Eternal Existence

Chapter 1119: One on Five

A True Immortal dared to attack five True Immortals. This can only mean that this True Immortal either hides his strength or has his own trump card. Chen Feng's idea is also very simple, that is, he wants to test the results of his cultivation over the years.

Since the integration of the fifty-eight laws of heaven, ordinary primary-level immortals are not Chen Feng's opponents. The cultivation of several cultivators from the Changsheng Heaven Realm who chased Chen Feng before was at least a mid-level immortal. Chen Feng was forced to hide around at that time. In the past hundred years of cultivation, Chen Feng felt that his cultivation progressed rapidly. It was just right to practice now. Even if he was not an opponent, he was sure to escape. Of course, there were many secret techniques and means that could not be used.

Once he attacked, Chen Feng's heroic spirit also burst out suddenly. The whole person walked like a dragon and a tiger, looking very tall and mighty, as if his body had grown a circle.

In Chen Feng's view, the five cultivators in front of him came from different forces, and they would definitely not cooperate tacitly and attack him with all their strength.

The Blood Gathering Pearl followed Chen Feng all the way, and it was simply Chen Feng's second incarnation. At this time, the Avenue of Blood was spreading all over the sky, and it did not consume much of Chen Feng's strength at all. The nine blood dragons in the Blood Gathering Pearl also began to roar, adding a little power to the Blood Gathering Pearl.

Fifty-eight laws of heaven and one hundred and eight laws of truth were like pillars of power that created the world, continuously providing Chen Feng with power.

"What! So many laws of heaven, this guy is not a true immortal."

The two sides had already fought together with exclamations, and with just one contact, the planet under everyone's feet turned into fragments.

Chen Feng's attack was violent and overbearing. He just stared at the cultivators of Xingyuan Sect and attacked fiercely. He blocked the attacks of others if he could, and let them fall on him if he couldn't.

Finally, after Chen Feng resisted eighteen attacks, the middle-level immortal of Xingyuan Sect was beaten to spit blood. Chen Feng seized the opportunity, and the galaxy transformed by the brilliant starry sky map swept away the two people, and the Sun God Needle turned into a red light and pierced the other's body.

"Blood Burning Secret Technique!"

The crowd surrounded the other party and was injured. The immortal of Xingyuan Sect was extremely angry. He gritted his teeth and the blood flowing out of the wound burned like a flame, and finally turned into starlight and melted into his body. In just a moment, the injuries on his body were completely healed.

"No matter who you are, you are not our opponent." This person said that countless starlight emanated from his body like a volcanic eruption, and finally condensed into a starlight armor on his body.

The one sent by Liudao Sword was Renjian Zun, an elegant middle-aged man, holding a long sword, free and easy, but the sword force he emitted was strange and unpredictable, making it hard to defend against. Among the crowd, except for the Seven Killing Assassins of Xiansha Pavilion who was proficient in assassination, Renjian Zun was the most difficult.

Chen Feng felt the pressure after several head-on confrontations.

Not to mention the flying sword technique of Xianjian Sect and the pupil technique and speed of the Blue-eyed Ancestor.

Chen Feng fought very happily in this battle. Under the strong pressure, Chen Feng's strength was gradually compressed.


The sword flashed, and a deep wound appeared on Chen Feng's chest. The sword energy ran into his body like a poisonous snake.


Then the flying sword passed by, and another blood hole appeared on Chen Feng's body.

The Seven Killings Assassin punched from the void, and the galaxy protecting Chen Feng was almost broken up. The speed of the Blue Eyed Ancestor played a role, and he grabbed Chen Feng twice like lightning, leaving rows of blood holes, and all kinds of energy were chaotically passing through Chen Feng's body.

If so many injuries were placed on other people, they would have been scared a long time ago, but Chen Feng was unmoved, and his fighting spirit became more and more vigorous. The blood light emitted by the blood-gathering bead entangled the Red Sun Star Lord of Xingyuan Sect. After several heavy punches, the starlight armor on the Red Sun Star Lord was broken and his flesh began to crack.

Under Chen Feng's violent attack, the Red Sun Star Lord finally began to fear.

"Everyone, quickly deal with this guy."

"He is defeating me one by one. If I die, you won't survive either." As the Red Sun Star Lord said this, a scorching sun appeared above his head. Under the sunshine, his injuries recovered again.

Chen Feng wanted to take advantage of the victory to deal with this guy, but several attacks came and knocked him out. Chen Feng then realized how difficult it was to kill a mid-level celestial being.

"Boy, leave the talisman behind and you can leave." Ren Jian Tianzun shouted, but the sword in his hand rolled over to kill him.

A strong murderous intent was brewing in the void. This was the killing move of the Seven Killings Assassins.

"These old guys are insidious and difficult to deal with." Chen Feng's eyes turned into two whirlpools, one black and one white. Black and white qi flowed out of them and quickly condensed into a huge Tai Chi, which crossed the sky and stood upright in the space to block the attacks of everyone. Chen Feng stepped on the Changsheng Step and his figure flashed and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Being outnumbered is not a skill, so goodbye."

After breaking the Tai Chi diagram, the crowd chased again, but this time they lost the trace of Chen Feng.

The faces of the five mid-level immortals were extremely ugly, especially the Red Sun Star Lord of Xingyuan Sect, with flames dancing in his eyes.

Xingyuan Sect suffered a big loss this time, and so did he. Seeing the look of Red Sun Star Lord, the other people finally smiled.

Just now, five to one, Chen Feng was beaten but did not fight back, but all the attacks fell on Red Sun Star Lord.

"Who of you knows the origin of the other party? This time we are really embarrassed."

"I feel a little familiar with the magic movement that the other party used when he escaped at the end." At this time, the cultivators of Xianjian Sect showed a thoughtful look in their eyes.

"Magic movement!"

"Immortal Step, I feel like it is Immortal Step."

"Yes, it is somewhat similar to the rumored Immortal Step. Could it be that the person is a cultivator of the Immortal Clan?"

"If he is really a cultivator of the Immortal Clan, then this matter will be troublesome."

"What is the trouble? Could it be that our Immortal Realm is afraid of the Immortal Heaven Realm?"

"The entire Immortal Realm may not be afraid, but our several sects combined are not enough for them to look at. We are not now chasing who the other party is. Do you think we can only find him after he leaves?"

"Yes, and with the other party's strength, we are simply looking for death if we face him one-on-one. This time, let's just take a small loss."

After a discussion, everyone left one after another. Except for the Red Sun Star Lord, no one else had any intention of pursuing him.

"This time it is really a big loss." The Red Sun Star Lord shook his head and left last.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged on a smooth meteorite, surrounded by a whistling and rolling void storm. The void storm moved quickly in the starry sky. Some meteorites or planets that entered it would be torn into pieces immediately.

But Chen Feng was unmoved, and quietly cultivated. Invisible power emanated, forming a vacuum cover within a radius of 100 miles, and no matter how fierce the void storm was, it could not enter.

In the previous fight with the five immortals, Chen Feng almost exerted his strongest power except that he did not use the Longevity Tower. Pressure forced potential, and fighting honed his cultivation. Chen Feng gained a lot from the battle.

Chen Feng has been cultivating in this void storm for a while. The scenes of the previous fights flashed in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness again and again. The opponent's movements and expressions must be carefully observed. Although Chen Feng has refined some laws of heaven, he is not as good as these real immortals in perception and application.

After all, Chen Feng's grade is here.

Chen Feng repeatedly pondered the details of the fight, discarded the dross, and absorbed the essence. Unknowingly, Chen Feng's cultivation was rapidly improving.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and two light blades flew out, cutting the void storm neatly. It took several years to cultivate one stage.

Chen Feng didn't know where he was. He took a step and entered the void storm. The storm dissipated wherever he passed, leaving a long road that did not heal for a long time.


After Chen Feng left, the smooth meteorite was finally submerged by the void storm and finally turned into pieces.

Walking in the starry sky, watching the nebula flow and the galaxy surrounding him, Chen Feng had an illusion that the starry sky here was no different from the starry sky outside.

At this time, a thought suddenly flashed through Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. The place where he was was the inner world left by the Golden Immortal. Then what about the outside world? Is the boundless and vast starry sky also the inner world of the super powerful? The eternal world, the fairyland, the heaven, the fairyland, everything is under the control of the other party.

With this thought in his mind, it was like a demon that grew wildly. Chen Feng was attacked all the time before he woke up.

After waking up, Chen Feng broke out in a cold sweat. His cultivation had been too smooth over the years. He didn't expect that his inner demons were so heavy. This was not a good sign. He secretly cast the Immovable True Self Mantra in his heart, and then he felt much better.

"It seems that I need to take some time to practice the secret art of clearing my mind." After stabilizing his mind, Chen Feng observed the situation around him.

Unknowingly, Chen Feng entered a strange space. It was gray all around, and he couldn't see the starlight. At a glance, his vision was seriously obstructed.

A water column suddenly appeared and hit Chen Feng heavily.

Chen Feng was very surprised. In the process of entering the magic barrier, even the fast-flying meteorites would be smashed by him, but the inconspicuous water column in front of him made him feel painful.

This is a kind of power to return to nature.

"I don't know if it is natural or man-made." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the strong wind swept, dispersing the gray fog in front of him.

Not far ahead, another water column broke through the air. This time Chen Feng was prepared and dodged it with a flick of his body.

Then, a column of water appeared every once in a while. Chen Feng was extremely curious, wondering what was ahead.

The gray fog rolled, and the space was full of morale. Chen Feng came to the ground down to earth. The scene in front of him was bright, and a road paved with crystal stones appeared under his feet. Further ahead, Chen Feng heard some splashing noises.

A pond built of gemstones appeared in front of Chen Feng.

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