Eternal Existence

Chapter 1104: Mountain and River Pearl

How could Chen Feng's speed be compared to these people? He was soon pulled behind by Chen Feng for a distance, and then a group of cultivators from the Changsheng Heavenly Realm rushed up, and wherever they passed, there was a torrent, and the cultivators of the Iron Blood Alliance died with screams.

"Ah! The Iron Blood Alliance is in bad luck now." Chen Feng sighed, but did not take it to heart. For Chen Feng, his life was the most important.

"Cultivators of the Changsheng Clan, why did you come to our Iron Blood Alliance to make trouble." At this time, a voice suddenly came out from the ground, resounding throughout the world. Chen Feng, who was flying, immediately felt that his body was imprisoned.

"Okay, the master finally came out." Chen Feng was not surprised, but a little happy. The energy that had been prepared for a long time burst out from his body, and the Changsheng Wings suddenly spread out for hundreds of miles, covering a piece of heaven and earth, and then Chen Feng disappeared as if he had teleported.

"A little immortal dares to stop us from doing things in the Changsheng Heaven Realm. You really don't know how to live or die. Get out of here quickly."

The battle started and ended quickly. The hidden master of the Iron Blood Alliance was directly blown up, but in this way, Chen Feng's goal was still achieved. These people delayed for a short time before they realized that they had lost the trace of Chen Feng.

"Not good! Chen Feng has the Changsheng Tower. If he really hides, it will not be easy to find him."

"It is because of the existence of the Changsheng Tower that we can find the other party. Everyone, use the secret technique to sense the Changsheng Tower."

But soon, the faces of these Changsheng Heaven Realm cultivators changed. After searching for a while, they completely lost the breath of Chen Feng and the Changsheng Tower.

"No matter what, Chen Feng can't run far. Everyone, spread out and search for Chen Feng with all your strength. We must not let him run away this time."

With the disappearance of the immortal heaven cultivators, the Iron Blood Alliance was in a bleak state. The rival Shanhe League took the opportunity to attack the Iron Blood Alliance. The Iron Blood Alliance, which had suffered a large number of deaths, was defeated. Xue Luosha naturally knew what was going on. He couldn't help cursing Chen Feng in his heart. This time, the Iron Blood Alliance suffered such a large loss. It was all caused by Chen Feng.

"No, this matter can't be let go. We must make this guy compensate for our losses." With the death of a large number of Iron Blood Alliance executives, Xue Luosha's status was once again improved, almost to the top position.

Where is Chen Feng? Chen Feng did not run far, but entered the chassis of Shanhe League.

To say that the strength of Shanhe League and Iron Blood League is almost the same, it should be impossible to hide, but Shanhe League has a more special magic weapon, Shanhe Pearl. Although it is just a divine weapon, Chen Feng hid in it at this time and escaped the search of the pursuers.

"Tower, have you ever wasted your life like this?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"There have been a few times." Ta said lightly, not caring at all.

"I don't take these small fish seriously, you deal with them."

"I'll deal with them, that's easy for you to say." Chen Feng rolled his eyes. "This time, the lowest cultivation of the opponents is a mid-level immortal, and they are from the Changsheng Heaven Realm. I can't handle them one-on-one."

"I can't do it unless I can go one step further. Now I can't fight them head-on, but the immortal world is big enough. Can I run away if I can't beat them? Besides, the people who come here belong to the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and they are suppressed by us by nature. Maybe we can think of a way." Ta said with a smile.

"Think of a way, unless there is external force, but where can this external force come from? Forget it, let's hide here honestly for a while." Chen Feng quietly hid in the Mountain and River Pearl. Although this artifact was full of the vast power of mountains and rivers, it did not discover Chen Feng's existence. Instead, Chen Feng used secret techniques to secretly absorb the essence of the opponent.

This time, the Iron Blood Alliance was implicated. Thinking of the Blood Rakshasa, Chen Feng still planned to remedy the Iron Blood Alliance. As for the remedy, it was to consume some of the power of the Mountain and River Alliance.

I don’t know how long it took. When Chen Feng was enjoying swallowing, the Mountain and River Pearl suddenly vibrated, and the thick mountain and river power kept boiling, which made Chen Feng secretly shocked.

At first, Chen Feng thought that he was aware of his existence by the opponent, but soon realized that someone was urging the Mountain and River Pearl to fight.

"I think it should be a fight with the Iron Blood Alliance. It’s a good opportunity." Thinking of this, Chen Feng no longer hid, and the soul fire emanated, like a star suddenly exploded, illuminating the surrounding mountains and rivers.

"Tower, are you interested in swallowing this artifact?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It’s better than nothing!" Tower said lightly.

"But this may attract those pursuers again." Although Chen Feng sighed, he still performed the swallowing and absorbing technique. In order to swallow a divine weapon, Chen Feng was desperate, because Chen Feng knew that hiding was not a long-term solution, and improving strength was the fundamental.

The Iron Blood Alliance's Iron Blood Battle Flag collided with the Mountain and River Pearl. It was a divine weapon of the same level as the Mountain and River Pearl. If it were in normal times, the two sides would be evenly matched. However, at this time, there were only three immortals activating the Iron Blood Battle Flag, including the Blood Rakshasa, and there were ten immortals activating the Mountain and River Pearl. In this way, it was only a matter of time for the Iron Blood Alliance to be defeated.

"You Iron Blood Alliance still haven't chosen to surrender yet? Joining our Mountain and River Alliance is the best choice."

"Joining you is a nice way to say it, I think you want to annex us."

"Yes, if it was before, it could be considered a union, but now it can only be annexation. The situation is already very clear. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the thousands of cultivators in the Iron Blood Alliance. Are you really going to be killed by us?"

The scholar-like cultivator did not speak, and neither did Xue Luosha and the other person. They only sighed in their hearts. The other party was right. Although the three of them could be defeated, they could still escape. It was just that so many disciples and subordinates of the Iron Blood Alliance were about to be abandoned.

"Could it be that the Iron Blood Alliance will be disbanded today?" The three immortals of Xue Luosha were extremely depressed. The Iron Blood Alliance had existed for millions of years. Although it was not a high-end force, it was also managed by everyone with great effort. Thinking that it would be disbanded, they could not help but resent those who had brought disaster to themselves before.

"Forget it, at this point, this is the only way. Joining the Mountain and River Alliance is indeed the best choice." The scholar sighed, and blood flashed in Xue Luosha's eyes. He was also cursing Chen Feng in his heart, but he could not say it out loud.

But at this moment, the Mountain and River Pearl that had been suppressing the Iron Blood Battle Flag suddenly vibrated strangely, and at the same time, the Mountain and River Pearl flickered. Even a fool could see that something was wrong.

"What's going on?" The monks of the Mountain and River Alliance changed their faces, and then they found that the mountain treasure of their alliance had become extremely weak, and the abundant mountain and river energy in it had lost a lot of energy for some reason.

"This is!"

The three of Xue Luosha were a little surprised at first, and when they felt the pressure was reduced, they realized that things had taken a turn for the better.

"Xue Luosha, long time no see, I didn't expect you to cultivate to the realm of celestial immortals, congratulations." Xue Luosha received Chen Feng's voice transmission in surprise.

"It's you!" Xue Luosha immediately understood that all this was Chen Feng's doing.

"You are hiding in the Mountain and River Pearl?"

"Yes, your Iron Blood Alliance was also in trouble because of me before, so I have to give you some compensation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I think you are after this artifact, but the people who chased you before were very powerful, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"Do you want me to be discovered?"

"Of course, if it weren't for you, our Iron Blood Alliance wouldn't have been hit hard."

"Forget it, if it weren't for me this time, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to rise to your current position. How about, if it weren't for my help, kill the other two, so that you can dominate the Iron Blood Alliance."

"You should solve your own problem first."

Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa were communicating quickly in secret. The Mountain and River Pearl had begun to shrink, and no matter how the ten celestial beings urged it, it had no effect.

"What's going on? What happened?" No matter how hard these people tried, they couldn't figure out what happened.

So the Mountain and River Pearl disappeared completely, but was swallowed by the Longevity Tower.

"Good opportunity!"

The three celestial beings of the Iron Blood Alliance seized the opportunity and urged the Iron Blood Battle Flag to suppress it. Immediately, several people in the Mountain and River Alliance were shocked and vomited blood.

"Let's go!"

"Iron Blood Alliance, don't be complacent. When we borrow the artifact, it will be your doom." When fleeing, the Mountain and River Alliance still did not forget to leave threatening words.

"Chen Feng, where have you been?" Xue Luosha secretly transmitted the voice.

"I'll go get rid of the trouble first, and see you again if there is a chance." Chen Feng's voice came vaguely, and no one knew which direction it was from.

Knowing that Chen Feng had left, Xue Luosha didn't know why she was a little disappointed.

Not long after swallowing the Mountain and River Pearl, Chen Feng felt a strong breath locking on him. Although they were far apart, Chen Feng knew that the other party had discovered him.

Chen Feng knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to take risks, because only one person locked on him, so he could fight once.

So the moment the other party's breath locked on him, Chen Feng rushed up at the fastest speed. The Longevity Tower flew out directly, and without any pause, it suppressed a monk holding a long sword.

"Come on, Chen Feng, are you here to die?" The young monk saw Chen Feng rushing towards him, and he was so excited that he almost shouted. He didn't expect that the credit would fall on him. He was so lucky.

But then the young monk's face changed drastically, because he couldn't resist the suppression of the Longevity Tower, so the young monk began to scream in fear.


The Longevity Tower shook in the air, and the young monk seemed to be struck by lightning, and dense cracks appeared all over his body. Chen Feng arrived at this time and punched hard. In the blood light, the young monk was beaten into a ball of blood mist. The Longevity Tower emitted a suction force, swallowing the other party in without waiting for the other party to gather his body.

Once in the Longevity Tower, the other party will never come out again. Chen Feng's figure flashed and disappeared, and the Longevity Tower flashed and disappeared in the space.

After a breath, several monks arrived, and one of them had a stream of light in his eyes, and the scene of the previous battle was immediately presented.

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