Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1176: bubble

Compared with every wasteland reclamation, the scale of this wasteland reclamation is not large.

So far, no one in the entire Jinghu Continent has obtained the best weapons, and some of the top grades are out.

Even if it is the top grade, the most valuable and most precious flying palace type and domain type have not been released, which makes the masters a little disappointed.

The hundreds of thousands who entered the Jinghu Continent at the beginning, after so many years of fighting, the total number is now less than 100,000. This is the cruelty of the world of warriors. The people who survived are rich and there are no dead people.

However, this is not the end. The volcanoes are showing new signs of restlessness, and they will completely erupt in one and a half years. This period is actually the eruption period of the treasure.

The best things usually appear last, and it depends on whether you can persist to the end.

On Jinghu Lake, a free satellite is flying by at low altitude.

This is the free satellite of the Northern Territory Alliance. The owner of the satellite is called Garcia, who is a master of the quasi-kingdom level.

He took the people in the satellite, looking for treasures here.

The way he was looking for was to send out underwater propellers to search inch by inch under the water. Although it was a stupid way, it was more practical.

At this time he was talking to the person in the underwater propeller below.

"How is it? Did you find anything?"

"Master Garcia, I didn't find it here."

"Look ahead, Ma Dan! Could it be that today is another day without gains."

While Garcia was complaining about it, news suddenly came from below.

"My lord! There has been movement, and a light yellow light appeared in front of me ninety kilometers of resistance."


The free satellite and the underwater thruster were activated almost at the same time, heading in that direction.

Ninety kilometers is a process of acceleration, which can be reached in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the feedback from the underwater propeller came from Garcia's control room.

I saw a person sitting in the deep water, with a huge nine-story pagoda on his head, and the air of black and yellow fell, blocking the surrounding lake.

Xuanhuang Qi is protecting the people inside, and it seems to be practicing.

Looking at this person, Garcia was shocked, and finally a word came out of his mouth.

"Damn! It's Lin Zhen!"

Garcia knew about Lin Zhen, but because he was far away from the beach area, he didn't go when Lin Zhen was encircled and suppressed.

Lin Zhen disappeared later, but he did not expect to hide here.

Seeing Lin Zhen's Xuanhuang Pagoda on the screen and the sun, moon and star ring on his forehead, Garcia suddenly became excited.

"It's developed! It's developed! As long as Lin Zhen is dealt with, this time we will open up wasteland, even if we are here, this guy is a treasure."

His subordinates immediately came to his side and said to him: "My lord, Lin Zhen is not easy to deal with. When Andamandis broke through to the King of God, he was all taken back by taking the Domination Liquid. We should be careful to be bitten by him. One bite."

Garcia nodded: "Of course I know that, don't worry, as long as he is imprisoned first, he is not a turtle in the urn."

"What do you plan to do?"

"Did you know that our free satellite used to be the car of a **** king?" Garcia asked his men.

"I heard that the adults bought this satellite that was eliminated by the **** king. The **** king is now driving the flying palace."

"Yes, the reason why I bought this free satellite is because it has another function, which is to send out an energy shield to envelop the target. At the beginning, this **** king had a technique that he couldn't understand, and he couldn't meditate. Just create such an energy shield, wrap yourself in it, and then close it here."

"That... can that be trapped?"

"Being trapped, at least it was trapped before the **** king enlightened the exercise, because if he didn't enlighten, he would never be able to leave the shield. This is called the place of death and rebirth. You can trap the gods. Can the king's shield trap Lin Zhen?"

His subordinates are overjoyed: "That will definitely be possible, my lord, do it now, this guy is in the process of cultivating, as long as we act fast enough, he won't have time to react."

"Don't worry, this is underwater, he won't notice it."

Garcia also withdrew the underwater propeller, then opened the bilge of the free satellite, and a large amount of energy began to burn.

These consumed energy gathered into a ball, appeared from the bottom of the bilge, and fell silently into the water.

If it weren't for a slightly different color, the ball would be like a big bubble floating underwater, slowly approaching Lin Zhen.

From the spire of the Xuanhuang Pagoda, the ball fell.

Quietly opened a hole, wrapped the Xuanhuang Pagoda in the bubble, and then continued to slide down, the base of the tower, Lin Zhen's body, and finally fell under the dirt where Lin Zhen was sitting.

The opening of the bubble quietly closed, wrapping Lin Zhen, the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the soil below, all together, and finally formed a huge underwater ball.

There was no sound during this process, and it didn't even cause any underwater waves. Lin Zhen didn't notice anything at all.

When the process was over, Garcia let out a long breath.

"Finally finished. This energy bubble actually consumed my energy block worth five million points. If I can't catch Lin Zhen, this time I will really lose my roots."

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

"The next thing is simple, the bubble will automatically release the and then I will take it back, and then the process of negotiating with Lin Zhen, I believe this guy will definitely choose if he cannot break through the bubble If he negotiates with me, I will let him hand over the baby slowly. If he doesn’t believe me, I can also make a martial artist contract.”

"My lord, what if he disagrees?"

"Huh! Then I will lose a little bit. If you sell this bubble, you can still sell it for 500 million points. I believe there will be a lot of masters of the **** king level."

Garcia had already calculated it, let the bubbles drain automatically, and then slowly retracted into the free satellite.

The door at the bottom of the bilge opened, the bubble was retracted and closed again, Lin Zhen unknowingly entered the free satellite.

Feeling that Lin Zhen could no longer make waves, Garcia finally came to Lin Zhen.

Through the energy bubble, Garcia laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha! Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, do you think it’s safe to hide at the bottom of this mirror lake? But you didn’t expect there will be today? Now should we do the calculations, you have dealt with our Northern Territory Alliance. This account this time!"

Inside the bubble, Lin Zhen's Xuanhuang Pagoda has stopped functioning, because there is no lake invading here, it is floating quietly.

But Lin Zhen himself did not open his eyes for the first time.

After the Xuanhuang Pagoda stopped, countless complicated handprints suddenly appeared on his hand!


Finally, he folded his hands and made a weird handprint, and a golden light flashed across his body.

Lin Zhen slowly opened his eyes.

Within a pair of eyes, the hideous and terrifying breath of the beast can be clearly felt even through the bubbles, making Garcia inexplicably sweating and taking a step back!

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