Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,274 Helping Hand Appears

"Should we attack?" Black Water Demon Eye seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer." Chen Feng shook his head. In fact, Chen Feng was also a little excited. He had finally beaten the Black Annihilation Lord into a serious injury. If he did not pursue the victory, he would miss a great opportunity.

But the Dark Kirin had not yet sent out an attack signal, so the two could only wait, and in Chen Feng's opinion, the Dark Kirin would definitely have other means.

"The two cultivators from the Dark Realm are Dark Dragon and Nether Tiger." Black Water Demon Eye suddenly said.

"Dark Dragon, this is a real member of the Dragon Clan, not comparable to the Jiaolong and the Demon Dragon. The Nether Tiger is not simple either. The bloodline of these two is no less powerful than the Dark Kirin. No wonder they are not convinced." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But Senior Dark Night has more opportunities than them. What I am worried about now is whether there will be other forces in the dark world to take action."

"I think there will definitely be."

"How do you know?"

"I guessed."

At this time, Dark Kirin suddenly sneered, and at the same time his huge body turned into a human form, but the aura on his body was rising steadily, and soon it increased several times and reached the peak.

"What! You are not injured?" Dark Dragon exclaimed.

"Humph, otherwise how can I lure you guys out." Dark Kirin said lightly.

Seeing Dark Kirin's powerful momentum, everyone was a little surprised at first, but then they regained their calm.

"Even if you are not injured, so what, do you think you can fight against us alone, or do you think you are Taiyi Jinxian." Nether Tiger laughed.

"What benefits can you get from cooperating with the Immortal Court? Aren't you afraid of being eliminated after being used by the other party?" Dark Kirin said coldly.

"Don't worry about this." Dark Dragon said with a smile, but his expression was a little unnatural.

"Don't say so much. Kill Dark Qilin, and you will be the master of the Dark Scripture. We will also support you to become the new master of the Dark Realm." A cultivator wrapped in golden light spoke, his voice was like a bell, shaking people's souls.

"Why don't you act quickly?" Anger flashed in the eyes of the Black Annihilation God. You should know that although the body of the Black Annihilation God has recovered, it is still suppressed by the shadow of the Dark Realm. He quickly struggled out with his own strength.

"Do it."

The people wrapped in the golden light looked at each other and knew that they could not delay any longer.

"Do it."

However, at this time, Dark Qilin also shouted loudly, and then the surrounding space shook, and four golden immortals showed their figures. These four people were all Dark Qilin's confidants, who had been hiding around, and finally wanted to take action at this time.

"Wait a little longer." Originally, Chen Feng and Dark Qilin wanted to take action, but they stopped abruptly when they saw this scene.

"The time is not right, the world is not right, wait a little longer." Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye looked at each other. Under this situation, the two of them were very uncomfortable.

"I knew you had an ambush, but these four alone may not be enough. I'll stop these four guys, and you guys can handle the rest." At this time, a Golden Immortal from the Immortal Court took action, took out a compass of four colors, and sent out four strange forces, which actually stopped the four Dark Realm Golden Immortals.

"It's the Heaven Punishment Compass, this guy is the Heaven Punishment Lord, and he is at the same level as the Black Fang Immortal Emperor." Black Water Demon Eye exclaimed.

"Immortal Emperor level." Chen Feng frowned. It seems that this person may not be the opponent of the four Dark Realm Golden Immortals, but it is no problem to stop them.

In this case, the situation is still not good, after all, the opponent still has several Golden Immortals, and they are of very high level.

"Break it for me." At this time, the Dark Dragon and the Nether Tiger grabbed the Dark Scripture in the Dark Realm phantom again, and at the same time, the other three Golden Immortals from the Immortal Court surrounded the Dark Kirin. That's not all. In Chen Feng's perception, there are still two people floating around, and it is unknown when they will take action.

"The Immortal Court has dispatched so many Golden Immortals, it's really a big deal." Chen Feng sighed, and then he felt that as his cultivation level improved, he encountered different realms and encountered more and more masters, one after another.

"Hey, although these guys are powerful, they are still a little worse than our Heavenly Realm." Black Water Demon Eye sneered.

"But the Immortal Court has more people, and how do you know that the other side has no more powerful masters hidden." Chen Feng shook his head.

The three cultivators who besieged the Dark Kirin were even higher in realm than the Dark Kirin. If it weren't for the Dark Realm, only one person could entangle the Dark Kirin. In Chen Feng's opinion, each of these three people has the combat power of the Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, under the attack of the Dark Dragon and the Nether Tiger, the Dark Realm phantom was fading, and the Black Annihilation God was about to escape.

"The situation is critical, it's time to act." A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Black Water Demon Eye.

"Follow the previous routine and solve them one by one." Chen Feng also nodded in agreement.

Just as Chen Feng and the other two were about to start, a pitch-black claw emerged from the shadow of the dark world, silently but extremely fast, and there were dense runes flowing on the claw, which made people feel that their souls could be sucked into it.

Then, the claw grabbed the dark dragon with a sudden move, and the claw pierced into the body of the dark dragon, and then the runes flowing on it began to explode, making a popping sound and colorful sparks.


The Dark Dragon actually screamed, and these sparks merged into flames and penetrated into the Dark Dragon's body. Even the powerful body of the Dragon could not stop the burning of the flames, not to mention the destructive power of the claws themselves.

"It's Netherworld Ghost Claw, Netherworld Ghost Fire!"

The sudden change caused some commotion in the opponent's camp.


The Nether Tiger opened its mouth and released a suction force, which actually completely swallowed up the Nether Fire on the Dark True Dragon's body, and it still felt like it was still unfinished.

But at this time, another sharp claw appeared. This time, the sharp claw that appeared was not black, but scarlet, with blood flowing on it. It looked more terrifying than the ghost claw.


With a slap from his bloody palm, the Netherworld Tiger flew away. After the Netherworld Tiger stood firm, he found that the energy and blood in his body had been reduced by a full 30%.

"Blood Soul Hand!"

At this time, the monks on this side turned from restless to cautious and shocked. The previous ghost claws and the current blood soul hands showed that people from the ghost world and the blood world had intervened.

"As expected." Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes looked at each other and were convinced that Dark Qilin had these preparations.

"Jiejiejiejiejie, it looks very lively here."

A ghastly voice sounded, and then an old man entangled in black ghostly energy walked out, followed by a burst of blood. The blood light twisted and turned into a middle-aged monk with blood rising to the sky.

"Powerful Ghost King! Blood Soul Divine Lord, I didn't expect that you two have been hiding here. We were careless, but now that you are here, you two can't even think about leaving." The God of Punishment said coldly.

"Really? Let's have a fight and see who dies here." The powerful ghost king said and stretched out his hand to grab it. The Black Oblivion God Lord who had just condensed into a body screamed and exploded again.

"Two fellow Taoists, how long will it take before we take action?"

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes heard the voice of the powerful ghost king.

"Do it." This time Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes no longer hesitated. They had been waiting for a long time and could no longer bear it.


A wave of space fluctuations came, and then the Black Annihilation God who had been suppressed suddenly disappeared.

Dark Qilin waved his hand, and the shadow of the dark world exploded with a bang, turning into several sharp arrows and attacking the monks in the fairy court. At the same time, the Dark Scripture also returned to the hands of Dark Qilin.

"There are actually people."

Lord Black Annihilation disappeared, and some people's faces began to change, truly bad changes.

"Hahahahaha, speaking of it, Lord Black Annihilation is considered a master. I didn't expect to die here." Lord Blood Soul laughed.

"Anyone else, please come out." The God of Punishment sneered.

"Since fellow Taoist Heavenly Punishment has said so, I won't be polite." A tall monk wearing thick bone armor and armor walked out with a spear in his hand and laughed.

"Underworld Emperor!"

The face of the God of Punishment was a little ugly. Although he did not recognize the golden immortal in front of him, he could tell from the coercion emanating from the opponent and the strong hell fire in his body that this was also a difficult opponent to deal with.

"Okay, let's do it. Since your fairy court has the ambition to annex other worlds, don't leave today." Dark Qilin waved his hand, and another group of dark shadows suppressed the Black Annihilation God Lord.

"Yes, such a good opportunity is a rare opportunity in a billion years, so you guys should stay."

"Hahahaha, I have never killed such a high-level opponent. This time the Immortal Court is going to bleed. I wonder what the Lord of the Immortal Court will do if he knows this news."

"Do it!"


Various powerful auras began to collide, and then a fierce fighting began, even the entire dark world shook.

"Dark Barrier."

An Qilin shouted loudly, and a thick barrier appeared around the battlefield. This barrier was composed of the original power of the dark world. It was prepared by An Qilin long ago and could block the attacks of these golden immortals.

At this time, Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eye were in an independent space. This was the result of the Black Water Demon Eye's pupil technique.

The two of them were not idle. They continued to use various powerful secret techniques, and all the attacks they launched fell on the Black Annihilation God Lord.

Without the suppression of the shadow of the dark world, the broken body of the Black Annihilation God recovered instantly, but was quickly shattered by Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eyes, and then recovered and was shattered again. Each time it was shattered, it would be consumed. With a large amount of energy, the angry Black Annihilation God Lord was furious.

Think about it, God Lord Black Annihilation has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years, when did he receive such a blow, and he was still besieged by two juniors. What's more important is that Chen Feng is not a golden immortal.

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