Eternal Existence

Chapter 1173: Brutal War

The moment Shura Daojun attacked, his momentum was so great that he immediately shocked Tarotian and the others, while Tunri and the others felt that their fighting spirit was boiling again.

"It's Xirang. I didn't expect that the small Liudao Sword Sect had such a thing, but it's a pity that there are not enough of them." Tarotian has returned to normal. The previous situation was just a little surprising, without the slightest panic.


The red light flashed, and Xirang was like a bubble being blown up, with bubbles constantly appearing. The silver-white warship hummed and continuously emitted red destructive energy.

Finally, a red light pierced Xirang, and then there was the second red light, the third red light, and more red light.

Shura Daojun and the others felt a jolt in their hearts, and immediately had a bad idea.

When three monks came out of the warship, the faces of Shura Daojun and others turned black. A total of six half-step golden immortals descended on this small valley, plus Taro Tian and Ye Xiao under his seat, there were a total of eight half-step golden immortals, not to mention the thirty high-level celestial immortals flying out of the warship.

Trap? The other party came prepared? This is a big trouble?

These thoughts flashed through Shura Daojun's mind quickly, and then he gritted his teeth and launched an attack before the Xirang was completely broken.

"Kill as much of the opponent's power as possible."

Shura Daojun thought so, but he was stopped by a half-step golden immortal as soon as he started, and then Renjian Daojun and others were entangled by the opponent, and then there was chaos again.

However, it was obvious that Taro Tian's side had the upper hand. Not long after the fight, Huo Li Daojun was ambushed, and everyone realized that the other party was secretly lurking with a half-step golden immortal. This kind of monk who is proficient in assassination is the most troublesome.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The opponent's assassins continued to attack, and the blooming of blood flowers was accompanied by the roars of Tunri and others and the laughter of Taro Tian.

"I have bad news to tell you. When you came here, Xingyuan Sect, Xianjian Sect, and Xiansha Pavilion had already joined forces to attack Liudao Sword Sect. I don't know how long the Liudao Sword Sect can resist at this time." Taro said.

"Are you using this lie to scare us?" Renjian Daojun sneered.

"Whether it is to scare you, you will know soon. By the way, you will all die here today. Whether the Liudao Sword Sect will be destroyed or not is none of your business." Taro took the initiative to attack and joined forces with Yexiao to start killing other celestial beings.

"Even if I die, I will drag you down with me." Shura Daojun and Hell Daojun used a completely lose-lose style of fighting. Although they blocked the opponent, they also made the injuries worse.

"As long as you tell me where Chen Feng is, I can make the decision and let you go now. If it's too late, I'm afraid your Six Paths Sword Sect will really perish." After killing two celestial beings, Taro Tian spoke again.

"Wandering, come and see if you have the ability. Killing these juniors is nothing." The figure of the Human Daojun flashed, leaving the opponent in front of him, and killed Taro Tian.

The killing power of Shura Yidao is amazing, but in terms of combat power, Shura Daojun is not as good as the Human Daojun, but the Human Daojun still can't stop the joint efforts of Taro Tian and Ye Xiao, and was beaten back after a short fight.

Seeing that their own side suffered heavy casualties, Tunri and others were ready to die, and naturally they would not pay attention to the overall situation. They only wanted to kill enough before they died, but the Human Daojun and others had different thoughts. Everyone always had to think from the perspective of the Six Paths Sword Sect. With their minds scattered, their combat power dropped again.

A bright light bloomed in the sky, spreading out to form a bowl-shaped light curtain, covering all the cultivators.

"It's the Aurora Barrier." Tunri said lightly.

"It seems that I really can't get out this time."

"Well, it's not bad to die here. It's a pity that I don't know how the young master is doing."

"Everyone, since you can't get out, show all your means." The Taoist Master of the Human World said that a golden stream of light gushed out of his body like a spring, first condensing into a golden armor around his body, and then the breath emanating from his body continued to increase, until this breath was infinitely close to the Golden Immortal and then stopped. The terrifying breath made the Taoist Master of the Human World become mysterious and tall. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, the sword light was nearly 30% stronger than before. Ten high-level celestial beings were killed by this sword.

"It's the power of faith."

Tarottian looked a little solemn. He didn't expect that the Taoist Master of the Human World had this trick. Although the power of faith is not a rare power, it is very difficult to deal with. From a certain extent, it is trying to compete with the mind power of thousands of creatures.

"It's just the power of faith, it still can't change the situation." Taro Tian sneered.

"And me."

At this time, a mysterious voice exploded in Taro Tian's sea of ​​consciousness. This voice was only directed at Taro Tian, ​​and no one else noticed it.

"No, it's that Dark Kirin." Taro Tian was shocked at first, and then he knew who the opponent was. Although he was surprised why Dark Kirin appeared here, his reaction speed was not slow at all, and the soul-locking spell was immediately released.

At the same time, Ye Xiao also felt the danger and let out a terrifying howl.

However, Dark Kirin had come prepared, and more importantly, Dark Kirin's strength was higher than the opponent, so Taro Tian's soul-locking spell had not been fully released, and his body was broken into two pieces, and Ye Xiao was with Taro Tian.

Next, a black line suddenly appeared, just like a piece of white paper being scratched by a long sword, and then the Dark Kirin and Night Owl were broken into four pieces, and the vitality of the two also disappeared.

Tarot Tian and Night Owl were killed at the same time, and the situation changed dramatically. One side was surprised and the other side was panicked. Then the black silk thread appeared twice again, and two more half-step golden immortals were killed.

"Dark Night Void Slash, this is a secret technique in the Dark Sutra. Only the Lord of the Dark Realm can use it. The opponent is the Dark Kirin." Someone shouted.

"Didn't the Dark Kirin get entangled? How come he came out so quickly?"

"Things are not good, send the message out."

The black silk thread kept appearing, and the assassins hidden in the dark were attacked and killed one after another. Under this assassination technique, the assassins brought by Tarot Tian were like a toddler encountering a strong adult, and there was no chance to fight back.

After solving the assassins in the dark, the Dark Kirin no longer appeared, but after hundreds of dark world warriors appeared, the scene completely changed to the extreme.

In the barrier, the troops brought by Taro Tian were completely wiped out, and the Six Paths Sword Sect and the Changsheng Clan suffered heavy casualties. If it weren't for the participation of the Dark Night monks, Taro Tian would have been the winner, and the dead side would have to be replaced.

"It's not time to rest yet, return to the Hunyuan Mountains quickly, the situation of the Six Paths Sword Sect is very critical now." The voice of the Dark Kirin came from the void, and then after the space shook for a while, a space gate appeared. The Dark World monks entered first, followed by the Human Daojun and others, and the last to enter were the wounded without combat effectiveness.

The scene on the other side of the space gate was even more cruel, and the thick blood was almost impossible to dissolve. Just a glance at the Human Daojun and others turned blood red.

The Six Paths Sword Sect was attacked by the army, and the former Immortal Palace Cave Heaven had been destroyed by the war.


Regardless of the injuries on their bodies, everyone joined the battlefield and started the bloodiest fight.

The Dark Kirin still did not show up, but the black silk thread seemed to be constantly flashing with thunder and lightning, and masters were constantly being attacked and killed.

Finally, when the Dark Kirin's power had been consumed and not recovered, the other party sent out several half-step golden immortals to hold the Dark Kirin.

"Is our Six Paths Sword Sect really going to be destroyed?" Looking at the dead fellow disciples, the destroyed buildings and mountains, some people screamed in pain.

"Kill, kill, kill all these people." Seeing their relatives and friends die with their own eyes, some people were shocked and became a little crazy.

"Ah! Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender to your Xianjian Sect." Naturally, there are some people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Hey! Did we really make the wrong choice at the beginning?" Tiandao Daojun was besieged by several people and was injured repeatedly. If the other party was not afraid of Tiandao Daojun's self-destruction and did not dare to force him too hard, I am afraid that Tiandao Daojun would not be able to hold on until now.

In the mysterious space, in the 99th palace, Chen Feng finally finished his practice. When Chen Feng's eyes swept over, the mutant dragon and the space-time beast immediately stepped forward honestly, waiting for Chen Feng's dispatch.

Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu also finished their practice and walked towards Chen Feng quickly.

During Chen Feng's cultivation, Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu never gave up looking for a way to leave here, but they never succeeded.

"We have been cultivating here for a long time, and it is time to leave." Chen Feng said lightly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the eyes of several people suddenly lit up. There were more mutant dragons and time-space beasts. The two were subdued by Chen Feng. They followed Chen Feng wherever he went. If Chen Feng could not get out, they would die here. But Qingshan and Duan Shuiliu were different. They were very eager to leave here, or to leave Chen Feng. These two geniuses who were in the process of cultivation always felt a sense of fear when facing Chen Feng. When they heard that Chen Feng was going to leave here, they were so excited that they trembled.

"Brother Chen, do you have a way to leave here?" In the end, Qingshan was the first to ask.

Chen Feng nodded. In fact, Chen Feng was not too excited. After digesting and integrating the marks left by the four golden immortals, Chen Feng already knew how to leave here.

Although his strength increased greatly, Chen Feng's mind calmed down after the initial excitement. At the same time, there was no point in staying here any longer. Moreover, Chen Feng felt vaguely uneasy. At Chen Feng's level, he could sense some things. He knew that something must have happened in the Six Paths Sword Sect. If he didn't get out, he might face an irreparable situation.

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