Chapter 583 The request of the other side flower owner

this moment.

In the land of Samsara.

There are several statues, and there is light in the pupils of the eyes.

And above the Styx.

There is a quaint bridge that runs through both sides of the strait.

It’s looming there.

It seems that there must be a figure of a woman to condense.

This woman was wearing a black robe, her face was expressionless, her eyes seemed to have a thousand colors, but when you look closely, you will find that it is black and white.

She holds a bowl in her hand.

I don’t know what is in the bowl.

But in the end.

She still didn’t condense, just took a deep look at the flower master from the other side, and disappeared.

And deep in the land of Samsara.

In a huge palace.

An extremely majestic figure wearing a black imperial robe also glanced at the other side flower master.

In another Great Hall.

There was also a figure wearing a black imperial robe looking towards the other side flower master.

These areas.

All are hidden deep in the land of Samsara.

With the Samsara order Li Yue now masters, he has never been able to step into this place.

Under these huge palaces.

Swept with the turbulent ocean.

If Li Yue saw it, he would find it.

This ocean is the same as when Wan Fu Chang Yong was promoted to the main god Realm.

The Youhe gushing out is exactly the same.

And Youhe–

It is a great power comparable to the river of destiny and the long river of time.

Maybe even–

Still above.

The corner of Bianhua’s mouth still wore a faint smile.

It seemed that he didn’t notice the slightest gaze.

She quietly watched Li Yue walking step by step.

Time is fast, but it seems to be quite long.

Li Yue stood in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, sniffing the strange fragrance of flowers, and looked at the owner of the other side flower who always looked at him:

“What do you want to do?”

He didn’t have any extra words.

Asked straightforwardly.

He has reason to believe.

This flower owner from the other side must be doing something.

“The other side has seen the emperor.”

The flower owner of the other side blinked, and the majestic face seemed to be a little more angry suddenly.

She performed a very strange etiquette to Li Yue.

Li Yue has never seen this kind of etiquette.

But it is quite beautiful, as if it is enough to make the soul feel comfortable.

“What do you want to do?”

Li Yue asked again with a small forehead.

The person in front of you–

But it is very likely that he is a terrifying middle-ranked god.

Don’t figure out the other party’s purpose.

He didn’t dare to take the black treasure bottle outside the ghost gate.

Even if he really needs that black treasure bottle, the refined road has its origin.

“My Lord Emperor, what I ask for is very simple.

A bright smile appeared on the face of the other side flower master:

“The land of Samsara has been silent for countless years.”

“I want Lord Monarch to go to the Dark God Realm and help me fetch a black lotus of origin.”

“Essential Black Lotus?

Li Yue frowned.

He has heard of such things.

This is the treasure of the Dark God Realm.

And the Dark God Realm–

Like the rest of the God Realm, it had disappeared at the end of the first era.

He was on the tenth floor of the Way of the True God last time.

It was with the help of Yemeng, the snake that surrounds the void, that he stepped into the Wind God Realm.

And according to ancient information.

In various god-tier circles.

The Light God Realm and the Dark God Realm are the two most terrifying and powerful god realms.

These two gods.

In the first era.

It is the power of the overlord level.


This is not the reason for his frown.

It’s the Dark God Realm, which can’t be found at all now.

On the Tianlan plane, there is no channel leading to the dark god realm.

“As a reward, the source of the existence of the road beyond the gate of the ghost will be given to the emperor.”

The flower owner of the other side blinked again, and smiled beautifully.

It looks like a beautiful and unparalleled girl.

Everything seems pretty good.

There is nothing to tell.

This will be a terrifying existence.

“Essential Black Lotus, this is the best material for creating a clone.”

“You want to create a clone?

Li Yue looked at the other flower owner in front of him.

Take each other’s level.

If there is a source of origin, the black lotus creates a clone.

So the strength of the clone is really hard to measure.

But it is certain that the lowest will be the end of the road.

Maybe even–

Directly beyond the road to the end of existence!

“The land of Samsara has been silent for too long.”

The other side flower owner repeated this sentence again, she looked at Li Yue:

“And I slept here for too long too long.

“I have a place I have to go.

“Sir Monarch rest assured, even if I create a clone, it is impossible to do any harm to Lord Monarch.”

“. You are the master of Samsara’s land, and I’m just a courtier.”

“No matter how weak the ruler is, it is also the ruler. No matter how strong the subject is, he is also a subject.”

There was a sense of sincerity in her voice.


Li Yue couldn’t tell whether this sincerity was real or false.

His mind turned.

“The Dark God Realm has disappeared, I can’t find it.”

He spoke.

He was still very jealous of the other flower owner in front of him.

If the other party creates a clone, it will be a bit more unreliable.

But he also has his own ideas.

Wait for him to condense the sixth round of blazing sun.

Then the strength of the whole body will skyrocket.

At that time, most of them were able to deal with the existence of the end of the road.


This is not enough insurance.

He will also condense the seventh round of the blazing sun, the eighth round of the blazing sun, and the ninth round of the blazing sun.

He believed.

When he truly stood at the pinnacle level of the upper true god.

The strength should not be far away from the main god (Wang Li’s).

It might even be.

Already comparable to the middle main god.

Therefore, he felt that he could still agree to the request of the flower owner from the other side in front of him.

Anyway, when the original black lotus is fetched, he has the final say.

Wait for his Cultivation Base to take another two steps.

Even if Bianhua mainly plays tricks, he is not afraid.


The flower owner from the other side beckoned gently.

Suddenly a dark golden flower from the other shore flew from a distance and hovered in front of Li Yue:

“My Lord Monarch, this other side flower can help you find the Dark God Realm…

“The treasure bottle outside Guimen Pass does not have any Restrictions, you can easily take it away.”

The voice fell.

The figure of the other side flower owner also slowly disappeared in place.

It’s as if it has never appeared before.

The sea of ​​flowers floats, and the fragrance is pleasant.

Li Yue stood quietly on the spot, waving away the dark golden flower in front of him. .

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