Eternal Existence

Chapter 1148 Dragon Cemetery

"The Dragon Cemetery!"

Tunri and other subsequent monks all exclaimed. Although they were born in the immortal world, the term Shenlong Cemetery is still very attractive.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a talisman flew out, exploded with a bang, and turned into countless streams of light that penetrated into everyone's bodies. Then Chen Feng took the lead and flew towards the door of space.

"If you don't show it now, you'll wait until later." Tie Zhen saw Chen Feng starting and immediately followed him, but there were others who were faster. Sun Swallow, Tian Centi and Gale guarded Chen Feng closely, blocking Tie Zhen. Back then, Tie Zhen didn't dare to show any anger when facing these three people, but Tie Zhen also understood that it would take some time for him to become a figure in the circle around Chen Feng.

"Sir, I feel the aura of the divine dragon, but there is still danger." Tunri said as he passed through the door of space.

"It smells like a conspiracy." Tian Centipede said darkly.

"It's not a conspiracy, it's a trap." Dafeng corrected.

"It's not the same."

"It's not that easy to enter the Shenlong Cemetery. It's probably a trap set by the Six Paths Sword Sect. Just be careful. Don't forget that I'm also a disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect." Chen Feng said as a ball of golden light flickered on his body. This was Chen Feng simulated the token of the core disciple of the Six Paths Sword Sect, and at the same time, a similar light flickered on the bodies of Teng Ri and others.

"By the way, young master, why didn't you kill that firebird just now?" He hadn't seen Chen Feng in a million years, and Yanri had a lot to say.

"There's no rush." ​​Chen Feng said calmly.

"And that little guy Chang Ming also has some sinister thoughts."

"No hurry, no rush." ​​Chen Feng seemed unwilling to say more about these things.

"I haven't asked you yet, what was the outcome of the war that year?" Chen Feng asked after silence.

"Heavy casualties!" Tunri also became silent when he said these four words.

Walking out of the space passage, the thick divine dragon aura swept over the sky. Two huge divine dragons were roaring and killing. Groups of blood flowers were still blooming in the scarlet sea of ​​blood. The monks who came in did not know whether they were dead or injured. No matter how much, it is considered good luck to be able to be broken up.

"Sure enough, the Six Paths Sword Sect has done something to the door of space. These two divine dragons are mutated corpses, and they are burning with black hellfire. Tsk tsk, these should be the guardians of the divine dragon cemetery. The Six Paths Sword Sect is also insidious enough. , In this way, there is a powerful forward and the opponent's strength is eliminated. I just don't know how the Six Paths Sword Sect broke in in the first place. Is there any other way?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Sir, I have locked the aura of the Sword Master, which is not far away from here." At this time, Tie Zhen finally came up.

Just like Tunri and others before, this call "Youngzi" represents Tie Zhen's attitude in the future, and he no longer calls Chen Feng "Young Master Changtian" like others.

"Let's go, these two guards are more powerful than the Half-Step Golden Immortal. They have absorbed many years of dragon energy here, so they are not so easy to deal with." Chen Feng said as he saw a huge Dragon claws, burning with black hellfire, were grabbing at several people.

"I'll do it!" Tunri roared, his body became a bit bigger, and his head became dozens of times bigger. Knife-like teeth were exposed in his mouth, and a crimson beam of light spurted out from his mouth, blocking the huge dragon. claw.


The dragon claw continued to shoot, the beam of light dissipated, and Swallowing the Sun was knocked away by a claw. Tian Centi and Gale laughed, and fired two blades at the same time, actually cutting down the huge dragon claw, but the fallen dragon claw was very small. Soon it will be reduced to ashes.


Seemingly enraged, one of the huge dragons rushed towards Chen Feng and others.

"Let's go!" Gale waved his hand, and the powerful phoenix swept across, including Chen Feng and others, and quickly flew away.

Gale's true form is a kind of divine bird, and its innate magical power is speed. It enveloped everyone and flew away, and finally escaped the pursuit of Shenlong.

"It's safe. The Shenlong just now was really powerful. It's a pity that Thunder Dragon and the others are in retreat. Otherwise, if there was a Shenlong cemetery here, they would have come here long ago." Swallowing the Sun has returned to normal, and he did not suffer any injuries from the attack just now.

"How are Thunder Dragon and the others?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Thunder Dragon and Wu Jin have advanced to the half-step Golden Immortal level. Killing Ghosts, Killing Gods, and Killing Immortals are in retreat. The others all died in the war that year. A few of them have immortal spirits and are recuperating in the Immortality Pond. "Speaking of this, Tunri's tone was a little heavy.

"Were the casualties so heavy back then?" Chen Feng thought, seeming to recall the tragic war that year. Of course, even a child as young as himself was affected by the war. In other words, some people were targeting him. , which eventually led to the death of a large number of his own guards, and only a few survived.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng became furious again.

"Tenri, what are you talking about? The most important thing is that the young master survives." Tian Shun shouted coldly.

"Haha, that's right. It's good that the young master is fine. We will get this situation back in the future." Tunri laughed.

The three people in Tunri closely guarded Chen Feng. Tie Zhen and Mingyue Tianxian each led their own people to follow. As for Chang Tianxian and Fire King, they followed behind with dark faces.

"Sister Mingyue, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still so beautiful." Chen Feng stopped and said with a smile to Mingyue Tianxian.

"You should not be praised by the young master." Mingyue Tianxian's face turned red.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but we have so many differences." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Sir, it's a good thing that we arrived first. If someone with ulterior motives discovered your whereabouts, there would probably be bad consequences." Mingyue glanced at Huo Wang and Changming.

"The prestige of Changsheng Heaven has declined greatly in recent years. Many cultivators in the fairy world have never heard of the name of Changsheng Clan. I didn't expect that we would still fight so fiercely among ourselves." Chen Feng sneered.

"Changsheng Heaven is too big, there are too many cultivators, and all kinds of ambitions will emerge. Although Xianting is the master of the fairy world, it cannot control the entire fairy world." said.

"But the power of Xianting is growing rapidly, and it will sooner or later attack the various heavens. Well, let's not talk about this now, let's go find treasures quickly. It's our luck to find a dragon cemetery." Chen Feng said lightly.

"It's all the luck of the young master."

Everyone said hurriedly, Tiezhen and Mingyue Tianxian waved their hands, and the ten cultivators behind them left one after another and disappeared in all directions.

"What are you still doing? Go collect treasures for me." Chen Feng's tone suddenly turned cold, and his eyes swept towards Chang Ming Tianxian and Fire King.


The two nodded in agreement immediately.

"If what you find doesn't satisfy me, you're dead." Chen Feng continued.

"I will definitely satisfy you, young master." Chang Ming and Fire King said hurriedly.

"These two people have bad intentions, you should pay more attention." Chen Feng said this after the two left.

"Don't worry, young master, I left a mark on them. If there is any abnormal movement, I will kill them directly." Da Feng said with a smile.

"In this case, everyone, take action, and the benefits you get belong to you." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he rushed towards a towering mountain.

This mountain covers a large area, and it looks like a tomb from a distance. The reason for choosing this mountain is that Chen Feng felt the strong dragon energy from it, and knew that the body of the dragon must be buried in it.

"So lucky." Chen Feng laughed and punched the dragon tomb from a distance.


The earth trembled, the huge tomb shook, and a dragon energy rushed out and turned into a giant dragon with bared fangs and claws, rushing towards Chen Feng.

The pure dragon energy rushed towards him, and Chen Feng's heart beat violently. This was not comparable to those dragons. The cultivators with insufficient cultivation would even be oppressed to death under the dragon's might.

"The law of heaven is the dragon of the celestial realm." Chen Feng did not retreat, but performed the longevity handprint and directly grabbed the dragon. Swallowing the sun with the war spear in his hand, the dragon was broken and turned into dragon energy. Chen Feng opened his mouth and sucked it, and the dragon energy was swallowed up.

"Let's do it together!"

Behind the wind, a phantom of a divine bird appeared, covering the sky and the sun, which was almost the same as the tomb in front of him, and the breath of the divine beast was undoubtedly revealed.

Although the dragon was dead, the fighting will left in his life and the dragon energy accumulated in the tomb for many years all rioted, and the phantom of the wind was immediately suppressed.

At this time, a huge shadow appeared behind the Sky Centipede. The Sky Centipede's body was a huge centipede, with hundreds of feet dancing at the same time. In an instant, thousands of swords fell on the cemetery.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Countless cracks immediately appeared in the cemetery in front of him. Tunri and Dafeng exerted their strength at the same time, and the whole cemetery began to shake.


Tiezhen and Mingyue Tianxian also took action. Finally, the huge cemetery in front of them collapsed. A stream of golden light flew away. The treasures collected by the dragon were wrapped in the golden light. After death, they were buried with the body.


Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it. The four directions of the world were imprisoned. With a wave of his hand, I don't know how much golden light fell into Chen Feng's hand. Tunri and others also occupied the four directions and kept taking action. The flying golden light was completely intercepted by everyone.

"Although there are many treasures, the grade is average." Tunri said indifferently.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cemetery in front of them finally exploded completely under the power of everyone, tearing the outer shell and revealing the things inside. A total of hundreds of dragon corpses appeared in front of everyone, and the mighty dragon power emanated. Chen Feng and others couldn't help but retreat a distance.

"It seems that this dragon cemetery is quite large. This is just a random grave. In this way, other people will also gain something. Quickly search for other cemeteries. There must be higher-level dragon corpses." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Hundreds of dragon corpses were entangled and bound by the turbulent space, and finally stored in the acupoints in Chen Feng's body.

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