Eternal Existence

Chapter 1215 Black Fang Immortal Emperor

"I don't know who the other party is and what the purpose of coming here is, but I think he should be the enemy of Dongji Immortal Palace." Chen Feng took advantage of the chaos and moved forward much faster. He found many places, but he never found himself. The goal this time.

At the same time, Chen Feng also found that he had lost contact with Dark Qilin, and could not help but secretly admire the mystery and wonder of Dongji Immortal Palace, and at the same time, he became more careful.


The earth-shattering collision caused the earth to shake. Chen Feng's eyes shrank. This level of fighting had already deeply threatened him.

The collision just now did not know how many restrictions were broken and how many buildings were broken. According to Chen Feng's calculation, the opponent used a mid-level artifact, or the one that exploded with all its power.

The battlefield is moving, and the direction is towards Chen Feng. The speed is so fast that Chen Feng has no time to avoid.

Chen Feng cursed secretly, and the air flow around his body surged, and then he turned into the appearance of a soldier from Dongji Immortal Palace. Even the aura on his body was exactly the same.


Then the huge building next to it exploded and turned into countless fragments. Chen Feng was shocked again. Although this building was not very majestic, it contained countless forbidden talismans. The rich immortal power in it made Chen Feng had been cautious not to touch it just now.

But he didn't expect to be broken so easily. The opponent's strength surpassed his own.

Both of them are humanoid monks. One wears ferocious armor and holds a spear, and the other wears fiery red robes and holds a long knife. Every time the two sides fight, they will produce the power to destroy everything.

In the same realm, combat power can be divided into ten types, a hundred types, and a thousand types.

The same golden immortals will also be divided into three, six or nine grades.

The moment the other party appeared, Chen Feng knew that these two people were masters of the Immortal Golden Immortals. Some of the Golden Immortals who had gone to the Six Paths Alliance to make trouble before were not on the same level as the two in front of him.

Bang! boom!

The two collided heavily, and they smashed countless buildings as they retreated. Among them, a small group of patrol soldiers were unlucky enough to be involved, and then turned into ashes in the golden light.

This team of ten immortals was so weak that they couldn't even compare to ants.

"Hahahaha, Black Tooth, your clone can't stop me." The monk in the fiery red robe had the upper hand and laughed proudly.

"Black Fang!"

Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a person. This person was called the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, and he was in charge of the Black Tooth Prison. Could it be that he was this person.

Thinking about it, Chen Feng felt that the person in front of him should be the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, but when he thought about what the monk said just now, Chen Feng's surprise turned into shock.

It's just that the Golden Immortal clone is so powerful. If the original deity comes, the person who can be called the Immortal Emperor is naturally not a simple person.

That deity is most likely sitting in Black Fang Prison.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up when he thought of this: "Could it be that the other party is also here for Black Fang Prison? If so, the opportunity is rare."

"The clone is enough to deal with you." The Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, who was wearing ferocious armor, said calmly. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the surrounding restrictions were closed. The destroyed buildings were restored to their original appearance, and even some of the immortal soldiers who were killed were also The true spirit flew out and was transferred to other places by the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor.

"Then I will kill your clone." The monk in the fiery red robe struck even more violently.

"Then give it a try."

"Actually, why bother? As long as you release my senior brother, the world will be peaceful, otherwise one day I will destroy your Dongji Immortal Palace."

"Our Dongji Immortal Palace has existed for hundreds of millions of years. I don't know how many people have said this, but no one has ever done it. In fact, you don't have to go to war. As long as your senior brother stays in the Black Fang Prison for a long time. In two hundred million years, it will naturally go out," the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor said with a smile.


The two golden immortals did not stop fighting while they were talking. Although the speed of the fight was not fast, the destructive power produced was super strong.


At this time, Black Tooth Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. Chen Feng knew that the other party had still discovered him.

Originally, Chen Feng thought that the two sides fighting would be able to pass quickly, and he should be able to get through by transforming into a soldier from the Dongji Immortal Palace. However, he did not expect that the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor was as careful as his hair and was still observing his surroundings during the fight.

A little angel is safe and sound in the venue where golden immortals fight. This is the biggest flaw.

So the moment the opponent made a sound of surprise, Chen Feng took action, and the Immortal Heavenly Sword was directed at the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor to kill him.


Immortal Emperor Black Tooth and his opponent were all a little surprised. They originally thought that Chen Feng was a master in disguise, but as soon as he made a move, the aura of the immortal was clearly revealed.

But what was even more surprising was that in the face of this immortal's attack, the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor felt threatened.


The monk in the fiery red robe shouted loudly, and his attack power suddenly increased, because this man also saw that Chen Feng's attack power was as strong as that of a golden immortal.

"I don't know where this little brother comes from and why he came to our Dongji Immortal Palace. I suggest this little brother that we should sit down and talk first." Although he was a little surprised, Immortal Emperor Black Tooth soon recovered. He felt calm and did not panic because of Chen Feng's joining. Every move he made had a winning temperament.

"There's no need to sit down and talk. We have a life-or-death feud." Chen Feng said with a smile. He fired three sword energy in a row, forcing the other party to retreat. However, Chen Feng's heart sank. The other party's realm was extremely high. For There is something magical and unpredictable about the application of laws. Even if it is just a clone, it is difficult to deal with it.

"Hahahahahaha, it turns out to be a life-and-death feud. It seems that you have many enemies in Dongji Immortal Palace. Little brother, my name is Red-robed Taoist. How about we join forces to kill this guy." The monk in fiery red robe laughed.

"No problem." Chen Feng nodded.

"On the road of cultivation, there are only power and interests. There is no so-called hatred of life and death. With my little brother's cultivation talent, even if there is a dispute with our Dongji Immortal Palace, I, the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, promise to resolve it with my strength."

"Little brother, don't listen to the other party's nonsense, none of these guys from Immortal Court are good." The red-robed Taoist said loudly.

"Don't talk about you, Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, even the Dongji Emperor can't resolve it." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In this case, then you can stay here." The Black Tooth Immortal Emperor remained expressionless, and he responded calmly to the siege of the two men.

After one breath.

"It turns out that the little brother is from the Changsheng clan. Let me do the math. Tsk tsk. It's really unexpected. He turned out to be Young Master Changtian. How disrespectful." Immortal Emperor Black Tooth still recognized Chen Feng, but he was still ruthless. , and even shifted the focus to Chen Feng, which shows that in the heart of the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, Chen Feng's weight has exceeded that of the red-robed Taoist.

"Eternal Life in Heaven!"

The red-robed Taoist also flashed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

"It seems that Young Master Changtian is here for the Six Paths Alliance. Why bother? As long as Young Master Changtian is willing to take people back to the Immortal Realm, we can still be friends."

"Be friends. The majestic Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, the famous master of Dongji Immortal Palace will be friends with a little monk like me." Chen Feng also laughed.

"Not many people can be friends with me, but Mr. Changtian is definitely qualified."

"Really, as long as your Dongji Immortal Palace withdraws its troops, everything will be easy to talk about."

"Then there's nothing more to say."

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the red-robed Taoist used his special move. Three flaming red swords connected into a death disk and enveloped the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor.

And Chen Feng also released the power of chaos and annihilation and immortal glare.

The Black Tooth Immortal Emperor guarded against the death disk of the red-robed Taoist, but he did not expect that Chen Feng could burst out with such strong power. Then his body was hit by two destructive powers, causing some wounds.

In this level of confrontation, any symptom would cause the battle to deviate. The Black Tooth Immortal Emperor began to fall behind, and the red-robed Taoist's burst of strength became stronger and stronger.

In Chen Feng's view, even if the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor comes here, he is only one step ahead of the red robed Taoist. As for the avatar, he is not as good as the red robed Taoist. However, this is the home court of the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor. At this time, the power of Dongji Immortal Palace can be mobilized.


The longevity wings unfolded, and Chen Feng's speed began to soar, but he did not actively attack the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, but kept walking around.

Soon, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor, who had always been calm, and the aura on his body turned a little weaker.

"Okay, little brother, you did a good job." The red-robed Taoist shouted loudly.

It turns out that Chen Feng used the Wings of Eternal Life to cut off the connection between the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor's clone and his true form, and even the connection with Dongji Immortal Palace was cut off.

In this way, the Black Tooth Immortal Emperor is no longer a match for the red-robed Taoist, and coupled with Chen Feng, the outcome of defeat and death is likely to occur.

However, Immortal Emperor Black Tooth was very straightforward. After fighting for several rounds, he actually found a loophole and escaped.


Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. Chen Feng had already planned various ways of fighting in his heart, but he did not expect that this Immortal Emperor, who was famous in the Immortal World, would actually escape.

"Hmph! This guy runs very fast." The red-robed Taoist had no intention of chasing him.

"He is also an Immortal Emperor after all." Chen Feng sighed.

"Immortal Emperor is not Immortal Emperor. It's just a title. What's the big deal? Little brother, you didn't come here by yourself, did you?" The red-robed Taoist looked at Chen Feng with an interested look in his eyes. "Haha, senior, isn't he also here?" Chen Feng asked in return.

"Haha, you kid, don't worry, I have no ill intentions. This time I came to Dongji Immortal Palace to rescue my senior brother who was imprisoned in Black Fang Prison. Of course, I also have a few accomplices. I think my little brother is quite good. Are you interested in joining us?" the red-robed Taoist asked.

"I came here to disrupt Dongji Immortal Palace. The more chaos, the better." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

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