Eternal Existence

Chapter 1021: Extracting Power

But the power that burst out from Chen Feng's punch directly shattered all the thousands of fist shadows. With one punch, the psychedelic immortal groaned and flew backwards, but turned his body and tried to escape far away.


Chen Feng's longevity wings shook violently and caught up with the opponent. He punched again and smashed the psychedelic immortal to the ground heavily. Then Chen Feng burst out one after another. After several attacks, the psychedelic immortal was blown up, and all the rolling energy was swallowed by Chen Feng.

Outside world.

The psychedelic immortal was fighting with the thunder cloud immortal, and he had the upper hand. He was about to deal with the thunder cloud immortal, but suddenly, his body paused, his breath in his body became chaotic, his face was distorted, and he was extremely uncomfortable. The thunder cloud immortal saw it and roared loudly, and began to fight back. After several rounds, the psychedelic immortal was hit and screamed and fled far away. His figure flashed twice and disappeared directly.

"What a pity, what a pity, the other party is worthy of being a true immortal, and did not swallow up the soul power in the other party's body in one breath." Chen Feng still felt a little regretful inside the pseudo artifact.

This time, with the help of the power of this pseudo artifact, Chen Feng swallowed a large amount of soul power, and they were all half-step true immortals and true immortals, with very high grades. For Chen Feng, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Chen Feng's soul power must be increased by at least ten times, and the most important thing is the improvement of grade. Of course, this requires Chen Feng to condense and forge for a long time in the future to make these powers completely his own.

"Okay, tower, now it's our turn to control this pseudo artifact. Of course, it would be better if you can swallow it directly." Chen Feng's cultivation has greatly improved at this time, so he thought about letting the Changsheng Tower swallow this pseudo artifact to increase his strength.


"What happened inside?" Leiyun Zhenxian looked at everyone and asked.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The other half-step true immortals looked at each other, and they all stepped forward quickly and surrounded Biqing and Huoyunlong.

"What do you mean?" Huoyunlong sneered.

"What do you mean?" The speaker was Yankong from the fairy world. At this time, Yankong's eyes were full of hostility, and he was even brewing a killing move in secret.

"You three have planned it long ago. We were wrong this time. I didn't expect that the kid from the Changsheng clan was so hidden."

"First, take action to control these two people, and then use them to threaten Chen Feng."

"Let's do it?"

At this time, there were still five people who had not died, but their souls were injured before, and their combat effectiveness decreased. However, with the outnumbered, Biqing and Huoyunlong also found it difficult to deal with them.

So Huoyunlong was a little nervous, and he immediately activated the fire source seed and showed his strongest power.

The battle was about to begin here. Leiyun Zhenxian thought about it, and his eyes flashed immediately, and a trace of soul power drilled into the mountain.

"This is it!" Leiyun Zhenxian, who had entered the pseudo-artifact, felt a flash of light before he could see the surrounding situation clearly, and Chen Feng appeared in front of him with a smile.

"Senior, please go out." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Boy, your ambition is too big. You want to occupy this pseudo-artifact alone. If you can't eat it, your stomach will burst." Leiyun Zhenxian said lightly.

"No one else needs to care about this. I believe that the senior has also seen the end of Mihuan Zhenxian." Chen Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, a flame jumped, then exploded, and finally enveloped the whole body, burning fiercely, like a big furnace burning in the dark night.

"The fire of life!"

Leiyun Zhenxian was surprised that Chen Feng could cultivate the fire of life in the earthly immortal realm, and was even more surprised that Chen Feng's fire of life was so powerful.

"It seems that the senior wants to fight with me." Chen Feng said with a smile, the flames on his body became more fierce, and the body condensed by his spiritual consciousness was a full circle taller than Leiyun Zhenxian. The sense of oppression made Leiyun Zhenxian frown secretly.

"If it were outside, I would definitely not be the opponent of the senior, but now, I am the boss here."

Leiyun Zhenxian quickly calculated in his mind, and without saying a word, his figure disappeared from the mountain in a flash.

Quickly analyzing the gains and losses in front of him, Thunder Cloud True Immortal was also very decisive. He immediately withdrew, thinking that he would settle accounts with Chen Feng after he came out.

"Hey! If I were not unable to separate the power now, all your soul power would not be enough for me to swallow." Chen Feng laughed coldly, and then the flames around him dispersed and dissipated in the space. Chen Feng himself sat down cross-legged, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower emerged, and began to collect this pseudo-artifact.

I don't know how long it took, a trace of divine light suddenly condensed, and with a flash, it entered Chen Feng's body.

This is the divine power that the Longevity Tower stripped from this pseudo-artifact. This trace of divine power entered the Eye of the Void. The Eye of the Void is a top-grade immortal artifact. Although it did not improve immediately after obtaining the power of the pseudo-artifact, the foundation has been laid, and the future development will be more extensive.


The second trace of divine power entered the Zhengtian Sword.

The third trace of divine power entered the Chaos Chain.

The fourth trace of divine power entered the Cursed Scepter.

As the power of the gods gradually drained away, the power of this pseudo-artifact began to decline rapidly. This was exactly what the Tower of Immortality did.

"Tower! You are really ruthless." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If I had enough power, I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. I would just blow the other party up directly." The tower said disdainfully.

"You said that very nicely. If I had enough power, it would be very simple." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Outside world.

Biqing and Huoyunlong had already burst out with all their strength, but the situation was still one-sided, and they were no match for these half-step true immortals.

After Leiyun Zhenxian came out, he thought for a while and walked directly towards Chen Feng's physical body.

"Senior, you are taking advantage of the situation." Chen Feng's original body still had nearly half of his soul power. Seeing Leiyun Zhenxian coming, he knew what the other party was planning.

In fact, Chen Feng was not worried. At worst, he could hide in the Longevity Tower.

"In front of the pseudo-artifact, everything can be put down." Leiyun Zhenxian said lightly.

"Do you even have to put down your own Tao heart?"

"Tao heart, my Tao heart is power first."

"You are possessed by the devil."

The two spoke to each other, and Biqing and Huoyunlong also saw the situation here. They were anxious, but they couldn't leave, so they became more anxious.

"Leiyun Zhenxian, you are also a true immortal after all, do you still have to take action against a small ground line?" Huoyunlong shouted.

"He is not an ordinary earth immortal."

"Are you going to do it? Senior, you have to take it." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the cursed scepter appeared in his hand. The power of the curse was brewing and flowing, and a more powerful breath continued to emerge.

"The power of the artifact, no, it is the power of the pseudo-artifact. You extracted the power of that pseudo-artifact. How is this possible?" Lei Yun Zhenxian was surprised and shocked, and then suddenly his eyes lit up and understood everything.

"The Changsheng Tower, it is the Changsheng Tower! It is the real Changsheng Tower." Lei Yun Zhenxian's words may not be understood by others, but Chen Feng knew that Lei Yun Zhenxian had guessed the true identity of the Changsheng Tower.

"That's right!" Chen Feng nodded, and the cursed scepter in his hand shook. The invisible power of the curse began to emanate, but before he got close to Lei Yun Zhenxian, it seemed to touch the wall and could no longer move forward.

Hua La La! Hua La La!

Chaos chains also floated out, crisscrossing around Chen Feng, spreading all over the sky. The power of chaos plus the power of the curse gave people a stronger sense of oppression.

"This little trick is useless in front of me." Thunder Cloud Immortal finally took action. Originally, Thunder Cloud Immortal had intended to take action. Now that he knew the true origin of the Longevity Tower, his intention to take action became even more determined.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and the space exploded. The strong impact force caused the chaos chain to vibrate and twist continuously. Chen Feng immediately felt that he could not resist.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the chaos chain was like a dragon circling and snapping. The divine power that had been infused into it before also burst out, making the power of the chaos chain several times higher than before. The chain wandered and hovered, floating in the air like water ripples, dissolving the power of Thunder Cloud Immortal in circles.


Chen Feng shouted again, and the power of the curse condensed into an invisible sharp arrow. With a snap, it contained the power of wind and thunder. It drew an arc in the air and arrived in front of Thunder Cloud Immortal.

However, Thunder Cloud Immortal opened his mouth and spit, and a stream of air impact smashed the sharp arrow into pieces. The next moment, Thundercloud Immortal grabbed the Chaos Chain as if he had grabbed a small snake.

"As expected of a True Immortal!" Chen Feng said with a smile, not worried at all.

"What else do you have!" After Thundercloud Immortal grabbed the Chaos Chain, he reached out again and grabbed the Cursed Scepter in Chen Feng's hand.

Buzz buzz buzz!

However, at this time, the Chaos Chain struggled violently, and with a sudden jerk like lightning, it actually made Thundercloud Immortal fall.

Chen Feng leaped up, grabbed the Chaos Chain and fought violently, and the Chaos Chain formed a circle and bound Thundercloud Immortal.

During the battle outside, the changes in the pseudo-artifact became greater and greater. A trace of divine power was extracted and sealed into Chen Feng's body and immersed in various magic weapons. The power of the pseudo-artifact decreased greatly. Finally, the mountain began to collapse, and the material that constituted the mountain was absorbed by the Longevity Tower to increase its power.

This is like peeling the cocoon and pulling the silk, boiling the frog in warm water, but the effect is very significant, but the speed is a bit slow.


Huoyunlong couldn't resist. The time of the fire source seed had expired. His aura dropped and he became a high-level immortal. This made him even less of a match for these half-step immortals.


Biqing couldn't resist either. In a one-on-one fight, Biqing wasn't afraid of the opponent, but the opponent had far more people than him. It was not easy for him to hold on until now.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and Biqing and Huoyunlong entered the Longevity Tower at the same time. Two strands of divine power entered their bodies respectively.

"Brother Huo, don't say I'm not nice. This is the original power of the pseudo-artifact. If you refine it or refine it into a magic weapon, I don't need to say how much benefit it will bring." Chen Feng's voice rang out in the Longevity Tower.

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