Eternal Existence

Chapter 1126 Robber

Chen Feng could sense the other party's intention. With Chen Feng's current strength, he was too lazy to bother with these people, so Chen Feng just glanced at him and stopped talking.

"A casual cultivator is a casual cultivator, without any cultivation." Seeing that Chen Feng ignored him, the cultivator felt a little embarrassed and spoke more viciously.

"What did you say? Since you look down on us casual cultivators, we will not participate in this mission." Before Chen Feng spoke, other casual cultivators were already shouting in dissatisfaction.

"You can not participate. You casual cultivators have tried every means to join our Six Paths Sword Sect, not to get a better training environment. If you don't want to participate, I think you should just quit our Six Paths Sword Sect."

"What did you say! Since joining the Six Paths Sword Sect, I have made countless contributions. Even the elders will treat me with a smile. Who do you think you are?"

"You dog thing, you are really turning the world upside down."

The Six Paths Sword Sect's direct disciples and the casual cultivators had a deep conflict, which suddenly broke out and intensified at this time. After a few words of quarreling, they began to fight.

This large flying warship is of a high level and can be used as a battlefield for these true immortals. The three half-step immortals with the highest cultivation level wanted to suppress them at first, but they were soon involved.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged and looked at the chaotic scene in front of him with a smile. Chen Feng didn't want to participate, but someone would not let Chen Feng go. Three people attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

Two direct disciples and one casual cultivator. The fuse of this fight was Chen Feng. Some casual cultivators also disliked Chen Feng and took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng in the chaos.

"You really don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and the pupil technique was launched. The three people who attacked Chen Feng immediately fell into the illusion and couldn't get out for a while.

The illusion continued to circulate around Chen Feng. As long as someone entered this range, they would fall into it and could never get out.

Until the thirteen cultivators were wandering around Chen Feng, no one dared to approach Chen Feng anymore.

At this time, whether it was a casual cultivator or a formal disciple, they really realized how powerful Chen Feng was, but this pupil technique was not something everyone could deal with.


A muffled shout exploded in the warship, and all the monks fighting felt their whole bodies shaken, and they lost all their strength and could no longer move.

Chen Feng knew that it was the immortal who took action, and his mind moved, and he retracted the illusion. The monks around him immediately regained their freedom, and looked at Chen Feng with horror.

Everyone knew that there was an immortal secretly escorting, and their mood became more complicated. Some shrewd people had already guessed something.

After calming down again, some people wanted to talk to Chen Feng, but after seeing Chen Feng's cold appearance, they all retreated.

"What's so great about it." Some people began to curse Chen Feng in secret again.

Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, glanced, and smiled. Some people who had ideas in their hearts quieted down. Chen Feng's eyes were too weird. It seemed that he could see through people's hearts.

"Chen Qing, please help me if you encounter trouble." At this time, Chen Feng received the secret message from the immortal. These true immortals didn't know how powerful Chen Feng was, but as a high-level immortal, he knew it clearly.

After Chen Feng passed the tribulation, the Six Path Sword Sect’s controllers, including Jin Guang Jian Zun, discussed Chen Feng’s problem for many times before agreeing that Chen Feng should stay in the Six Path Sword Sect. However, in order to find out Chen Feng’s true strength, they deliberately sent Chen Feng out to perform the mission.

“No problem.” Chen Feng’s expressionless answer made the immortals in the dark breathe a sigh of relief.

A flying warship can travel thousands of miles a day, and it will take a month to reach the Dead Soul City. Of course, if it moves forward at full speed, the time will be shortened.

On the way, they encountered three waves of robbers. Although these robbers were powerful, it was their bad luck to rob the Six Path Sword Sect.

Along the way, Chen Feng learned more about the situation in the fairy world. In Chen Feng’s view, in the vast land of the fairy world, the number of robber gangs seemed to exceed these formal sects. Their strength was so strong that they could destroy and break through some small sects. Some powerful robber groups did not even take medium-sized sects seriously.

Just like this way, in Chen Feng's spiritual sense exploration, there are a total of hundreds of bandit gangs, but facing the warships of the Six Paths Sword Sect, there are still three that dare to attack, which shows that the other party is arrogant and powerful at the same time.

"I didn't expect that there are really bandits who dare to attack our Six Paths Sword Sect."

"The bandits we just met are already very powerful, with several high-level True Immortals, who are also considered powerful in the fairy world."

"Humph, if they meet our Six Paths Sword Sect, they will die. I hope to meet more bandits. It's not easy to go on a long journey, so I have to have some fun."

"Don't be careless, I heard that some powerful bandit groups have celestial immortals sitting in front of them, and they are not afraid of our sects."

"You are exaggerating, I don't believe it."

Those who said this were the direct disciples who rarely went out, and the knowledgeable casual cultivators shook their heads secretly. If they really met powerful bandits, these hundreds of True Immortals would not be enough to eat.

Chen Feng also shook his head at this time, because Chen Feng felt a strong breath coming from the front.

"Hey! Strange, why is there a fog in front? I walked this road and it should be a wasteland here."

"Be careful, I feel something strange in front." A half-step celestial being spoke.

"It's a robber. There are eight half-step immortals on the other side." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly spoke. Everyone was stunned at first, and then immediately became nervous.

"Are you telling the truth?" someone asked hesitantly.

"Eight half-step immortals and one hundred and thirty true immortals. This is correct. The surrounding fog is not simple. It is an illusory array." Chen Feng said as two black lights shot out from his eyes and penetrated into Entering the fog, after two explosions, the fog dispersed, and the monk hidden in it immediately revealed his figure.

"There is indeed an ambush, let's take action."

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Dozens of long flames roared out from the warship, dispelling the fog and attacking the robbers in the dark.

"Kill them."

The speed of the flying warship increased rapidly, some of the obstacles in front of it exploded, and two bandits who were slow to dodge were smashed into pieces.


The power of the flying warship made everyone shout, but Chen Feng shook his head.

The surrounding fog quickly gathered, forming clusters of water droplets. The water droplets exploded again, turning into a water curtain and a network of water. Chains formed by the power of water, the speed of the flying warship began to decrease, and finally it was completely trapped in it, even if the flames were boiling, The effect is not ideal either.

"Who is it? You dare to block the warship of our Six Paths Sword Sect." Three half-step immortals have already charged, and three waves of sharp sword energy swept around.

"No matter who you are, if you pass through our territory in Soulless Valley, you must leave half of your belongings. Hand over your belongings and let you go." A sinister voice sounded, and the sword light emitted by the three people was also resolved by the water waves.

"Soulless Valley!"

Everyone looked at each other, a little surprised. Soulless Valley is a well-known bandit gang. It is powerful and has gods as its commanders. It runs rampant on the East China Sea. Even the disciples of large sects dare to rob it. And because they come and go without a trace, large sects Disciples were sent to clear the area many times without success.

But I didn't expect to encounter it this time.

"It turns out he is a bandit from Soulless Valley. Junior brothers, this is a good opportunity. The rewards from the sect are ridiculously high. If you can kill a few people, the credit you will receive will be greater than this mission." Some people want to boost morale. .

"The power disparity is too great."

"What are you afraid of? We have immortals secretly suppressing us. Besides, we are the direct disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect. We are still afraid of these low-class bandits."

No matter what, these disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect rushed out, leaving only a few people driving the flying warship.

Chen Feng shook his head and swayed to the outside world. He held the Slaughter Fairy Sword and swung it violently. The layers of water were cut open, and two monks were killed at the same time.

The melee started. After killing two people, several more people rushed towards Chen Feng. They seemed to realize that Chen Feng was powerful, including two half-step immortals.

Chen Feng's body shook, and he waved the long sword in his hand repeatedly. Several people who besieged Chen Feng were killed again.

"No, the other party has a master." When the monks from the Soulless Valley saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly. They did not expect that such a powerful figure would be among the targets of this robbery.

Now that he has taken action, Chen Feng will not be polite. He moves his steps and unfolds his sword skills. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng kills several more people.

"Stop being so arrogant! I'll teach you a lesson." Along with the loud shouts, a ball of colorful light descended from the sky, and exploded when it reached Chen Feng's head. The colorful light curtain enveloped Chen Feng in the middle.

"This is the multi-colored lightning shield that I spent a lot of money to get. Even an immortal can be trapped for a while. Boy, just stay here honestly."

"The other party's immortals have already taken action. It's time for these guys to show up." Chen Feng thought to himself.

As soon as this thought crossed Chen Feng's mind, the Heavenly Immortal hidden in the Six Paths Sword Sect took action. Two people dealt with one person and moved the battlefield at the same time. Chen Feng knew that if something went wrong, the Heavenly Immortal in Soulless Valley would be dead.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sword light continued to vibrate and cut, and the multicolored lightning shield that trapped Chen Feng was immediately cut in half. Chen Feng strode out, swung the long sword in his hand, and two more people were killed.

"It can indeed trap the immortals, but only for a short time."

After killing 30% of the bandits, Chen Feng stopped taking action. His consciousness spread out far away, with traces of soul fire mixed in it, and the water mist in all directions was quickly evaporated.

"Hey! There is someone in the distance." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly chased after him. However, the opponent turned into a black light and shadow, which continued to stretch in the space and turned into a thin black line. The thin line then disappeared, and the opponent fled without a trace.

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