Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 264 How about we get along slowly?

"Zheng Ke, thank you so much."

"It's easy, no need to be too polite."

"Well, it's almost noon. Let me treat you to dinner. There seems to be a restaurant over there."

"Luo Cheng, the hotel is too expensive. We really don't need this."

After coming out of the police station, Luo Cheng and Zheng Ke were chatting under a big tree. This was a guarantee, maybe just to show up, and there would be no substantial loss. But this matter is actually risky. If Luo Cheng is really a problematic person, he will also be implicated as a guarantor.

So Luo Cheng really wanted to treat Zheng Ke to dinner, but going out to a restaurant these days is a luxury for most people. Going to a restaurant requires not only money but also food stamps.

"Zheng Ke, I have pancakes and meat buns in my bag. It won't cost you anything to treat you to these."

"The pancakes are so delicious, thank you very much."

Pancakes and steamed buns are the daily rations prepared by Luo Cheng for himself. He is a big man and eats a lot. It’s just that my appetite is much less than when I wasn’t working. But he can still eat two bowls of the big bowl of rice. Before I put it, eating more was nothing.

Even if the pancakes are cold, it doesn't matter if they are not taken out of the bag. If they are taken out, for people in this era who cannot eat without eating, they will be extremely sensitive to any scent. Moreover, Luo Chengla's pancakes are purely fried. In fact, the pancakes of Luo Chengla's era sometimes have oil, but they are just like making fried buns, they are fried with some oil and water.

Therefore, the pancakes in Luo Cheng's era were actually eaten directly by hand without any oil. As for the pancakes he brought from the future, the smell of frying made Zheng Ke salivate as soon as he took them out.

However, it’s not a big problem to just eat pancakes and steamed buns, and they’re cold, but it’s best to get some water to drink. Luo Cheng had a kettle with him, but Zheng Ke came out temporarily and didn't bring much water with him.

"Luo Cheng, the magazine has assigned me a staff dormitory, why don't you come and sit there."

"This is convenient."

"If there's any inconvenience, let's go."

"That's okay."

Luo Cheng invited Zheng Ke to eat pancakes and steamed buns, and the other party invited him to sit in the dormitory. He also felt that the other party was a sincere invitation, so he agreed. This person is in a foreign country, and I have to say that it is really nice to meet a friend, and she is a girl who looks pleasing to the eye.

So the two of them walked and chatted all the way. Luo Cheng asked her about her situation at the magazine, and she also asked about Luo Cheng's work progress in the past few days since he arrived in Jiangcheng.

Luo Cheng didn't hide anything. His work was not bad and he purchased a batch of cans. He said that after a few days, he would send some cans to Zheng Ke. This shocked Zheng Ke at Luo Cheng's ability. She was also very interested in canned food, but she couldn't let Luo Cheng give it away for free. I would be very grateful if I could sell her a few cans for the money.

Luo Cheng also understood Zheng Ke's current situation. The atmosphere in the editing room was still good. He discussed some writing skills and the types of articles that the youth magazine needed. In terms of work, Zheng Ke is still in a state of study anyway, but there is one thing. Zheng Ke said that just after she came to the magazine, there was someone who wanted to chase her.

What troubled Zheng Ke was that the other party was twenty-eight years old and had been married before. She felt it was inappropriate anyway.

"It's just a toad that wants swan meat. You have to buy a coal stove at noon. I'll go with you later."

"This~~, okay."

Zheng Ke responded shyly, wondering in his mind whether Luo Cheng also wanted to chase her. Because I just said that Li Chen was chasing her and wanted to accompany her to the supply and marketing cooperative at noon, but she refused. Then Luo Cheng now said to accompany her. I wonder if that meant that Li Chen couldn't do it, so could he?

And she has a crush on Luo Chengzhen, who is humorous and handsome. And one thing is that as a literary youth, I am generally a big fan of love. A chance encounter in the eyes of others is a romantic chance encounter in the eyes of female literary youths.

Looking back from now on, it can be said that we met on a train heading to a certain city. The beginning is full of yearning, and it would be different if it were in another place. For example, when you go to a public restroom, one is coming out of the restroom and the other is about to go in, leading to a chance encounter. There is a hairy romance. According to the future era, even such a good-looking person has to poop.

Luo Cheng didn't even know that Zheng was a literary lover. He was simply grateful to her. When he heard that she was going to buy a coal stove, it was normal for him, as a man, to show some attentiveness.

Anyway, for some reason, Luo Cheng felt that on the way to Zheng Ke's dormitory, the two of them kept at least half a meter apart, but just because they agreed to let him buy a coal stove together, Zheng Ke and he were even closer. It's shortened a lot. At least when Luo Cheng turned around to talk to Zheng Ke, he could see Zheng Ke's delicate face clearly.

Not long after, Luo Cheng arrived at Zheng Ke's dormitory, where there was Zheng Ke's hot water bottle. Zheng Ke told Luo Cheng that there is a hot water place opposite here downstairs, and two bottles of hot water cost one cent. If you only buy a bottle of hot water, they will give you a hot water ticket. Next time you can get another bottle of hot water with your ticket.

But even so, there are still many people who are not willing to part with this penny. Therefore, in the water boiling room, many people who turn on the water are basically men, such as people like Li Chen. In this era, most girls are better at getting along.

Just like Zheng Ke, when she bought a coal stove, she didn't just buy a stove, but also a kettle for boiling water and a pot for cooking rice and cooking vegetables.

Zheng Ke poured two glasses of water, one for Luo Cheng and one for himself. Luo Cheng naturally took out food from his bag. It was May and the weather was not very hot, but with a glass of boiling water, there was no need to heat pancakes and steamed buns.

Zheng Ke didn't expect that the pancakes brought by Luo Cheng were made of meat, and there were some ingredients in the meat. It tasted really delicious. Zheng Ke was a little embarrassed to eat this. If it was vegetarian pancakes, he would just eat them. But this is meat, and the portion is quite large. Everyone’s meat coupon quota for a month is only two taels.

After eating two in a row, when Luo Cheng handed over another one, Zheng Ke hesitated for a moment and accepted it. She decided to invite him back next time. This time the pancakes were so delicious.

In this day and age, even if you are dating someone, whether you are giving them gifts or treating them to food, they are all treating each other. For example, if a man gives a woman a comb, the woman might give him a pair of gloves or something, or a scarf or something when it's cold.

I ate two more in succession. If I continue to eat, I will definitely still be able to eat. But in this era, people don’t even expect to be full with whole grains. How can they eat meat pancakes and still think of being full.

"Luo Cheng, it's almost time. Let's go to the supply and marketing cooperative."

Luo Cheng nodded. There was still a lot of food in his cloth bag. He took out two more steamed buns and an apple. The red apple made Zheng Ke look as shy as a girl again.

Zheng Ke dared to confirm that Luo Cheng was interested in him. Otherwise, even if he helped him for no reason, he would not be so good to him.

I had already been polite before, but being more polite seemed a bit out of line, so I said thank you and put the buns and apples away. Then I happily went out with Luo Cheng. They both came to Jiangcheng from other provinces, but they felt like having company in a foreign land.

Accompany Zheng Ke to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy things. The things she wants to buy are daily necessities and do not require receipts. This kind of thing is useless if you buy too much of it, and it is a necessity for many families. So coal stoves, iron pots, and kettles are all free of charge.

After a trip to the supply and marketing cooperative, Luo Cheng helped Zheng Ke carry all the things he bought home. He sweated a little, so he planned to sit down for a while before leaving. I originally planned to go to the street office to inquire about the house in the morning, but now I can only go there in the afternoon.

"Luo Cheng, don't move. I'll wipe your sweat for you."


Luo Cheng was a little confused. This action seemed to be a little too much. He didn't know what to say for a while. As for Zheng Ke, she had been struggling for a long time in her heart when she made such a move. She decided that Luo Chengdu had taken the initiative like this. If she didn't have that idea, forget it, but it happened~~, so it was better to repay her with action, and When wiping Luo Cheng's sweat, she tied up the cuffs of her clothes and wore the handstring Luo Cheng gave her on her arm.

When he sees the color, he becomes interested, but he doesn't know where the color comes from, so he pulls his arms around his waist.

Luo Cheng is not a saint, and Zheng Ke's appearance is really better than his aesthetic. This is just like chasing stars. Some people think that someone is obviously very good-looking, but there are also people who think it's ordinary if they don't reach that point.

Therefore, Luo Cheng was impulsive. When Zheng Ke was helping him wipe his sweat, because he was so close to him, Luo Cheng got confused and hugged Zheng Ke's waist. But he quickly thought of Zhao Qian and her children, and let go of Zheng Ke. He sat at a loss and wanted to explain something, but couldn't.

In this day and age, if Luo Cheng behaved like this, people could go to the police station and sue him.

Luo Cheng was able to control his behavior and let go of Zheng Ke immediately because he had a wife and children. This is what people with strong moral sense are like, there is nothing you can do about it.

But that was not the case in Zheng Kenei. She was actually disgusted by Luo Cheng's hug just now. It was too fast. Speaking of which, this was the second time we met. If in Luo Cheng's eyes, everyone is such a casual person, then Zheng Ke may reject his future pursuits.

But Luo Cheng's subsequent behavior and awkward appearance immediately gained Zheng Ke's approval. This is obviously the result of deep love without knowing its origin. But I may also realize that such behavior is developing too fast, so I sit there awkwardly and blame myself.

After Zheng Ke was let go by Luo Cheng, he walked to one side and kept some distance, and just looked at the embarrassed Luo Cheng for a long time. Finally, he walked to Luo Cheng and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Luo Cheng, how about we get along slowly."


"I understand your thinking, but if we are together, we still need a lot of understanding."


"Luo Cheng, I understand. I didn't blame you just now."

Luo Chengse was moved. Just now he really wanted to tell Zheng Ke about his current situation. In addition to not getting a marriage certificate, because of her age, she couldn't get a marriage certificate with Zhao Qian in the city. But he is married and has children.

But Luo Cheng doesn't want to explain now. Maybe it's because he has been in the future for a long time, and his strict morality on the surface has long been corroded. The moral sense he had once prevented him from taking the initiative to provoke other women at most.

Now it was obvious that Zheng Ke had misunderstood something. Luo Cheng felt that she was really too naive. After all, this was only the second time the two met. Even if it's not a misunderstanding, it's too easy to chase.

In fact, Luo Cheng misunderstood again. Zheng Ke was actually very difficult to pursue. Otherwise, when she was in college, many people chased her and none of them succeeded. She actually lives in a very realistic society and is too idealistic. To put it simply, if a person appears in a wrong way, no matter how good you are, she will be very reserved.

And Luo Cheng happened to be in his path. If it weren't for Zheng Ke's arrogant reserve, in fact, on the first day he came here, he would have wanted to go to the guest house over the station in the evening to see if Luo Cheng was there. But as a girl, I was still reserved in the end and stayed in a nearby guest house for a day.

Zheng Ke was lucky, even if it was because he was reserved and didn't go to other guest houses. But the next day she thought they were destined to be together, but today people from the police station came to her and told her that Luo Cheng was under investigation for taking photos, and asked her if she was Luo Cheng's friend and needed to be a guarantor.

Zheng Ke, who is crazy about love, also thinks that this may be the fate given by God, with twists and turns.

If Luo Cheng knew Zheng Ke's innermost thoughts, he would be in trouble. Where could all the twists and turns come from? You just stay in a guest house, and then the relationship arises and the relationship disappears, and then you come back to guarantee it, this is a series of twists and turns.

"Zheng Ke, you're going to work soon."

"Yeah, but the magazine is very close to here. Luo Cheng, come out and I'll point it out to you. You can see our magazine from the corridor of the dormitory here."

Luo Cheng listened to Zheng Ke's words, walked out of the room, and looked at where Zheng Ke pointed. A very tall building may not mean much in the future era, but in this era, when buildings are high-end buildings, a taller building is indeed a landmark.

You can still see the sign of the youth magazine there in the corridor. This seems to be a commemorative place of the times. Luo Cheng wanted to take a photo. And he is no longer a straight man who doesn't understand anything. He may still be relatively straight in the future, because it will be too difficult to please a girl in the future.

But after receiving various baptisms in the future era, at least Luo Cheng became a man who loved women very much in his own era. For example, when other men are with their wives, due to the hard life, life is a chore all year round. There are no holiday gifts, ordinary surprises, what a man should do.

These days, a man who doesn't hit women is considered a good man, and a woman who can make money to live is a lucky woman.

Luo Cheng is different now. Just saying this, Zhao Qian thinks he is the best man in the world. He will follow Luo Cheng wholeheartedly. He will be a member of the Luo family in life and a ghost of the Luo family in death. It can be imagined that even if Luo Cheng suddenly thought of giving Zhao Qian something as a gift in a month or two, countless people would be incomparable.

"Zheng Ke, stand here and I will take a photo of you and the magazine together."

"Ah, Luo Cheng, you want to take a photo for me, then wait a moment while I clean it up first."

How romantic, Zheng Ke responded with a smile. Troubleshooting means simply tidying up one's own image. Just like some sluts, they wet their hair with their hands and fiddle with it a few times to make themselves feel handsome.

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