Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,236 Stable Development

"Of course she's powerful. As the head of two families, and after practicing for so long, this kind of old witch is not so easy to deal with." Chen Feng said, holding the Soul Sword Bow and firing another arrow. Just as the Supreme Fairy was about to charge forward, she fired another arrow. Was knocked back.

Buzz! Buzz!

The Black Water Demonic Eyes stretched a finger on his forehead, and a powerful pressure emanated from his eyes. Chen Feng clearly saw that the space in front of him was torn apart, and then quickly merged into the void.

Tsk! Tsk!

Several threads were pierced through, but this time the Supreme Fairy did not appear like last time.

"We don't have much time. Let's solve it quickly." The aura on Black Water Demon Eye's body was a little sluggish.

Chen Feng nodded, stretched out his hand a little, and the Eternal Life Sword transformed into a thousand-foot-sized sword, and slashed at Tian Xingzi.

At this time, Heihe Ancestor saw that he could not block the opponent's attack. At this time, Chen Feng's attack arrived, so Heihe Ancestor only felt the pressure relax, and then the scattered Changhe reunited, and rushed towards the shadowy young man in one sweep. .

The two golden immortals were moved away one after another by the black water demon pupil's pupil technique. The expressions of Tian Xingzi and Yin Ying young man finally changed, and the two partners who were lurking in the dark never showed up, and even the activated formation dissipated. .

Chen Feng took action with all his strength, and after issuing the Eternal Life Sword, he pulled the Soul Sword Bow. The target was still the Yin Ying young man.


A circle of light appeared behind the Yin Ying young man. The light circle rotated and the force field emitted changed the attack route of the Eternal Life Sword. However, the long arrow from the Soul Sword Bow still caused the man to turn over.


The Black Water Demon Eye took the opportunity to take action, and two ropes flew out in a circle, circling around the opponent, and then the Yinying young man's speed slowed down.


A sharp arrow pierced through and disappeared in a flash, nailing the Yin Ying young man's body.

"Ah!" The destructive power radiated from the sharp arrow made the Golden Immortal fearful, and the next moment he wanted to escape.

The next moment, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. The space was distorted, and then his whole body tightened, and he was tightly bound by the ropes issued by the black water demon pupil.

"Hey! This guy can actually block my arrow." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but then he shot another arrow. This arrow was faster and contained stronger energy. With an explosion, the hidden young man exploded.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demonic Eyes stepped forward at the same time, each of them had a stronger immortal law, but some true spirits were still escaped by the other party.

"Changtian, Demon Eyes, just wait. We, Changtian, are not done with you." Before disappearing, this divine thought was left behind.

Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eyes looked at each other and sneered. Whether the other party could recover or not was a question, and who could tell what would happen in the future.

As a result, Tian Xingzi, who was fighting against the ancestor of Heihe, was almost frightened out of his wits. The stars in the sky exploded, and Tian Xingzi had disappeared.

"Forget it, stop chasing. Now is not the time to start a real war with the opponent." Chen Feng put away the Soul Sword Bow.


There was a fluctuation in the space, and the space-time beast appeared in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Previously, the space-time beast was one against two, and it actually entangled the other two golden immortals who were ambush in the dark.

Chen Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, but he finally made no move. The two golden immortals hiding in the dark knew that the situation was not good and had already left.

"Let's go back." Chen Feng finally said calmly.

This battle was also fruitful. The two were moved away by the Black Water Demonic Eyes, and one had his body destroyed and the immortal law extracted. In any case, the other party already knew how powerful his side was, and if he wanted to take revenge, he would not do it in a short time. Time to get started.

This would give the Six Paths Alliance enough time to expand its territory. Thinking of this, Chen Feng sneered again.

"It seems that our enemies are not only the immortal world, but also these bastards from the heavenly world."

"The other side can unite, and we also have allies. Among the twenty-four heavens and the heaven-defying races, there are always those who are close to us. If we fight, we don't know who will be afraid of whom in the end." Black Water Demonic Eyes said in a deep voice. said.

"Tsk, tsk!" Chen Feng looked at the Black Water Demon Eye with some curiosity.

"I don't see that you still have this kind of domineering power. You don't have it only after you advance to the Golden Immortal level, right?"

In response to Chen Feng's teasing, Blackwater Demon Eyes' face darkened, and he said no more, but turned and left with Ancestor Heihe. In the fight just now, Ancestor Heihe was not relaxed, and even suffered some minor injuries.

Chen Feng smiled, took steps, and soon returned to the Hunyuan Mountains.

Not long after Chen Feng and others left, the space fluctuated, and Fairy Taishang broke through the space and rushed back.

"Damn it! Just wait for me!" Fairy Taishang's eyes were beating with anger, but in the end she gave up the idea of ​​going to the Six Paths Alliance for revenge.

Within a month, the territory of the Immortal Killing Pavilion was completely integrated into the Six Paths Alliance. Some of the monks in the Immortal Killing Pavilion were killed, some fled, and a small number chose to surrender and submit to the Six Paths Alliance. Of course, these things have been revealed. Feng would not ask, because Chen Feng did not have the time.

In the previous battle with several golden immortals, although the process was very short, Chen Feng also had some insights, not to mention that he also plundered an immortal law, which also needed time to refine.

After this immortal law is decomposed and peeled off, Chen Feng's Law of Heaven becomes even more powerful.

The Six Paths Alliance suddenly broke out, not only regaining the lost territory in the past, but also annexing Xingyuan Sect and Xiansha Pavilion, which eased the crowded situation. After this result, the happiest people were the disciples of the original Six Paths Sword Sect, and The Xingyuan Sect and other sects have been fighting for so many years, and this time they directly destroyed each other, which can be regarded as a real feeling of pride.

Of course, what made everyone angry was that the Xianjian Sect was taken away by others. Although there was no attack order from the top, the disciples below would still cause some minor frictions with the other party from time to time. Fights often occurred. Although they were all small-scale, both sides could see that a war was a matter of time. It just depended on which side would start first.

The Six Paths Alliance was stabilizing the situation and developing its strength. It had no intention of continuing a large-scale war. The same was true for Changhentian and Taihuangtian. They seemed to have some concerns. After occupying the Xianjian Sect, they had been very stable.

The two sides spent another hundred years like this.

The overall operation of the Six Paths Alliance has been completely on track. In the past hundred years, several people have successfully advanced to the Half-Step Golden Immortal. As for the number of Heavenly Immortals, it has increased by nearly one level, and the number of low-priced disciples below the Heavenly Immortals is the fastest growing. In this way, more and more resources are consumed. Fortunately, the territory has been expanded, otherwise just guarding the Hunyuan Mountains will not be able to meet the huge system of the alliance.

In the past hundred years, in addition to cultivation, Chen Feng also decomposed the immortal laws he plundered and completely integrated them into the laws of heaven. The laws of heaven were also compressed and reduced by ten by Chen Feng, so that Chen Feng's cultivation would become more refined.

Chen Feng flew in the air, and the sword aura circled around Chen Feng, and finally quickly drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"It is still a bit difficult to advance to a mid-grade artifact. In addition to some top-grade materials, it also requires immortal power. In this way, I need to improve my realm again. However, during this period of time, other immortal magic weapons have been upgraded to the level of artifacts. It's a pity that I wasted a lot of energy and energy." Chen Feng said, and the light flashed around him. A complete set of immortal armor appeared on his body. The overall color was light blue, and there were strands of golden light flashing continuously.

"It will take a long time to integrate the golden armor into it." Chen Feng sighed, waved his fist lightly, and a stream of light shot out from his arm, drilled into the void and disappeared.

After putting away the Longevity Armor, Chen Feng was not too satisfied. Compared with other protective armors of the same grade, the Longevity Armor was pretty good, but you have to know that Chen Feng had a higher grade armor in his hand, so there was a gap when compared.

Some influential events also occurred in the past hundred years, among which were the forces coming down from the Dark Realm, the Longevity Heaven Realm, and the Moruo Heaven Realm.

What's interesting is that outside the Dark Realm, the cultivators coming down from the Longevity Heaven Realm and the Moruo Heaven Realm all came to cause trouble.

This made Chen Feng and Black Water Demon Eye feel both amused and angry.

A group of cultivators came from the Dark Realm, all of whom were followers of the Dark Kirin. Most of these Dark Realm cultivators were dark creatures. Although they were cruel and domineering, they obeyed the leadership of the Six Paths Alliance.

The cultivators coming down from the Longevity Heaven Realm and the Moruo Heaven Realm were looking for trouble.

Hundreds of people came from Moruo Tianxia, ​​led by two Golden Immortals, several half-step Golden Immortals, and hundreds of Heavenly Immortals.

These people are also from the Black Water Tribe, and they are two elders. This time they came to seize power and want to take over the power in the hands of the Black Water Demon Eye.

Of course, if they rely on the power of the Black Water Demon Eye and the Black River Patriarch alone, they may have to fight with each other for a while, but this is the Six Paths Alliance, and there are other forces besides the Moruo Heaven Realm, so these elders who come to cause trouble are miserable.

The two elders were seriously injured and captured, and the rest of the cultivators surrendered. As a result, the bad thing turned into a good thing, and these people became the power of the Black Water Demon Eye.

The power coming down from the Changsheng Heaven Realm is the same as that of the Moruo Heaven Realm. The difference is that these people come from the Elders Group of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, a total of three Golden Immortal-level elders, ten Half-Step Golden Immortals, and five hundred Heavenly Immortals.

These people not only want to receive Chen Feng's power, but also capture Chen Feng to the Changsheng Heaven Realm. The purpose is self-evident, of course, for the Changsheng Tower and Changsheng Sutra on Chen Feng.

Then these people's fate is even worse, because they met the more ruthless Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's view, no matter what the opponent's origin or background is, as long as it is not good for him, Chen Feng will use powerful and cruel means to deal with the opponent.

Even if it is a person of the same clan, Chen Feng will not be soft-hearted.

Two of the three golden immortals were killed by Chen Feng, and the other one was seriously injured to the level of almost soul collapse. Only after begging hard was Chen Feng spared his life, but he was also planted with the most severe soul shackles and became Chen Feng's slave. His life and death in the future will be completely decided by Chen Feng.

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