Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,286 Domineering Sweep

"So what? They are still using us as cannon fodder."

"Hey! We are destined to be cannon fodder. If we don't do anything, we will die. We might as well give it a try now."

"That's right, give it a try. Let's join forces. As long as we can catch Changtian, it will be fine. Besides, Wuya has disappeared for a long time."

"Do it!"

Seeing the ten golden immortals in front of him, Chen Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Soul-soothing spell!"

Chen Feng shouted, and a powerful mental shock wave rushed towards the ten golden immortals.

Although Chen Feng's soul power had not been fully recovered before, under the impact of the soul secret method at this time, several of the opponents were still hit, and then Chen Feng killed them with the Changsheng Sword in his hand.

When the Black Water Demon Eye felt it, two golden immortals had already been killed by Chen Feng.

"Ah! Don't think about catching them alive, join forces to kill them." One of them shouted. The impact and pressure that Chen Feng brought to everyone was too strong. In addition, Chen Feng cast a soul-soothing spell, which shocked these people even more.

"Joint attack!"

"Qingyang Yuanshen Slash!"

"Nine Star Explosion Technique!"

"Eternal Boundary Technique!"

"Eternal Handprint!"

"Eternal Tearing Technique!"

"Eternal Sealing Technique!"

These people are immortal golden immortals in the immortal heaven. No matter what their origins are, they are qualified to practice the secrets in the Immortal Sutra when they reach the immortal realm.

Since they have decided to take action, these people are no longer polite and directly use their killing moves. Under the threat of life, these people no longer think so much, and they don't want to capture Chen Feng alive.

Facing the attacks of these people, Chen Feng smiled coldly, waved his hand, and the Immortal Sutra flew out, floating in front of him, emitting an invisible pressure, and then the attacks of these people were shattered one after another, and at the same time, these cultivators retreated with pale faces.

"Soul-calming spell!"

Chen Feng once again launched a soul attack, but this time the soul attack was a little different from the previous one, and it was launched through the Immortal Sutra.

So, the power instantly increased several times.

Bang! Bang!

First, the sea of ​​consciousness of two Golden Immortals exploded, and their souls were scattered and could not condense.

As for the others, their consciousness was even more confused, and they could not regain consciousness.

At this time, the three Black Water Demon Eyes attacked at the same time, and killed three people in an instant. When the remaining people came to their senses, they were horrified to find that there were only three people left on their side.

You should know that this time, the three major counties dispatched a total of ten Golden Immortals, and seven of them were killed as soon as they fought.

What is going on?

Could it be that Young Master Changtian has the fighting power of Taiyi Golden Immortal?

"Young Master, spare my life!"

The three people reacted very quickly, knowing that they could not go against the will of the times, and they did not even think about escaping, and simply knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Is it sent with you?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"This!" The three Golden Immortals hesitated.

Chen Feng frowned, then waved his hand, and one of the Golden Immortals flew up directly, and then exploded with a bang, and all of Chen Feng's vitality energy was swallowed up by Chen Feng.

"Ah!" Seeing Chen Feng start fighting over a disagreement, the remaining two people's hearts were about to explode with fear.

"Who asked you to come?" Chen Feng asked again.

"It was the Tower King." The two people said immediately.

"The Tower King, the leader of the Tower Legion." Chen Feng frowned.

"Yes, yes." The two nodded repeatedly.

"I know, do you want to die or live?" Chen Feng nodded.

"I want to live, I want to live!" The two people said immediately, nonsense, who wants to die, especially the longer the monks live, the less they want to die.

"According to your crimes, you should have been annihilated, but I see that you have a good attitude, so I will give you two a chance to live." Chen Feng said, and two streams of light flew out of the Immortal Sutra in his hand and drilled into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two people.

"It's the Immortal Shackles!" The two Golden Immortals showed fear in their eyes.

"Yes, it is the Immortal Shackles. I think you should know the function of the Immortal Shackles." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I know!" The two said a little dejectedly.

Chen Feng no longer paid attention to the two men, but continued to move forward. Even the ten Golden Immortals were dealt with. The 100,000 troops were already frightened. When they saw Chen Feng coming, they all avoided him.


Chen Feng suddenly said coldly, and the powerful momentum and pressure spread all around. The 100,000 troops were shocked, and then they all knelt on one knee.

"Greetings, young master!"

It must be said that Chen Feng's thought could change the fate of the three counties. The two who survived were Gu Xing Xianjun and Shen Shi Xianjun.

After Chen Feng left, the two looked at each other with complicated expressions in their eyes. Of course, they understood the role of the longevity shackles. From now on, their lives were completely in the hands of Chen Feng. Even if Taiyi Jinxian took action, they would quickly restore their freedom. Besides, Taiyi Jinxian would not pay attention to such a small matter.

However, thinking about the other eight people who were killed, the two felt fortunate to have escaped.

"This is also a good result." The two smiled bitterly.

"Sir, those two people just now were Gu Xing Xian Jun and Shen Shi Xian Jun, why didn't you kill them both?" Tun Ri stepped forward and asked.

"There are so many Golden Immortals in Chang Sheng Tian Realm, how can I kill them all? Besides, these people are the power of Chang Sheng Tian Realm, and we still rely on these people to charge into battle in the future war with the Immortal Realm." Chen Feng said lightly.

Tun Ri wanted to say something, but was stopped by the strong wind.

After sweeping through four major counties in a row, Chen Feng seemed fine on the surface, but he was not at peace in his heart. However, all of this was soon destroyed by the murderous intention in Chen Feng's heart.

After passing Lanling County, we arrived at Tianshui County.

Speaking of which, Tianshui County is slightly larger in scale, but it was not blocked after entering Tianshui County's territory.

"Sir, there are five golden immortals in Tianshui County, and the king is Tianshui Immortal Lord." Da Feng said.

"It seems that these people must have received the news and are afraid of the young master." Tunri chuckled.

Chen Feng did not speak, but looked around in all directions, and finally said: "Come out and see Lord Tianshui."

The voice was calm, but it spread throughout Tianshui County.

However, there was no response after the voice. A sneer flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and then he took out the Book of Immortality.


Chen Feng said lightly, the Immortal Scripture was buzzing, and the monks from the Immortal Clan such as Tunri felt that their souls were about to be sucked away. They were all horrified, but they soon understood that this was the Immortal Sutra. Power, and then these people became surprised again. Chen Feng is in charge of the Eternal Life Tower and the Eternal Life Sutra, and will definitely be the master of the Eternal Life Heaven Realm in the future.

After Chen Feng issued the summoning technique, he began to wait on the spot. Sure enough, soon, six golden lights quickly cut through the space and came to Chen Feng.

Looking at the six golden immortals in front of him, Chen Feng sneered.

According to Dafeng, there should be five golden immortals in Tianshui County, but now there is one more. Then it means that either this person is the hidden power of Tianshui County, or that the extra golden immortal has only recently broken through.

But no matter what, it proves that Tianshui County is not simple, but judging from the number of golden immortals, it is equivalent to the power of the other two counties.

"I've met Mr. Changtian!" No matter what, Tianshui Immortal Lord still came forward to see Chen Feng.

"You know?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Of course I know the young master's name." Tianshui Immortal Lord said expressionlessly.

"Since you know, why didn't you come out to meet me before?" Chen Feng shouted coldly.

"To give you face, I can call you Young Master. If I don't give you face, you are just an ordinary immortal." A person next to him said coldly.

"Oh!" Chen Feng glanced at the person who spoke.

This is a young-looking Golden Immortal. It seems that the immortal laws in his body are still rapidly condensing. This shows that this person has just broken through to advance to the Golden Immortal level not long ago.


Chen Feng suddenly gave a soft drink, and the Book of Immortality flew out from his hand and appeared directly on the head of the golden immortal. Then the Book of Immortality emitted a cyan light, and the shadow of the Immortality Heaven began to condense in it.


The golden immortal suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Take action!"


"Sir, stop for now."

As soon as Chen Feng took action, all six golden immortals showed different actions.

However, Chen Feng was unmoved. Except for the one person who was suppressed and Lord Tianshui, the other four people all took action. However, Chen Feng sneered and the Immortal Scripture emitted a powerful cyan light, which directly knocked these four people away. .


When the Immortal Sutra was pressed down, the young Golden Immortal suddenly exploded. Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it and swallowed up the chaotic Golden Immortal energy.

"Who else wants to die?" Chen Feng said calmly while holding the Book of Immortality, and at the same time he was a little happy in his heart. After arriving in the Heaven of Immortality, the Book of Immortality can finally exert its heaven-defying ability, if the Tower of Eternal Life also appears. Then wouldn’t he be able to sweep across the world at will in the Immortal Realm?

Of course, I am doing the same thing now.

"Master Changtian!" Tianshui Immortal Lord's expression finally changed this time.

"We have no intention of being enemies with you, please show mercy." Although a golden immortal was killed, Tianshui Immortal was so uncomfortable that he just wanted to vomit blood. You must know that it is not that easy to cultivate a golden immortal in Tianshui County. Yes, let’s just say that the golden immortal who was killed just now consumed Tianshui County’s resources for hundreds of millions of years.

However, this golden immortal was easily killed by Chen Feng. Tianshui Immortal was angry but also had some fear and regret. He was afraid that Chen Feng would take action again and regretted that he should have come out long ago.

"You have no intention of being my enemy. Let me ask you again, if I hadn't sent out the summoning spell, would you have been hiding and unwilling to come out?" Chen Feng shouted, looking a little aggressive.

"We don't dare. We have no intention of becoming enemies with the young master. We are all of the same lineage. Please show mercy to the young master." Tianshui Immortal Lord began to beg for mercy again. This time, he was already a little humble.

"I'll give you two choices." Chen Feng said calmly.

Although he had already guessed what Chen Feng was going to say next, Tianshui Immortal Lord still gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, please speak."

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