Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,283 Return to the Eternal Heaven

"I didn't expect it to have this function. It seems that in the future, I can steal the secrets of the sky without using the secret of stealing the sky." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Think about it, the seal of Heaven's Law represents the supreme power of Heaven's Law. If it can be used by yourself in turn, it is really easy to use it to deceive Heaven's Law.

The seal of Heavenly Dao was solved by Chen Feng, and his dull emotions were constantly aroused. The situation in front of him also greatly increased his strength. The consumed soul fire could be condensed back slowly, otherwise it would be useless to keep thinking.

After the training, Chen Feng counted the time and was secretly surprised.

It has been thirty years.

"Sure enough, there is no time to practice!" Chen Feng sighed. As his level improves, it is indeed difficult to pay attention to the passage of time during the process of practice.

Because after reaching a certain level, longevity reaches a long point.

In the early days of cultivation, many people just wanted to improve their cultivation and increase their longevity. However, once their longevity exceeded hundreds of millions of years, these people's worldview began to change.

"Maybe it's time for me to return to the Immortal Realm!"

This thought suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind. As soon as this thought came out, it began to grow uncontrollably.

"It seems that the time has indeed arrived. It's a pity that I can't contact the Eternal Life Tower. It would be better if the Eternal Life Tower can go back with me." Chen Feng shook his head. Since the Eternal Life Tower is unwilling to appear, he will not forcefully contact him. .

With Chen Feng's current strength, most golden immortals would be killed instantly, so Chen Feng's thoughts began to grow.

"Being away for so long is not a big deal in the long history of the Immortal Realm, but to me, it may be that things have changed." Chen Feng thought for a while.

"You are going to the immortal world!"

After hearing Chen Feng's plan, Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised at first, but he soon understood.

"Yes, you are now very powerful in combat. You can indeed go back. If you can control a legion, you can help the Dark World change the current situation." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded, but then said: "It's not that easy. The development of Immortal Court is too fast, and it can seriously threaten the heavens. No heaven is willing to take the lead in developing with Immortal Court, and our immortal heaven will not be willing either. After all, I Not the Realm Lord."

"The Dark Realm joins forces with the Demon Realm, the Underworld, the Ghost Realm, and the Blood Realm. We should be able to persist for a while. Maybe we can counterattack and change the situation of the Immortal Court's invasion. After seeing the experience of the Immortal Court, I realized that we are simply small in the Immortal Realm. Make a fuss."

"It's not like that. If it develops, it can lay a deep nail in the immortal world. At that time, Dongji Immortal Palace had not captured our Six Paths Alliance." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"The same goes for this. If we can be given some time, even if we can't compete with Immortal Court, we can still protect ourselves." Chen Feng nodded.

"The Dark Realm seems a little quiet recently, and I have nothing to do. I want to go to the Immortal Realm for a visit." Black Water Demon Eye suddenly said.

"There's no problem with this, but I'm afraid there will be danger then." Chen Feng nodded.

"Do you think we have encountered few dangers during this period?"

"That's true!"

Saying goodbye to Dark Qilin, Chen Feng and Blackwater Demon Eyes quickly returned to the fairy world.

Before returning to the Immortal Realm, Chen Feng must arrange things in the Immortal Realm.

The two had only been away for decades, and the situation in the fairy world had hardly changed. The Six Paths Alliance was also very quiet. Although it did not respond to the call of the fairy court, it did not attract the attack of the fairy court. On the contrary, it was because of the use of troops by the fairy court. , the Six Paths Alliance took the opportunity to expand its territory.

After sitting in the Six Paths Alliance for a while, Chen Feng also dealt with some matters. During the dispute with other Tianjie, Chen Feng took action and injured several people, suppressing the four forces, and then Chen Feng started to set off.

This time, in addition to the black water demon pupil, mutated dragons and time and space beasts also followed Chen Feng.

In addition to these golden immortals, Tunri and others also selected two hundred disciples from the Changsheng clan.

It's not that Chen Feng doesn't want to bring many people, but because the Six Paths Alliance needs more manpower. However, these two hundred disciples of the Immortal Clan were also carefully selected by Chen Feng. They are all the best among the many disciples. Moreover, although they have been in the Immortal Realm these years, they have been trained by Chen Feng, and each one of them has the fighting ability to leapfrog challenges. .

Two hundred people, composed of half-step golden immortals and high-level heavenly immortals, can be regarded as the most elite people in the Six Paths Alliance.

"Hahahaha, sir, we have finally returned to the Immortal Realm. I think many people will be shocked." Tunri laughed.

"You're wrong. It's not that there are many, but the entire Immortal Realm will be shaken." Gale then said.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong. Young Master is the most talented monk in the entire Immortal Heaven Realm. Tsk tsk. In the future, he will become the Realm Lord and take charge of the existence of the Immortal Heaven Realm." Tunri said quickly.

A faint smile appeared on Chen Feng's face, and he did not care about the meaning of these people's words. Chen Feng's eyes were a little complicated and a little deep.

Chen Feng thought a lot at this moment.

He had imagined various scenarios of returning to the Immortal Realm in his mind, but now that he was in front of him, Chen Feng was still very uneasy.

Are you more timid about being close to home? No, Chen Feng didn't feel this way.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng did not stay in the Immortal Realm for a long time. Chen Feng even believed that the eternal world was his hometown.

However, Chen Feng also knew that no matter how he thought about it, the Changsheng Heaven Realm was his main root, the birthplace of his life, his relatives were there, and of course, there were also some enemies who wanted to kill him.

Everyone felt Chen Feng's emotions and fell silent.

After a long time, Chen Feng regained his composure, and his eyes became more profound.

"It will definitely not be peaceful when I go back this time. Even if the other party doesn't come to trouble me, I still have some accounts to settle with them." Chen Feng said lightly, his eyes swept across the two hundred disciples under his command.

Feeling that Chen Feng's words were meant, several people began to feel uneasy.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Chen Feng suddenly showed his heroic spirit, waved his hand, and blasted open a passage to the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

Then Chen Feng entered it first, followed by the three Golden Immortals of Black Water Demon Eye, and the rest were the two hundred disciples including Tunri.

In the depths of the distant universe, the Changsheng Tower jumped from time to time. After Chen Feng entered the passage, the sound of the tower was transmitted from it.

"This kid finally returned to the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Tsk tsk, much earlier than I thought. Hey, my choice back then was really correct. Whether he can make further progress in the future depends on this kid."

"But although this kid's combat power has reached the level of Golden Immortal, the Changsheng Heaven Realm is a heaven after all, and there are still some old monsters. In order to avoid any accidents, I'd better go and take care of them." Then the Changsheng Tower began to jump frequently. It didn't seem to be very fast, but each jump had to shuttle through countless spaces.

The moment Chen Feng entered the Changsheng Heaven Realm, almost all the Golden Immortals in the Changsheng Heaven Realm got the news.

Then there was a series of violent reactions. After the fluctuations, it quickly calmed down, but Chen Feng felt the hidden undercurrents in it. These undercurrents would hit him at any time and then give him a powerful blow.

"I'm back."

Chen Feng suddenly roared to the sky, and the sound rolled and merged into the space, sweeping away in waves. The sound contained immortal power. If there was no power to stop it, it could spread throughout the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

Looking at the scenery in front of him and feeling the atmosphere here, Chen Feng was so excited that he couldn't say anything more.

This is his hometown.

Chen Feng had been accumulating the roar for too long. If he didn't burst out, he might have internal injuries.

After shouting, Chen Feng felt that his whole body was transparent, and the immortal qi flowed through him. Chen Feng and the surrounding world began to gradually synchronize and merge.

Chen Feng turned around, his eyes swept across, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You don't have to worry, and you don't have to secretly report the news. The moment I entered the immortal heaven, the senior leaders of the entire immortal clan knew about it." Chen Feng said with a smile, his eyes were calm, but it brought stronger oppression.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Three people's faces changed drastically, and then they knelt down. Although they didn't speak, everyone present knew what was going on.


Tunri was furious and was about to step forward to fight.


Chen Feng stopped Tunri.

"I don't blame you. This kind of thing is very common. I won't punish you because you have made contributions in the fairy world by following me. But I won't take you in. You can leave now." Chen Feng said lightly.

The three cultivators had complicated expressions. Yes, these three were undercover agents sent from other forces to the Wuya Corps. As Chen Feng said, this kind of thing is very common. The Wuya Corps will also plant some spies in other forces. But at this time, these three people were exposed by Chen Feng and still felt extremely guilty.

Although these three people have made some contributions in the fairy world, they have also enjoyed treatment that they could not enjoy in the past by following Chen Feng. In particular, two of them have even improved their realm in the fairy world. The cultivation resources provided by Chen Feng accounted for a large part of this.

"Please give us a chance, young master." One of them gritted his teeth and said loudly.

"I will not regret what I said."

Chen Feng said lightly, and then strode forward. Tunri and others hurriedly followed, leaving only three people kneeling on the ground.

These three people, one half-step golden immortal and two high-level celestial immortals, have good cultivation talents. When making this decision, Chen Feng was also a little hesitant, but soon Chen Feng made up his mind.

"Hey! If I had known this, I would rather stay in the Six Paths Alliance." The half-step golden immortal said.

"Or, let's return secretly now." One of the celestial immortals suggested.

"Forget it, since the young master has made a decision, we are powerless to resist. It's our fault that we didn't follow the young master from the beginning." The half-step golden immortal sighed,

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