Chapter 74 Gu Rong’s loss

In addition to letting Gu Rong take medicine, Zeng Hong also specially taught Gu Rong health qigong, the twelve postures of Yi Jing Jin and Wu Qin Xi.

Although Zeng Hong is over seventy years old, his moves are quite powerful and his posture is strong. If it weren't for his gray hair, he wouldn't be able to tell that he is an old man.

Gu Rong learned all the moves from Zeng Hong for a few days. He practiced Health Qigong in his yard every morning.

Pei Tiantian also practiced together excitedly, waving her little arms and legs. Although the moves were not very standard, she was serious about it. However, within two days she gave up, lazily raising her belly and lying in the yard. Li watched Gu Rong practice alone.

Although the moves of Health Qigong are simple and easy to learn, it is still very tiring to persist every day.

However, Gu Rong practiced on time every day. After practice, he also had to run laps outside the house.

Pei Tiantian secretly gave a thumbs up.

 The villain boss is indeed a villain boss, but his tenacity is not something that ordinary people can match.

No wonder he can grow into a handsome man of 1.88 meters, tall and long legs after adulthood. This must be the result of training.

 At this moment, good news came.

 Xie Jiagui told Pei Tiantian and the others through Zhou Wanhong that he decided to officially purchase the vegetables grown by Gu Rong on a long-term basis.

That day Xie Jiagui brought back the basket of vegetables and cooked them for the guests. Many people were asking Xie Jiagui if there was a new chef in the restaurant and why the food was even better than before.

 Xie Jiagui just smiled.

His small restaurant only has him and his wife Zhong Xiuying cooking. How can he have the money to hire a chef from outside?

As more and more people said this, Xie Jiagui gradually made up his mind to cancel the contract with the previous vegetable supplier and instead purchase the vegetables grown by Gu Rong's family on a long-term basis.

Although Xie Jiagui's decision was within Pei Tiantian's expectation, after all, the food in her space is so delicious that no one who has eaten it can say anything bad about it.

However, after hearing the news, she still smiled.

 When Xie Jiagui's imperial dining room opens, and she becomes his regular vegetable vendor, she will earn a lot more than the small amount of money she does now.

Xie Jiagui made an agreement to drive a minibus to the door of Gu Rong's house every morning to pick up vegetables.

Although he wanted to go into Gu Rong's backyard several times to see how the vegetables in his backyard were growing.

They were all stopped by Gu Rong on the grounds of "confidentiality".

 Xie Jiagui no longer imposes difficulties on others.

I thought that since the vegetables grown by Gu Rong were so delicious, there must be some unknown secrets in them.

 It is normal for Gu Rong not to want others to know.

Anyway, as long as the daily supply of fresh vegetables is uninterrupted, Xie Jiagui doesn't care how those vegetables are grown.

Pei Tiantian secretly breathed a sigh of relief on the side. Many of the vegetables they planted in the backyard have not grown yet. It would be embarrassing if Xie Jiagui went in and saw it.

 Fortunately, Xie Jiagui is an honest man and will not bully Gu Rong because he is a child.

Pei Tiantian also brought the vegetables from the space back to the Pei family. Everyone in the Pei family said they were delicious and praised Gu Rong for his talent in growing vegetables.

Pei Tiantian can finally take out the vegetables from the space openly and throw five or ten pounds into the Pei family's kitchen every day.

Everyone in the Pei family thought that Gu Rong had brought the vegetables, and over time, they felt a little embarrassed.

 After all, they all knew about Gu Rong's business with Xie Jiagui.

 The vegetables grown in Gu Rong’s family have to be sold for money.

It's okay for them to have a taste for a few days. How can they send so many kilograms of vegetables every day? They don't do business.

Furthermore, everyone in the Pei family felt that Gu Rong, an orphan, must have made money for himself through this vegetable selling business, which he would use for his future living expenses and tuition.

Sending vegetables to the Pei family for free for such a long time, Gu Rong will definitely not make much money after excluding the cost.

So Wang Ruizhen grabbed Gu Rong and gave him food money several times and asked him to save it.

 Gu Rong: “…”

Helping, Gu Rong could only turn around and stuff the food money Wang Ruizhen gave him into Pei Tiantian's little pocket.

Pei Tiantian had a stern look on her face. In order not to cause trouble to the villain boss, she had no choice but to stop delivering food to Pei's house frequently.

This morning, Pei Tiantian and Gu Rong were waiting at the door of their home for Xie Jiagui to collect the vegetables at the usual time.

 Xie Jiagui did not come, but Liu Changlong who was waiting to arrive was driving a tractor.

Liu Changlong looked at several large baskets of vegetables placed at the door, got off the tractor, and said to them: "Jiagui has something to do at home, so he asked me to help him bring vegetables to town."

Pei Tiantian suddenly felt that the world was really small. She didn't expect that Xie Jiagui was not from Huangsha Village and knew Liu Changlong.

But what happened to Xie Jiagui?

According to Xie Jiagui's habit, he had to personally inspect the vegetables purchased every day before he could safely transport them back to the restaurant.

Liu Changlong put several large baskets of vegetables on the tractor and was about to leave when he heard Pei Tiantian's voice: "Uncle Captain, what happened to Uncle Xie?"

Liu Changlong wanted to say it was nothing, but when he thought that Pei Tiantian was a disciple of Zeng Hong and was also studying medicine with him, he might have some good ideas.

He then explained: "It's been raining these past few days, and Jiagui's mother has suffered from back pain. I heard that the pain is so severe today that she can't even get out of bed. Jiagui doesn't trust her, so he can only stay at home to take care of his mother."

Pei Tiantian nodded understandingly.

 It turned out that someone in the family was sick.

"Tiantian, since you are studying medicine with Mr. Zeng Hong, is there any good way to cure back pain? Jiagui's mother spent a lot of money because of her back pain. She also went to big hospitals many times, but it couldn't be cured. "

Pei Tiantian raised her eyes in surprise, as if she didn't expect Liu Changlong to ask her.

Seeing the trust in Liu Changlong's eyes, Pei Tiantian felt a little happy. She thought about it and then said: "The back pain gets worse on rainy days. I think the old lady must have cold and damp back pain. Master's book There are some prescriptions in it, which should be of some use, but I still have to go see the old lady in person and ask for the right medicine. "

Liu Changlong’s eyes lit up when he saw that Pei Tiantian’s words were reasonable and did not look like he was unsure.

"Tiantian, would you like to go with me to see Jiagui's mother?"

Pei Tiantian readily agreed. This was a rare opportunity to practice.

She asked Gu Rong to help her ask Zeng Hong for a day off, then got on Liu Changlong's tractor and left.

 Gu Rong watched the tractor leave and heard Liu Changlong's voice and Pei Tiantian's crisp laughter coming from the tractor.

 I don’t know why, but I feel a little inexplicable.

Gu Rong felt that his mentality was strange and should not be the case.

Pei Tiantian uses the medical skills she has learned to help people treat illnesses, which is a good thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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