Eternal Existence

Chapter 1186: Joining forces

Time continued to pass, and Princess Ziyu could still bear it, but the few Half-Step Golden Immortals under her were a little impatient.

"Princess, we have wasted a lot of time." One of them couldn't help complaining.

"You mean I should look elsewhere instead of waiting here." Princess Ziyu said lightly.

"Princess, what I mean is that this guy is not very trustworthy. Even the Golden Immortal cannot calculate the location of Wangyou Lingquan. He is just a small half-step immortal."

"Shut up, you are all half-step golden immortals, and you are no match for half-step heavenly immortals. If you knew his identity, you wouldn't think so." Princess Ziyu's face turned cold.

"The other party is just from the Immortal Realm." Someone said angrily.

"The other party's identity and bloodline are nobler than mine." Princess Ziyu said lightly.

"How is it possible? Could it be that the other party is also a royal family, but why did he only bring these few people with him?" The Half-Step Golden Immortals still couldn't believe it.

During Chen Feng's calculation process, the fog finally became thinner, and a drop of spring water dripped, causing ripples in circles. Chen Feng's consciousness moved, his soul fire burned violently, and he finally caught some traces.

The last golden light kept sweeping across, and under the collision, Chen Feng's calculation process was interrupted. His face turned pale, and Chen Feng stopped.

"How about it?"

Princess Ziyu asked immediately after Chen Feng came out.

"A golden immortal will appear, and there will be more than one." Chen Feng said lightly.

Princess Ziyu's face darkened, this was the last thing she wanted to happen.

"So where is the Wangyou Lingquan?"

"You should know that the location of Lingquan is not fixed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is no calculation that can be explained clearly, just talking about useless things." A Half-Step Golden Immortal sneered.

"Princess Ziyu, are all your men like this?" Chen Feng also looked cold.

"Back off!" Princess Ziyu's expression changed and she scolded.

"My discipline is lax, please don't mind, fellow Taoist." Princess Ziyu said sincerely.

Chen Feng nodded, and then said: "Actually, the matter is not that bad, because this time there are more than one spiritual springs."

"More than one spiritual spring!" Princess Ziyun exclaimed, with joy in her eyes.

"In my calculation, there are at least three spiritual springs that can erupt, but I don't know if they will appear at the same time." Chen Feng said lightly and began to think about the fragment he just saw.

"The specific scope is very wide, I can't lock it in, I just have some general scope." Chen Feng continued.

"That's enough." Princess Ziyu's eyes brightened even more, staring at Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng a little embarrassed.

"To be honest, before I came out, I asked Jinxian, who is proficient in the art of calculation, to do some calculations. That senior also came to the conclusion that there is more than one spiritual spring." Princess Ziyu said with a smile.

"I wonder why the princess snatched the Wangyou Spiritual Spring?" Chen Feng asked doubtfully. In Chen Feng's mind, Princess Ziyu's status and financial resources should not be so desperate to snatch the Wangyou Spiritual Spring that is difficult to obtain.

"It seems you don't know much about Wangyou Lingquan."

"Oh, I'd love to hear the details."

"The Forgetful Spring has many functions, the most important of which is to sublimate the soul and shorten the time to condense the immortal law." Princess Ziyu said with a smile.

"These are enough." Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time he understood why there were so many Half-Step Golden Immortals appearing. As for the ones used to extend life span like Ancestor Wugui, there were still too few.

"What about you? Are you here specifically to snatch the Wangyou Spirit Spring?" Princess Ziyu asked with a smile.

"No, I just came to Wangyou Land to take a look by chance, not because of Wangyou Lingquan. Of course, now I am a little interested." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if he is an enemy of Jinxian?" Princess Ziyu asked tightly.

"That's right, the Golden Fairy can't scare me, and by joining forces with the princess, I'm even more confident." Chen Feng laughed.

"You have a good sense." Princess Ziyu laughed.

Chen Feng's heart moved. This purple jade princess is indeed good. In terms of appearance and birth, she is the best choice in the fairy world. More importantly, her cultivation talent is also the best choice.

Princess Ziyu's dragon carriage started to head towards the place designated by Chen Feng. While on the way, the two chatted. Chen Feng and Princess Ziyu were both geniuses on the path of cultivation, and both had unique insights into the journey of cultivation. Both parties have the experience of traveling in the universe, so the atmosphere was harmonious along the way.

Tunri and Dafeng were discussing secretly, showing ambiguous expressions from time to time.

"Young Master probably doesn't have a Taoist companion yet. I think this Princess Ziyu is pretty good."

"I'm barely qualified. Besides, the young master has been away for so many years, how could he not have a Taoist companion? We don't need to worry about these things."

"Why don't you worry? This is a big deal for our Changsheng clan."

"The path of spiritual practice is long enough. Young master is not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry? As the saying goes, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is. I think you are that eunuch."

"Fart, you are the eunuch."

"But I see that the young master is having a very lively conversation with the other party, so he is not really interested in this purple jade princess."

"It's possible, Princess Xianting, just so-so."


At this time, Chen Feng snorted coldly, which exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness of Tunri and others, and then these four guys calmed down.

Ancestor Wugui and his apprentice were a little embarrassed. They wanted to leave, but they knew that they would not be able to get the Forget-Sorrow Spirit Spring with their own strength. They had to bite the bullet and follow Chen Feng, hoping to really find the Forget-Sorrow Spirit Spring.

"This is the range you calculated." At this time, the dragon car had stopped. Princess Ziyu pointed a finger, and a map slowly unfolded in front of the two of them. With a light stroke of her finger, a circular area appeared on the map.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded.

"This range is not small, and there are several dangerous places." Princess Ziyu said with a smile.

Chen Feng looked at the map and stretched out his finger to draw two ranges. He smiled and said: "The area I inferred is equivalent to one-fifth of the entire Forget-Sorrow Land, and it may not be accurate. How about it, do you regret it now?"

"I regret it a little, but it is much better than my aimless search. Besides, your strength is very strong, which is enough." Princess Ziyu said slowly.

"This is not true." Chen Feng stared at Princess Ziyu's eyes.

"It is true." Princess Ziyu also stared at Chen Feng's eyes.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, then stood up and left the dragon car in a flash. The place where everyone stopped had a good environment, with mountains and water, but the energy flowing in the space did not make people happy.

"Young Master!" Tunri came to Chen Feng, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?" Chen Feng looked at Tunri with some curiosity, and was curious about why this guy who was always carefree had such an expression.

"In fact, before entering the Land of Forgetfulness, I received a message." Tunri gritted his teeth and said this.

"Whose message?" Chen Feng was even more curious.

"It's the Saint."

"The Saint of the Changsheng Palace, tut tut, I didn't expect that you, Tunri, have such a skill?" Chen Feng laughed.

"It's not me, it's looking for you, and the other party is in the realm of Golden Immortal." Tunri smiled bitterly.

"Golden Immortal, some saints of this generation have cultivated to the realm of Golden Immortal, can't they control a lot of power in the Changsheng Palace?" Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

"Is the other party paying attention to me?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"And you told the other party my location?"

"How is it possible? In fact, I was also shocked after receiving the news from the other party. I don't know how the other party did it." Tunri said nervously.

Chen Feng nodded, and used the Cave Heaven Divine Eye to start sweeping up and down. Sure enough, not long after Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a ball of golden light as big as a finger flew out of Tunri's body, and in the golden light there was a seed of unknown origin.

"It's the mind demon seed. It seems that you devour too many things on weekdays. The other party left some good things on you. No need to ask, the other party must know our location." Chen Feng said, ignoring the power fluctuations from the mind demon seed. A flame flew out and burned the seed clean.

"Young Master, punish me. I didn't know things would turn out like this." Tunri showed a look of shame on his face.

At this time, Dafeng and others also came over, looking at Tunri in confusion, obviously not understanding what happened.

Chen Feng continued to use the Tongtian Divine Eye, and sure enough, he collected another Mind Demon Seed from Xuanfeng. Xuanfeng's face changed greatly, and he had the same reaction as Tunri. He didn't know when these things appeared in his body.

"Changtian, please listen to me." The Mind Demon Seed sent out a very pleasant voice, but Chen Feng ignored it and burned it cleanly.

"These people are good means, much better than those idiots who act directly." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Then what should we do? The other party has always known our location, and they may take action at any time." Dafeng's face was also a little ugly. Being stared at by the Golden Immortal was not a good thing after all.

"Tell me about the situation in the Changsheng Palace, and contact other people. Report the situation in the Changsheng Heaven to me every once in a while." Chen Feng said lightly.

"These saints are just newly promoted Golden Immortals. If they were sure, they would have attacked me long ago, and would not have waited until now. Maybe the other party has other plans."

Not long after, Princess Ziyu came over surrounded by the crowd: "I received news that someone seems to have found clues to the Forget Worry Spirit Spring."

"Where is it?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"This location." Princess Ziyu took out the map and pointed to a location.

Chen Feng frowned. This place was not within the range he had calculated, but he still asked, "What are you going to do, Princess?"

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