyone swept over directly, but the space collapsed, and there was no trace of the opponent.

"Not here."

However, the power was not wasted. At this level, the control of power has long reached the point where the heart can do whatever he wants.

So this wave of power suddenly changed direction and swept over multiple opponents.

The opponent also responded and launched a counterattack.

Although surrounded, Chen Feng and others can still get the blessing of the underworld, so they can output without scruples.

But even if everyone burst out with strong fighting power, the number of opponents is greater, and the reinforcements from the Yin Realm have not arrived yet.

And there is the powerful sneak attacker who appears and disappears like a ghost.


Another cultivator from the Yin Realm was successfully attacked. This time, the Soul Emperor did not chase him, because it was useless. He should concentrate on dealing with other opponents.

"If the Taiyin Emperor or the King of Gods comes, I don't know if they can deal with them." Chen Feng suddenly raised this question.

"Those two are very powerful and should be able to severely injure the sneak attacker, but it may still be difficult to kill him." The Soul Emperor said.

"And it's not that I can't find the other party. In fact, my soul power, true power, extreme yang power, and all special powers can find the other party, but what can I do after finding the other party? If I can't kill him, he will hide again soon, unless I can set up a magic circle to prevent him from leaving."

This is back to the previous problem, and Chen Feng and others are having a headache.

Once again, someone was injured and half of his body collapsed, which made people shocked and angry.

"Maybe we can try to pull the opponent into our formation." Someone suggested at this time.

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