Go back to the inner city? Miss, you mean we have to abandon these people and go back to the inner city? How is this possible? We can't watch them being eaten by mutated creatures like this. The soldier listened to Fang Fang's words in his heart Very uncomfortable.

They've got here and there's no turning back.

Where else could they retreat?

I know, but you have to think about it now that the mutated creatures have landed on the island, and they may come here at any time. If you don't want to die, go back to the inner city. Anyway, I have already clicked here, and the rest is up to you .”

Fang Fang reminded them that the rest is up to them.

Turning her head, Fang Fang looked at the two of Lu Jingxuan. Are they going to enter the inner city or not?

Mr. Lu, do you plan to enter the inner city?

No. Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

There must be a lot of people in the inner city, and they have already got what they want, so it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

Hearing that Lu Jingxuan couldn't say anything, Fang Fang showed a hint of surprise on his face.

The mutated creatures are coming, and they can deal with those mutated creatures if they don't enter the inner city.

Miss Fang, hurry up, don't worry about it here. Lu Jingxuan glanced at the survivors who had listened to them and were already running towards the inner city.

It's just that whether they can enter the inner city is obviously not what they say.

Anyway, these survivors have nothing to do with them.

That's all they say.

As for Chen Yi, Lu Jingxuan turned his head to look at his friend whose expression gradually became normal, and couldn't bear to let him stay in this place alone.

Chen Yi, get in the car, we can guarantee your safety.

Guarantee my safety, what about the others? What about the safety of others? Chen Yi looked at the soldiers who insisted on not leaving.

If his soldiers stay here, he will naturally stay here too.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the others, and a trace of sternness crossed his handsome face, Others? I can't control other people, and I don't have the ability to control them. I'm not their parents, so I can't make decisions for them.

Lu Jingxuan, you can't be so selfish, you were not like this before. Chen Yi frowned when he heard his words, as if he didn't know Lu Jingxuan.

Even though he knew that the end times would change, even though he knew that Lu Jingxuan didn't make a move on the ship, this is the last pure land of human beings, without which human beings will cease to exist.

Chen Yi is not alarmist, just because the whole world has undergone tremendous changes now.

Those who survived were few and far between.

And he didn't know that there were traces of nearly 100,000 people alive in the crystal base.

And in the future some of those people will live longer, will become immortal.

Lu Jingxuan looked at him and showed a deep smile, Well, don't regret your own choice. Fengfu, let's get in the car.

Lu Jingxuan got into the car first, and Song Fengfu followed closely behind him.

When the door of the caravan was closed, it completely blocked the outside world from their current world.

Song Fengfu looked at Chen Yi standing outside, and not long after, she greeted the soldiers, Fang Fang and others, and quickly ran towards the inner city.

For a while, everyone was running wildly, but the two people in the caravan attracted a lot of people's attention.

In particular, they are only willing to hide in the RV and are unwilling to enter the inner city. This makes many people feel that they don't know how to describe it.

There must be something wrong with that RV. Looking at the two people hiding inside, it is obvious that the car can either block mutant creatures, or it is an existence similar to an armored car.

Among the survivors are those who know this very well.

After saying this, someone suddenly said, Doesn't that mean we can get in the car, and then...

Bad smiles came, and many people thought that they would go into this car, maybe they could avoid this disaster, but it was a pity that no matter how much they wanted to get in the car, the car would not be open for them .

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

After Chen Yi left, all the survivors swarmed up, ran around the caravan and tried to pry open the door and climb in, but the door seemed to be welded together, not to say that it could be opened,

Countless survivors either ran to the inner city, or wanted to get into the RV like the previous people.

But no matter how hard they try, the RV is rock solid.

Finally, someone couldn't help but picked up a hammer that he didn't know where he got it, and hammered it down towards the RV.

A loud bang sounded.

The people around only felt a violent vibration, thinking that there would be a hole in the RV, but there was no hole in the RV at all.

And the RV is obviously very solid.

This surprised many survivors, even the unscratched glass made them clearly realize a problem, that is, this car is so hard, although it is life for them, it is also a dead end. If you can open the car, it's okay, but if you can't open the car, it's over.

This car is amazing. It can't break the glass at all. It must be some kind of treasure. Work hard, everyone, as long as you find a way to get into the RV, everyone will be safe. A man stood guard in front of the RV door, thinking that as long as he entered the RV After he was inside, he didn't care about other people's life and death, and he could watch whatever he wanted.

Listening to this person's words, the others beat harder.

Go in, you must find a way to get in.

A group of people outside the caravan were beating on the caravan, and the increasingly anxious voices showed that they were very anxious now.

Song Fengfu in the caravan did not expect that the outside had turned into a scene like a riot.

It's really scary outside.

Song Fengfu watched a man's handprint on the car window, his muddy face pressed against the car window, and his cloudy eyes kept looking into the car window.

Fortunately, a combat vehicle has been set on the RV, otherwise this vehicle would be absolutely useless.

Song Fengfu hoped to be out of sight, so she simply hid in the space.

It wasn't until the combat vehicle sent an alarm that the two of them knew that the mutated creature had landed, and Yu Zun and the others were probably dead.

Song Fengfu narrowed her eyes, tomorrow morning the safety island will no longer be a safety island.

will become a hell on earth.

When Song Fengfu in the caravan came out of the space, mutant creatures outside the caravan kept rushing over.

A mutated creature is coming, open the door quickly, a mutated creature is coming, let us in quickly, let us in quickly. A person screamed.

Seeing the man screaming, Song Fengfu couldn't help frowning.

Let them in?

When she shows off her head?

She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

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