Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,265: Immortal Court Takes Action

"Outside the domain!"

Everyone was a little surprised at first, but they soon reacted and found that the army of killers was fleeing deep into the starry sky, and Huoyu Jinxian and others were chasing after them.

A dozen Jinxians were chasing billions of killers. This situation was extremely strange.

Chen Feng's eyes were dim, piercing through the layers of void, and he saw a black warship floating in the starry sky, constantly emitting destructive light waves. These were small energy cannons on the warships. There were also teams composed entirely of Jinxians who were charging again and again.

The number of these teams reached 100,000, each of which was composed of 10,000 people, and there were hundreds of thousands of half-step Jinxians supervising the battle. Hundreds of Jinxians rushed into the army of killers and killed them wantonly.

The level of the warships was all low-grade artifacts, and the number of warships also reached 100,000, and there were also a large number of cultivators in each warship.

Chen Feng's face was extremely complicated.

"It was the Immortal Court that took action." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"The Immortal Court is so powerful, and this should be only part of its power." Chen Feng took a long breath and sighed.

"The Immortal Court is indeed very powerful. The population of the Immortal Realm far exceeds that of our Heavenly Realm. The reason why our Heavenly Realm is so high is because our high-end combat power suppresses the Immortal Realm. But it's hard to say now." Black Water Demon Eye laughed.

"Haha." Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"It was really lucky that our Six Paths Alliance could block the attack of the Immortal Court before." Chen Feng laughed.

"It's just that the ambition of the Immortal Court is too big. It actually attacked so many forces at the same time. If it attacks one by one, our Six Paths Alliance will not be able to resist even if it is ten times stronger." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"But the current situation looks a little bad." Chen Feng retracted his gaze. Huoyu Jinxian and others rushed up to pursue the victory. He and Black Water Demon Eye did not want to take action because of the Immortal Court.

"But fortunately, the Eternal World was saved."

The two waited for a while, and the killers almost disappeared. Chen Feng speculated that the Immortal Court's attack caused the killer army to suffer more than 100 million casualties in a short period of time. Chen Feng even saw several Golden Immortal killers being killed.

"It would have been better if these guys from the Immortal Court had come earlier." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"It's not a good thing to come now." Chen Feng's eyes were solemn.

"There is something wrong." Black Water Demon Eye also felt something wrong.


A stream of purple light appeared in the sight of the two, and it fell on the Eternal World like a meteorite.

Chen Feng used the Cave Heaven God Eye to the extreme and could only see that it was a talisman, but he couldn't tell what kind of talisman it was.

The purple talisman fell and quickly drilled into the Eternal World, and then Chen Feng felt the ground tremble, and a strange feeling surged into his heart.

"It's a talisman refined by Taiyi Jinxian!" Black Water Demon Eye's eyes lit up.

Chen Feng shook his head, having guessed what the other party was going to do.

Sure enough, the Eternal World shook and began to move. Although this ancient world was not as good as some higher life worlds such as the Demon World and the Underworld, it was not comparable to some life planets, but it began to move in the starry sky at this time.

It seemed slow, but it kept breaking through layers of space. This was the performance after the speed reached a certain level. In Chen Feng's opinion, the speed had exceeded that of a half-step golden immortal.

Chen Feng secretly calculated in his heart, and his face became even uglier.

"Don't count it, isn't it obvious? The Taiyi Golden Immortal of the Immortal World has taken action, and the Eternal World is heading to the Immortal World. Hey, we fought hard, but the Immortal World took advantage of us." Black Water Demon Eye sneered again and again.

"In this case, the Immortal World wants to merge with the Eternal World, so the Zhoutian World, the Original World and other life worlds are probably also in the calculations of the Immortal World." Chen Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Calculation, calculation, yes, it is calculation, all of this is planned by the Immortal Court, or the killer this time was also released by the Immortal Court in secret." Chen Feng said this, and a beam of light rushed out of his eyes, reaching thousands of feet.

"I also suspect this, ordinary golden immortals are probably unable to open that huge space channel, and how come the killer came out so coincidentally." Black Water Demon Eye also said so.

"All of this is a trap set up by the Immortal Court long ago, allowing the killer to disrupt the situation, taking the opportunity to collect the fusion life world, and strengthening the immortal world. This is a good method of the Immortal Court."

"The art of concealing the sky, this is the real art of concealing the sky. Isn't the Immortal Court afraid that the killer will be attracted and cannot be eliminated after it is eliminated?" Chen Feng's body is already filled with murderous aura.

"Since the passage was opened by the Immortal Court, then the Immortal Court can also close the passage. Damn it, aren't our actions like clowns, losing so much power, all for the Immortal Court." Black Water Demon Eye also became angry.

If the two people's calculations are correct, then except for the Immortal Court, all the other forces involved in this period are being used, and all are being used as guns.

Thinking about the countless lives that were killed and injured by the killer this time, Chen Feng's heart was filled with flames.

More importantly, he and others seemed to be played like monkeys.

"This account is not a joke." Chen Feng used the calculation technique again, and felt more and more that his guess was correct.

At this time, a powerful force wave descended, blessing Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye respectively.

"According to the decree of the Lord of the Immortal Court, all cultivators must come quickly, without delay!" A powerful force shook the hearts of the two. Then Chen Feng and the others felt a strong pulling force wrapping around them and trying to fly out of the Eternal World.

The same was true for the mutant dragon and the space-time beast, and they were even worse than Chen Feng and the others.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the power of his whole body surged to compete with this force, and the same was true for the Black Water Demon Eye.

"This is to summon us to fight."

"How can it be so good."

Although he said so, Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eye gradually couldn't resist this pulling force, and even their bodies began to stiffen.

Boom! Boom!

Chen Feng communicated with the Changsheng Heaven, and the Black Water Demon Eye communicated with the Moruo Heaven.

With the blessing of the origin of the heaven, the pulling force on the two gradually disappeared.

"According to the decree of the Lord of the Immortal Court, all cultivators come quickly, come quickly, come quickly, and there must be no mistakes, no mistakes, no mistakes."

But soon, this wave of fluctuations came again, and the pulling force was several times stronger than before.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye flew up directly, and the space-time beast and the mutant dragon were even faster, almost rushing out of the Eternal World.

"Damn it!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and directly communicated with the origin core of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Then a strong pressure was imposed on Chen Feng, and the pulling force on his body made a popping sound and was cleared again. The same was true for Black Water Demon Eye.

After two failures, there were no more fluctuations, but ten Golden Immortals did rush towards the two.

When Chen Feng saw that Huoyu Golden Immortal and others had entered the camp of the Immortal Court, it was obvious that these people could not withstand the pulling and summoning power of the Immortal Court.

These Golden Immortals did not have the Heaven Realm as a backing, so of course they could not compare with Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye.

"Let's go. The Immortal Court is more dangerous than these killers." Black Water Demon Eye said.

Chen Feng nodded, punched out, the space was broken, and a dark passage appeared. There was chaotic energy surging in it. Black Water Demon Eye's eyes shot out streams of light, and the passage stabilized. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the mutant dragon and the space-time beast entered first, and then the two entered. When the Golden Immortals of the Immortal Court arrived, the space passage had been closed.

"They actually let the other party escape. These two guys are not simple." One of the Golden Immortals said with a smile. "The other party came from the heaven, of course they are not simple."

"Humph, sooner or later our Immortal Court will annex the heaven and unify the fairyland."

"Okay, there are still many tasks to do next."

Seeing that Chen Feng and the other had disappeared, these Golden Immortals did not chase them. They talked casually for a few words and left again.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye soon returned to the Immortal Realm and came to the Six Dao Alliance. The two swept their consciousness, and Tian Dao Daojun and others came to see them.

Chen Feng casually asked about the situation of the Six Paths Alliance. Knowing that everything was normal, he was relieved. Then Chen Feng left the space-time beast and the mutant dragon to sit in the Six Paths Alliance, and Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye went to the Dark Realm again.

This time, the two did not bring other cultivators. In Chen Feng's view, he and Black Water Demon Eye could compete with or even kill the old Golden Immortal together. Bringing other cultivators would only drag the two back.

And although the Six Paths Alliance seemed safe, it was hard to tell what would happen next, so two Golden Immortals needed to be left behind.

Besides, Chen Feng also had some other considerations in his mind, such as whether the Immortal Realm would also take action against Dark Night.

In short, after Chen Feng's quick calculation and screening, it was the right choice for him and Black Water Demon Eye to go to the Dark Realm.

Chen Feng had never been to the Dark Realm, but Chen Feng practiced the Dark Scripture, and there were some special connections between Chen Feng and Dark Kirin. In addition, the Six Paths Alliance had a channel connecting to the Dark Realm, so Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye quickly locked the location of the Dark Realm, and then descended into the Dark Realm through the space channel.

After coming out of the teleportation space and entering the dark world, Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye both felt a strange feeling. Black Water Demon Eye opened his pupil technique, and Chen Feng also operated the Dark Sutra.

Soon, the two of them established a special connection with the dark world, and there was no rejection as they had imagined before.

The two were only briefly surprised, and soon returned to normal.

"I forgot that you are Black Water Demon Eye, who is naturally inclined to the power of darkness, and I have inherited the Dark Sutra. Coming here is like coming to our hometown." Chen Feng laughed.

"Don't be sentimental for now, let's solve the trouble in front of us first." Black Water Demon Eye waved his hand and took out the Phantom Demon Blade.

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