Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,253 Crisis Resolved

Just like this, one chasing and one fleeing, the sword demon came again, Chen Feng could not resist and was injured again. Feeling the energy in his body being consumed continuously and his vitality being cut off continuously, Chen Feng was a little anxious.

These two killers seemed to have set their sights on him, and they would not stop until he died. No matter how strong his fighting power was, he was only at the level of a celestial being. Of course, he could not compare with these immortal golden immortals in terms of endurance.

"Huh, I wonder when the reinforcements will come?" Chen Feng was hit by another sword, and the golden armor on his body was already covered with sword marks.


Just as Chen Feng was praying for reinforcements in his heart, a strong wave suddenly collided in an inconspicuous corner of the Shenyun Star Domain.

At first, Chen Feng did not care. In Chen Feng's opinion, it might be the energy fluctuations emitted by the fragments of the artifact or the star core, or something else.

But this wave of fluctuations was too strong, so strong that it completely attracted Chen Feng, and even the two killers who fought with Chen Feng felt something was wrong, or it was not good.

Thousands of light spots emerged from the starry sky, and finally condensed into a tall monk. The powerful pressure emanated, making Chen Feng feel suffocated.


This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

It was strange that the other party was clearly not a Taiyi Jinxian, but was so powerful that it was trembling.

And this was just a phantom.

The monk formed by the light spots looked young, but his eyes were like stars, and a glance could cover the eight wastelands of thought.

Chen Feng quickly retreated, and his heart became more cautious. He didn't know what would happen next, and he didn't know if this suddenly appearing phantom would affect him.

The phantom monk's eyes flickered a few times and then he regained his calm, but he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a large halberd appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Without saying a word, the phantom monk took a step forward, the space was turbulent, and the halberd in his hand attacked the sword demon and the space-time killer.

"Okay!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was on his side.

At this time, Chen Feng also had some guesses in his mind. No matter what the reason was, this master who suddenly appeared left a trace of will here. Maybe he calculated that this star field would be attacked before his death, so he stimulated his strength at the critical moment to organize the invasion of these killers.

In just a few breaths, this shadow monk fought with two killers.

Chen Feng was secretly shocked after watching it. The shadow in front of him was clearly just a trace of true spirit, but it could exert such a degree of combat power and suppress the two killers right away.

Chen Feng thought about it and did not take the opportunity to leave. Instead, he held the Soul Bow and launched an attack from a distance. Chen Feng's target was the Sword Demon, and it was always the Sword Demon.

After several attacks, the Sword Demon was hit hard again, but the Sword Demon who was hit hard was still domineering, holding a long sword and fighting with the shadow monk, not retreating a step.


The shadow monk chopped down with a halberd and directly cut the Sword Demon in half. But soon the two halves of the Sword Demon merged quickly.

The Spacetime Killer stepped forward to block the Shadow Monk. The Sword Demon roared, and countless Killers rushed over. When they got close to the Sword Demon, they exploded one after another, turning into rolling energy and melting into the Sword Demon's body. Then the Sword Demon's body, which was about to fall apart, was repaired quickly.

Chen Feng was surprised to see this scene. Although it was an immortal body, it could be resurrected with only a trace of divine thought, but the attack it suffered was also an immortal attack, so it was not so easy to recover.

The Sword Demon in front of him recovered his body by absorbing the essence of other killers. This is a perverted and powerful secret method in itself, and it has the same mystery as Chen Feng's swallowing and absorbing technique.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is more difficult to deal with.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that the attack power of the Shadow Monk was weakening. Chen Feng immediately understood that this Shadow Monk was just a short-term image resurrection. The attack made the energy disappear quickly, and it could not last long.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng pulled the longbow in his hand, and cooperated with the Tongtian Divine Eye to attack the Sword Demon again.


A sharp arrow pierced through the Sword Demon's body, and planned to recover from it. Strong murderous aura clashed out from the Sword Demon, and then the sword energy bloomed, and the Sword Demon took the initiative to attack Chen Feng.

Chen Feng fought with the Sword Demon, and he became a little anxious, because the attack power of the phantom monk was still weakening. He could have the upper hand in a one-on-two fight before, but now he could only deal with the Space-Time Killer.

"Daoyou Changtian!"

At this time, the Xiangyun Patriarch appeared. He only took a glance to figure out the occupation in front of him, and made a move from a distance, shooting out a series of golden lights.

The other two Golden Immortals also killed over, and their targets were all the Sword Demon.

After waiting for the help of the three Golden Immortals, the pressure on Chen Feng almost completely disappeared, and the Sword Demon was broken into two again in an instant.

Chen Feng rushed over quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the crystal core in the Sword Demon's body fell into Chen Feng's hand, and then the true fire baked and burned it. With a scream, the Sword Demon could no longer recover.

The three Xiangyun Patriarchs made quick moves, and each of them actually drew out a spirit chain similar to the Immortal Law.

Everyone gained something, and then they fixed their eyes on the Spacetime Killer.

Ever since the three Xiangyun Patriarchs appeared, the Spacetime Killer felt something was wrong, and then began to flee. The Shadow Monk chopped down with the halberd in his hand, but only cut off half of the Spacetime Killer's body, and finally let the other party escape.

The three Xiangyun Patriarchs felt a little regretful. A killer of this level is full of treasures, and it would be good to get even a little bit after killing him.

"This is!"

Next, the three ancestors of Xiangyun looked at the phantom monk again. At this time, the power fluctuations in the phantom monk's body began to become unstable, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

"I've met senior." Patriarch Xiangyun noticed something and immediately saluted respectfully.

The phantom monk did not speak, but glanced at a few people indifferently, and then turned into a bit of starlight and flew towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng did not feel the other party's malice, and allowed the starlight to fall into his hands and then merge into his body.

Then all kinds of information began to explode in the sea of ​​consciousness. Chen Feng's mind started to work and he quickly digested the information.

I don't know how long it took for Chen Feng to finally open his eyes, and saw the three ancestors of Xiangyun looking at him with some envy.

"Hahaha, congratulations to Mr. Changtian for receiving the inheritance from his predecessors." Ancestor Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Thank you three fellow Taoists for coming to help." Chen Feng solemnly bowed to the three of them.

"Don't dare, this is what we should do. In front of the great enemy of the Slayer, the monks in our star field are all companions." Ancestor Xiangyun said quickly.

"How is the situation in the eternal world?"

Next, Chen Feng had a quick exchange with the other party, and felt a little relieved after knowing the situation of the Eternal World.

"I didn't expect that there is a star field here. It's a pity that I met a few killers. Now there is no golden immortal on the other side. Let's come all the way. How about the activities?" After the ancestor Xiangyun finished speaking, he said nothing. When Chen Feng and others responded, they rushed into the army of killers in a flash.

The other two golden immortals smiled and followed suit.

The participation of the three golden immortals caused a large number of casualties to these killers.

Chen Feng sighed. If these people could have come earlier, maybe the monks in the Fallen Star Region could have survived longer.

"Is my previous idea wrong?" Chen Feng frowned, but soon relaxed. Compared with this star field, the eternal world is more important, and Chen Feng will not draw the power of the eternal world at will.

Shaking his head, Chen Feng drew the Soul Sword Bow in his hand again.

Each sharp arrow could kill a group of killers. Chen Feng tirelessly fired hundreds of arrows before stopping.

Even Chen Feng felt a little tired after activating a mid-grade artifact hundreds of times.

The killers collapsed, and more than ten million killers died in the hands of a few people. At this time, the three ancestors of Xiangyun also stopped and quickly came to Chen Feng.

"I didn't expect these killers to retreat." Chen Feng laughed.

"As long as there is life, there will be fear. This is normal."

"However, there are officially golden immortals in the army of killers. This is not good for us. The fighting ability of these golden immortals is far better than that of our golden immortals here."

"Let's go back to the eternal world."

"You three go first, I still have some things to deal with." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After the three ancestors of Xiangyun left, Chen Feng searched in this star field for a while. Finally, Chen Feng found some artifact fragments and even two star cores, which made Chen Feng very satisfied.

If these things are refined, Chen Feng's strength will increase again.

In addition to these gains, Chen Feng also obtained the crystal core of the Sword Demon, a killer at the Golden Immortal level. This crystal core contains the path of cultivation and pure energy of the killer. In terms of value, it is even more valuable than Chen Feng. The star core that Feng obtained before.

It's just that this crystal core is not as easy to refine and absorb as the star core. Although Chen Feng has the physique of a chaotic body, it still takes some time and effort to refine it.

Of course, these are not problems for Chen Feng.

"It's time to go back."

There is nothing to miss in this star field. Of course, before returning to the eternal world, Chen Feng went to several other transfer stations to learn about the movements of the killers, and then returned to the eternal world.

As soon as he returned to the eternal world, Chen Feng received congratulations from everyone. At this time, the Radiant Golden Immortal and the Lonely Soul Man, who had been recuperating at the transfer station, also came back. What made Chen Feng happy was that during the time he was out, The power of the eternal world has increased again.

"Young Master!" Tunri and others came forward to pay homage to Chen Feng, and then told them about the situation in the immortal world.

"In this way, Dongji Immortal Palace is really a clone of Wuxia. Could it be that the army of killers has really entered the immortal world? This is really surprising. I don't know which space channel they entered from." Chen Feng said with a smile. .

For Chen Feng, it is a good thing that there is trouble in Dongji Immortal Palace, even if the trouble comes from the killer.

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