Eternal Existence

Chapter 5318 Hiding in the Dark

Every time Chen Feng realized the gap between him and the emperor, he thought about breaking through, but he continued to suppress himself every time.

"Even if I break through, I will not be the opponent of the emperor in a short time." Chen Feng knew that there was still an origin-level existence between him and the emperor.


As his thoughts flashed, Chen Feng saw an opportunity, which was an opportunity created for him by the attack of the God of Nothingness.

The long river of time merged with Chen Feng's thoughts, and Chen Feng's attack hit the opponent in almost no time.

At first, the opponent did not take Chen Feng seriously, but after feeling the power beyond the origin breaking his body, the emperor was a little surprised.

"It's a pity that your realm is still a little low. If you reach our realm and master this power, you can really pose a threat to me." The emperor said as he swept his eyes, and Chen Feng was imprisoned.

Imprisoned on the outside, but constantly corroded Chen Feng on the inside.

Even the power of time that had been following Chen Feng was sealed.

The emperor knew that although his method was amazing, he could not kill the young cultivator, but he could also severely injure the opponent.

But the emperor still underestimated Chen Feng. As a beam of golden light flashed inside the barrier, more golden light was released from Chen Feng.

It seemed that the scale of the golden light was far less than before, but if you look closely, each beam of golden light contained the power to destroy everything.

Chen Feng's chaotic body was originally incomparable, and later he practiced and merged countless strange powers.

There are many kinds of destructive attributes alone.

More importantly, Chen Feng's chaotic body finally made some breakthroughs after a long period of training.

So when Chen Feng shattered the surrounding imprisonment barrier, the emperor's heart jumped and felt the threat from the future from Chen Feng.

So he was murderous.

It's not easy to deal with the emperor of the same level, but it's still possible to deal with a small cultivator like Chen Feng.

It's just that the opponent in front of him will stop it.

So the emperor released his clone, and the clone of a great emperor is enough to kill most of the Hunyuan above.

But Chen Feng laughed when he saw this scene.

"Aren't you here to deliver food to me?"

At this time, the golden light around Chen Feng converged and turned into a gorgeous battle armor, which looked majestic and very eye-catching.

Chen Feng held a weapon, and the emperor's clone also held a high-grade weapon. The two sides fought each other.

Although the Void God and the Ancestor of the Void Beast were still paying attention to Chen Feng, they gradually withdrew their strength. It seemed that they also believed that Chen Feng could handle the current situation.

After hundreds of rounds of fighting between the two sides, Chen Feng was beaten back by the opponent. When the emperor's clone was about to chase him, he saw three sacred mountains flying out of Chen Feng's body, like a meteor falling down.

"Original sacred mountain!" The emperor's clone was a little surprised, and did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly dealt with it carefully.

Then he saw the shadows of the avenues extending from Chen Feng, and each shadow had a clone of Chen Feng.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of clones formed a formation and surrounded the emperor.

The three sacred mountains also turned into clones and hid in them, looking for an opportunity to collide with the opponent.

Thinking back to when Chen Feng used this move to block a real emperor, the one in front of him was just a clone of the emperor.

Chen Feng had enough confidence.

Sure enough, so many clones rushed forward, and the clone of the emperor was really beaten in a mess, and injuries began to appear on his body in the blink of an eye.

The emperor himself was also surprised to see this scene, and then he understood that it was no wonder that his emperor opponent was not worried at all, because he knew that this little cultivator had this method.

So the emperor himself was anxious and released another clone.

But this clone was trapped by the Void God as soon as it came out, and the emperor had no choice but to release the third clone.

"Although you are a great emperor, there won't be too many clones of this level. Besides, even if you have two clones, you can't do anything to the opponent." The Void God did not stop the opponent this time.

But this clone did not come to Chen Feng, and was stopped by two cultivators who appeared out of thin air.

These two came from the origin of thunder and were sent by the Thunder Emperor. They are both top existences above the Hunyuan.

The two of them can completely fight against the emperor's clones together.

Chen Feng was relieved when he saw this scene. Although he could block the opponent's two clones, it would not be so easy to deal with the opponent.

In order to prevent accidents, Chen Feng increased the intensity of his attack.

Although the emperor's clone used various means to fight back, it was useless. The injuries on his body became more and more. Finally, he was beaten to pieces by Chen Feng, and then pulled into the origin one by one to suppress it.

After solving the opponent's clone, Chen Feng immediately rushed towards the emperor again.

For Chen Feng, solving a clone of the emperor was not an achievement at all, so he did not deal with other clones.

The emperor was Chen Feng's goal, even if he was not an opponent, he had to fight.

Dozens of clones formed a formation and rushed over fiercely, even the emperor was a little frightened.

After all, there are other emperor opponents on his side.


With a sigh, time and space paused, and then a gray airflow emerged from the emperor's head. Chen Feng's clone was immediately reduced to ashes as soon as it touched the gray airflow.

This scene gave Chen Feng a warning sign. It was too late to think about it later. The three God Mountain clones quickly pushed forward, and the other clones formed a reincarnation formation. The power imprints prepared before were also released. These powers were all added to the three God Mountain clones.

Chi Chi Chi!

Chi Chi Chi!

Even so, the God Mountain clone was still eroded by the gray airflow, but fortunately it withstood.

"This is the power beyond the origin, or the destructive attribute. It can really exert a stronger power in the hands of the emperor." Chen Feng saw it clearly at a glance. He had seen what the gray airflow that the other party had created was, and he also understood that this should be the opponent's finale.

"Not taking it out to deal with the emperor early, but actually coming to deal with me. It seems that this one has reached the limit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although several Avenue clones were lost, they also blocked the opponent's gray airflow. Then the new clone walked out of the Avenue, completed the formation, rushed forward fiercely, and accurately hit the opponent.

Of course, this was also restrained by the God of Nothingness, otherwise Chen Feng would not have hit the opponent so easily.

Swish, swish, swish!

Seeing Chen Feng succeed, the Void God also unleashed a fatal blow, and the power of nothingness condensed into a wave of arrows, piercing the emperor like a sieve.

Although he knew it was difficult to deal with an opponent of this level, he was also a little surprised that he could seriously injure the opponent. He didn't expect Chen Feng to explode so quickly.

The Void God even thought that if he continued like this, he would not really be able to kill the opponent.

After thinking of this, the Void God attacked more fiercely. If the Void God had just wanted to entangle the opponent in the previous battle, he didn't try his best at all, but the situation was different after seeing the opportunity.

The Void God's magical power exploded, in addition to wanting to hurt the opponent, he also wanted to create an opportunity for Chen Feng.

After seeing the Void God succeed, Chen Feng was not idle. With the help of the power of the long river of time, Chen Feng activated the law of replication.

Dozens of clones had originally formed a reincarnation formation. Now under the power of the replication law, the reincarnation formation has undergone strange changes, and the emperor was directly entangled.

The Void God took the opportunity to injure the opponent again, while Chen Feng, holding a long sword, had already arrived in front of the opponent. He wanted to pierce through the opponent's body with a sword, but after penetrating the flesh, he was blocked by the hidden power in the opponent's body.


Vortices appeared in Chen Feng's arms and palms. This change was unexpected by the opponent, not to mention that he was injured, so the emperor was robbed of a lot of power by Chen Feng.

"Get out!"

The emperor was furious, and with a roar, these vortices exploded one after another, and then the gray airflow appeared again, with more weight than before, sweeping towards Chen Feng.


Chen Feng was prepared, and the wings of the God flashed and disappeared on the spot. Then the power of time emerged and wanted to wash away the opponent's gray airflow, but it collapsed in the gray airflow.

The power of time was useless, but the means of the Void God worked. The layers of space intertwined, moving the gray airflow to an unknown place, and then a series of energy blades cut the opponent.

Seeing that the emperor's injury was getting worse and worse, other emperors finally intervened. Although it was just a simple move, it also resolved the crisis.

Void God sighed a little. It was actually difficult to achieve great results when the number of emperors was equal, unless one side was extremely strong, such as the level of the real emperor. He was just an ordinary emperor.

"The battle between the emperors was very noisy, and the surrounding areas collapsed early. I think other powerful beings should have sensed it early. Even the blocked independent areas could not be hidden from the emperor-level masters. But now no one is involved. It's really a bit strange. Do they not want to participate, or wait for a good opportunity." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

At the same time, Chen Feng also knew that someone must have noticed his every move, so there must be an emperor who was secretly calculating him.

But Chen Feng was not thinking about these things, and Chen Feng didn't care at all.

If he could severely injure an emperor here, I think other emperors would have to think twice before they wanted to cause trouble for him.

"Be careful, the situation is not right, someone may intervene." At this time, Chen Feng received the message from the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng was shocked, but he didn't feel it. After all, this level of fighting was enough to blind his perception.

But then the attack of the God of Nothingness became more intense, and Chen Feng became more careful, while communicating with the River of Time.

Unexpectedly, the River of Time did not notice anything unusual.

Chen Feng still believed in the God of Nothingness, which only meant that the power of the River of Time was not enough, and it was probably the Great Emperor who was secretly behind the scenes.

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