Eternal Existence

Chapter 188: Phantom Beast

On the other side, Zhao Qiang and others have gained the upper hand. The flying swords are constantly circling, turning into streams of light that are constantly slashing at the two bloodthirsty demon fangs, and Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu have already used the soul fire.

Under the strong attack of the soul fire, the hard scales of the two bloodthirsty demon fangs have begun to crack. Surprisingly black blood is flowing out.

"What on earth is this thing, why is the blood black?" Ma Wu shouted.

"Be careful, these two monsters are about to collapse, be careful that they fight to the death." Zhao Qiang said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, the two bloodthirsty demon fangs began to struggle with the wounds on their bodies under the siege of the crowd. They wanted to escape but were surrounded by the crowd, and they couldn't help but rage.

"Get out of the way, look at my silk net."

A palm-sized white silk net fell from the sky, and when it reached the top of the bloodthirsty demon fangs, it had become two feet in radius.

Swish! Swish!

This low-grade silk net was easily torn to pieces, but more silk nets fell from the sky, and there were ropes wrapped around it.

Once they had the upper hand, the disciples of Taiyi Sect immediately became excited, and the fear in their hearts gradually disappeared. They used their own methods to attack the two bloodthirsty demon fangs.

As for the phantom beast that was blasted into the ground by Chen Feng, it had been motionless, and everyone didn't care. Anyway, they surrounded the two bloodthirsty demon fangs again.

One layer of silk net, two layers of silk net.

One rope, two ropes.

Under the continuous siege of the crowd, the two bloodthirsty demon fangs were finally caught, and their bodies were tightly bound. In order to avoid accidents, the crowd continued to use heavy hands, and the two bloodthirsty demon fangs were seriously injured.

Looking at the two dying monsters, the group of disciples of Taiyi Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, there's another monster. Wasn't it blasted into the ground just now?" Someone shouted at this time, but there was no strange monster except for a big pit on the ground. If everyone looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng immediately put on an expression that said I don't know anything.

"What on earth is this? Is it a monster?" At this time, everyone had time to observe the two bloodthirsty monsters that suddenly appeared.

"What kind of monster is this? Why haven't I heard of it? And the black air on them is obviously a bit weird."

"I don't think it's a monster?"

"If it's not a monster, what is it? Could it be a human cultivator?"

These outer and inner disciples were arguing, and Zhao Qiang and several other true disciples were also communicating secretly.

"It's a bit troublesome. This black air is clearly demonic. I think the monster that suddenly appeared today must be a creature from the demon world."

"You said it was a demon beast from the demon world?"

"It should be like this. Although I don't know these two monsters, the black air on them is indeed demonic."

"Today's casualties are heavy. Even Senior Brother Hei died. It was shattered in one go. It's really scary to say."

"It's a pity that the most powerful monster escaped."

"Hey, escaping may not be a bad thing. Otherwise, if we really fight, we will definitely have casualties."

"Just now, it was that outer disciple who beat the monster into the ground."

At this time, Zhao Qiang and others remembered that Chen Feng's strength seemed to be not inferior to their true disciples, and they all looked at Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng ignored the gazes of these true disciples, but began to treat the injured disciples around him. In this fight tonight, the outer disciples suffered the most casualties.

Seeing his fellow disciples who were still alive and kicking during the day turned into mummies, Chen Feng felt guilty. After all, if he had used the treasure right away, he would have been able to kill the three monsters. However, he wanted to hone himself and did not want to expose his own strength, which led to a series of casualties.

"Hmph, you are too soft-hearted. It will be easy for you to have inner demons in the future." Ta said at this time.

"I am not soft-hearted, but I feel that these people do not need to die." Chen Feng sighed.

"Hmph, the battle between strong people sometimes even destroys a big world, and the number of dead lives is more than hundreds of millions. Don't these people need to die? Cultivation is against the will of heaven. Do you really think that you can achieve immortality without killing, just practicing in seclusion, and you will probably kill more people after becoming an immortal." Ta said coldly.

Then, it was not until dawn that everyone cleaned up the venue. Finally, they counted the number of people. Twenty-eight outer disciples died and seven were injured, eight inner disciples died and two were injured, and one true disciple died and four were injured.

The extent of casualties shows a problem. There are very few injured people. Basically, they will die if attacked by monsters. Only the true disciples were injured in the fight, and the other outer and inner disciples were slightly injured in the chaos.

"Brother Chen, it was you who made the whistle. Can you tell me what happened at that time?" At this time, Zhao Qiang and several true disciples came to Chen Feng. The one who spoke was a middle-aged man in his thirties who looked relatively calm. Chen Feng knew that this man was the person in charge in this small town, a cultivator in the seventh level of the secret realm.

"Yes, I rushed over when I heard the sound." Chen Feng nodded, and then told the story in detail.

After listening to Chen Feng's narration, the true disciples of Taiyi Sect frowned immediately.

"It seems that the situation is a bit serious. Although we have caught two monsters, there is still one that escaped. If the other party returns to attack, I am afraid we will have casualties."

"I don't know what these things are. Not only are they extremely hard, but they actually suck human blood. The two we caught are equivalent to the seventh level of the secret realm, especially the one that escaped."

"I am worried that there are only three monsters here?"

"I suggest contacting the sect as soon as possible. We can't solve the problem here."

Listening to the discussion of several people, Chen Feng thought to himself: "It seems that these people don't know the bloodthirsty demon fangs and phantom beasts."

Chen Feng thought for a while and then said: "Senior brothers, I have been to the Demon Soul Valley before and met demons there. I feel that the black air on the three monsters I met today is demonic energy."

"Yes, we also think this is demonic energy." Zhao Qiang and others looked at Chen Feng. They didn't expect that this inconspicuous outer disciple had been to the Demon Soul Valley. You know, even they have never been to such a dangerous place as the Demon Soul Valley.

"It seems that this is really a demon beast from the demon world."

Because of this incident, the whole town was in a panic. Chen Feng and others stopped working and gathered in groups. Few people dared to go out alone.

Two days later, one night, Chen Feng left the town alone, and his black clothes blended into the dark night, just like a dark night ghost constantly flashing in the dark night.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to leave the town for hundreds of miles. He felt that no one was following him, so he slowly slowed down.

The last time they fought, Chen Feng had secretly locked the phantom beast with his Qi. This time, Chen Feng's purpose was to capture this phantom beast.

According to the tower's analysis, the combat power of this escaped phantom beast is enough to match the human monks of the eighth level of the secret realm. More importantly, this phantom beast's concealment and sneak attack skills are extremely powerful.

"It should be here, right?" Chen Feng suddenly stopped, and then carefully sensed the existence of the phantom beast with his mind.

A chill quietly pierced through the void and reached behind Chen Feng.

"Hehe, this is the same move again." Chen Feng sneered, and without turning around, he slashed at the back with the strong sword energy that he had prepared long ago.

There was no one around, Chen Feng was no longer afraid of anyone discovering his strength, so he used the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword as soon as he made a move.


With a dull sound, the phantom beast that attacked him was knocked back by Chen Feng's sword energy.

"I didn't expect you to be so bold that you dared to attack me?" Chen Feng turned around and looked at the phantom beast not far away and laughed.

The whole body of this phantom beast was covered by thick demonic energy, and the bone spurs on the joints of the whole body glowed coldly in the dark night, and the two scarlet eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light. It was extremely weird.

However, this phantom beast was obviously not the kind of demon who had no brains and only knew how to kill, but had an IQ that did not belong to humans. At this time, this phantom beast also felt that Chen Feng was not easy to mess with, and the bloodthirsty look in its eyes gradually turned into a vigilant look.

"Are you a phantom beast from the demon world?" Chen Feng asked using the power of the soul.

"How do you know who you are?" The phantom beast immediately emitted a panicked consciousness fluctuation.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and surrender to me." Chen Feng said lightly, and with a flick of his finger, the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword turned into a three-foot stream of light that constantly circled around Chen Feng's fingers.

Feeling the breath of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, the phantom beast took a few steps back again.

"Either surrender or die." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Human, you are not qualified to make me surrender." The phantom beast said as its figure faded and was about to disappear in the void.

"I knew you had this ability earlier." Chen Feng said as his five fingers shot out in succession, and five sword qi shot out from the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, divided into five elements and enveloped the phantom beast.

At the same time, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward, with a dense aura on his fist, and heavily bombarded the phantom beast.

In the small town where Chen Feng was, Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu gathered together stealthily.

"That guy went out."

"I knew there was something wrong with this guy. Let's go and follow him."

"Don't let that guy find you?"

"Don't worry, we'll just follow him from a distance. I've sprinkled soul-chasing incense on him. We can find him within a hundred miles."

Chen Feng, who was fighting with the phantom beast, didn't know that his whereabouts had been leaked, and there were two people secretly following him.


One black and one white fists collided heavily, Chen Feng's body shook, and he took two steps back.

"Good guy, I didn't expect that my physical strength is not as good as this phantom beast, but since you are so powerful, why do you still like to sneak attack?" Chen Feng laughed, and then his mind moved, and the Haoran Zhengang sword rang, and the phantom beast that wanted to pounce on him was heavily chopped down.

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